Ben Sasse has an important message for Trump supporters

Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
The problem for our kids is all the destructive policies the Democrat Reich is imposing on them, not being exposed to politics.
That’s according to you but you’re a drama Queen who can’t make accurate statements so it’s not saying much
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic

Enslaved under a fascist Reich is not "just fine."

Freedom fades from the world - you bring a thousand years of darkness.

What is it you think ending individual liberty and private property will do for you? Give you something for nothing?
The thing is none of that is happening. Only in your paranoid little mind as you type on you smartphone or type on your personal computer in the comfort of your home. Life isn’t as bad as you paint it. Try taking a great and enjoying all you have instead of crying fire and fury all the time.
You mean all those devices that the Big tech companies censor?
yes, the same ones they created and employee thousands to maintain.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
What question is that, NAZI?
You asking what Trump did wrong. One I’ve answered several times
The thing is none of that is happening.

View attachment 454238

You drones of the Reich reject reality.

Only in your paranoid little mind as you type on you smartphone or type on your personal computer in the comfort of your home. Life isn’t as bad as you paint it. Try taking a great and enjoying all you have instead of crying fire and fury all the time.

Liberty is crushed, From our institutions of Marxist Indoctrination, to the halls of government, to the fascist social media monopolies, freedom of speech and expression has already been extinguished. The Reich has leveraged the Wuhan Designer Virus® (A product of Communist China, Inc.) to crush religious expression that opposes the Reich. The Nazi party openly engages in war on our free market - to the loud applause of you and other democrats.

You bleat "fascism good, Orange Man Bad" as a good drone.
Liberty is fine. We are all fine. Stop being a drama Queen. Have some dignity
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
What question is that, NAZI?
You asking what Trump did wrong. One I’ve answered several times

You have answered nothing.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
It's so dam funny to see the same people who worshiped at the altar of Obama for eight years talk about Trump supporters being a cult. Both sides have people who treat certain politicans like God like figures that can do no wrong. These people have nothing in common other than the fact they can't or won't see they do the exact same thing they accuse others of doing. Those who do this will now claim they never do it but I'm in Superbowl final countdown now so I really don't care to engage in the partisan idiocy anymore.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
What question is that, NAZI?
You asking what Trump did wrong. One I’ve answered several times

You have answered nothing.
Whatever you say bucko
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
View attachment 453468

Trump obsession continues, must have posters of him all over your bedroom walls.

The above doesn't make any sense. The thread is about Republicans, not Democrats.
Are you dense ?? He was responding to a Democrat that is still obsessed with Trump, you know TDS and such right ??

He was "RESPONDING" to NOTHING, Jackwagon. READ IT. There's literally NOTHING quoted. He ran a cartoon which was entirely off the topic, and he got told about it. THE END.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
What question is that, NAZI?
You asking what Trump did wrong. One I’ve answered several times

You have answered nothing.
Whatever you say bucko
Yeah? F U

You are such a coward. You lost this debate. Douchebag
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
I said that?! Really? Can you post the quote so we can all see that’s not what I said?!
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
I said that?! Really? Can you post the quote so we can all see that’s not what I said?!
What did you say then!? Yes I can. LOL

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