Bengazi testimony derails Pub propaganda today...

from link:
Fox News seized on testimony from Ret. Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell to push the false narrative that President Obama did not do enough to rescue the victims of the Benghazi attack, a claim that collapsed after Lovell clarified that he was not making that point.

During the May 1 Congressional hearing on Benghazi, Lovell, who was stationed in Germany at the time of the attack, testified that "we should have tried" to rescue the victims of the attack. Fox News immediately hyped Lovell's testimony as evidence the Obama administration did not engage in a rescue attempt. On America's Newsroom, Fox's digital politics editor Chris Stirewalt called Lovell's testimony "incredibly damning," saying: "if there is a true national shame in this incident was that we did not try. We had been told repeatedly by the Obama administration that we could not try and that it was known that it would have been impossible to have helped those who were eventually killed":

Fox's attack collapsed later in the day, however. During the question and answer portion of the testimony, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) asked Lovell specifically about claims that the military had resources that they did not utilize. Lovell explained that when he said "we should have tried," he did not mean that the response was insufficient and that it is a "fact" that there was nothing more the military could have done:

CONNELLY: I want to read to you the conclusion of the chairman of the [Armed Services] Committee, the Republican chairman Buck McKeon, who conducted formal briefings and oversaw that report he said quote "I'm pretty well satisfied that given where the troops were, how quickly the thing all happened, and how quickly it dissipated we probably couldn't have done much more than we did." Do you take issue with the chairman of the Armed Services Committee? In that conclusion?

LOVELL: His conclusion that he couldn't have done much more than they did with the capability and the way they executed it?

CONNELLY: Given the timeframe.

LOVELL: That's a fact.


LOVELL: The way it is right now. The way he stated it.

CONNELLY: Alright, because I'm sure you can appreciate, general, there might be some who, for various and sundry reasons would like to distort your testimony and suggest that you're testifying that we could have, should have done a lot more than we did because we had capabilities we simply didn't utilize. That is not your testimony?

LOVELL: That is not my testimony.

CONNELLY: I thank you very much, general.
Leave benghazi alone Franco. Don't sink to the cons level and abuse it for political purposes
Leave benghazi alone Franco. Don't sink to the cons level and abuse it for political purposes

Fair game.

When the White House and the Administration had the balls to try to cover up the terror attack by repeating the bullshit talking points that this was a "spontaneous" slaughter due to a video they made themselves moving targets.
It WAS the video, in all probability, that triggered the attack. Not quite spontaneous, and not Al Qaeda. Sorry about following the best intelligence at the time, again and again..

But DEFINITELY better than what the dupes believe lol....
It WAS the video, in all probability, that triggered the attack. Not quite spontaneous, and not Al Qaeda. Sorry about following the best intelligence at the time, again and again..

But DEFINITELY better than what the dupes believe lol....

Are you calling Leon Panetta and General Ham liars?
Pentagon labeled Benghazi a terrorist attack as Obama administration wavered: newly declassified testimony

Gen. Carter Ham’s newly declassified testimony before the House suggests the prospect of an out-of-control demonstration was not raised by Defense officials and that they immediately considered the incident an attack.

BY Leslie Larson
Published: Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 1:23 PM
Updated: Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 1:23 PM

From the testimony:

Panetta's testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee in February similarly stated the early belief that the episode was an attack.

"There was no question in my mind that this was a terrorist attack," Panetta said of his early assessment of the situation on the ground in Benghazi.

Pentagon labeled Benghazi a terrorist attack as Obama administration wavered: newly declassified testimony - NY Daily News
That was while the attack was STILL GOING ON...I'm not calling ANYONE liars but the Pub Propaganda Machine, and Pubs like Issa, Boehner, McConnell, etc- not the poor brainwashed schmuck GOP base....

Who, as usual, are now doubling down on this bs...

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