Benghazi, a snap shop of a failed presidency


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
The event goes ignored by the white house during the event
Then they sent out a willing "fool" to lie about exactly why the event took place (as if the why really ever mattered)
simply put, more lies about another event that BHO and his staff has failed on preventing

After the cover up?

Its on to taking advantage of an event that is turned into an immediate crises. Sandy Hook (an event that BHO is raising monies from)

Never let a crises go to waste

2 EX navy seals fought hours alone to save the those lives lost, with no help from any one who sent them there to die
Most media has joined this cover up. MSNBC is talking women s rights this morning and what Nixon did 40 years ago

It is like the Jobs, or lack of
The massive deficits
Pretending Obama-care is a good idea. An event that supposedly will allow us to keep our DR and will not add to the yearly deficit

Our UN ambassador Susan Rice repeatedly attributed the attack to a spontaneous protest erupting in response to the “heinous” film. Obama mentioned the movie six times in his own speech to the UN. He did this despite credible proof there had not been any protest. Libyan officials had already confirmed it as terrorism
However, the administration’s blatant lies may be even more troubling. A consistent failing of Team Obama has been its disingenuous spin; a government by altruistic sound bites masking their personal ambitions. This entire presidency reflects a choreographed charade calculating every action per its electoral ramifications.
Benghazi: Four Americans Died, Obama Lied, And The Press Complied - Forbes

It is never about this country
It has always been about whats best for his agenda

This event will not go away. People who elected this man president deserves the truth.
Those of us like myself, already know the truth

It is a snap shop of BHO legacy
Ignore the problem while it still can be fixed
Ignore the problem during the actual event until it finds that time when it no longer can be fixed
Lie about it, cover it up, ignore it and hope it goes away
If it does not?
Find the next crises and never, ever let it go away
It becomes an agenda, the most critical thing a that exact moment ever
Or even better, make one up

Women's rights
Abortions in lieu of real health issues women face today
Mass murders from people who have no more business with a gun no matter how big the clip is than my walker dog does

People need jobs
The country needs leadership
We need a real budget and real tax policy

Yet we get pictures of the situation room as an event takes place that without those evil Cheney team 6 members and Water boarding, never takes place

Where are the pictures of BHO or H Clinton when 4 Americans, an Ambassador and 2 EX navy seals included, are murdered begging for help?

It is snap shot of this mans true legacy
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Oh my. A diplomatic mission in a land in turmoil gets killed. Bad cess, indeed. And things that might have been done to prevent that were not done. A failure to correctly assess the situation, and four Americans died in a land far away that is still in limbo politically.

Now, let us compare that to over 50 warnings from security agencies from nations all over the world in the summer of 2001. All of which were ignored and not acted on. 3000 Americans died on American soil.

Neither should have happened, but one is failure several orders of magnitude greater than the other.
Of course, by definition it's terrorism, but since we don't know who did it, except for BS Pub charlatans and idiot dupes LOL, what difference does your BS make? No lies, no coverup, just chaos and mountains of Pubcrappe.

Mass care proves O-care will work, and free BC will save EVERYONE money and decimate abortions. Change the channel, chump of the greedy idiot rich, Big Health, Big Religion, Big Oil, Big Pollution, etc etc. Hoping for your recovery, hater dupe.
Oh my. A diplomatic mission in a land in turmoil gets killed. Bad cess, indeed. And things that might have been done to prevent that were not done. A failure to correctly assess the situation, and four Americans died in a land far away that is still in limbo politically.

Now, let us compare that to over 50 warnings from security agencies from nations all over the world in the summer of 2001. All of which were ignored and not acted on. 3000 Americans died on American soil.

Neither should have happened, but one is failure several orders of magnitude greater than the other.

I suppose you have proof of over 50 warnings in 2001? Did those warnings tell them how and where the terrorist attacks would take place? What should Bush have done, closed down the country...ya know, just in case?

Obama and Hillary were also warned....and they KNEW where it would happen, and most likely knew it was going to happen when it did. They were asked for more security in advance and it was ignored. You can't compare this with 2001.....
this one os not going to get you people anything but an idiots crown just like Fast and furious thing did for the republicans
this one os not going to get you people anything but an idiots crown just like Fast and furious thing did for the republicans

Whats the left gonna do when the unimformed voter realzes your full of crap, and a bunch of hypocrites. This would probaly be over if obama would've just admitted that he doesn't have a clue whats going on, instead there is campaigning involed. Also he made a mistake thinking hillary was a good pick for the job.
It is obvious that Benghazi just wasn't enough. Democrats just didn't learn their lesson. That's why we got Algeria. That wasn't enough to dislodge the democrat failed ideology. We need more. More spectacular. Clinton let Al Quaeda get away with the first attack on the World Trade Center so we got the second.

But now, now it's different. Now terrorists have a real ally, a serious ally in the regime. Now they have John Kerry who believes that terrorism is just a nuisance. Massive bombing attacks are nothing worse than shoplifting.
well what did anyone expect? this is so typical when you elect democrats to run the show. can you imagine if Bush or Reagan were President in the fall? do you think the terrorists would of even contemplate pulling this stunt? but nooooo! the east doesn't fear retaliation with a weak liberal in the white house.
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well what did anyone expect? this is so typical when you elect democrats to run the show. can you imagine if Bush or Reagan were President in the fall? do you think the terrorists would of even contemplate pulling this stunt? but nooooo! the east doesn't fear retaliation with a weak liberal in the white house.

I didn't see Reagan pay a political price for the bombing of the USMC barracks in Beirut

I didn't see Bush pay a political price for 9-11

Both killed hundreds or thousands more than Benghazi
The difference is, in Beirut and 911, neither president sat by KNOWING the details of the attack and let it happen. No one gave an order to stand down. obama did. As the military officers said. They were ready to respond, but the order never came.

Where are the Benghazi survivors? Why aren't they testifying? Where are they being held? What do they have to say?
well what did anyone expect? this is so typical when you elect democrats to run the show. can you imagine if Bush or Reagan were President in the fall? do you think the terrorists would of even contemplate pulling this stunt? but nooooo! the east doesn't fear retaliation with a weak liberal in the wh
ite house.

I didn't see Reagan pay a political price for the bombing of the USMC barracks in Beirut

I didn't see Bush pay a political price for 9-11

Both killed hundreds or thousands more than Benghazi

Going by liberals time line, 911 was all clintons fault, I mean obama has been in office for over four years and it's still bushes fault. Reagen was a great president, but I was a kid through most of his term, but the media was tougher on reagen than they are on obama.
4 dead in Benghazi, 4000 dead in Iraq.

I guess that makes Bush's presidency 1000 times more of a 'failure' than Obama's.


we've been trying to tell you that for years. Good to see you're catching on.
The difference is, in Beirut and 911, neither president sat by KNOWING the details of the attack and let it happen. No one gave an order to stand down. obama did. As the military officers said. They were ready to respond, but the order never came.

Where are the Benghazi survivors? Why aren't they testifying? Where are they being held? What do they have to say?

Six months before the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut, the US embassy in Beirut had been bombed and 17 Americans were killed (that's 4x4 plus 1 btw).

Reagan knew the risks and let the October bombing of the barracks happen anyway.
4 dead in Benghazi, 4000 dead in Iraq.

I guess that makes Bush's presidency 1000 times more of a 'failure' than Obama's.


we've been trying to tell you that for years. Good to see you're catching on.

Okay, iraq was a declared war, we liberated an entire country, got rid of a horrible leader. Did I mention iraq was a war? In bengazi, we have a diplomat representing the united states, attacked, sodomized, and killed along with three others, while obama golfs, plays basketball, or whatever was to important for him to get involved. Then he goes to sleep and gets up and goes to vegas. Also did I mention bush pleaded to sadaam to comply with the united nations santions and he refused so we had no choice but to declare war. Bush legally invaded iraq with permission from both houses. He didn't just wake up one morning and said I declare war on iraq the way you want the ignorant to believe.
well what did anyone expect? this is so typical when you elect democrats to run the show. can you imagine if Bush or Reagan were President in the fall? do you think the terrorists would of even contemplate pulling this stunt? but nooooo! the east doesn't fear retaliation with a weak liberal in the white house.

I didn't see Reagan pay a political price for the bombing of the USMC barracks in Beirut

I didn't see Bush pay a political price for 9-11

Both killed hundreds or thousands more than Benghazi

But we saw Nixon paying a much higher political price for much, much, much less, where nobody died and no American was callously betrayed and abandoned.

Which would have never been an issue if the President had been Democrat and the place burglarized a Republican head quarters.
4 dead in Benghazi, 4000 dead in Iraq.

I guess that makes Bush's presidency 1000 times more of a 'failure' than Obama's.


we've been trying to tell you that for years. Good to see you're catching on.

Okay, iraq was a declared war, we liberated an entire country, got rid of a horrible leader. Did I mention iraq was a war? In bengazi, we have a diplomat representing the united states, attacked, sodomized, and killed along with three others, while obama golfs, plays basketball, or whatever was to important for him to get involved. Then he goes to sleep and gets up and goes to vegas. Also did I mention bush pleaded to sadaam to comply with the united nations santions and he refused so we had no choice but to declare war. Bush legally invaded iraq with permission from both houses. He didn't just wake up one morning and said I declare war on iraq the way you want the ignorant to believe.

You're an idiot. We had no choice but to go to war with Iraq? Then why didn't Bush go to war with North Korea?

Why did Bush have no choice in Iraq but a choice with NK?
well what did anyone expect? this is so typical when you elect democrats to run the show. can you imagine if Bush or Reagan were President in the fall? do you think the terrorists would of even contemplate pulling this stunt? but nooooo! the east doesn't fear retaliation with a weak liberal in the white house.

I didn't see Reagan pay a political price for the bombing of the USMC barracks in Beirut

I didn't see Bush pay a political price for 9-11

Both killed hundreds or thousands more than Benghazi

But we saw Nixon paying a much higher political price for much, much, much less, where nobody died and no American was callously betrayed and abandoned.

Which would have never been an issue if the President had been Democrat and the place burglarized a Republican head quarters.

Nixon did not pay a political price for his incursion into Cambodia. He paid a price for using his justice department to cover up a crime.
4 dead in Benghazi, 4000 dead in Iraq.

I guess that makes Bush's presidency 1000 times more of a 'failure' than Obama's.


we've been trying to tell you that for years. Good to see you're catching on.

Okay, iraq was a declared war, we liberated an entire country, got rid of a horrible leader. Did I mention iraq was a war? In bengazi, we have a diplomat representing the united states, attacked, sodomized, and killed along with three others, while obama golfs, plays basketball, or whatever was to important for him to get involved. Then he goes to sleep and gets up and goes to vegas. Also did I mention bush pleaded to sadaam to comply with the united nations santions and he refused so we had no choice but to declare war. Bush legally invaded iraq with permission from both houses. He didn't just wake up one morning and said I declare war on iraq the way you want the ignorant to believe.

You're an idiot. We had no choice but to go to war with Iraq? Then why didn't Bush go to war with North Korea?

Why did Bush have no choice in Iraq but a choice with NK?

Can anyone help knowgood here? He doesn't seem to have an answer. Maybe he wasn't thinking before he made the earlier post.

Maybe he regrets saying something that stupid.
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.
will the left ever stop going back to the 70's and 80's to compare what happened in BenGazi? I don't recall Bush taking a vacation when Iraq was about to invade their neighbors in 1991.

Junior was on vacation as reports of the massive Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans came in. He had a lot more advanced warning than President Obama did. Bush also remained on vacation for three days after the hurricane hit

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