Benghazi – Five months later the degree of the media’s dereliction of duty becomes cl


Nov 13, 2012
By: Vince

Of all of the characteristics one might ascribe to Susan Rice, prescience is probably not the first thing that comes to mind. Surprisingly however, five years ago she said something that demonstrated a momentary clarity of vision that is staggering. In a March 2008 interview she said the following: “Clinton hasn’t had to answer the phone at 3:00 in the morning, and yet she attacked Barack Obama for not being ready. They’re both not ready to have that 3 AM phone call.” If the events immediately following Benghazi showed Ambassador Rice to be a hapless marionette of the administration, the event itself demonstrated clearly that she was spot on five years ago.

Unfortunately, Benghazi demonstrated something far more sinister than just an administration’s feeble attempt to cover up its incompetence. It demonstrated the role that a pliant media can play in impacting world affairs.

Here we are five months after Benghazi and we’re only now discovering that President Obama was detached during the entire attack. According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on September 11, 2012 he attended a pre-scheduled 30-minute session with President Obama at approximately 5:00 PM EST. During that meeting they spent about 20 minutes talking about the surrounded American embassy in Egypt and the emerging situation in Benghazi. Panetta states that the President left operational details “up to us.” After that, for the next seven hours during which the American consulate and annex in Benghazi were under attack and the American Ambassador killed, Panetta heard nothing from the Commander in Chief, nor from anyone at the White House. Nothing. Not a call, not a text, not an email, no smoke signals. Nothing. Our ambassador was dead along with three other Americans and President Obama was not engaged.

We later learned that Washington sent not a single ship, plane, soldier, or marine to help. Between midnight and 2:00 AM EST – between five and seven hours after the attack began – Secretary Panetta issued orders telling two Marine anti-terrorism teams in Rota, Spain to prepare to deploy to Libya. They would not arrive for another 10 hours, long after the attack was over.

Why were there no assets closer to respond more quickly? According to General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because the State Department did not ask for them. But one would expect, given that the American Ambassador in Libya wrote a letter on August 16th stating the consulate in Benghazi could not sustain an attack, that the State Department would either request more security or close the consulate. You’d be wrong. Why? Because Hillary Clinton claims that neither she nor anyone in her office ever saw the Ambassador’s cable.


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Benghazi ? Five months later the degree of the media?s dereliction of duty becomes clear? | Flopping Aces


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Here we are five months after Benghazi and we’re only now discovering that President Obama was detached during the entire attack. According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on September 11, 2012 he attended a pre-scheduled 30-minute session with President Obama at approximately 5:00 PM EST. During that meeting they spent about 20 minutes talking about the surrounded American embassy in Egypt and the emerging situation in Benghazi. Panetta states that the President left operational details “up to us.” After that, for the next seven hours during which the American consulate and annex in Benghazi were under attack and the American Ambassador killed, Panetta heard nothing from the Commander in Chief, nor from anyone at the White House. Nothing. Not a call, not a text, not an email, no smoke signals. Nothing. Our ambassador was dead along with three other Americans and President Obama was not engaged.

This is one gigantic lie. Dickweed is completely misrepresenting Panetta's testimony and the actual events which occurred.

The Ambassador was killed BEFORE the conversation with the President.

And the attack was not seven hours long.

There was one short duration attack at the consulate during which the Ambassador was killed.

Then the consulate was evacuated by the CIA and taken to the CIA annex.

Then nothing happened. No attacks. Nothing.

The President was apprised of the situation and all available resources were ordered to the area despite the attack being over.

Over six hours later, a second attack of short duration occurred, at the CIA annex, during which two more Americans were killed.

I know you piss drinkers like to believe this was a seven hour non-stop battle at the consulate while Obama watched detachedly through a drone while the four Americans died, but that is a fantasy spun for you by your masters.
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Here we are five months after Benghazi and we’re only now discovering that President Obama was detached during the entire attack. According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on September 11, 2012 he attended a pre-scheduled 30-minute session with President Obama at approximately 5:00 PM EST. During that meeting they spent about 20 minutes talking about the surrounded American embassy in Egypt and the emerging situation in Benghazi. Panetta states that the President left operational details “up to us.” After that, for the next seven hours during which the American consulate and annex in Benghazi were under attack and the American Ambassador killed, Panetta heard nothing from the Commander in Chief, nor from anyone at the White House. Nothing. Not a call, not a text, not an email, no smoke signals. Nothing. Our ambassador was dead along with three other Americans and President Obama was not engaged.

This is one gigantic lie. Dickweed is completely misrepresenting Panetta's testimony and the actual events which occurred.

The Ambassador was killed BEFORE the conversation with the President.

And the attack was not seven hours long.

There was one short duration attack at the consulate during which the Ambassador was killed.

Then the consulate was evacuated.

Then nothing happened. No attacks. Nothing.

The President was apprised of the situation and all available resources were ordered to the area despite the attack being over.

Over six hours later, a second attack of short duration occurred during which two more Americans were killed.

I know you piss drinkers like to believe this was a seven hour non-stop battle at the consulate while Obama watched detachedly through a drone while the four Americans died, but that is a fantasy spun for you by your masters.

So according to you we should believe what Maobama told us initially. It was a spontaneous reaction to a video. Of course you still believe that and there's a poor schlep in jail for exercising his first amendment rights.
Here we are five months after Benghazi and we’re only now discovering that President Obama was detached during the entire attack. According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on September 11, 2012 he attended a pre-scheduled 30-minute session with President Obama at approximately 5:00 PM EST. During that meeting they spent about 20 minutes talking about the surrounded American embassy in Egypt and the emerging situation in Benghazi. Panetta states that the President left operational details “up to us.” After that, for the next seven hours during which the American consulate and annex in Benghazi were under attack and the American Ambassador killed, Panetta heard nothing from the Commander in Chief, nor from anyone at the White House. Nothing. Not a call, not a text, not an email, no smoke signals. Nothing. Our ambassador was dead along with three other Americans and President Obama was not engaged.

This is one gigantic lie. Dickweed is completely misrepresenting Panetta's testimony and the actual events which occurred.

The Ambassador was killed BEFORE the conversation with the President.

And the attack was not seven hours long.

There was one short duration attack at the consulate during which the Ambassador was killed.

Then the consulate was evacuated.

Then nothing happened. No attacks. Nothing.

The President was apprised of the situation and all available resources were ordered to the area despite the attack being over.

Over six hours later, a second attack of short duration occurred during which two more Americans were killed.

I know you piss drinkers like to believe this was a seven hour non-stop battle at the consulate while Obama watched detachedly through a drone while the four Americans died, but that is a fantasy spun for you by your masters.

So according to you we should believe what Maobama told us initially. It was a spontaneous reaction to a video. Of course you still believe that and there's a poor schlep in jail for exercising his first amendment rights.

That "poor schlep" is in jail for violating his probation and using a computer.

And those talking points came down from the CIA. There were other protests in the middle east that day, that were the result of that stupid video you guys hold up as the greatest thing since the Godfather.
Here we are five months after Benghazi and we’re only now discovering that President Obama was detached during the entire attack. According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on September 11, 2012 he attended a pre-scheduled 30-minute session with President Obama at approximately 5:00 PM EST. During that meeting they spent about 20 minutes talking about the surrounded American embassy in Egypt and the emerging situation in Benghazi. Panetta states that the President left operational details “up to us.” After that, for the next seven hours during which the American consulate and annex in Benghazi were under attack and the American Ambassador killed, Panetta heard nothing from the Commander in Chief, nor from anyone at the White House. Nothing. Not a call, not a text, not an email, no smoke signals. Nothing. Our ambassador was dead along with three other Americans and President Obama was not engaged.

This is one gigantic lie. Dickweed is completely misrepresenting Panetta's testimony and the actual events which occurred.

The Ambassador was killed BEFORE the conversation with the President.

And the attack was not seven hours long.

There was one short duration attack at the consulate during which the Ambassador was killed.

Then the consulate was evacuated.

Then nothing happened. No attacks. Nothing.

The President was apprised of the situation and all available resources were ordered to the area despite the attack being over.

Over six hours later, a second attack of short duration occurred during which two more Americans were killed.

I know you piss drinkers like to believe this was a seven hour non-stop battle at the consulate while Obama watched detachedly through a drone while the four Americans died, but that is a fantasy spun for you by your masters.

So according to you we should believe what Maobama told us initially. It was a spontaneous reaction to a video. Of course you still believe that and there's a poor schlep in jail for exercising his first amendment rights.

I said nothing like that at all. You have a serious comprehension problem cause by willful blindness to the facts. Rather than face the facts and absorb them, you invent a straw man about something I did not say!!!

Amazing. You are a manufactured bullshit producing machine.
It is topics like this, and articles like the one in the OP, which convince me these people have absolutely no desire to know the truth. They have an entirely different agenda, and even going so low as to exploit the deaths of four Americans is not beneath them.
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This is one gigantic lie. Dickweed is completely misrepresenting Panetta's testimony and the actual events which occurred.

The Ambassador was killed BEFORE the conversation with the President.

And the attack was not seven hours long.

There was one short duration attack at the consulate during which the Ambassador was killed.

Then the consulate was evacuated.

Then nothing happened. No attacks. Nothing.

The President was apprised of the situation and all available resources were ordered to the area despite the attack being over.

Over six hours later, a second attack of short duration occurred during which two more Americans were killed.

I know you piss drinkers like to believe this was a seven hour non-stop battle at the consulate while Obama watched detachedly through a drone while the four Americans died, but that is a fantasy spun for you by your masters.

So according to you we should believe what Maobama told us initially. It was a spontaneous reaction to a video. Of course you still believe that and there's a poor schlep in jail for exercising his first amendment rights.

I said nothing like that at all. You have a serious comprehension problem cause by willful blindness to the facts. Rather than face the facts and absorb them, you invent a straw man about something I did not say!!!

Amazing. You are a manufactured bullshit producing machine.

That serious comprehension problem is caused by being an insane hyper-partisan suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.

It’s more sad than amazing.
Here we are five months after Benghazi and we’re only now discovering that President Obama was detached during the entire attack. According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on September 11, 2012 he attended a pre-scheduled 30-minute session with President Obama at approximately 5:00 PM EST. During that meeting they spent about 20 minutes talking about the surrounded American embassy in Egypt and the emerging situation in Benghazi. Panetta states that the President left operational details “up to us.” After that, for the next seven hours during which the American consulate and annex in Benghazi were under attack and the American Ambassador killed, Panetta heard nothing from the Commander in Chief, nor from anyone at the White House. Nothing. Not a call, not a text, not an email, no smoke signals. Nothing. Our ambassador was dead along with three other Americans and President Obama was not engaged.

This is one gigantic lie. Dickweed is completely misrepresenting Panetta's testimony and the actual events which occurred.

The Ambassador was killed BEFORE the conversation with the President.

And the attack was not seven hours long.

There was one short duration attack at the consulate during which the Ambassador was killed.

Then the consulate was evacuated by the CIA and taken to the CIA annex.

Then nothing happened. No attacks. Nothing.

The President was apprised of the situation and all available resources were ordered to the area despite the attack being over.

Over six hours later, a second attack of short duration occurred, at the CIA annex, during which two more Americans were killed.

I know you piss drinkers like to believe this was a seven hour non-stop battle at the consulate while Obama watched detachedly through a drone while the four Americans died, but that is a fantasy spun for you by your masters.
Link? We know idiot libtards like you like to lie and deflect to prove your lies.
So according to you we should believe what Maobama told us initially. It was a spontaneous reaction to a video. Of course you still believe that and there's a poor schlep in jail for exercising his first amendment rights.

I said nothing like that at all. You have a serious comprehension problem cause by willful blindness to the facts. Rather than face the facts and absorb them, you invent a straw man about something I did not say!!!

Amazing. You are a manufactured bullshit producing machine.

That serious comprehension problem is caused by being an insane hyper-partisan suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.

It’s more sad than amazing.

ROTFLMAO: Of course that's after the love fest coming from the Holiywood crowd, the MSM, and Farrakahn singing Muslim love songs to Maobama. Funny thing is you never got over you Bush Derangement Syndrome era and think its the same for Maobama. I warned you during the Bush administration about BDS, and to be careful what you were wishing for. Now you have a president that is killing Americans by UAV's and his disinterest of the safety of U.S. Ambassadors and his colleagues. But hey, 3 cheers for C.J. Dorner, if Maobama had a son he'd want him to emulate Dorner.
Here we are five months after Benghazi and we’re only now discovering that President Obama was detached during the entire attack. According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on September 11, 2012 he attended a pre-scheduled 30-minute session with President Obama at approximately 5:00 PM EST. During that meeting they spent about 20 minutes talking about the surrounded American embassy in Egypt and the emerging situation in Benghazi. Panetta states that the President left operational details “up to us.” After that, for the next seven hours during which the American consulate and annex in Benghazi were under attack and the American Ambassador killed, Panetta heard nothing from the Commander in Chief, nor from anyone at the White House. Nothing. Not a call, not a text, not an email, no smoke signals. Nothing. Our ambassador was dead along with three other Americans and President Obama was not engaged.

This is one gigantic lie. Dickweed is completely misrepresenting Panetta's testimony and the actual events which occurred.

The Ambassador was killed BEFORE the conversation with the President.

And the attack was not seven hours long.

There was one short duration attack at the consulate during which the Ambassador was killed.

Then the consulate was evacuated by the CIA and taken to the CIA annex.

Then nothing happened. No attacks. Nothing.

The President was apprised of the situation and all available resources were ordered to the area despite the attack being over.

Over six hours later, a second attack of short duration occurred, at the CIA annex, during which two more Americans were killed.

I know you piss drinkers like to believe this was a seven hour non-stop battle at the consulate while Obama watched detachedly through a drone while the four Americans died, but that is a fantasy spun for you by your masters.

You, as usual, are full of shit. You will lie your ass off in an attempt to cover for obama's pathetic record of "foreign policy". You know damn well that obama was awol, as he usually is with just about everything else. He spouts a few sentences and then walks away from everything.....leaving all details to other people to handle. In case you forgot.....obama is the fucking president....his days of letting others handle the details of anything, much less a terrorist attack, have been over since he took office 4 years ago. He just doesn't want to be bothered. If anyone is drinking piss, it is you and your ilk.
It is topics like this, and articles like the one in the OP, which convince me these people have absolutely no desire to know the truth. They have an entirely different agenda, and even going so low as to exploit the deaths of four Americans is not beneath them.

"Exploit" the terrorist attack for political purposes vs attempting to cover up and allowing the murders of an ambassador and other US citizens because the prez went awol and decided that attending a fundraiser was much more important than doing his job. Hmmm, which is worse? I'm going with the latter.

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