Benghazi Hearing featuring Hillary Clinton begins...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Trey Gowdy is now talking about the Benghazi attacks and what questions the investigations will need to answer.

Hillary is going through her papers, looking around and seldom paying attention. Is that what she expects from the investigator? That is rude.
Hillary: She is there to "honor" the 4 deceased people in the Benghazi attacks.

She giving essays on each person.
Very presidential-type speech from Hillary, compared to rambling from Gowdy and Roskam.

Roskam tried to interrupt her answer, right after Gowdy pledged there would be no such interruptions. That didn't make him look good. Hillary just cut him off, then schooled him.
Clinton ("C") is "answering" a question, but declares that decisions (to protect Libyans) were made by Obama.
That was against the advice of the VP, UN, others in the State Dept.,Robert Gates and others. C sent out an email to her col;leagues, "This could not have happened without our hard work."

Cummings now talking..."Why were the requests for more security and machinery denied? "
C takes responsibility for what happened; Requests were handled by staff. Requests not handled by C. Those whp were reviewing these requests were professional. She did not want to second guess them,

ARB Accountability Review Board
ARB report very critical of Charlene Lamb who made the decisions.
Background: When Stevens asked for more security, not only was it denied, but what security he had was cut.
At some point, didn't stevens turn down additional security? I might be wrong.. for some reason that is lingering in my mind..
C says there was not actionable on any kind of planned attack.
Susan Brooks asking why there are so many 800 e mails about Benghazi in 2011 to Clinton. Only 65 in 2112, on.

C -Met with Stevens in Paris he was supposed to do reconnassaince on the Libya.
OP Center e mail transferred to C ...Stevens was supposed to stay in Libya 30 days. Was a "risky" job.
Within 5 days, Stevens thinking of leaving Libya. Too dangerous. C knew that.

No email, not one when an explosive device went off in 2012. C - didn't have much to do with it. She was taking phone call,didn't have a computer. Second attack on compound, again no emails (Where are they?)
She C says she did not conduct business through email. Why didn 't the close compound after two attacks. Stevens mission was to important. (Ambassador? )
She C says she did not conduct business through email. Why didn 't the close compound after two attacks. Stevens mission was to important. (Ambassador? )

(I have read that Stevens was really a CIA agent using the State Dept job for ruse. (Paris meeting?) He was assessing need for giving arms top Libyans and Syria.)
(Other reading: Stevens was supposed to be arranging getting weapons to the Sryians and Libyans through Turkey, Ultimately the weapons went to grow the presence and increased danger of ISIS.)

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