Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

Wrong. Saddam had WMDs, he used them on the Kurds so that is proof that he had them. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, and John Kerry also stated that Saddam had WMDs.

Sorry, you lose. Obama lied, Bush did not. There is no comparison to Benghazi and all the twisting and spinning you have in you won't change that simple fact.

That's just wrong. It's factually wrong. But since you refuse to answer my questions on the subject, I guess you don't care to educate yourself.

It is factually CORRECT to say that Saddam used some of his WMDs on the Kurds.

That out of the way, feel free to educate the masses.
So far just more veiled threats about impeachment, about evidence and what Republicans are going to do- sometime in the future. The Republican leadership know that nothing is going to come of this, just more fodder. I think Republicans did better with the not-a-citizen thing, they kept that going for four years, and some actually bought it, but this? The House has a majority of Republicans and could impeach tomorrow and they just blow smoke.
> Nutball impeachment movement gains steam - news of the day

One envisions that steam passing through the nutball digestive tract to produce quite the, uh, steaming, movement.

With memories like these, what can go wrong?


Oh wow, that's hilarious!

House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012....Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” — a charge Republicans rejected.

Breaking: It Turns Out That Protecting Our Embassies Costs Money

Yea, what could go wrong.

Sadly :( the Republicans hypocrisy knows no bounds

You lefties are so fond of throwing words around that you don't understand the meaning of. Where is the hypocrisy? I'll bet you can't find it or you'll just make it up?
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Excuse me, but have I insulted you? Why the name calling? Are you that insecure or simply incapable of having an adult discussion? And yes, Bush did lie about WMD. He led this country into war on the premise that the danger was imminent due to Saddam Hussein's possession of WMD. That was a lie.

How did he lie? Because he interpreted the evidence one way? And that's not the only reason we went dingle berry. But on this topic, what leader said that Iraq didnt have WMDs? Which one?

Shortly after Saddam Hussein was caught, I went to an event in Silicon Valley at which Diane Feinstein was a speaker. She commented that there was evidence that Saddam had WMDs...which is why Congress authorized military action.

It just goes to show how completely brain-dead she is. But then, we knew that already.
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So far just more veiled threats about impeachment, about evidence and what Republicans are going to do- sometime in the future. The Republican leadership know that nothing is going to come of this, just more fodder. I think Republicans did better with the not-a-citizen thing, they kept that going for four years, and some actually bought it, but this? The House has a majority of Republicans and could impeach tomorrow and they just blow smoke.

Here's why, courtesy of an earlier poster:

Democrats still control the Senate.

No way are the events of Benghazi an impeachable event.

Was there some incompetence? Yes

Was there a high crime? No

Most importantly, Americans don't give a fig about Benghazi. It's being used by nutso republicans to take down Hillary Clinton before she whips them in the 2016 election.
Wrong. Saddam had WMDs, he used them on the Kurds so that is proof that he had them. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, and John Kerry also stated that Saddam had WMDs.

Sorry, you lose. Obama lied, Bush did not. There is no comparison to Benghazi and all the twisting and spinning you have in you won't change that simple fact.

That's just wrong. It's factually wrong. But since you refuse to answer my questions on the subject, I guess you don't care to educate yourself.

I've answered everyone of your questions if they were relevant. And it is factually correct. Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons on the Kurds in his own country. And in case you do not know this, chemical weapons are classified as WMDs. You are wrong, be man enough to either admit it or to back up the bull shit you spout.
Oh wow, that's hilarious!

House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012....Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” — a charge Republicans rejected.

Breaking: It Turns Out That Protecting Our Embassies Costs Money

Yea, what could go wrong.

Sadly :( the Republicans hypocrisy knows no bounds

Youm lefties are so fond of throwing words around that you don't understand the meaning of. Where is the hypocrisy? I'll bet you can't find it or you'll just make it up?

I guess that story from Fox News was also "made up". Actually, considering the things you say about Obama, you are certainly an expert on the "made up".
So far just more veiled threats about impeachment, about evidence and what Republicans are going to do- sometime in the future. The Republican leadership know that nothing is going to come of this, just more fodder. I think Republicans did better with the not-a-citizen thing, they kept that going for four years, and some actually bought it, but this? The House has a majority of Republicans and could impeach tomorrow and they just blow smoke.

The impeachment doesn't have to go through, it doesn't have to become a reality. We just need to get the truth exposed. That is all.
Sadly :( the Republicans hypocrisy knows no bounds

Youm lefties are so fond of throwing words around that you don't understand the meaning of. Where is the hypocrisy? I'll bet you can't find it or you'll just make it up?

I guess that story from Fox News was also "made up". Actually, considering the things you say about Obama, you are certainly an expert on the "made up".

I'm not questioning the story, just the hypocrisy it supposedly shows and how it has any relevance to the topic.


Man you lefties just aren't too bright are you?
Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.
Youm lefties are so fond of throwing words around that you don't understand the meaning of. Where is the hypocrisy? I'll bet you can't find it or you'll just make it up?

I guess that story from Fox News was also "made up". Actually, considering the things you say about Obama, you are certainly an expert on the "made up".

I'm not questioning the story, just the hypocrisy it supposedly shows and how it has any relevance to the topic.


Hmm, relevance to the topic?

The topic is, "Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched"

Very short timeline:

Hillary goes to congress, asked for more money for Embassy security.

Republicans in congress say no.

Hillary says something bad could happen.

Republicans say they want Obama to fail, refuse his administration anything.

A crazy right winger released an inflamatory video.

Muslims go nuts in cities all over the world.

Terrorists take advantage of that fact and attack a poorly protected US Embassy that is poorly protected because embassy security budgets was cut.

Republicans go nuts thinking they finally have Obama on something.

The rest of America thinks Republicans are nuttier than a fruitcake.
Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.

Didn't we already have congressional hearings?

Did we have impeachment for fact finding after 9-11?
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Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.

Didn't we already have congressional hearings?

Yeah, but they failed to smear the President and Sec. Clinton enough, so we need more.
Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.

Considering Bush let Bin Laden go and invaded the wrong country, I can easily say, "Probably".
Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.

Requesting evidence and proof is not ‘deflection.’
Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.

Didn't we already have congressional hearings?

Yeah, but they failed to smear the President and Sec. Clinton enough, so we need more.

And of course the ‘hearings’ have nothing to with seeking the ‘truth.’
Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.

Didn't we already have congressional hearings?

Did we have impeachment for fact finding after 9-11?

I am unaware that President Bush or any other high ranking official was indicted for any violation of law, for perjury, for unethical behavior as a result of the hearings after 9/11. Scooter Libby was indicted and convicted in a separate special investigation over the Valerie Plame incident. But there were a LOT of inquiries into a lot of thngs involving the Bush Administration, into the Iraq war, etc. etc. etc. I don't remember much of the Bush years that somebody wasn't trying to hang him for something. But I did not object to the serious inquiries.

Mistakes and miscalculations are one thing. Intentional wrong doing and coverup is something else quite again. And we should demand openness, ethical behavior, and honesty as much as possible from our government no matter who is in office.

We have held some inquiries into Benghazi, yes, but not a single hearing that involves a witness who was actually there. Do you not think it appropriate that Congress and we the people hear the testimony of those who were there? Who can tell what was happening on their end? And whether any wrong decisions or orders from government have been covered up to protect the guilty? Whether the testimony of those who were there has been suppressed?

If you are sure that your heroes are innocent, why are you so reluctant to allow them to prove it?
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Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.

Didn't we already have congressional hearings?

Yeah, but they failed to smear the President and Sec. Clinton enough, so we need more.

The same Republicans who think their only tool is an F-18 think impeachment is their only tool for factfinding
Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.

Didn't we already have congressional hearings?

Did we have impeachment for fact finding after 9-11?

I am unaware that President Bush or any other high ranking official was indicted for any violation of law, for perjury, for unethical behavior as a result of the hearings after 9/11. But there were a LOT of inquiries in that, into the Iraq war, etc. etc. etc. I don't remember much of the Bush years that somebody wasn't trying to hang him for something. But I did not object to the serious inquiries.

Mistakes and miscalculations are one thing. Intentional wrong doing and coverup is something else quite again. And we should demand openness, ethical behavior, and honesty as much as possible from our government no matter who is in office.

We have held some inquiries into Benghazi, yes, but not a single hearing that involves a witness who was actually there. Do you not think it appropriate that Congress and we the people hear the testimony of those who were there? Who can tell what was happening on their end? And whether any wrong decisions or orders from government have been covered up to protect the guilty? Whether the testimony of those who were there has been suppressed?

If you are sure that your heroes are innocent, why are you so reluctant to allow them to prove it?

The topic of this thread is impeachment
Lotsa deflection here. Lots of folks who don't seem to want to discuss the topic but are building straw men and throwing out red herrings all over the place. Anything to divert attention away from the topic, eh?

But why wouldn't ANY American want to know what happened at Benghazi? Are you so afraid it won't look good for the exalted one or other party leaders that you want it buried now and never looked at it again? Are we all supposed to just blindly put faith in those in government to be honest, ethical, forthcoming, and decent because they are Democrats?

Can you folks defending the Obama Administration honestly say that would be your position if George W. Bush was president?

If the Obama Administration is honest, ethical, and above approach, then let's air everything openly and honestly and prove it. The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't want that is because you are terribly afraid a full investigation wouldn't come out that way.

Considering Bush let Bin Laden go and invaded the wrong country, I can easily say, "Probably".

President Bush NEVER let bin Laden go.

Liberals cannot stop lying.

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