Benghazi Was A Long Time Ago But The White House Feels They Can Blame Bush Forever


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Jul 21, 2009

To the White House Benghazi is an old story, but that doesn't stop them from still blaming Bush for everything that has ever gone wrong.

"White House spokesman Jay Carney said in response to a question about the September 11, 2012 Benghazi terror attack that it 'happened a long time ago.' 'Let's be clear,' said Carney.

"'Benghazi happened a long time ago. We are unaware of any agency blocking an employee who would like to appear before Congress to provide information related to Benghazi.'" Really? See, this is the modus operandi of the regime -- any Democrat regime, actually. You stonewall it for a few months, and then after a few months go by you say, "It's an old story." Didn't Watergate happen a long time ago? It still seems to be really relevant, Watergate.

Benghazi is not even eight months ago. Anyway, it's a bit ironic to hear Jay Carney talking about spreading misinformation. Isn't that what he does for a living? "Yeah, it's a long time ago," or, "We're not aware of any whistleblowers being prevented from coming forward..." "Benghazi was a Long Time Ago" -- But We Can Still Blame Everything on Bush? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

If you want to ask the White House questions about gun violence, the economy as it relates to Bush, or homosexuals in sports you'll get a relevant response. But if you want to ask about what they know about Fast & Furious or Benghazi......well, that was a long time ago. What difference does it make now?

and how long ago was 9/11/01? and can u imagine if Gore was President when it happened? who's fault would it have been?
and how long ago was 9/11/01? and can u imagine if Gore was President when it happened? who's fault would it have been?

Used to be you had 18 months to whine about the previous administration.

Obama has stretched it out to 51.
my impression of "President Al Gore, October 11, 2001.
My fellow Liberal Americans, I feel your pain in regards to the tragic events of September 21, 2001, oops, I meant October 11, 2002, or was is August 11th, oh well, never the less, It is my obligation to explain the accurate details on that tragic day when we lost over 25,000 U.S. Americans. It is my theory that "Global Warming" had a significant role on the attacks on the Sears,ah,sorry, I mean the Chrysler Twin Towers in New York City. The fact of the matter is that at the time of the attack, it was over 110 degrees In Stanpakastan, and the intense heat had enraged the 20 muslim terrorists to inadvertently drive those 747's directly into the Chrylser Twin Towers. Just think of it as your girlfriend or mother on PMS week with an AR-15 in one arm and a Mag44 in the other. Am I making any sense here? Any Questions?
my impression of "President Al Gore, October 11, 2001.
My fellow Liberal Americans, I feel your pain in regards to the tragic events of September 21, 2001, oops, I meant October 11, 2002, or was is August 11th, oh well, never the less, It is my obligation to explain the accurate details on that tragic day when we lost over 25,000 U.S. Americans. It is my theory that "Global Warming" had a significant role on the attacks on the Sears,ah,sorry, I mean the Chrysler Twin Towers in New York City. The fact of the matter is that at the time of the attack, it was over 110 degrees In Stanpakastan, and the intense heat had enraged the 20 muslim terrorists to inadvertently drive those 747's directly into the Chrylser Twin Towers. Just think of it as your girlfriend or mother on PMS week with an AR-15 in one arm and a Mag44 in the other. Am I making any sense here? Any Questions?

Mr.President, Mr. President, yah,uhm, are you aware of the multiple talents that most gerbils possess? and do you know who Richard Gere is? you seem to have a lot in common with him.
Used to be you had 18 months to whine about the previous administration.

Obama has stretched it out to 51.


And yet, an attack on 9/11/2012 is ancient history.

Go figure.

......and he's still talking about closing GITMO.

Oh, he could if he wanted to:

Jay Leno: President Obama held a press conference earlier today, and he said he still wants to close the Guantanamo Bay prison facility, but he doesn't know how to do it. He should do what he always does: declare it a small business and tax it out of existence.It will be gone in a minute.

TaxProf Blog: Jay Leno: Gitmo and Small Business Taxes
Steven Hayes has an excellent article at WeeklyStandard, which connects the dots on the conspiracy to cover up the terrorist aspect:

The exchange of emails is laid out in a 43-page report from the chairmen of five committees in the House of Representatives. Although the investigation was conducted by Republicans, leading some reporters and commentators to dismiss it, the report quotes directly from emails between top administration and intelligence officials, and it includes footnotes indicating the times the messages were sent. In some cases, the report did not provide the names of the senders, but The Weekly Standard has confirmed the identities of the authors of two critical emails—one indicating the main reason for the changes and the other announcing that the talking points would receive their final substantive rewrite at a meeting of top administration officials on Saturday, September 15.

The White House provided the emails to members of the House and Senate intelligence committees for a limited time and with the stipulation that the documents were available for review only and would not be turned over to the committees. The White House and committee leadership agreed to that arrangement as part of a deal that would keep Republican senators from blocking the confirmation of John Brennan, the president’s choice to run the CIA. If the House report provides an accurate and complete depiction of the emails, it is clear that senior administration officials engaged in a wholesale rewriting of intelligence assessments about Benghazi in order to mislead the public. The Weekly Standard sought comment from officials at the White House, the State Department, and the CIA, but received none by press time. Within hours of the initial attack on the U.S. facility, the State Department Operations Center sent out two alerts. The first, at 4:05 p.m. (all times are Eastern Daylight Time), indicated that the compound was under attack; the second, at 6:08 p.m., indicated that Ansar al Sharia, an al Qaeda-linked terrorist group operating in Libya, had claimed credit for the attack. According to the House report, these alerts were circulated widely inside the government, including at the highest levels. The fighting in Benghazi continued for another several hours, so top Obama administration officials were told even as the fighting was taking place that U.S. diplomats and intelligence operatives were likely being attacked by al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists. A cable sent the following day, September 12, by the CIA station chief in Libya, reported that eyewitnesses confirmed the participation of Islamic militants and made clear that U.S. facilities in Benghazi had come under terrorist attack. It was this fact, along with several others, that top Obama officials would work so hard to obscure....

The Benghazi Talking Points | The Weekly Standard
The Obamanites are running scared in the investigation into the coverup of the Benghazi terrorist attacks. In an apparent attempt to divert attention from what they said and did, they are employing the classic tactic of pretending their opponents said something they didn't, and then bashing them for it.

Victoria Toensing, the lawyer for some of the people who witnessed the Benghazi terrorist attacks, pointed out a few days ago that Congressman Darryl Issa had tried at least twice to get a procedure from the State Department, to clear lawyers to discuss classified information with their clients; and that the State Dept had not responded.

State Dept. spokesman Patrick Ventrell then announced on national television yesterday, that Toensing had said she herself had tried to get such clearances. He then announced that Toensing was lying. The fact that Toensing had never claimed she had tried to get clearances, was ignored by Ventrell.

The Obama administration people are clearly getting desperate, attempting such an easily-debunked fib on national television. Toensing has already responded, pointing out that the had never claimed to apply for clearances herself, and that Ventrell clearly knew it - his calling her a liar was not just an innocent mistake, but a carefully planned diversion, designed to deflect attention from the fact that the Secretary of State is stonewalling the investigation.

Publicly calling a lawyer - an officer of the Court - a liar, isn't a very good idea. You'd better be able to back it up. Clearly, the State Dept can't.

How desperate must they be, to resort to such tactics?

State Department accuses Benghazi attorney Victoria Toensing of ?lying? « Gretawire
At the final job interview (by telephone) that brought me out of retirement to create jobs, a Lebanese on vacation in Switzerland lamented having to hire someone like me, an old white American man, not hungry and without focus on diversity. His exact words were, "Why are there no quality people there?"

"Because today's ass-kissing hungry talent prefers higher-opportunity areas, just like you do now and just like I did thirty yeas ago. Is there something else?" was my response.

"Nothing else. That was out of line. Your management of scope, scale and momentum and your availability are the reasons we are talking," he said.

"The number is not negotiable," I said. "If you could find a young lion willing to live here for low pay or you would pay a premium for someone low in the learning curve, we wouldn't be talking."

Extended silence. Then, "Okay. The number works."

My points here are that combined with vision and planning skills, our understanding of scope, scale and momentum determine how well we live.

Summary conclusion: The scope and the scale of the 2001 attacks are not comparable to Bengali or whatever. The only momentum these investigations seem likely to generate is wind through the digestive tracts of Neocons.

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No doubt the usual Obama flacks will be heard from soon, trying to tell us that it was not a very big lie, it was just a little misunderstanding, not worth making a fuss over it. :eusa_liar:

That's always their response when they are trying to wiggle out of the consequences of some vile or illegal behavior, and get caught wiggling.
No doubt the usual Obama flacks will be heard from soon, trying to tell us that it was not a very big lie, it was just a little misunderstanding, not worth making a fuss over it. :eusa_liar:

That's always their response when they are trying to wiggle out of the consequences of some vile or illegal behavior, and get caught wiggling.

They will claim the state was taken "out of context."
How about Pearl Harbour? that was quite some time ago. I still have no idea who's fault that was. anyone have any guesses?

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