Beretta Moves All Manufacturing Out of Md. After State Passes New Gun Bill

That is how I was trained to get my CCW.

What if there's more zombies around? Might need to save that ammo.

Sorry. You are busted. No CCW trainer would tell you to only fire one shot. Just to get a permit you are required to hit a target center mass multiple times with both your dominate and weak hand. That aside I was talking about real world experience. I have shot people. You have not. You shoot more than once.

Lol, what bullshit.

Yes, I was trained to shoot one shot for legal reasons. The defense you use in civil court depends on excessive force. The Mogadishu shit you are talking about is for a WAR ZONE and if you triple hit some teen age kid you are going to get cleaned out in a great many courts across the land.

You are not shooting a criminal to kill, in theory, but to STOP them, that's it. Even one head shot is hard to defend against in court. One shot center of body, and repeat till they stop coming at you. THAT holds up in court. not 'Your honor, that is how I was trained to fight in a war.' The judge just might throw the fucking book at you.

Have you ever considered that your military training is NOT appropriate for civilian use?

Don't be so presumptive.

I found it quite challenging, changing "weapon" to "firearm" when I started teaching Hunter Education classes. The Army has weapons, hunters have firearms, especially when you're teaching children about firearm safety and hunting ethics.
How many center of body shots would you put into a charging maniac with a knife if you have a 9mm?

With a 45 you just need one hit.

With a 9mm you need lots of hits.

No, you don't. Even a shot in the heart will not stop some people. They will continue to fight till they bleed out internally. The only thing that's almost guaranteed to drop a bad guy is a hit to the brain.....not head, but brain. And that is well protected. All of this "one stop shot" horseshit is just that...horseshit.

Real world shootings consist of multiple shots fired, a PJ friend of mine said it best, "I don't expect any particular bullet to do any particular thing, I place the shot assess the situation and repeat as necessary."

No one is going to take a 45 ACP round to the heart and keep coming at you.

'Repeat as necessary' is the key. If one shot will do the job, and it likely will if I have done my part right, then why waste bullets? You might need them for the next zombie.

OK, now I'll cry BS! You have to shoot zombies in the head to put them out of commission. Shooting them in the heart...well, zombies don't have hearts, do they?
That is how I was trained to get my CCW.

What if there's more zombies around? Might need to save that ammo.

Sorry. You are busted. No CCW trainer would tell you to only fire one shot. Just to get a permit you are required to hit a target center mass multiple times with both your dominate and weak hand. That aside I was talking about real world experience. I have shot people. You have not. You shoot more than once.

Lol, what bullshit.

Yes, I was trained to shoot one shot for legal reasons. The defense you use in civil court depends on excessive force. The Mogadishu shit you are talking about is for a WAR ZONE and if you triple hit some teen age kid you are going to get cleaned out in a great many courts across the land.

You are not shooting a criminal to kill, in theory, but to STOP them, that's it. Even one head shot is hard to defend against in court. One shot center of body, and repeat till they stop coming at you. THAT holds up in court. not 'Your honor, that is how I was trained to fight in a war.' The judge just might throw the fucking book at you.

Have you ever considered that your military training is NOT appropriate for civilian use?

Don't be so presumptive.

If that was what they taught you they were wrong. A person charging you can cover 20 feet in less than two seconds. Again you fire more than once. And yes you shoot to kill. If you are not prepared to do that you have no business pulling a gun much less owning one. I could find a link to an expert that would tell you that in a few seconds.

And of course military tactics are not always appropriate. that's why you have to pass a civilian course to get a CCW.
Sorry. You are busted. No CCW trainer would tell you to only fire one shot. Just to get a permit you are required to hit a target center mass multiple times with both your dominate and weak hand. That aside I was talking about real world experience. I have shot people. You have not. You shoot more than once.

Lol, what bullshit.

Yes, I was trained to shoot one shot for legal reasons. The defense you use in civil court depends on excessive force. The Mogadishu shit you are talking about is for a WAR ZONE and if you triple hit some teen age kid you are going to get cleaned out in a great many courts across the land.

You are not shooting a criminal to kill, in theory, but to STOP them, that's it. Even one head shot is hard to defend against in court. One shot center of body, and repeat till they stop coming at you. THAT holds up in court. not 'Your honor, that is how I was trained to fight in a war.' The judge just might throw the fucking book at you.

Have you ever considered that your military training is NOT appropriate for civilian use?

Don't be so presumptive.

If that was what they taught you they were wrong. A person charging you can cover 20 feet in less than two seconds. Again you fire more than once. And yes you shoot to kill. If you are not prepared to do that you have no business pulling a gun much less owning one. I could find a link to an expert that would tell you that in a few seconds.

And of course military tactics are not always appropriate. that's why you have to pass a civilian course to get a CCW.

lol, you are thick.

Surviving is not the only consideration here, bubba, you might also want to make sure you don't get your ass sued into poverty. Being able to justify your actions in a civil court is something most of us are concerned about.

But I also don't want to KILL anyone if I don't have to. I simply want to stop them from hurting me, and depending on the situation, I will use the minimal force necessary to stop them, which I have done a number of times in my life already.

Also, I don't want to live with the knowledge that I might have killed a kid who had been forced to do something he didn't want to do or that it was a prank on the wrong guy or he was a thief but wouldn't hurt anyone, etc. Don't want that shit in my head till I die.

But I will protect myself by any means NECESARY. If that means one bullet and they run, great. If that means I simply pull my shirt over the pistol grip so they see it, fine. IF that means I have to shoot them multiple times, I can live with that as long as I know I had no choice, and I still wont like having that to live with.

But I have had training at a major security company and to get my CCW in three different states, Texas, Virginia and Utah. Every godamned one of them said shoot once because of civil liability. They also all said if that doesn't stop them, repeat as required.

No, that is not military training because in the military you are on the battlefield, and with a 9mm you HAVE to shoot them several times. lol
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Sorry. You are busted. No CCW trainer would tell you to only fire one shot. Just to get a permit you are required to hit a target center mass multiple times with both your dominate and weak hand. That aside I was talking about real world experience. I have shot people. You have not. You shoot more than once.

Lol, what bullshit.

Yes, I was trained to shoot one shot for legal reasons. The defense you use in civil court depends on excessive force. The Mogadishu shit you are talking about is for a WAR ZONE and if you triple hit some teen age kid you are going to get cleaned out in a great many courts across the land.

You are not shooting a criminal to kill, in theory, but to STOP them, that's it. Even one head shot is hard to defend against in court. One shot center of body, and repeat till they stop coming at you. THAT holds up in court. not 'Your honor, that is how I was trained to fight in a war.' The judge just might throw the fucking book at you.

Have you ever considered that your military training is NOT appropriate for civilian use?

Don't be so presumptive.

I found it quite challenging, changing "weapon" to "firearm" when I started teaching Hunter Education classes. The Army has weapons, hunters have firearms, especially when you're teaching children about firearm safety and hunting ethics.

lol, when I was in basic in 78 if they caught you referring to your weapon as a 'gun' they made you repeat a stupid rhyme twenty or more times in front of the platoon or chow hall.

After a couple of those no one said they had a gun any more.
As I've said, I've never even held an M-16. But if accuracy is your primary concern, having shot "possibles" offhand at 200 yards, and "possibles" sitting and kneeling at 300 yards, and I am by no means an exceptional shooter, I can tell you from experience the M-1 is one hell of an accurate rifle.

The only downside to the M-1 I can think of is it's 9.5 pound weight. It's big and heavy to lug on a march but it is supremely reliable. And although I'd never been in combat, the Garand is what I want to have in my hands if people are trying to kill me.

9.5 lbs. isnt all that bad. My AR is just shy of 11 lbs. with a full mag of 28 rounds.
Actually, with an 8-round 30.06 clip in place and a leather sling the Garand weighs in at 10.5.

PS: I'm surprised to learn the M-16 weighs that much, because I'd believed the main reason for replacing the M-14 was size and weight.

They claim seven lbs one oz. out of the box with no mag.
Mines 2.6 lbs heavier empty. I guess between the LaRue Tactical full floating fore stock the aluminum vertical grip,BUS,EoTech and Magnifier plus a sling make up the 2.6 lbs.
Nothing else I've done to it would change the weight.
How many center of body shots would you put into a charging maniac with a knife if you have a 9mm?

With a 45 you just need one hit.

With a 9mm you need lots of hits.

No, you don't. Even a shot in the heart will not stop some people. They will continue to fight till they bleed out internally. The only thing that's almost guaranteed to drop a bad guy is a hit to the brain.....not head, but brain. And that is well protected. All of this "one stop shot" horseshit is just that...horseshit.

Real world shootings consist of multiple shots fired, a PJ friend of mine said it best, "I don't expect any particular bullet to do any particular thing, I place the shot assess the situation and repeat as necessary."

No one is going to take a 45 ACP round to the heart and keep coming at you.

'Repeat as necessary' is the key. If one shot will do the job, and it likely will if I have done my part right, then why waste bullets? You might need them for the next zombie.

Yes, they will. There are numerous reports of people shot in the heart by RIFLE rounds who kept fighting till they bled out, the most notable being the Red Baron who was shot through the heart and still managed to fly on for several miles before he finally bled out and crashed.
No, you don't. Even a shot in the heart will not stop some people. They will continue to fight till they bleed out internally. The only thing that's almost guaranteed to drop a bad guy is a hit to the brain.....not head, but brain. And that is well protected. All of this "one stop shot" horseshit is just that...horseshit.

Real world shootings consist of multiple shots fired, a PJ friend of mine said it best, "I don't expect any particular bullet to do any particular thing, I place the shot assess the situation and repeat as necessary."

No one is going to take a 45 ACP round to the heart and keep coming at you.

'Repeat as necessary' is the key. If one shot will do the job, and it likely will if I have done my part right, then why waste bullets? You might need them for the next zombie.

Yes, they will. There are numerous reports of people shot in the heart by RIFLE rounds who kept fighting till they bled out, the most notable being the Red Baron who was shot through the heart and still managed to fly on for several miles before he finally bled out and crashed.

Battlefield reports are often contradictory and done in a rush. That applies to the Red Baron as well.

But shots to the heart will put a man on his but and into shock PDQ. Will they possibly have enough mind to keep doing low effort things like guide a joy stick to land an aircraft? yeah, possibly, depending on how high they are and other things.

But will they still be charging you swinging a machete? No.

And when a rifle round goes through the fleshy part of the body it tends to do a through and through wound. The 45 was designed to stop in the body and do as much damage within it without exiting. That is why it is better than the 9mm and the 308 for close up front shooting, IMO.
No one is going to take a 45 ACP round to the heart and keep coming at you.

'Repeat as necessary' is the key. If one shot will do the job, and it likely will if I have done my part right, then why waste bullets? You might need them for the next zombie.

Yes, they will. There are numerous reports of people shot in the heart by RIFLE rounds who kept fighting till they bled out, the most notable being the Red Baron who was shot through the heart and still managed to fly on for several miles before he finally bled out and crashed.

Battlefield reports are often contradictory and done in a rush. That applies to the Red Baron as well.

But shots to the heart will put a man on his but and into shock PDQ. Will they possibly have enough mind to keep doing low effort things like guide a joy stick to land an aircraft? yeah, possibly, depending on how high they are and other things.

But will they still be charging you swinging a machete? No.

And when a rifle round goes through the fleshy part of the body it tends to do a through and through wound. The 45 was designed to stop in the body and do as much damage within it without exiting. That is why it is better than the 9mm and the 308 for close up front shooting, IMO.

The death of the Red Baron has been EXTENSIVELY researched. Probably THE most researched death in history. Guns And Ammo published an article in the 1970's called "The Shock Myth Exploded" by Peter Hathaway Capstick a renowned African Big Game hunter and he very humorously destroys the whole concept of "knockdown power".

He even uses science (which I like) to do it. Put another way, what exactly is a foot pound? What does it mean when a projectile is claimed to have 1,500 foot pounds? I'll give you a means that supposedly, that projectile can, upon impact, move an object that weighs 1,500 pounds one foot. I've never,ever seen that

Further, as Newton taught us "for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction" how could you possibly hold on to a weapon firing a projectile with that type of energy? Obviously no one we are left with the problem that the muzzle energy numbers don't really mean anything. If you really want to know how much energy is really being dumped into a target look at the recoil energy figures.... that is the theoretical maximum amount of energy that the target can soak up.

But hey, that's just science...
No, you don't. Even a shot in the heart will not stop some people. They will continue to fight till they bleed out internally. The only thing that's almost guaranteed to drop a bad guy is a hit to the brain.....not head, but brain. And that is well protected. All of this "one stop shot" horseshit is just that...horseshit.

Real world shootings consist of multiple shots fired, a PJ friend of mine said it best, "I don't expect any particular bullet to do any particular thing, I place the shot assess the situation and repeat as necessary."

No one is going to take a 45 ACP round to the heart and keep coming at you.

'Repeat as necessary' is the key. If one shot will do the job, and it likely will if I have done my part right, then why waste bullets? You might need them for the next zombie.

Yes, they will. There are numerous reports of people shot in the heart by RIFLE rounds who kept fighting till they bled out, the most notable being the Red Baron who was shot through the heart and still managed to fly on for several miles before he finally bled out and crashed.

Heart shots can can be minor(if there is such a thing) or catastrophic.
A direct hit and you'll be down in a matter of seconds. A nick and you'll go a little longer.
No one is going to take a 45 ACP round to the heart and keep coming at you.

'Repeat as necessary' is the key. If one shot will do the job, and it likely will if I have done my part right, then why waste bullets? You might need them for the next zombie.

Yes, they will. There are numerous reports of people shot in the heart by RIFLE rounds who kept fighting till they bled out, the most notable being the Red Baron who was shot through the heart and still managed to fly on for several miles before he finally bled out and crashed.

Heart shots can can be minor(if there is such a thing) or catastrophic.
A direct hit and you'll be down in a matter of seconds. A nick and you'll go a little longer.

Richthofen was shot directly through the heart by a .303 British round from directly astern at a range of about 100 yards. He continued flying for at least another couple of minutes until he bled out and crashed.
Yes, they will. There are numerous reports of people shot in the heart by RIFLE rounds who kept fighting till they bled out, the most notable being the Red Baron who was shot through the heart and still managed to fly on for several miles before he finally bled out and crashed.

Heart shots can can be minor(if there is such a thing) or catastrophic.
A direct hit and you'll be down in a matter of seconds. A nick and you'll go a little longer.

Richthofen was shot directly through the heart by a .303 British round from directly astern at a range of about 100 yards. He continued flying for at least another couple of minutes until he bled out and crashed.

If you lose blood flow to the brain you will lose conscious in about twenty seconds. Less if your blood pressure is up.
Not exactly...shot from below and slightly behind (through the right armpit) by a single shot from a Lewis gun. It hit his right lung, grazed his heart, and hit his left lung.

Superbly-researched book: Who Killed The Red Baron by PJ Carisella.
Not exactly...shot from below and slightly behind (through the right armpit) by a single shot from a Lewis gun. It hit his right lung, grazed his heart, and hit his left lung.

Superbly-researched book: Who Killed The Red Baron by PJ Carisella.

There are comprehensive articles by forensic archeologists, forensic pathologists and others in Cross and Cockade magazine, which at the time was the preeminent WWI aviation historical Journal, and then followed up in new articles in Over the Front (the continuation of Cross and Cockade) Volume 7 Number 3 and Volume 7 Number three "Documents relating to Richthofens Last Battle" Part's One and Two by F.R. McGuire the former Historical Officer of the Canadian Brigade Group during the Korean war and "The Death of The Red Baron-When is it Too Much? An Essay, in Over the Front Volume 8 Number 2. and, in the same Volume "The Events of 21 April 1918 by Philip Markham, which go through the Red Barons last flight on a minute by minute basis and establish beyond doubt that Brown shot him down and he flew on for several miles before finally crashing.
I watched a guy get stabbed in the heart in a parking lot in my wild and woolly days.
He hit the ground immediately,bounced to his feet and keeled over. Maybe five seconds went by.

Obviously not a very tough guy. A whole bunch of how people react to getting shot is psychological as evidenced by the Miami shootout back in 1986. I rarely use wiki but they have the best account available online...

"As Platt climbed out of the passenger side car window, one of Dove's 9 mm rounds hit his right upper arm and went on to penetrate his chest, stopping an inch away from his heart. The autopsy found Platt’s right lung had collapsed and his chest cavity contained 1.3 liters of blood, suggesting damage to the main blood vessels of the right lung. Of his many gunshot wounds, this first was the primary injury responsible for Platt’s eventual death.[12] The car had come to a stop against a parked vehicle, and Platt had to climb across the hood of this vehicle, an Oldsmobile Cutlass. As he did so, he was shot a second and third time, in the right thigh and left foot. The shots were believed to have been fired by Dove.[13]"

1986 FBI Miami shootout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, they will. There are numerous reports of people shot in the heart by RIFLE rounds who kept fighting till they bled out, the most notable being the Red Baron who was shot through the heart and still managed to fly on for several miles before he finally bled out and crashed.

Battlefield reports are often contradictory and done in a rush. That applies to the Red Baron as well.

But shots to the heart will put a man on his but and into shock PDQ. Will they possibly have enough mind to keep doing low effort things like guide a joy stick to land an aircraft? yeah, possibly, depending on how high they are and other things.

But will they still be charging you swinging a machete? No.

And when a rifle round goes through the fleshy part of the body it tends to do a through and through wound. The 45 was designed to stop in the body and do as much damage within it without exiting. That is why it is better than the 9mm and the 308 for close up front shooting, IMO.

The death of the Red Baron has been EXTENSIVELY researched. Probably THE most researched death in history.

And also extensively argued about. The Canadian airmen wanted credit and the ground units wanted credit. They still argue about it.

Guns And Ammo published an article in the 1970's called "The Shock Myth Exploded" by Peter Hathaway Capstick a renowned African Big Game hunter and he very humorously destroys the whole concept of "knockdown power".

Putting a person into shock has to do with blood loss, not knockdown power.

He even uses science (which I like) to do it. Put another way, what exactly is a foot pound? What does it mean when a projectile is claimed to have 1,500 foot pounds? I'll give you a means that supposedly, that projectile can, upon impact, move an object that weighs 1,500 pounds one foot. I've never,ever seen that

Yes, with metal targets that had roughly a pound of mass. Most things get penetrated by the bullet so it doesn't appear to have the effect described.

The use of foot pounds to measure the kenetic energy of a bullet when it leaves the muzzle is not scientific, since the bullet is decelerating as soon as it leaves the barrel. Foot pounds is a measurement of acceleration over a distance of displacement. Since the bullet is not accelerating, but decelerating instead, it should be measured in distance*mass/time, such as gram meters per second...

People use it to imply how much acceleration the moving body can impact onto another body like in a game of pool. But that is not necessarily true as torque and elasticity can absorb the energy and not all transfer into new speed of the struck object.

Further, as Newton taught us "for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction" how could you possibly hold on to a weapon firing a projectile with that type of energy? Obviously no one we are left with the problem that the muzzle energy numbers don't really mean anything.

Dude, take a pound weight, then lift it over your head. You just did a foot pound of acceleration. A good crossbow can easily generate over 100 foot pounds of energy, mine does, though I cant recall the specs off hand other than it has a 150 pound pull.

If you really want to know how much energy is really being dumped into a target look at the recoil energy figures.... that is the theoretical maximum amount of energy that the target can soak up.

Not really. Let's say the total energy is X, as soon as the bullet is fired the should can have at most X/2 since there is an equal and opposite force applied tot he bullet and shoulder. Also the recoil can be largely absorbed by a spring and the gas blowback that drives the bolt, ejecting the spent round and loading a new one. M16's have very little recoil though they are military grade rounds for an assault weapon.

The 45 ACP is about 400 fp, so the hand actually handles about 200, less than that really.

Could you tie a 200 pound load to strap held in your grip and take a step up one foot? Sure you can, its not a problem.

But hey, that's just science...

science-ish, yeah

The English measurement system is a confusing thing since the word pound is used for mass and acceleration both, so it is confusing. I think science should be discussed with metric units to avoid confusion.
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Yes, they will. There are numerous reports of people shot in the heart by RIFLE rounds who kept fighting till they bled out, the most notable being the Red Baron who was shot through the heart and still managed to fly on for several miles before he finally bled out and crashed.

Heart shots can can be minor(if there is such a thing) or catastrophic.
A direct hit and you'll be down in a matter of seconds. A nick and you'll go a little longer.

Richthofen was shot directly through the heart by a .303 British round from directly astern at a range of about 100 yards. He continued flying for at least another couple of minutes until he bled out and crashed.

Manfred von Richthofen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

almost certainly during this final stage in his pursuit of May that Richthofen was hit by a single .303 bullet, which caused such severe damage to his heart and lungs that it must have caused a very quick death.[43][44] In the last seconds of his life, he managed to make a hasty but controlled landing (

49°55′56″N 2°32′16″E) in a field on a hill near the Bray-Corbie road, just north of the village of Vaux-sur-Somme, in a sector controlled by the Australian Imperial Force (AIF).[42] One witness, Gunner George Ridgway, stated that when he and other Australian soldiers reached the aircraft, Richthofen was still alive but died moments later....

The RAF credited Brown with shooting down the Red Baron, but it is now generally agreed that the bullet that hit Richthofen was fired from the ground.[44][50] Richthofen died following an extremely serious and inevitably fatal chest wound from a single bullet, penetrating from the right armpit and resurfacing next to the left nipple. Brown's attack was from behind and above, and from Richthofen's left. Even more conclusively, Richthofen could not have continued his pursuit of May for as long as he did (up to two minutes) had this wound come from Brown's guns.

He managed to land the craft, barely conscious and then 'died quickly'.

That does not exactly amount to a machete wielding mad man.
Not to be rude, but can we avoid going into a ballistics debate?

I think I would rather eat broken glass instead.

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