Berkeley's students are an embarrassment to progressivism

The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

Good point. The right is using these as a means of smearing the entire left and the entire student body.

The issue isn't CAL students. It's those who are deliberately infiltrating, agitating and turning this to violence and that is not the entire student body.

But, that ignores another point - willingness to entertain opposing points of view? it the media or is it the anarchists/antifascists/whateverthey are taking advantage?

The mayor of Berkley is an andifa member, so I say it extends far beyond faceless organizers.

Is he? I thought he was just on a facebook group.[/QUOTE


Misconceptions surrounding Ann Coulter's now-canceled visit to campus | The Daily Californian

Misconception No. 1: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín is affiliated with Antifa

On Friday, media outlets such as Breitbart and Gateway Pundit alleged that Mayor Jesse Arreguín is a member and supporter of activist group By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, because he is Facebook friends with BAMN organizer Yvette Felarca. The outlets also equated BAMN with the anti-fascist movement Antifa, although BAMN is a separate group from Antifa.

Stefan Elgstrand, Arreguín’s chief of staff, confirmed in an email that Arreguín is not a member of BAMN. Arreguín also denied the allegations, adding that he does not support Antifa’s views.

“On social media, following or liking pages does not mean you support what that group is doing,” Arreguín said in an email. “I follow Donald Trump on Twitter to stay up to date on what he’s saying. Would Breitbart suggest that makes me a Trump supporter?”

Arreguín alleged in his email that Breitbart is purposely broadcasting false information to portray Berkeley as anti-free speech. He emphasized that the city does its utmost to protect freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

ANotehr reason why the far left should not be in charge of anything!

Using a far left religious sites for your "facts"? Might as well have used an ISIS flyer!
The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

Good point. The right is using these as a means of smearing the entire left and the entire student body.

The issue isn't CAL students. It's those who are deliberately infiltrating, agitating and turning this to violence and that is not the entire student body.

But, that ignores another point - willingness to entertain opposing points of view? it the media or is it the anarchists/antifascists/whateverthey are taking advantage?

The mayor of Berkley is an andifa member, so I say it extends far beyond faceless organizers.

Is he? I thought he was just on a facebook group.[/QUOTE


Misconceptions surrounding Ann Coulter's now-canceled visit to campus | The Daily Californian

Misconception No. 1: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín is affiliated with Antifa

On Friday, media outlets such as Breitbart and Gateway Pundit alleged that Mayor Jesse Arreguín is a member and supporter of activist group By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, because he is Facebook friends with BAMN organizer Yvette Felarca. The outlets also equated BAMN with the anti-fascist movement Antifa, although BAMN is a separate group from Antifa.

Stefan Elgstrand, Arreguín’s chief of staff, confirmed in an email that Arreguín is not a member of BAMN. Arreguín also denied the allegations, adding that he does not support Antifa’s views.

“On social media, following or liking pages does not mean you support what that group is doing,” Arreguín said in an email. “I follow Donald Trump on Twitter to stay up to date on what he’s saying. Would Breitbart suggest that makes me a Trump supporter?”

Arreguín alleged in his email that Breitbart is purposely broadcasting false information to portray Berkeley as anti-free speech. He emphasized that the city does its utmost to protect freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

Yeah, his peaceful assembly policies worked so well when 15 businesses were vandalized, police barricades were torn down and a vehicle and trash was burning in the streets.
You are kidding yourself if you think they are not the mainstream of leftism today.

Let's put it this way: they are about as "mainstream" of leftism as the white supremacists are "mainstream" of rightism.

Does that sound about right to you?

Another horrid analogy made a far left drone!

You support the part of racism and fascism, know as the far left!

Far leftism is control and until you get them under control and punish them, they will always be part of the far left movement. The far left and ISIS have the same beliefs and Berkley campus is proof of that!

The history of the far left has been violent since the 60's, to deny is to deny reality. But
after you are a far left and watch as these drones deny reality..

Wow. I had no idea I supported all that. Thank you for enlightening me. I guess I will have to read up on what I'm supposed to believe.
It's history

The problem is...I can't tell the difference between the far right and the far left in that history :dunno:
You do know we love you right,,,,
She was invited..
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

i agree with you. they are silly. you make the scum look ridiculous when you let them talk and shine light on them. but when they don't let others talk, they're no better than the rightwingnut scum who harassed the dixie chicks.

You have a major point there

Yet that particular far left drone voted for the violence and fascism, so they are just running a new programmed narrative. They are worried about elections now. Not long you would never see a far left drone anything, but blame the violence on others, go back and look at Ferguson. I doubt you will find any far left drone condemning the violence there!
Good point. The right is using these as a means of smearing the entire left and the entire student body.

The issue isn't CAL students. It's those who are deliberately infiltrating, agitating and turning this to violence and that is not the entire student body.

But, that ignores another point - willingness to entertain opposing points of view? it the media or is it the anarchists/antifascists/whateverthey are taking advantage?

The mayor of Berkley is an andifa member, so I say it extends far beyond faceless organizers.

Is he? I thought he was just on a facebook group.[/QUOTE


Misconceptions surrounding Ann Coulter's now-canceled visit to campus | The Daily Californian

Misconception No. 1: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín is affiliated with Antifa

On Friday, media outlets such as Breitbart and Gateway Pundit alleged that Mayor Jesse Arreguín is a member and supporter of activist group By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, because he is Facebook friends with BAMN organizer Yvette Felarca. The outlets also equated BAMN with the anti-fascist movement Antifa, although BAMN is a separate group from Antifa.

Stefan Elgstrand, Arreguín’s chief of staff, confirmed in an email that Arreguín is not a member of BAMN. Arreguín also denied the allegations, adding that he does not support Antifa’s views.

“On social media, following or liking pages does not mean you support what that group is doing,” Arreguín said in an email. “I follow Donald Trump on Twitter to stay up to date on what he’s saying. Would Breitbart suggest that makes me a Trump supporter?”

Arreguín alleged in his email that Breitbart is purposely broadcasting false information to portray Berkeley as anti-free speech. He emphasized that the city does its utmost to protect freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

ANotehr reason why the far left should not be in charge of anything!

Using a far left religious sites for your "facts"? Might as well have used an ISIS flyer!
She is not far left..
The mayor of Berkley is an andifa member, so I say it extends far beyond faceless organizers.

Is he? I thought he was just on a facebook group.[/QUOTE


Misconceptions surrounding Ann Coulter's now-canceled visit to campus | The Daily Californian

Misconception No. 1: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín is affiliated with Antifa

On Friday, media outlets such as Breitbart and Gateway Pundit alleged that Mayor Jesse Arreguín is a member and supporter of activist group By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, because he is Facebook friends with BAMN organizer Yvette Felarca. The outlets also equated BAMN with the anti-fascist movement Antifa, although BAMN is a separate group from Antifa.

Stefan Elgstrand, Arreguín’s chief of staff, confirmed in an email that Arreguín is not a member of BAMN. Arreguín also denied the allegations, adding that he does not support Antifa’s views.

“On social media, following or liking pages does not mean you support what that group is doing,” Arreguín said in an email. “I follow Donald Trump on Twitter to stay up to date on what he’s saying. Would Breitbart suggest that makes me a Trump supporter?”

Arreguín alleged in his email that Breitbart is purposely broadcasting false information to portray Berkeley as anti-free speech. He emphasized that the city does its utmost to protect freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

ANotehr reason why the far left should not be in charge of anything!

Using a far left religious sites for your "facts"? Might as well have used an ISIS flyer!
She is not far left..

Yes she is very far left!

Show one post where she bashed Hilary or Obama!

You will find no such posts or threads..

Nor will you find any posts where they condemned the violence that transpired under Obama!
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"
Ho Li Fuk.

Does anyone have the actual time that the world is going to end?
The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

View attachment 123487

fueri is another stupid member of the chamber of fools. Why doesn't the chamber have standards, do they allow any and every fool to join?

You have something to back that up or are you just off on one of your masturbatory expeditions.

And this coming from the moron that posted that '14 defining signs of fascism' nonsense repeatedly during the campaign.


And each of the 14-points have become alive in the Trump Administration. But, being stupid you can't post an expository response to my argument.

The evidence I have to support you are a fool, is anyone who rejects the verifiable truth in my comment with and emoji or emoticon has been fooled by the propaganda which dominates the Internet. Get you ass onto the streets before shit hits the fan, and don't watch Fox news if you want to comment on reality (yeah, I know, you'll deny being a Fox News fan).

Unless and until you post something thoughtful or thought provoking I will consider you to be a member of the c chamber of fools.

Have a nice day.

Oh my, the typical holier than though assertion of fact and run for the hills.

I gutted that argument like the dead fish it was and you now, in typical fashion, offer nothing while accusing the other party of the same as the basis for your haughty seeming dismissal

Your arguments are typically nonsense, backed with nothing but your own assertions of superiority, and chock full of ad hominems, and this is nothing but more of the same.

You are exactly what you claim to despise, which makes you nothing but an obtuse fool.

Oh, and if you can prove that the violence only begins when the cameras show up, which is what I was responding to here, let us know. And good fucking luck with that, seeing as these people advocate violence and show up dressed and ready for physical confrontatation.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

I agree. I don't understand what "ANTIwhatever" is trying to do, but as a leftist I certainly don't support that crap. Some one needs to come down hard on them - violence, distruction etc is not "free speech" nor is prohibiting the right of others to excersize free speech.

The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

Good point. The right is using these as a means of smearing the entire left and the entire student body.

The issue isn't CAL students. It's those who are deliberately infiltrating, agitating and turning this to violence and that is not the entire student body.

But, that ignores another point - willingness to entertain opposing points of view? it the media or is it the anarchists/antifascists/whateverthey are taking advantage?

The mayor of Berkley is an andifa member, so I say it extends far beyond some faceless organizers.
The usual RW bs propaganda, hater dupe.

fueri is another stupid member of the chamber of fools. Why doesn't the chamber have standards, do they allow any and every fool to join?

You have something to back that up or are you just off on one of your masturbatory expeditions.

And this coming from the moron that posted that '14 defining signs of fascism' nonsense repeatedly during the campaign.


And each of the 14-points have become alive in the Trump Administration. But, being stupid you can't post an expository response to my argument.

The evidence I have to support you are a fool, is anyone who rejects the verifiable truth in my comment with and emoji or emoticon has been fooled by the propaganda which dominates the Internet. Get you ass onto the streets before shit hits the fan, and don't watch Fox news if you want to comment on reality (yeah, I know, you'll deny being a Fox News fan).

Unless and until you post something thoughtful or thought provoking I will consider you to be a member of the c chamber of fools.

Have a nice day.

Oh my, the typical holier than though assertion of fact and run for the hills.

I gutted that argument like the dead fish it was and you now, in typical fashion, offer nothing while accusing the other party of the same as the basis for your haughty seeming dismissal

Your arguments are typically nonsense, backed with nothing but your own assertions of superiority, and chock full of ad hominems, and this is nothing but more of the same.

You are exactly what you claim to despise, which makes you nothing but an obtuse fool.

Oh, and if you can prove that the violence only begins when the cameras show up, which is what I was responding to here, let us know. And good fucking luck with that, seeing as these people advocate violence and show up dressed and ready for physical confrontatation.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

I agree. I don't understand what "ANTIwhatever" is trying to do, but as a leftist I certainly don't support that crap. Some one needs to come down hard on them - violence, distruction etc is not "free speech" nor is prohibiting the right of others to excersize free speech.

The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

Good point. The right is using these as a means of smearing the entire left and the entire student body.

The issue isn't CAL students. It's those who are deliberately infiltrating, agitating and turning this to violence and that is not the entire student body.

But, that ignores another point - willingness to entertain opposing points of view? it the media or is it the anarchists/antifascists/whateverthey are taking advantage?

The mayor of Berkley is an andifa member, so I say it extends far beyond some faceless organizers.
The usual RW bs propaganda, hater dupe.

He's in their FB group dupe.
fueri is another stupid member of the chamber of fools. Why doesn't the chamber have standards, do they allow any and every fool to join?

You have something to back that up or are you just off on one of your masturbatory expeditions.

And this coming from the moron that posted that '14 defining signs of fascism' nonsense repeatedly during the campaign.


And each of the 14-points have become alive in the Trump Administration. But, being stupid you can't post an expository response to my argument.

The evidence I have to support you are a fool, is anyone who rejects the verifiable truth in my comment with and emoji or emoticon has been fooled by the propaganda which dominates the Internet. Get you ass onto the streets before shit hits the fan, and don't watch Fox news if you want to comment on reality (yeah, I know, you'll deny being a Fox News fan).

Unless and until you post something thoughtful or thought provoking I will consider you to be a member of the c chamber of fools.

Have a nice day.

Oh my, the typical holier than though assertion of fact and run for the hills.

I gutted that argument like the dead fish it was and you now, in typical fashion, offer nothing while accusing the other party of the same as the basis for your haughty seeming dismissal

Your arguments are typically nonsense, backed with nothing but your own assertions of superiority, and chock full of ad hominems, and this is nothing but more of the same.

You are exactly what you claim to despise, which makes you nothing but an obtuse fool.

Oh, and if you can prove that the violence only begins when the cameras show up, which is what I was responding to here, let us know. And good fucking luck with that, seeing as these people advocate violence and show up dressed and ready for physical confrontatation.
I agree. I don't understand what "ANTIwhatever" is trying to do, but as a leftist I certainly don't support that crap. Some one needs to come down hard on them - violence, distruction etc is not "free speech" nor is prohibiting the right of others to excersize free speech.

The problem with your support is you affirm the statement that CAL Students are violent and destructive. If and when one of the masked vandals is arrested and we can determine he or she is a student you might have a point. I personally watched protests which became violent at SFSU, CAL and at City Hall in SF and from that experience know that only a few participate in violent actions, and they are usually there to party, not to protest.

I know one thing for sure, things are almost always peaceful until the press arrive - cameras and microphones are the catalyst which provoke violence.

Good point. The right is using these as a means of smearing the entire left and the entire student body.

The issue isn't CAL students. It's those who are deliberately infiltrating, agitating and turning this to violence and that is not the entire student body.

But, that ignores another point - willingness to entertain opposing points of view? it the media or is it the anarchists/antifascists/whateverthey are taking advantage?

The mayor of Berkley is an andifa member, so I say it extends far beyond some faceless organizers.
The usual RW bs propaganda, hater dupe.

He's in their FB group dupe.
He's friends with someone who is. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I rebutted your list when you offered it in the past, as did many others.

You seem to think that refusing to admit that you got owned, means it did not happen.

If you rebutted it, I missed your rebuttal. More likely you didn't, and followed the lead of the other poorly educated RW fool who claimed I'm anti semetic, because (he claimed) the author of the list was anti semetic.

By the way, I was raised R. Catholic and confirmed, but my dad's mom (my paternal Grandmother) was Jewish, and my DNA reflects I am 29.9% Ashkenazi Jewish.

He is one more POS member of the crazy right wing Are you too?
I am more a Roman Catholic then you..
What happened that you became nuts?

I served in the Navy (AD: '67-69), went to and graduated from the U, and spent 32 years in a LE career. That and being married since 1974 all took their tool.
I commend you for your service to the USA and your commitment and your love for your wife..

But again what happened?

Your wife is still alive right?

Yep, and still keeps the honey-dos coming.
Good point. The right is using these as a means of smearing the entire left and the entire student body.

The issue isn't CAL students. It's those who are deliberately infiltrating, agitating and turning this to violence and that is not the entire student body.

But, that ignores another point - willingness to entertain opposing points of view? it the media or is it the anarchists/antifascists/whateverthey are taking advantage?

The mayor of Berkley is an andifa member, so I say it extends far beyond faceless organizers.

Is he? I thought he was just on a facebook group.[/QUOTE


Misconceptions surrounding Ann Coulter's now-canceled visit to campus | The Daily Californian

Misconception No. 1: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín is affiliated with Antifa

On Friday, media outlets such as Breitbart and Gateway Pundit alleged that Mayor Jesse Arreguín is a member and supporter of activist group By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, because he is Facebook friends with BAMN organizer Yvette Felarca. The outlets also equated BAMN with the anti-fascist movement Antifa, although BAMN is a separate group from Antifa.

Stefan Elgstrand, Arreguín’s chief of staff, confirmed in an email that Arreguín is not a member of BAMN. Arreguín also denied the allegations, adding that he does not support Antifa’s views.

“On social media, following or liking pages does not mean you support what that group is doing,” Arreguín said in an email. “I follow Donald Trump on Twitter to stay up to date on what he’s saying. Would Breitbart suggest that makes me a Trump supporter?”

Arreguín alleged in his email that Breitbart is purposely broadcasting false information to portray Berkeley as anti-free speech. He emphasized that the city does its utmost to protect freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

Yeah, his peaceful assembly policies worked so well when 15 businesses were vandalized, police barricades were torn down and a vehicle and trash was burning in the streets.

And you have no evidence that student protesters vandalized the property, do you? Take a walk down College Ave, and then Telegraph Ave, and you will see a totally different demographic.
The mayor of Berkley is an andifa member, so I say it extends far beyond faceless organizers.

Is he? I thought he was just on a facebook group.[/QUOTE


Misconceptions surrounding Ann Coulter's now-canceled visit to campus | The Daily Californian

Misconception No. 1: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín is affiliated with Antifa

On Friday, media outlets such as Breitbart and Gateway Pundit alleged that Mayor Jesse Arreguín is a member and supporter of activist group By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, because he is Facebook friends with BAMN organizer Yvette Felarca. The outlets also equated BAMN with the anti-fascist movement Antifa, although BAMN is a separate group from Antifa.

Stefan Elgstrand, Arreguín’s chief of staff, confirmed in an email that Arreguín is not a member of BAMN. Arreguín also denied the allegations, adding that he does not support Antifa’s views.

“On social media, following or liking pages does not mean you support what that group is doing,” Arreguín said in an email. “I follow Donald Trump on Twitter to stay up to date on what he’s saying. Would Breitbart suggest that makes me a Trump supporter?”

Arreguín alleged in his email that Breitbart is purposely broadcasting false information to portray Berkeley as anti-free speech. He emphasized that the city does its utmost to protect freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

Yeah, his peaceful assembly policies worked so well when 15 businesses were vandalized, police barricades were torn down and a vehicle and trash was burning in the streets.

And you have no evidence that student protesters vandalized the property, do you? Take a walk down College Ave, and then Telegraph Ave, and you will see a totally different demographic.

And you have no proof otherwise because the police sat on their hands and didn't arrest anyone.
Is he? I thought he was just on a facebook group.[/QUOTE


Misconceptions surrounding Ann Coulter's now-canceled visit to campus | The Daily Californian

Misconception No. 1: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín is affiliated with Antifa

On Friday, media outlets such as Breitbart and Gateway Pundit alleged that Mayor Jesse Arreguín is a member and supporter of activist group By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, because he is Facebook friends with BAMN organizer Yvette Felarca. The outlets also equated BAMN with the anti-fascist movement Antifa, although BAMN is a separate group from Antifa.

Stefan Elgstrand, Arreguín’s chief of staff, confirmed in an email that Arreguín is not a member of BAMN. Arreguín also denied the allegations, adding that he does not support Antifa’s views.

“On social media, following or liking pages does not mean you support what that group is doing,” Arreguín said in an email. “I follow Donald Trump on Twitter to stay up to date on what he’s saying. Would Breitbart suggest that makes me a Trump supporter?”

Arreguín alleged in his email that Breitbart is purposely broadcasting false information to portray Berkeley as anti-free speech. He emphasized that the city does its utmost to protect freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

Yeah, his peaceful assembly policies worked so well when 15 businesses were vandalized, police barricades were torn down and a vehicle and trash was burning in the streets.

And you have no evidence that student protesters vandalized the property, do you? Take a walk down College Ave, and then Telegraph Ave, and you will see a totally different demographic.

And you have no proof otherwise because the police sat on their hands and didn't arrest anyone.

Which is exactly the far left wants, they want the police to be ineffective so they can riot at will with no consequences.
The importance of contrasting ideology with prudence.
May 9, 2017

Mitchell Langbert


Recently, conservative author Ann Coulter canceled a speech at UC Berkeley because of Berkeley’s ham-handed response to radical students' threats. In February, Berkeley had been the scene of violent riots that prevented a Breitbart News editor, Milo Yiannopoulos, from speaking. Berkeley is the nation’s leading public university, according to US News, and ironically, it was the birthplace of the free-speech movement of the 1960s.

Berkeley professor and former secretary of labor Robert Reich has concocted a conspiracy theory that avers that Yiannopoulos himself was responsible for the riots. However, Reich needs to explain how the supposed conspiracy has traveled back and forth between Berkeley, California and Middlebury, Vermont, where in early March rioting students physically injured Professor Allison Stanger, who was accompanying IQ expert Charles Murray to his car after demonstrators prevented him from speaking.

Fox News has reported that in anticipation of further riots, police from 40 schools have taken part in special response training.


The recent violence and intolerance on campus follows decades of ideological proselytizing in history, the humanities, and the social sciences. The recent violence reflects a fundamental breakdown in the purpose and function of higher education, and the best efforts of a few reformers may not be enough.

Can College Students Learn to Disagree?
I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

Are you sure? They may not represent the democrats as they once were (I used to be a democrat long ago), but more and more, they seem to represent what the democratic party is moving towards, inciting and invoking. Radicalism, fanaticism and extremism, with a bent towards violence and hatred. Even Obama and Holder surreptitiously incited violence and activism that fueled the animosity towards the police and fueled the flames that destroyed Baltimore, etc.
The violent ones in Berkeley aren't even students. Middlebury ones are just silly, not violent. Why do colleges keep inviting fake news freaks who are only looking to start trouble? OTOH, arrest any violent protesters and perhaps trespassers who aren't students.
The violent ones in Berkeley aren't even students. Middlebury ones are just silly, not violent. Why do colleges keep inviting fake news freaks who are only looking to start trouble? OTOH, arrest any violent protesters and perhaps trespassers who aren't students.
They work for the leftist beast soros...
The violent ones in Berkeley aren't even students. Middlebury ones are just silly, not violent. Why do colleges keep inviting fake news freaks who are only looking to start trouble? OTOH, arrest any violent protesters and perhaps trespassers who aren't students.
They work for the leftist beast soros...
Only in HaterDupeWorld....and no he's not a Nazi either...

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