Berkley Mayor threatens action against Coulter

The mayor is not going to be arrested.

The state will step in if necessary to crack heads right or left who threaten others.

The regressive antifas from the left and the right needs their heads cracked. No more brawling.
The mayor is not going to be arrested.

The state will step in if necessary to crack heads right or left who threaten others.

The regressive antifas from the left and the right needs their heads cracked. No more brawling.

They'll probably never get the brawlers.

The enablers are going to have hell to pay.
The Authoritarian Regressives are now outed. Good, finally.
Yep, I give it til the end of next week before DOJ investigates.
Who knows how this stuff happens, but Coulter's case may end up being the straw that broke the camel's back.

The Regressives are out in the open now, they've identified themselves even in contrast to Sanders and Obama and other liberals.

The Authoritarian Regressives are now outed. Good, finally.
Yep, I give it til the end of next week before DOJ investigates.
Who knows how this stuff happens, but Coulter's case may end up being the straw that broke the camel's back.

The Regressives are out in the open now, they've identified themselves even in contrast to Sanders and Obama and other liberals. :popcorn:
Yes, the regressive antifas of the Alt Right will be identified and punished. Thank you for admitting that.
The Authoritarian Regressives are now outed. Good, finally.
Yep, I give it til the end of next week before DOJ investigates.
Who knows how this stuff happens, but Coulter's case may end up being the straw that broke the camel's back.

The Regressives are out in the open now, they've identified themselves even in contrast to Sanders and Obama and other liberals. :popcorn:
Yes, the regressive antifas of the Alt Right will be identified and punished. Thank you for admitting that.
Jake's standard, inept "I know you are, but what am I?" approach, so effective on junior high school playgrounds.

Even though I didn't mention his name. I didn't have to.

You're out, Jake. Man up and admit it.

Just kidding, I know you won't.
Mac1958 has denied his regressive Neo-Fascist alt right positions steadily, but he continually proves that he is exactly that in all of his postings.

It is what it is. Now Man Up Mac and admit your lies. You stuck that stick up your ass and broke it off.
"It's completely unacceptable," he said. "We absolutely oppose the use of violence in any way. And I think both sides are responsible." - Mayor of Berkeley -

Hmm, sounds quite reasonable to anyone sane.
And he is mayor why??
The Authoritarian Regressives are now outed. Good, finally.
Yep, I give it til the end of next week before DOJ investigates.
Who knows how this stuff happens, but Coulter's case may end up being the straw that broke the camel's back.

The Regressives are out in the open now, they've identified themselves even in contrast to Sanders and Obama and other liberals. :popcorn:
Yes, the regressive antifas of the Alt Right will be identified and punished. Thank you for admitting that.

This is getting so stale and mouldy, it's not even worth a funny anymore. When you go after the "alt-right" -- which of their Congress people are you gonna target first? And which Cable News Anchors are responsible for encouraging them? We NEED NAMES Jake McCarthy -- We need names.

OTH -- I can probably answer those questions for you on the Anti - Antifa folks. Because CLEARLY they have gotten tacit support from both Media and politicians alike....

I'm sure that "alt-right" Congressional Caucus will be easy to find. And CERTAINLY Fox is harboring a shitload of "alt-right" fascists -- right???
Calm down. Cut down to two lines. When the Neo-fascist Alt Right antifas get violent, they will be identified and punished.
Calm down. Cut down to two lines. When the Neo-fascist Alt Right antifas get violent, they will be identified and punished.

In Jakey World.

Calm down. Cut down to two lines. When the Neo-fascist Alt Right antifas get violent, they will be identified and punished.

Yeah -- I'm sure Milo is gonna be taking baseball bats to folks anytime now.. :badgrin:

Just this morning you got these malignant fascists in Portland threatening to drag Republicans out of the MayDay parade. The "alt-right" is WAAAAY behind these folks. I suggest you get some perspective on what you helped to create.. MAYBE -- move to Berkeley -- get a gigue on Commie Radio KPFA (my favorite commie station in the Bay Area) and JOIN the FIGHT against the "alt-right"....
Calm down. Cut down to two lines. When the Neo-fascist Alt Right antifas get violent, they will be identified and punished.

You just have to observe who it is in a dispute between protesters who is punching women. Conservative men have a strange penchant for punching women because they know men fight back. Or they throw sucker punches. It's never a face to face encounter, they are always looking for a way to cheat.
Calm down. Cut down to two lines. When the Neo-fascist Alt Right antifas get violent, they will be identified and punished.

You just have to observe who it is in a dispute between protesters who is punching women. Conservative men have a strange penchant for punching women because they know men fight back. Or they throw sucker punches. It's never a face to face encounter, they are always looking for a way to cheat.
It's hard to tell liberal men from women.
Calm down. Cut down to two lines. When the Neo-fascist Alt Right antifas get violent, they will be identified and punished.

You just have to observe who it is in a dispute between protesters who is punching women. Conservative men have a strange penchant for punching women because they know men fight back. Or they throw sucker punches. It's never a face to face encounter, they are always looking for a way to cheat.
It's hard to tell liberal men from women.

Doesn't matter, cons like to hit women. Coulter's Cowards. I guess they got their asses kicked so bad in the Civil War they've given up on fighting 'librul' men.
Coulter's alt right neo-fascists love to hit women and run away from real men.
Calm down. Cut down to two lines. When the Neo-fascist Alt Right antifas get violent, they will be identified and punished.

You just have to observe who it is in a dispute between protesters who is punching women. Conservative men have a strange penchant for punching women because they know men fight back. Or they throw sucker punches. It's never a face to face encounter, they are always looking for a way to cheat.
It's hard to tell liberal men from women.

Doesn't matter, cons like to hit women. Coulter's Cowards. I guess they got their asses kicked so bad in the Civil War they've given up on fighting 'librul' men.
In all fairness, liberal women ARE tougher than liberal men.

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