Berkley Mayor threatens action against Coulter

You live in con-meme-land. You believe anything someone tells you
Berkeley and the Oakland area is a freak show. Have you ever been there? The Mayor and the so called Chief of Police and the campus police would be flipping burgers and selling shoes in a sane world.

Trump would be in an asylum looking out the windows at the pretty birds.
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"It's completely unacceptable," he said. "We absolutely oppose the use of violence in any way. And I think both sides are responsible." - Mayor of Berkeley -

Hmm, sounds quite reasonable to anyone sane.
Liberals are good at that, sounding sane and reasonable but their actions are the complete opposite, insane and unreasonable. You know the Shut down the government and Russia stole the election nonsense as an example.

You live in con-meme-land. You believe anything someone tells you.

The mayor of Berkeley made a calm sane statement and cons are losing their shit over that. Yes tell us how 'reasonable' you believe your self to be. :cuckoo:
Ya except for when the left was attacking Trump supporters or the last Conservative to try and speak at Berkley then the mayor ORDERED his cops to do NOTHING. But of course you retards can't remember that far back it was more then 2 days ago and your pea brains don't hold info long.
You live in con-meme-land. You believe anything someone tells you.

The mayor of Berkeley made a calm sane statement and cons are losing their shit over that. Yes tell us how 'reasonable' you believe your self to be.
I said libs are good at sounding sane, don't prove me wrong with one post.

Or you'll...dazzle everyone with your nonexistent angry meme wit. You'll vomit the same talking points you hear every day on talk radio or Faux News. Your dear leader urged his followers at his rallies to harm people and that he would pay the legal bills and so they did. Coulter's Cowards punched a woman in the face, exposing themselves as pussies for being too scared to punch a man.

Sorry derps, you are standing on quicksand trying to make an argument on how stable dry land is. Dumping the wheelbarrow full of dead rotting con-memes isn't going to help you either. The Berkeley mayor shut down all the whiners by saying both sides need to be peaceful.

But some angries can't accept yes for an answer so they continue whining. Carry on.
Or you'll...dazzle everyone with your nonexistent angry meme wit. You'll vomit the same talking points you hear every day on talk radio or Faux News. Your dear leader urged his followers at his rallies to harm people and that he would pay the legal bills and so they did. Coulter's Cowards punched a woman in the face, exposing themselves as pussies for being too scared to punch a man.

Sorry derps, you are standing on quicksand trying to make an argument on how stable dry land is. Dumping the wheelbarrow full of dead rotting con-memes isn't going to help you either. The Berkeley mayor shut down all the whiners by saying both sides need to be peaceful.

But some angries can't accept yes for an answer so they continue whining. Carry on.
You just don't like to see us fighting back for a change. You libs always think you run the show but you don't we do. You are the minority thought in America thank God. You will lose whether it's at the voting booth or in the streets.
The Regressives are to the left of Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren and even Noam freakin' Chomsky.

Pretty impressive.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN: I want to ask you one last question. And I’m interested in your answer both as a law professor and also as somebody who was at Harvard for a long time.


TAPPER: There's this big issue going on about conservative pundit Ann Coulter and whether or not she has a right to speak at Berkeley. She was incited by the Berkeley Republicans. Former Vermont governor and DNC chair Howard Dean tweeted last week, quote, "Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment." Is that true?

WARREN: You know, look, Ann Coulter has gotten a bigger platform because someone tried to deny her a chance to speak. My view is, let her speak and just don't show up. If you don't like it, don't show up.
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Or you'll...dazzle everyone with your nonexistent angry meme wit. You'll vomit the same talking points you hear every day on talk radio or Faux News. Your dear leader urged his followers at his rallies to harm people and that he would pay the legal bills and so they did. Coulter's Cowards punched a woman in the face, exposing themselves as pussies for being too scared to punch a man. Sorry derps, you are standing on quicksand trying to make an argument on how stable dry land is. Dumping the wheelbarrow full of dead rotting con-memes isn't going to help you either. The Berkeley mayor shut down all the whiners by saying both sides need to be peaceful. But some angries can't accept yes for an answer so they continue whining. Carry on.
I'd love to know your thoughts on Post 70, just above this one.
You live in con-meme-land. You believe anything someone tells you.

The mayor of Berkeley made a calm sane statement and cons are losing their shit over that. Yes tell us how 'reasonable' you believe your self to be.
I said libs are good at sounding sane, don't prove me wrong with one post.
"Progressives", not liberals.

These people are not liberal.

Liberals passionately believe in, and defend, freedom of speech and expression.
Then you are not a liberal, and provide the links and context for your silly comments.
Or you'll...dazzle everyone with your nonexistent angry meme wit. You'll vomit the same talking points you hear every day on talk radio or Faux News. Your dear leader urged his followers at his rallies to harm people and that he would pay the legal bills and so they did. Coulter's Cowards punched a woman in the face, exposing themselves as pussies for being too scared to punch a man.

Sorry derps, you are standing on quicksand trying to make an argument on how stable dry land is. Dumping the wheelbarrow full of dead rotting con-memes isn't going to help you either. The Berkeley mayor shut down all the whiners by saying both sides need to be peaceful.

But some angries can't accept yes for an answer so they continue whining. Carry on.
You just don't like to see us fighting back for a change. You libs always think you run the show but you don't we do. You are the minority thought in America thank God. You will lose whether it's at the voting booth or in the streets.

Nah it's refreshing to see any conservative get off the couch, put on a pair of pants, and walk out into the fresh air. You pussies usually whine about "all these protesters did was leave trash behind". It's good to see the white trash get out into the streets and want to mix it up, but, be sure to pick up after yourselves. Nothing worse than a bunch of right wing snowflakes trashing the place and leaving their mess behind for someone else to pick up.

There will be plenty of video camers going so smile into the camera as you beat on someone's grandmother.
Nah it's refreshing to see any conservative get off the couch, put on a pair of pants, and walk out into the fresh air. You pussies usually whine about "all these protesters did was leave trash behind". It's good to see the white trash get out into the streets and want to mix it up, but, be sure to pick up after yourselves. Nothing worse than a bunch of right wing snowflakes trashing the place and leaving their mess behind for someone else to pick up.

There will be plenty of video camers going so smile into the camera as you beat on someone's grandmother.

You are one mixed up person. It's government tit suckers that vote democrat and want others to pay their way in life that don't ever get off the couch. And if you had ever been to a Trump rally you would also know how wrong you are about trash left behind. Trump supporters don't trash our nation. Leftest America haters like you do and it's a sad thing.

Government tit suckers want;
Feed me
Educate me
Medicate me
Shelter me
Protect me
and do it for free.
Obamaisim is dead forever get use to it his Globalization dream is dead get use to it.
Nah it's refreshing to see any conservative get off the couch, put on a pair of pants, and walk out into the fresh air. You pussies usually whine about "all these protesters did was leave trash behind". It's good to see the white trash get out into the streets and want to mix it up, but, be sure to pick up after yourselves. Nothing worse than a bunch of right wing snowflakes trashing the place and leaving their mess behind for someone else to pick up.

There will be plenty of video camers going so smile into the camera as you beat on someone's grandmother.

You are one mixed up person. It's government tit suckers that vote democrat and want others to pay their way in life that don't ever get off the couch. And if you had ever been to a Trump rally you would also know how wrong you are about trash left behind. Trump supporters don't trash our nation. Leftest America haters like you do and it's a sad thing.

Government tit suckers want;
Feed me
Educate me
Medicate me
Shelter me
Protect me
and do it for free.

Nah you just believe in fake memes that talk radio tells you over and over.

Red states are by far the biggest takers of welfare. Blue states are the ones that fund the federal government. The majority of the GDP comes from the Blue states. This fact is one that REALLY sticks in the craw of conservatives but the facts are easy to find. Well for anyone interested in facts anyway. Conservative snowflakes spend 24/7 calling in to talk radio shows to whine about how miserable life is and how it's all someone else's fault.
Antifa = Brynmr, Henry, Mac1958 and the others. You all hate the First Amendment.

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