Bernie Sanders - Free College Tuition

So long as government backed student loans remains a Democratic party cash cow little will change...for the better. How does it feel knowing the Democrats have thrown young people under the bus, enslaving them to student loan debt?
In a broader economic context, however, this makes perfect sense and represents an excellent investment. Advanced education is an absolute necessity to economic growth, and all U.S. industries gain a direct benefit from an educated workforce. Logically, the beneficiaries (industries and the American economy in general) should invest in an educated workforce. Business is the main beneficiary; why should labor pay for something that immediately becomes an intangible asset to businesses?

all U.S. industries gain a direct benefit from an educated workforce.

And our public schools are failing to provide that.

why should labor pay for something that immediately becomes an intangible asset to businesses?

Because it can walk out the door and not come back?
Public education is a separate issue entirely; I would note, however, that the right wing solution of reducing education funding doesn't seem to work, does it?

And if "businesses walk out the door and don't come back," rest assured others will come and fill the void. Business owners and entrepreneurs are not actually a rare commodity.

Does the left wing solution of dumping money into education work? I'd say yes, we have to fund it. But the notion of just wildly throwing money at it doesn't work either. That's how we end up with kids borrowing six figures for degrees that maybe pay $30k out of the gate.
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.

Thing is, nothing is free as you rightly point out. It's not the role of the Federal Government to provide a college education to everyone.
In a broader economic context, however, this makes perfect sense and represents an excellent investment. Advanced education is an absolute necessity to economic growth, and all U.S. industries gain a direct benefit from an educated workforce. Logically, the beneficiaries (industries and the American economy in general) should invest in an educated workforce. Business is the main beneficiary; why should labor pay for something that immediately becomes an intangible asset to businesses?

all U.S. industries gain a direct benefit from an educated workforce.

And our public schools are failing to provide that.

why should labor pay for something that immediately becomes an intangible asset to businesses?

Because it can walk out the door and not come back?
Public education is a separate issue entirely; I would note, however, that the right wing solution of reducing education funding doesn't seem to work, does it?

And if "businesses walk out the door and don't come back," rest assured others will come and fill the void. Business owners and entrepreneurs are not actually a rare commodity.

Does the left wing solution of dumping money into education work? I'd say yes, we have to fund it. But the notion of just wildly throwing money at it doesn't work either. That's how we end up with kids borrowing six figures for degrees that maybe pay $30k out of the gate.

If they would be more selective in which degrees they "throw money at" maybe it could be justified, but the current model of allowing loans or paying for any degree, regardless of real world validity, is crazy.
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free

That is excellent! Getting all these teachers and colleges to volunteer to educate these students for no charge. They should publish a list of the names of all these upstanding people.

Oh, wait, he didn't mean free, he meant taxpayers would pay?

Fuck you Commie Bernie. Asshole.

The last few large corporations I worked for who were the R&D people (the engineers)? They were always foreigners from Asia. If you haven't looked around the US is floundering in math, science and education as a whole. Our children are becoming slaves to their college debt. It's a travesty that a kid starts out in the world with a mountain of debt that is the equivalent of a 1st mortgage.

Something needs to change!

Yep, remove government funding for colleges and student loans and the cost of an education would drop like a rock. When government supplies endless supplies of money to anything the cost naturally go up because there is no consumer pressures to hold costs down. Limit student loans to $25,000 lifetime and see what happens to tuition costs.

Maybe, maybe not. College was always expensive, but affordable to the middle class. College is not impossibly expensive and unaffordable to the middle class.
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free

That is excellent! Getting all these teachers and colleges to volunteer to educate these students for no charge. They should publish a list of the names of all these upstanding people.

Oh, wait, he didn't mean free, he meant taxpayers would pay?

Fuck you Commie Bernie. Asshole.

The last few large corporations I worked for who were the R&D people (the engineers)? They were always foreigners from Asia. If you haven't looked around the US is floundering in math, science and education as a whole. Our children are becoming slaves to their college debt. It's a travesty that a kid starts out in the world with a mountain of debt that is the equivalent of a 1st mortgage.

Something needs to change!

Yep, remove government funding for colleges and student loans and the cost of an education would drop like a rock. When government supplies endless supplies of money to anything the cost naturally go up because there is no consumer pressures to hold costs down. Limit student loans to $25,000 lifetime and see what happens to tuition costs.

Maybe, maybe not. College was always expensive, but affordable to the middle class. College is not impossibly expensive and unaffordable to the middle class.

Many poor have worked their way through college without loans and don't expect me to shed a tear for someone going to an Ivy League school and finishes with a butt load of debt.

Even our fine millionaire first bitch complained about her Ivy League college debt, maybe she should have thought more about cost than prestige.
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free

That is excellent! Getting all these teachers and colleges to volunteer to educate these students for no charge. They should publish a list of the names of all these upstanding people.

Oh, wait, he didn't mean free, he meant taxpayers would pay?

Fuck you Commie Bernie. Asshole.

The last few large corporations I worked for who were the R&D people (the engineers)? They were always foreigners from Asia. If you haven't looked around the US is floundering in math, science and education as a whole. Our children are becoming slaves to their college debt. It's a travesty that a kid starts out in the world with a mountain of debt that is the equivalent of a 1st mortgage.

Something needs to change!

Yep, remove government funding for colleges and student loans and the cost of an education would drop like a rock. When government supplies endless supplies of money to anything the cost naturally go up because there is no consumer pressures to hold costs down. Limit student loans to $25,000 lifetime and see what happens to tuition costs.

Maybe, maybe not. College was always expensive, but affordable to the middle class. College is not impossibly expensive and unaffordable to the middle class.

Many poor have worked their way through college without loans and don't expect me to shed a tear for someone going to an Ivy League school and finishes with a butt load of debt.

Even our fine millionaire first bitch complained about her Ivy League college debt, maybe she should have thought more about cost than prestige.
It's not just Ivy League Schools. It little schools down the road. Heck even culinary and beauty school has become very expensive.

Poor people in the past might has done this, but not today, no F'ing way! Without scholarships that is.
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.

1. There is no free lunch.

2. Free college tuition is not free.

3. Since it isn't really free, to endorse "free college tuition" is to endorse a dishonest hack bit of fluff.

4. Since it isn't really free, the question becomes, "who pays?"

5. Why is this obviously socialist premised redistribution of wealth not just called what it actually is?

6. Haven't we been down this mindless utopian paradise rhetorical road before?
Education systems are overreacted. Improving families and ultimately the kids from those families will ripple through education and that will take care of itself.
Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free

That is excellent! Getting all these teachers and colleges to volunteer to educate these students for no charge. They should publish a list of the names of all these upstanding people.

Oh, wait, he didn't mean free, he meant taxpayers would pay?

Fuck you Commie Bernie. Asshole.

The last few large corporations I worked for who were the R&D people (the engineers)? They were always foreigners from Asia. If you haven't looked around the US is floundering in math, science and education as a whole. Our children are becoming slaves to their college debt. It's a travesty that a kid starts out in the world with a mountain of debt that is the equivalent of a 1st mortgage.

Something needs to change!

Yep, remove government funding for colleges and student loans and the cost of an education would drop like a rock. When government supplies endless supplies of money to anything the cost naturally go up because there is no consumer pressures to hold costs down. Limit student loans to $25,000 lifetime and see what happens to tuition costs.

Maybe, maybe not. College was always expensive, but affordable to the middle class. College is not impossibly expensive and unaffordable to the middle class.

Many poor have worked their way through college without loans and don't expect me to shed a tear for someone going to an Ivy League school and finishes with a butt load of debt.

Even our fine millionaire first bitch complained about her Ivy League college debt, maybe she should have thought more about cost than prestige.
It's not just Ivy League Schools. It little schools down the road. Heck even culinary and beauty school has become very expensive.

Poor people in the past might has done this, but not today, no F'ing way! Without scholarships that is.

Just proves my point about federal money in education, if money is available the schools will find a way to get it.
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.
How about free mortgages for all Americans making under 50,000 yr while we are at it.
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.
How about free mortgages for all Americans making under 50,000 yr while we are at it.

If you like that house, you can take that house.

It comes with a refrigerator stocked with free cheese.

It has no land line, but you get an ObamaPhone, also FREE!
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.
How about free mortgages for all Americans making under 50,000 yr while we are at it.

If you like that house, you can take that house.

It comes with a refrigerator stocked with free cheese.

It has no land line, but you get an ObamaPhone, also FREE!
how about the free prostitutes?
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.
How about free mortgages for all Americans making under 50,000 yr while we are at it.

If you like that house, you can take that house.

It comes with a refrigerator stocked with free cheese.

It has no land line, but you get an ObamaPhone, also FREE!
how about the free prostitutes?

You surely don't think a ho should have to "work" without a right to earn a living?

Reminds me of an ironic sign, "FREE SLAVES!"
Nothing in life is free but to expect a pin head like this nutcase to understand that is just not worth the time.
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.

I say remove the middle man.

Just make rent, food, and travel free and be done with it.
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.

I say remove the middle man.

Just make rent, food, and travel free and be done with it.

If we get everything for free, we don't need a job. And if we aren't going to work, we prob'ly don't really "need" college. So we can cut out free college.

Everybody will simply get everything they want for free by the use of other people's money.

Of course, those other people won't be working either (for a number of reasons).

But no problem.

We can always just "print" more of it. Free money for everyone (not that money will be needed once everything is free, of course).
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.
How about free mortgages for all Americans making under 50,000 yr while we are at it.

If you like that house, you can take that house.

It comes with a refrigerator stocked with free cheese.

It has no land line, but you get an ObamaPhone, also FREE!
how about the free prostitutes?

You would have to make Bill Clinton the First Lady in order to get one..
Now I can't stand Colonel Sanders, but I think he is 100% correct on this. College tuition has become unaffordable and it saddling students will $100K+ in student loan debt before they even get the college.

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free USA TODAY College

I hear the argument that look what public schools have done to K-12. That argument doesn't jive. First, do a search of just IL. The top schools are private schools, they are a mix of Magnet/College Prep/Charter/Regular Public, but are all tax payer covered public schools. The issue is really the inner city schools and I honestly think that has a lot to do with the students and families. Second, do the research there are a TON of horrible private colleges.

Yes it will probably cost $100 Billion, but education is something WE SHOULD spend on. I would put add some changes to this bills:
(1) End Tenure - All Professors are now at-will. This goes for K-12.
(2) No more collective defined payment pensions - All teachers contribute to SS and they get individual 401K style pensions with an employer match. Imposed on states also/
(3) Health Insurance employer contribution similar to the private sector. Imposed on states also
(4) School Choice at Fed and State level.

Then they should put in areas they should cut from. There are $100s of billions of dollars (aka useless agencies) that can be cut from the budget to cover this.

So now the government wants the US Postal Service to run Caltech?

When will these people stop being stupid?


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