Bernie Sanders says Harris is LYING about her agenda.

If anyone who cares about border security and the energy independence fracking brings believes Harris is going to support these, they are misguided.
Plus { check me on this point } I could easily make a case
that Kim Jong Un has more respect for the Office of the
Presidency in the U.S. than either beach rat Joe or Kamala
the Harris.My explanation.Kim Jong Un invited Trump to
pay him a visit in his Backyard { highly guarded Palace known
as Ryongsong Residence } where Trump walked all by his
lonesome up to greet smiling Kim Jong.
Imagine either Kamala the Harris or Tampon Tim or
Joe Blow Biden greeting Trump with such respect.
Not in yer life.That is how deteriorated the Office of the
Presidency has fallen.And under Harris will get far worse.
Like she did in San Fransico then California in general.

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