Bernie Sanders - screw democracy. I'm more popular. I should be the Democratic Nominee!

Bernie Sanders, an independent, not a Democrat, has done really well in states that have open voting. Again and again, other Independents have put him over the top.

But in states where the contest is open only to Democrats, he not only tends to lose, but lose big. He goes on about WV, where the voters were 98% white. Notice, not a word about Nebraska. Mrs. Clinton carried Nebraska.

And now, even though he is behind by millions of votes and hundreds of regular delegates, he feels he is more popular, so he should be the parties nominee. Forget what the voters think.

What that really is, is a glimpse into his brand of socialism.

Republicans practice voter suppression. That can no longer be denied. Even the leadership admits it. But Bernie feels he should decide. That the voters don't even count.

So, because he's behind right now, he MUST drop out of the race. Is that democracy?
yeah rdean? DESPITE the fact that its close AND he won the last couple of states.

Stop fluffing the crony Establ- types kid :talktothehand:
So, because he's behind right now, he MUST drop out of the race. Is that democracy?
Personally I think he should just continue to waste tremendous amounts of time and money pursuing a nomination that he's never going to get, after all the ultimate objective of our cesspool of a political process is to maximize the waste, fraud and abuse of other peoples resources.

Keep chasing that dream Comrade Bernie!
He definitely should keep dogging Hillary, and make a huge stink at the convention. He should also insist that his supporters not vote for Hillary as a protest against the rigged nomination process.
Okay, I know this is probably a stupid question, but why aren't unaffiliated voters ("Independents") allowed to vote in the primaries in every state, both parties? We live here and we vote here. It skews the results of the primaries and makes everyone spend months guessing how the Independents will vote in the election. In our state, Independents are a big hunk of voters who will vote either Dem or Repub--or this year, maybe stay home. I hate it that we don't have a voice in the choices.
Okay, I know this is probably a stupid question, but why aren't unaffiliated voters ("Independents") allowed to vote in the primaries in every state, both parties? We live here and we vote here. It skews the results of the primaries and makes everyone spend months guessing how the Independents will vote in the election. In our state, Independents are a big hunk of voters who will vote either Dem or Repub--or this year, maybe stay home. I hate it that we don't have a voice in the choices.
If you aren't registered in a party, you don't get to vote for the primaries in some states. Some of them don't want independents fuckin everything up.
If you don't like it, don't vote for the duopoly. That's my advice anyways.
^^^ That comment is a hot mess...are you smoking something?
Public education has them all dumbed down.
Bernie Sanders, an independent, not a Democrat, has done really well in states that have open voting. Again and again, other Independents have put him over the top.

But in states where the contest is open only to Democrats, he not only tends to lose, but lose big. He goes on about WV, where the voters were 98% white. Notice, not a word about Nebraska. Mrs. Clinton carried Nebraska.

And now, even though he is behind by millions of votes and hundreds of regular delegates, he feels he is more popular, so he should be the parties nominee. Forget what the voters think.

What that really is, is a glimpse into his brand of socialism.

Republicans practice voter suppression. That can no longer be denied. Even the leadership admits it. But Bernie feels he should decide. That the voters don't even count.

So, because he's behind right now, he MUST drop out of the race. Is that democracy?
yeah rdean? DESPITE the fact that its close AND he won the last couple of states.

Stop fluffing the crony Establ- types kid :talktothehand:
He's hundreds of delegates behind not counting super delegates and two and a half million votes behind. And it's Independents, NOT Democrats who are skewing the elections. It's not that close. And he didn't win Nebraska and that was the last state.
Okay, I know this is probably a stupid question, but why aren't unaffiliated voters ("Independents") allowed to vote in the primaries in every state, both parties? We live here and we vote here. It skews the results of the primaries and makes everyone spend months guessing how the Independents will vote in the election. In our state, Independents are a big hunk of voters who will vote either Dem or Repub--or this year, maybe stay home. I hate it that we don't have a voice in the choices.
If you aren't registered in a party, you don't get to vote for the primaries in some states. Some of them don't want independents fuckin everything up.
If you don't like it, don't vote for the duopoly. That's my advice anyways.
Us Independents ARE going to fuck everything up in November. And some of us know better than to vote for Johnson or the Green Party because it is a thrown away vote. I wish it weren't that way, but it is.
Bernie Sanders, an independent, not a Democrat, has done really well in states that have open voting. Again and again, other Independents have put him over the top.

But in states where the contest is open only to Democrats, he not only tends to lose, but lose big. He goes on about WV, where the voters were 98% white. Notice, not a word about Nebraska. Mrs. Clinton carried Nebraska.

And now, even though he is behind by millions of votes and hundreds of regular delegates, he feels he is more popular, so he should be the parties nominee. Forget what the voters think.

What that really is, is a glimpse into his brand of socialism.

Republicans practice voter suppression. That can no longer be denied. Even the leadership admits it. But Bernie feels he should decide. That the voters don't even count.

Bernie's issues aren't related to socialism. He's only relatively socialist and real socialists don't think much of him.

He's only got one shot at this and he doesn't understand that he's being used by crossover voting.. He does well in open primary states because lots of republicans are voting for him hoping to derail Hillary.

Bernie has no right to anything. His ,mission was to push Hillary to the Left .. he's done that .. good night Bernie.
Okay, I know this is probably a stupid question, but why aren't unaffiliated voters ("Independents") allowed to vote in the primaries in every state, both parties? We live here and we vote here. It skews the results of the primaries and makes everyone spend months guessing how the Independents will vote in the election. In our state, Independents are a big hunk of voters who will vote either Dem or Repub--or this year, maybe stay home. I hate it that we don't have a voice in the choices.
If you aren't registered in a party, you don't get to vote for the primaries in some states. Some of them don't want independents fuckin everything up.
If you don't like it, don't vote for the duopoly. That's my advice anyways.
Us Independents ARE going to fuck everything up in November. And some of us know better than to vote for Johnson or the Green Party because it is a thrown away vote. I wish it weren't that way, but it is.
The general election isn't the primary..
So an independent believes in "throw away votes"? LOL Tell me more!
Okay, I know this is probably a stupid question, but why aren't unaffiliated voters ("Independents") allowed to vote in the primaries in every state, both parties? We live here and we vote here. It skews the results of the primaries and makes everyone spend months guessing how the Independents will vote in the election. In our state, Independents are a big hunk of voters who will vote either Dem or Repub--or this year, maybe stay home. I hate it that we don't have a voice in the choices.
If you aren't registered in a party, you don't get to vote for the primaries in some states. Some of them don't want independents fuckin everything up.
If you don't like it, don't vote for the duopoly. That's my advice anyways.
Us Independents ARE going to fuck everything up in November. And some of us know better than to vote for Johnson or the Green Party because it is a thrown away vote. I wish it weren't that way, but it is.
If you are afraid to throw your vote away then how are going to fuck things voting for the duopoly, give me a break.
Okay, I know this is probably a stupid question, but why aren't unaffiliated voters ("Independents") allowed to vote in the primaries in every state, both parties? We live here and we vote here. It skews the results of the primaries and makes everyone spend months guessing how the Independents will vote in the election. In our state, Independents are a big hunk of voters who will vote either Dem or Repub--or this year, maybe stay home. I hate it that we don't have a voice in the choices.
If you aren't registered in a party, you don't get to vote for the primaries in some states. Some of them don't want independents fuckin everything up.
If you don't like it, don't vote for the duopoly. That's my advice anyways.
Us Independents ARE going to fuck everything up in November. And some of us know better than to vote for Johnson or the Green Party because it is a thrown away vote. I wish it weren't that way, but it is.

Many Independents will vote our conscience, not to "fuck things up."

Too many "Independents" are just mad at their own party, but hardly independent from it.
Bernie Sanders, an independent, not a Democrat, has done really well in states that have open voting. Again and again, other Independents have put him over the top.

But in states where the contest is open only to Democrats, he not only tends to lose, but lose big. He goes on about WV, where the voters were 98% white. Notice, not a word about Nebraska. Mrs. Clinton carried Nebraska.

And now, even though he is behind by millions of votes and hundreds of regular delegates, he feels he is more popular, so he should be the parties nominee. Forget what the voters think.

What that really is, is a glimpse into his brand of socialism.

Republicans practice voter suppression. That can no longer be denied. Even the leadership admits it. But Bernie feels he should decide. That the voters don't even count.
goddamn, you were doing good there, but then your derangement hit you like a hammer and you had to add the gop.


well bern should be the nom, you morons clearly want socialism and want to kill the Republic, so get it the fuck over with.

the irony of a person that voted for and supports obama being upset with socialist tyranny :lmao:
Bernie is arguing to be the nominee!

Its called politics, arguing for votes.

Apparently, the Bern is annoying Hillary supporters...
bombastic bernie is deluded and caught up in the moment... ooh the power!!

ms hillary has received MILLIONS more individual votes and will soon reach the delegate threshold required to clinch.

naturally, rethuglicans would like to assist the bern and spread the word how the system is "rigged" and hillary is "crooked".

desperate candidates employ desperate and dishonest tactics, and bernie is just another practiced politician.

When Bernie Attacks
of course trump supporters wish they didn't have to face hillary...

keep dreaming! :lol:
Bernie is arguing to be the nominee!

Its called politics, arguing for votes.

Apparently, the Bern is annoying Hillary supporters...

Oh really? What path does Bernie take to the nomination?

Closed primaries are hurting Bernie Sanders. But they're not why he's losing.
Closed primaries are hurting Bernie Sanders. But they're not why he's losing.

Sanders' Nonsensical Path Forward
Bernie Sanders' superdelegate strategy doesn't actually make any sense
Sanders' Nonsensical Path Forward

Sanders supporters are creeping towards Ron Paulism.
of course trump supporters wish they didn't have to face hillary...

keep dreaming! :lol:
No, I genuinely like Bernie. I think he is economically retarded, but that is common with socialists. His heart is there and he genuinely cares about Americans. Which, is something clinton lacks.
I also would like to see the duopoly lose for once!

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