Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

LOL!!! See what I mean?

Tell me something sparky....if we "invaded Iraq for oil", where is all of the oil? Why did we hand the country over to the people of Iraq with all of that oil available to us? And why didn't we plant the American flag and put all of them under the laws of America?
He literally gets all of his "information" from Hollywood movies... :lmao:

From what I have seen, I think the Comedy Channel is also a great source of Progressives.

You are the one who is getting confused. This is all pretty straight forward. you don't like regulations and think the world would be better without them. All I'm saying, is without the EPA and similar legislation you cannot rely on big business to do the right thing. My Erin Brockovich rant is just but one example. There are literally thousands of others. Now, if big business could be relied on to do the right thing for both the environment and the people, you are right, the EPA et al would not be necessary.

No one said we should not have any regulations. That's the only way Progressives can pose an argument. All or nothing. It is impossible for Progressives to acknowledge when regulations have gone too far and when their cost exceeds their benefit.
Ok genius, then answer the question... What happens to you and your house if you don't pay taxes?

Depends on the state. In Florida, a tax certificate is sold at the annual auction. Citizens, major investors, retirement funds bid on the interest rate they are willing to take on the taxes they pay. Bidding starts at 18 percent and goes down from there. Lowest bid pays the taxes on the property and then the owner of the certificate is repaid the taxes, plus the rate of interest they bid from the property owner. Eventually, if the taxes are not paid for several years, one of the certificate owners can petition the tax collector to put the property up for auction. The proceeds of the auction first go to pay the delinquent taxes, then the liens on the property and anything left over goes to the owner. Property goes to the auction winner.
There's no comparison, and only a bootlicking douche bag would claim there was. The federal government doesn't own my house, my street, my town or my state. The federal government doesn't even have authority to own property other than what's strictly needed to perform its functions.

You pump out the most unbelievable horseshit into this forum and then expect other forum members to treat it like it's some kind of received wisdom that they are obligated to treat with respect. It's shit, caca, manure, horse squeeze.
Ok genius, then answer the question... What happens to you and your house if you don't pay taxes?

The same thing as when somebody sues you and you don't pay such as running up an outstanding balance with a creditor like a hospital or nursing home.[/QUOTE]

Nowhere close to the same thing. Entirely different process.
You don't seem to understand the capacity of private business to do harm or the role of government to mitigate it.

Actually, you don't seem to understand that it is the exact opposite. The U.S.S.R. under Joseph Stalin was responsible for the death of over 60 million people. Cambodia exterminated over 25% of its entire population under Pol Pot. Leopold II of Belgium killed over 30 million. Mao Ze Dung of China killed roughly 70 million. And none of that even remotely begins to cover the nightmares of oppression, torture, rape, etc.

Show me any corporation that has even been responsible for 1,000 deaths. It's insane beyond words to pretend like a corporation - completely powerless and in fact desperate to serve you in exchange for your business is even remotely capable of doing 1/1,000,000,000 of the harm that governments - wielding unlimited power - do.
I take it you've never heard of Union Carbide or Bhopal. Or of the tactics of Monsanto or Nestle. Such kind, compassionate entities...

When did the disaster in Bhopal happen again?

What has Monsanto or Nestle done?
They are not necessary now; no bureaucracy is.

Think those Congress people are working so hard around the clock year round? The only people that spend less time away from work are school teachers.

The concept of a country like ours is to have redress in the event government oversteps their boundaries. You can't do that with bureaucracies because they are unelected law makers. And when they make decisions, it doesn't mean they are the correct ones.

When we have new laws, they are to be decided on and made by Congress, not nameless faceless people.

Of course they are necessary. Sure in a perfect world they would not be because everybody would obey laws as they stand. They don't. So while you're trying to establish your Utopia, the rest of us deal in the real world. There is no such think as unelected law makers. All lawmakers - whether it be your federal congress critter/senator, state senator, judge or local council person are the only people that can make/change/repel laws and they are elected by the people.

Once a law is passed and signed into law, then the REGULATORS write the rules that will implement that law. As with everything else, the devil is in the details.

Oh please. Buffett has been fighting the IRS for years trying to keep them from taking his money, and Gates didn't give one red cent to anybody until Bill Clinton made up some phony monopoly charge on him and fined him a million dollars a day until Gates said "Uncle."

And unless you have some evidence, you don't know what any rich person gives to anybody in this country. As for turning into a shithole, there are people crossing deserves to get in this shithole, there are people coming here on rafts trying to get into this shithole, there are dozens of people stuffed into tractor-trailers in the extreme heat trying to get into this shithole, there were even some that hid in the compartment of airplane landing gear to get here.

Yeah, Gates is such an arsehole he's leaving most of his billions to charity. What a douchbag. I said 'turning' into a shithole. And the way cons on this board have been bitching about Obama for the past eight years you're almost there.

Our country is far from a shithole and Republicans plan on keeping it that way. The people that are trying to turn it into a shithole are the Democrats with their open border ideas and nearly ushering terrorists right into the country like Europe.

Let's stay rational and agree that both Parties are doing far from a fine job.

Perhaps, but at least our side is sending a message to the party.
We can look closer than that. New Jersey--the State tax rate was through the roof, so rich people just picked up, took their money with them and moved to lower taxed states or states that have no state income taxes at all. Now that's what you call wealth redistribution.
This Hedge Fund Billionaire Just Bulldozed New Jersey's Tax Base

Sanders continually campaigns on taxing corporations. The government has no authority to make them keep jobs here. So they'll just move to other countries, and take their jobs, and money with them.

This nursing home candidate is an economic idiot.

Amusing is it not? Bernie Sanders never mentions specifically WHO pays corporate taxes.
And doing it all legally because our government allows it to happen. That is the real problem, not businesses wanting preferential treatment, it's Congress that is giving it to them.

The Democrats and Republicans are to blame,mother have the power to enact laws yet are in the back pockets of big business.

The problem is Congress, not business.

No, it's not the real problem, although it is a problem. How come companies have to have the govt decide what is morally right and what isn't. Just because tax legislation is what it is doesn't mean individuals and companies can't turn around and go and say "hey instead of upgrading from my 9 bedroom 12,000sq ft house to a 15 bedroom 15,000sq ft house, I might actually pay my fair share of taxes'. Would be too hard to do and they don't need a govt to tell them to do it. They choose to do it because they're greedy bastards.

How much above the very minimum you owe for Federal Income Taxes, how much do you pay extra?
Cutting taxes and reducing regulations doesn't boost employment? Doesn't boost salaries?

Why would it?
Does increased demand boost employment? Which one works better to increase employment?

Will lowered taxes and lowered regs give us 100% employment with everyone making a decent wage? Why?

Again, the losers can only use their all or nothing scenario. Dealing in the real world taxes their brains.
[QUOTE="Dr Grump, post: 14303086, member: 3136

Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth). And I do differentiate between them having their say on how society should be run and trying to influence them keeping hold of their billions. Trump is a classic example. Totally rich ignoramus who doesn't have a clue, but certainly has a right to have his say and run for pres. What he doesn't have the right to do is buy votes. Hillary's the same.[/QUOTE]

What percent of all income taxes paid are paid by the top 20 percent?
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


Ah yes, that old liberal fallacy that we live in a bubble and only have so much money in this country, so when one has to much, that's the reason others have too little.

Did you ever look at your chart and compare that to the government dependency chart? Maybe that will give you a more realistic insight. After all, there are no government dependents in your red, green or purple boxes.

Exactly right!

Progressives live and die believing in a static economy instead of the real world dynamic economy.
And doing it all legally because our government allows it to happen. That is the real problem, not businesses wanting preferential treatment, it's Congress that is giving it to them.

The Democrats and Republicans are to blame,mother have the power to enact laws yet are in the back pockets of big business.

The problem is Congress, not business.

No, it's not the real problem, although it is a problem. How come companies have to have the govt decide what is morally right and what isn't. Just because tax legislation is what it is doesn't mean individuals and companies can't turn around and go and say "hey instead of upgrading from my 9 bedroom 12,000sq ft house to a 15 bedroom 15,000sq ft house, I might actually pay my fair share of taxes'. Would be too hard to do and they don't need a govt to tell them to do it. They choose to do it because they're greedy bastards.

How much above the very minimum you owe for Federal Income Taxes, how much do you pay extra?
It is a good point... Any business that doesn't pay the minimum that they can under our tax code probably needs to fire their accountant. Now if they are hiding money over seas that is a different story... Generally speaking you see there is a problem it is with either the tax code or with the corruption and influence that the big corporations have over our political system.
The REASON for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. This is what happens when you have a candidate like Bernie Sanders. This country is center, it always has been it always will be. It will not ELECT far left or far right candidate, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, adding an additional 29 trillion dollars in Federal Government spending when we're already 19 trillion in RED ink. One that is also on several records, praising one of the most brutal-murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, that REPUBLICANS would use to steam roll and bury the old fart on election night.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

The 714 Democrat Super Delegates are there to prevent another one of these disasters.


Reagan v Mondale 1984

I imagine after Hillary Clinton creams Donald Trump, Republicans are going to think long and hard about adding in some of their own super delegates.

Highly doubtful but sure as shootin' Bernie Sanders has really blown the lid off the Democrat con game.
The REASON for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. This is what happens when you have a candidate like Bernie Sanders. This country is center, it always has been it always will be. It will not ELECT far left or far right candidate, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, adding an additional 29 trillion dollars in Federal Government spending when we're already 19 trillion in RED ink. One that is also on several records, praising one of the most brutal-murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, that REPUBLICANS would use to steam roll and bury the old fart on election night.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

The 714 Democrat Super Delegates are there to prevent another one of these disasters.


Reagan v Mondale 1984

I imagine after Hillary Clinton creams Donald Trump, Republicans are going to think long and hard about adding in some of their own super delegates.

Highly doubtful but sure as shootin' Bernie Sanders has really blown the lid off the Democrat con game.

Well if you want Donald Trump to be the next POTUS, then the "Bern" is your guy to make that happen. But those are the reasons for the 714 Democrat Super Delegates.

Bernie Sanders is the epitome of what a candidate does, that has no real accomplishment or real record to run on. He's been nothing more than a yay-nay & present voter in the senate. I doubt he's ever sponsored or co-sponsored any bill. He comes out of the gate making all kinds of promises--that he knows with absolute certainly has no chance of getting passed into law. He exploits the political ignorance of his supporters for campaign cash and votes.

BREAKING UP THE BIG BANKS: We have 100 Senators, and I'll bet that there's only one that didn't know that the Federal Government & the Federal Reserve banks operate separately and independently of one another. IOW the Federal Government does not have authority to break up the big banks, but that sure didn't stop Sanders from campaigning on it anyway--LOL.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

BAILOUTS: I'll bet that Bernie Sanders never told his supporters that the banking bailouts (tarp 1 & 2) were paid back in full 2 or 3 years ago along with 41 billion in interest. And I am positive he didn't tell his supporters had they not been done, we would have had soup and bread lines 40 miles long in this country, as employers would not have been able to pay their employees.

CARBON TAX BILL: I'll bet Bernie Sanders never explained to anyone that this bill actually passed the house in 2009. It was immediately tabled by Democrat senate majority leader Harry Reid, as they figured out that the ones hurt most by this bill would be the poor and the middle class as utility bills would have skyrocketed. Democrats could have easily passed it, as they had Super Majorities in both houses.

BRADY BILL: Now what moron would vote against background checks on gun purchases 5 times? Your nursing home candidate did. Bernie Sanders. Apparently Sanders has no problems at all with some anyone nut case walking into a gun store loading up on guns and ammo to kill you, but some Wall Street Broker that gets a $1.00 out of your pocket he's all in--LOL

PRAISING FIDEL CASTRO: While Millennials have no clue as to who Fidel Castro was, I can assure you that the largest generation in this nations history remember him well and what he did. Castro is responsible for slaughtering thousands of innocent people, imprisoning thousands more for life, just for speaking out against him. Executing teachers and scientists, burning books, seizing private property & assets, while executing the owners, while thousands more died in homemade rafts trying to make it to the Florida coast. Now imagine what Republicans would have done with that.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

For the first time in 40 years we have two candidates that have refused to release their income tax returns. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. I imagine there's some Wall Street investment income and possibly some NRA donations that Sanders doesn't want his supporters to know about.

You people picked a real LOSER in Bernie Sanders. You didn't find Bernie Sanders, he found YOU.
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money

So instead of threatening or complaining about the 714 Democrat Super Delegates, you should Thank them. They have saved you from a total wipe out on election night.


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Our country is far from a shithole and Republicans plan on keeping it that way. The people that are trying to turn it into a shithole are the Democrats with their open border ideas and nearly ushering terrorists right into the country like Europe.

You're delusional - your country was born from immigration.
Why is anyone entitled to a "livable wage"? To you, how much is a "livable" wage and why is a person entitled to that if they have no value as an employee?

Is our water and air not cleaner than it has been in sixty or seventy years?

I don't care much for McDonalds either although they are nice for a change. MY choice is Whataburger. Their jalapeno double with cheese and a large order of their onion rings instead of fries.


Okay, don't give them a livable wage. Let the govt subsidise them. No skin off my nose.
Why is anyone entitled to a "livable wage"? To you, how much is a "livable" wage and why is a person entitled to that if they have no value as an employee?

Is our water and air not cleaner than it has been in sixty or seventy years?

I don't care much for McDonalds either although they are nice for a change. MY choice is Whataburger. Their jalapeno double with cheese and a large order of their onion rings instead of fries.


Okay, don't give them a livable wage. Let the govt subsidise them. No skin off my nose.

That's why we need to quit subsidizing them.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh
That's why we need to quit subsidizing them.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

Then give them a livable wage. Not talking about those who don't want to work. I'm talking about those on a very low wage who need govt assistance just to get by.

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