Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

Poor widdle pea green with envy Grumpus.

The 50% rate applies to upper middle class families in coastal cities making less than $500K per year (likely much lower than that when one adds up Fed, State, SS & Medicare, Property, Sales, and hidden excise taxes).

Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth). And I do differentiate between them having their say on how society should be run and trying to influence them keeping hold of their billions. Trump is a classic example. Totally rich ignoramus who doesn't have a clue, but certainly has a right to have his say and run for pres. What he doesn't have the right to do is buy votes. Hillary's the same.
Or his definition.

more selfish millionaires heading off shore. Great help to society.

Too much freedom to move, I guess that's his complaint.

They can do what they like, but when your society turns into those like Africa, parts of Asia and Central America (0.1% uber rich, the rest living in poverty - I mean, after all that is their end game - it's about me, me me, mine, mine, mine) don't bitch and moan about what a shit hole your country is becoming. And don't blame the left. For some reason the right think hoarding wealth, and making money from nothing or doing nothing (Wall St brokers anybody) is somehow admirable. Not saying making wealth and being rich is a bad thing. It's how and what you do with your wealth that matters. Gates and Buffett may be super rich but they certainly share the love. Wall st money movers? Not so much.

Oh please. Buffett has been fighting the IRS for years trying to keep them from taking his money, and Gates didn't give one red cent to anybody until Bill Clinton made up some phony monopoly charge on him and fined him a million dollars a day until Gates said "Uncle."

And unless you have some evidence, you don't know what any rich person gives to anybody in this country. As for turning into a shithole, there are people crossing deserves to get in this shithole, there are people coming here on rafts trying to get into this shithole, there are dozens of people stuffed into tractor-trailers in the extreme heat trying to get into this shithole, there were even some that hid in the compartment of airplane landing gear to get here.
We could afford to do everything Sanders wants to do if paranoid right wingers would stop believing the terrorists will take over the United States if we don't spend more on our military than the rest of the world combined. The money is there. War profiteers and crooked politicians have fucked up its distribution.

So all that needs done is for the government to get enough money to give to the right people to shut them the hell up? Quite the plan.
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
Here is my experience with income inequality. I was a union member and official for about 30 years. Within that 30 years we had maybe 12 contracts. In them there was usually, if not always, a COLA raise. Which was a percentage of wages.

I being the lone conservative and Republican at the time. Said it wasn't fair that the raises were always a percent. At least not a uniform percent for all pay rates. If anything might get your ass beat it is saying something like that to Union officials.

Most of them are in the higher rates. So a percent raise gives them MORE, and the wage gap between the lower wage workers and the higher wage workers increases. Nothing I ever said had an effect of them even considering that at least one contract give the lower wage workers a little more.

But I bet Unions are all over the 15 dollar minimum wage and wage inequality. BECAUSE, lots of unions wages are tied to the minimum wage. So give some kid flipping burgers a raise and they too get a raise. The bitchin' about wage inequality is nothing but pure BS.
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?

Obviously, more. (I hope you were not talking about bus fare. :D)
Or his definition.

more selfish millionaires heading off shore. Great help to society.

Too much freedom to move, I guess that's his complaint.

They can do what they like, but when your society turns into those like Africa, parts of Asia and Central America (0.1% uber rich, the rest living in poverty - I mean, after all that is their end game - it's about me, me me, mine, mine, mine) don't bitch and moan about what a shit hole your country is becoming. And don't blame the left. For some reason the right think hoarding wealth, and making money from nothing or doing nothing (Wall St brokers anybody) is somehow admirable. Not saying making wealth and being rich is a bad thing. It's how and what you do with your wealth that matters. Gates and Buffett may be super rich but they certainly share the love. Wall st money movers? Not so much.

Oh please. Buffett has been fighting the IRS for years trying to keep them from taking his money, and Gates didn't give one red cent to anybody until Bill Clinton made up some phony monopoly charge on him and fined him a million dollars a day until Gates said "Uncle."

And unless you have some evidence, you don't know what any rich person gives to anybody in this country. As for turning into a shithole, there are people crossing deserves to get in this shithole, there are people coming here on rafts trying to get into this shithole, there are dozens of people stuffed into tractor-trailers in the extreme heat trying to get into this shithole, there were even some that hid in the compartment of airplane landing gear to get here.
And right wingers want to make conditions so shitty here that they'll 'self deport'.
They don't. Politicians took it upon them selves to decide. Our government was never formed to make "moral" decisions on behalf of anybody.

But this is what happens when you give them that kind of power......too much power. If it were up to liberals, they would tell us what time we were allowed to wake up in the morning, where our thermostat should be set at, what kind of food we will consume for breakfast, and what kind of car we are allowed to drive to work.

Or whether gays can marry or women have abortion...right?

Yes, Republicans have stood up against murdering babies and people ruining tradition in this country since it's birth. You see something wrong with that?

Oh please. Buffett has been fighting the IRS for years trying to keep them from taking his money, and Gates didn't give one red cent to anybody until Bill Clinton made up some phony monopoly charge on him and fined him a million dollars a day until Gates said "Uncle."

And unless you have some evidence, you don't know what any rich person gives to anybody in this country. As for turning into a shithole, there are people crossing deserves to get in this shithole, there are people coming here on rafts trying to get into this shithole, there are dozens of people stuffed into tractor-trailers in the extreme heat trying to get into this shithole, there were even some that hid in the compartment of airplane landing gear to get here.

Yeah, Gates is such an arsehole he's leaving most of his billions to charity. What a douchbag. I said 'turning' into a shithole. And the way cons on this board have been bitching about Obama for the past eight years you're almost there.
Or his definition.

more selfish millionaires heading off shore. Great help to society.

Too much freedom to move, I guess that's his complaint.

They can do what they like, but when your society turns into those like Africa, parts of Asia and Central America (0.1% uber rich, the rest living in poverty - I mean, after all that is their end game - it's about me, me me, mine, mine, mine) don't bitch and moan about what a shit hole your country is becoming. And don't blame the left. For some reason the right think hoarding wealth, and making money from nothing or doing nothing (Wall St brokers anybody) is somehow admirable. Not saying making wealth and being rich is a bad thing. It's how and what you do with your wealth that matters. Gates and Buffett may be super rich but they certainly share the love. Wall st money movers? Not so much.

They can do what they like

You feeling okay?

but when your society turns into those like Africa, parts of Asia and Central America

You mean when too much liberal idiocy turns us into Venezuela?

For some reason the right think hoarding wealth,

Hoarding wealth? LOL!

and making money from nothing or doing nothing

But enough about Bill, Hillary and their crooked foundation.
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.

Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.

Their share of income isn't that much and since we tax income, not wealth, your calculation is too high.
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


Ah yes, that old liberal fallacy that we live in a bubble and only have so much money in this country, so when one has to much, that's the reason others have too little.

Did you ever look at your chart and compare that to the government dependency chart? Maybe that will give you a more realistic insight. After all, there are no government dependents in your red, green or purple boxes.
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.

Their share of income isn't that much and since we tax income, not wealth, your calculation is too high.
That's why income taxation is progressive. Wealth accumulation indicates that basic needs have been met.

Oh please. Buffett has been fighting the IRS for years trying to keep them from taking his money, and Gates didn't give one red cent to anybody until Bill Clinton made up some phony monopoly charge on him and fined him a million dollars a day until Gates said "Uncle."

And unless you have some evidence, you don't know what any rich person gives to anybody in this country. As for turning into a shithole, there are people crossing deserves to get in this shithole, there are people coming here on rafts trying to get into this shithole, there are dozens of people stuffed into tractor-trailers in the extreme heat trying to get into this shithole, there were even some that hid in the compartment of airplane landing gear to get here.

Yeah, Gates is such an arsehole he's leaving most of his billions to charity. What a douchbag. I said 'turning' into a shithole. And the way cons on this board have been bitching about Obama for the past eight years you're almost there.

Our country is far from a shithole and Republicans plan on keeping it that way. The people that are trying to turn it into a shithole are the Democrats with their open border ideas and nearly ushering terrorists right into the country like Europe.
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


Ah yes, that old liberal fallacy that we live in a bubble and only have so much money in this country, so when one has to much, that's the reason others have too little.

Did you ever look at your chart and compare that to the government dependency chart? Maybe that will give you a more realistic insight. After all, there are no government dependents in your red, green or purple boxes.
As someone who has contributed greatly in the form of intellectual property in my corporation, I can tell you that if additional money is generated, it is not spread among the people who are most responsible. I've not needed it but given that the economy becomes more unpredictable and competitive every year, I would like for there to be a safety net that protects everyone who hasn't reached golden parachute status.
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.

Their share of income isn't that much and since we tax income, not wealth, your calculation is too high.
That's why income taxation is progressive. Wealth accumulation indicates that basic needs have been met.

"What is ones fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

Oh please. Buffett has been fighting the IRS for years trying to keep them from taking his money, and Gates didn't give one red cent to anybody until Bill Clinton made up some phony monopoly charge on him and fined him a million dollars a day until Gates said "Uncle."

And unless you have some evidence, you don't know what any rich person gives to anybody in this country. As for turning into a shithole, there are people crossing deserves to get in this shithole, there are people coming here on rafts trying to get into this shithole, there are dozens of people stuffed into tractor-trailers in the extreme heat trying to get into this shithole, there were even some that hid in the compartment of airplane landing gear to get here.

Yeah, Gates is such an arsehole he's leaving most of his billions to charity. What a douchbag. I said 'turning' into a shithole. And the way cons on this board have been bitching about Obama for the past eight years you're almost there.

Our country is far from a shithole and Republicans plan on keeping it that way. The people that are trying to turn it into a shithole are the Democrats with their open border ideas and nearly ushering terrorists right into the country like Europe.

Let's stay rational and agree that both Parties are doing far from a fine job.
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.

Their share of income isn't that much and since we tax income, not wealth, your calculation is too high.
That's why income taxation is progressive. Wealth accumulation indicates that basic needs have been met.

"What is ones fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

What's his opinion on Business Visas replacing American Physicians?
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.

Their share of income isn't that much and since we tax income, not wealth, your calculation is too high.
That's why income taxation is progressive. Wealth accumulation indicates that basic needs have been met.

"What is ones fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell has had a lucrative career as a quisling.

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