Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

Sweet Baby Jesus--would someone take this nursing home candidate back where they found him?

Socialism 101
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill

Bernie Sanders supporters are actually worse than Donald Trump's--at least Trump was winning. Sanders supporters might as well be working for the Trump campaign. The below link is what they did in Nevada, a state that Hillary Clinton WON.


Sweet Baby Jesus--would someone take this nursing home candidate back where they found him?

Socialism 101
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill

Bernie Sanders supporters are actually worse than Donald Trump's--at least Trump was winning. Sanders supporters might as well be working for the Trump campaign. The below link is what they did in Nevada, a state that Hillary Clinton WON.


Wow! I didn't know that Witchcraft is offered at EVERY University!
Can you possibly provide a Link to where useless majors are offered or is this simply more Neo-Conservative bullshit for wanting more Business Visas?
And PLEASE provide those "Useless Degrees" Links.
Politics of envy is such a straw man. I have no problem with people being wealthy and creating wealth. What I have an issue with is these people not wanting to pay their fair share of taxes and having an undue influence on political systems around the world usually to protect their own interests (ie wealth).

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.

Their share of income isn't that much and since we tax income, not wealth, your calculation is too high.
That's why income taxation is progressive. Wealth accumulation indicates that basic needs have been met.

That's why income taxation is progressive.

That's why the top 10% pay so much more of income tax collected than the bottom 90%.
The REASON for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. This is what happens when you have a candidate like Bernie Sanders. This country is center, it always has been it always will be. It will not ELECT far left or far right candidate, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist that is out there campaigning on free college tuition, adding an additional 29 trillion dollars in Federal Government spending when we're already 19 trillion in RED ink. One that is also on several records, praising one of the most brutal-murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, that REPUBLICANS would use to steam roll and bury the old fart on election night.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

The 714 Democrat Super Delegates are there to prevent another one of these disasters.


Reagan v Mondale 1984

I imagine after Hillary Clinton creams Donald Trump, Republicans are going to think long and hard about adding in some of their own super delegates.
The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 71% of all federal income taxes collected. If 71% is not their fare share, then what is their fare share?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.

Their share of income isn't that much and since we tax income, not wealth, your calculation is too high.
That's why income taxation is progressive. Wealth accumulation indicates that basic needs have been met.

"What is ones fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell has had a lucrative career as a quisling.

Quisling? Is that the definition of a guy who brilliantly points out liberal idiocy?
Sometimes. Does increased production boost employment?

Why would a company increase production without an increase in demand.

Some think that increased demand will cause increased hiring to meet that increased demand.

Isn't that crazy? You believe that?

Why would a company increase production without an increase in demand.

How would you pay for increased consumption without increased production?

Some think that increased demand will cause increased hiring to meet that increased demand.

How'd that work in Greece or Venezuela?
The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.


The top 10% had over 74% of the wealth in 2012 and it's probably even more unequal today. So I'd say their (I'm in this group) fair share is somewhere north of 74%.

Their share of income isn't that much and since we tax income, not wealth, your calculation is too high.
That's why income taxation is progressive. Wealth accumulation indicates that basic needs have been met.

"What is ones fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell has had a lucrative career as a quisling.

Quisling? Is that the definition of a guy who brilliantly points out liberal idiocy?

Well you do know that the top1% in this country pay 50% of the entire Federal Tax base already, I assume? The top 5% pay 85% of the Federal Tax base--and the lower 84% only pay 15%.
The Top 1 Percent Pays More in Taxes than the Bottom 90 Percent

You might realize someday--(we can only hope) that when you want to raise the taxes higher on these same people, there is absolutely nothing to stop them from picking themselves up & moving to another country and taking their money with them. And then who is the hell is left to pay these taxes?
Are the wealthy really leaving NJ? Study says yes

Maybe the Bern can answer that question--LOL. The below link is what happens when those dastardly--evil rich people think they're paying too much in taxes.
Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money


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Inequality of wealth.

That is a hellva issue for a Democrat running for President to be bitching about.

That idiot Sanders endorsed that moron Obama for President and now the spread between the rich and the poor is greater than when Obama took office.

He caused the problem he is bitching about by supporting President Shit for Brains who made the problem worse and now he is bitching about it.
You don't create wealth by diving up the economic pie into more pieces. That becomes thievery when you do it.

You create wealth by making the economic pie bigger. After all a rising tide raises all boats.

Libtards never seem to understand that simple concept very well.

Oh please. Buffett has been fighting the IRS for years trying to keep them from taking his money, and Gates didn't give one red cent to anybody until Bill Clinton made up some phony monopoly charge on him and fined him a million dollars a day until Gates said "Uncle."

And unless you have some evidence, you don't know what any rich person gives to anybody in this country. As for turning into a shithole, there are people crossing deserves to get in this shithole, there are people coming here on rafts trying to get into this shithole, there are dozens of people stuffed into tractor-trailers in the extreme heat trying to get into this shithole, there were even some that hid in the compartment of airplane landing gear to get here.

Yeah, Gates is such an arsehole he's leaving most of his billions to charity. What a douchbag. I said 'turning' into a shithole. And the way cons on this board have been bitching about Obama for the past eight years you're almost there.

So in your mind, bitchin' about what Obama has done is the cause of the country turning into a "shithole?" Really? Could it be that republicans have been bitchin' about Obama turning the country into a shithole was very justified bitchin'?
I always thought that 401Ks would cause the stock market to always increase. Putting more money in seemed logical. But that has not happened. Where has all that money gone that should have raised the stock market? Even with the gains in the last month or so the stock market has been relatively flat, yet money continues to pour in.

Me thinks maybe we are being ripped off, and Obama has done nothing to make matters better.
According to you, all private businesses do someone...and the government helps them.
I didn't say all. True laissez faire capitalists don't ever seem to take into account things like environmental damage or gross exploitation of human labor - especially in third world shit holes.

So how many? Ninety percent? Fifty percent? One percent?
Shocking.....a liberal playing the "victim". Tell me something junior, how exactly is McDonald's able to (and I quote) "ride rough shod" over you? If you don't like their Big Mac, you simply don't go there and buy one. Boom. Problem solved. The fact that you act like a victim and McDonald's somehow runs your life is hilarious.

What am I a victim of? I'm not even going down your road, I'm going down my own...I'm talking about those who are avoid paying tax, who don't give people a livable wage, or pollute our waterways and air because they think they are above EPA laws. McDonalds? I wouldn't pollute my body with that shit.

Why is anyone entitled to a "livable wage"? To you, how much is a "livable" wage and why is a person entitled to that if they have no value as an employee?

Is our water and air not cleaner than it has been in sixty or seventy years?

I don't care much for McDonalds either although they are nice for a change. MY choice is Whataburger. Their jalapeno double with cheese and a large order of their onion rings instead of fries.

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You mean people are breaking the law? And what happens when they get caught? What happened in the Erin Brockovich movie?

Exactly. So what are we arguing about. We need the EPA. Thank you.

Their power needs to be greatly harnessed.

They also need to start following their own requirements. That a cost analysis is done before any of their regulations are put in place.
This country is founded on a hard work, pay your own way ethic. It's in our genetics. People who work hard, deserve more pay that people who don't. People who risk it all to open up a business, hire employees, pay payroll taxes and all the other requirements, deserve more than the employees of such business.

A QUESTION for Sander's supporters. This nursing home candidate is promoting raising taxes on corporations, and basically doubling the minimum wage. How does this go along with KEEPING JOBS IN THIS COUNTRY--that he also bitches about. The Federal Government cannot make privately owned corporations stay in this country, and hire only Americans. So answer this question. How does Sanders encourage Corporations to stay in this country and hire Americans with his policies?

Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 means EVERYONE'S wages go up. You're not going to have a manager who is currently making $15.00 an hour, and some underling just caught up to him, without him wanting a substantial raise also. This is what would happen in every industry. What happens when all wages go up? INFLATION. Your landlord just raised your rent, milk & bread, cheetos and fast food prices all go up. And who does this hurt the most? The poor and the elderly. What does this do to the employer? Payroll taxes go up. What happens when employers are hit with higher costs? They start laying off employees.

Welcome to economics 101--a college class you really should take, and obviously a class that your nursing home candidate never took


It certainly works better than communism, marxism, or socialism ever has. Why does freedom bother you so much? Are you just scared or are you one of those little people (like Saddam Hussein) who feels the need to have power over other people?

Name a country that has had anarchy (either the true version or the Sex Pistols version). I can. One. Somalia. Yeah, let's all live like that.

Most Northern European countries have some form of socialism and capitalism as do we down here. Works fine. As for freedom, I'd have my version down here over yours any day of the week. Oh, sure, I can be 'free' in America if I have a couple of million in the bank. I can be 'free' in a two-party state. I can be free in a country where the size of your wallet gets you elected mayor or governor or to the state supreme court, not your ability to do the job. As for power over other people, are you for or against abortion? Are you okay for gays to marry?

Yeah, about those European countries, you know, all the ones going broke. How is that working out?

Specifically, what is your version of freedom?
It certainly works better than communism, marxism, or socialism ever has. Why does freedom bother you so much? Are you just scared or are you one of those little people (like Saddam Hussein) who feels the need to have power over other people?

Name a country that has had anarchy (either the true version or the Sex Pistols version). I can. One. Somalia. Yeah, let's all live like that.

Most Northern European countries have some form of socialism and capitalism as do we down here. Works fine. As for freedom, I'd have my version down here over yours any day of the week. Oh, sure, I can be 'free' in America if I have a couple of million in the bank. I can be 'free' in a two-party state. I can be free in a country where the size of your wallet gets you elected mayor or governor or to the state supreme court, not your ability to do the job. As for power over other people, are you for or against abortion? Are you okay for gays to marry?

Somalia never had anarchy. It was a communist state that devolved into feudalism. It has numerous petty warlords. Each one is a government unto himself.

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