Bernie Sanders wants to be President Biden's Labor Secretary

from The Washington Post:

" Today, in an interview with The Hill’s Krystal Ball, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders unveiled future plans in a potential Biden administration. Sanders said that he would unveil a first 100 day plan which focused on healthcare and unionization to compete with the Biden administration’s plan. Sanders was also asked if he is going to support primary challenges against corporate Democrats that block his agenda, he responded “you’re damn right I am.”
I have multiple thoughts on this so let me just say that watching Bernie speak like that made me wish he was the guy at the top of the ticket instead of Joe Biden. That being said, it is what it is and now we’re here trying to figure out how to organize in a Biden administration.
As for Bernie’s plan, it sounds palatable. I can’t help but think that he’s made it harder on himself by not getting Biden to agree on what policies they’d push before the election. However, I understand that if you want any sort of change in America going forward (a welfare state, social democracy, democratic socialism, Marxism, you name it), it all starts with getting Trump out of office. I think he made a calculated move and, given how Trump’s governance has gotten (somehow) worse since Bernie dropped out, his decision to not play hardball seems justified to me.
Now, we’ll have to see if Bernie goes balls to the wall in the rest of his Senate term. I genuinely cannot see him running for re-election in 2024, he’ll be in his early 80s by then. Assuming this isn’t all talk and Bernie follows through, I do think this is (in general) a good idea to directly challenge the Biden administration and institutionally organize against them. I would’ve preferred that he draw a line in the sand on climate change, but healthcare does poll as an important issue so I see why he said that. Again, I really hope Bernie stops taking the corporatists’ shit and gets outside pressure against them, we’ll see if he does and how successful he is at it"
It won't be long till Biden announces his cabinet. Should be good. Bet on it.
First positive thing I've heard about a Biden presidency (outside of Trump not being president) that I've heard.

It would never happen.

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