Bernie Sanders - 'We have got to apologize for slavery'


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Another idiot liberal on a guilt trip. No american today had anything to do with slavery so why should we apologize, you moron.? And besides slavery was the best thing that ever happened to the black race. 40 million american blacks today have a far far better life than african blacks.

Sanders We have got to apologize for slavery TheHill

july 8 2015
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday said the nation owes an apology for slavery.

“As a nation — I don’t think as a president, but as a nation — we have got to apologize for slavery,” the 2016 Democratic presidential contender told host Joe Madison on Sirius XM’s “The Black Eagle.”

Sanders said that slavery had caused too much suffering to remain unaddressed.
“Obviously nobody in this generation was involved in slavery,” Sanders said.

“But as a nation, slavery is one of the abominations that our country has experienced," he continued. "There is no excuse — what can we say about it?”

“It was horrific,” he added. “It killed millions of people who never made it even across the ocean. It destroyed the lives of so many people.”
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One more point. Whites didn't enslave the blacks. They just bought blacks that had already been enslaved by other blacks in africa.
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Maybe I will vote for him if he runs thanks Shootspeeders, I never knew much about him before your informative post.

Go right ahead and waste your vote. No admitted commie can win a presidential election.
I like bernie. However, I refuse to apologize for something I never did...nor my family.
Maybe I will vote for him if he runs thanks Shootspeeders, I never knew much about him before your informative post.

Go right ahead and waste your vote. No admitted commie can win a presidential election.

Thanks for endorsing Bernie Sanders shootspeeders. I am reading about him now. Keep up the good promotions thumbs up!
And remember Democrats/Socialists and Communists vote on the 9th. Okay?
11401284_10204410643846253_3100403895974338779_n.jpg 16915_10204534788509792_7789310102161667085_n.jpg 10430375_654367518027413_2385518686848107253_n.jpg
Maybe I will vote for him if he runs thanks Shootspeeders, I never knew much about him before your informative post.

Go right ahead and waste your vote. No admitted commie can win a presidential election.

Thanks for endorsing Bernie Sanders shootspeeders. I am reading about him now. Keep up the good promotions thumbs up!
And remember Democrats/Socialists and Communists vote on the 9th. Okay?

I might forget Durk Fury, lend me your 21.9 IQ. ;)
If there is to be an apology, let it start with New York and Boston whose merchants made generational fortunes first from their agents kidnapping, and then their ships transporting.....Africans to America.

Why do you think Ralph Waldo Emerson was able gad about New England spouting his transcendentalist bull shit?

It is because his Uncle Waldo made a fortune out of his Slave Ship The African.

Let them start apologizing all over Massachusetts where slavery was just as legal as it was in South Carolina. The only difference was that the climate and the soil (both shitty) made slavery unprofitable in Massachusetts.

You sanctimonious Loons Hypocrites & Yankee Fucks ought to go read Massachusetts' hero Cotton Mather lecturing slaves on how lucky they were to be slaves in Massachusetts rather than Africans in Africa.

And that led to the most sordid outcome of the whole tragic slave story. In Massachusetts, unprofitable slaves were routinely abandoned when they couldn't work anymore. The Legislature had to pass a law making it a crime to put out the poor slaves in the beg & die...after they got too old to work.

Let them start apologizing in the North first for their integral part...for their effective cause...of slavery in America.

And that might start an HONEST conversation on Race.....and then maybe someone can at last ask...without being stamped forever a racist:

WHY AFTER HALF A CENTURY of The Great Society... of The War on Poverty...of Affirmative Action...WHY can they still not feed themselves in South Chicago & Detroit & Baltimore and other rotting Northern cities run by Democrats?

And why are they killing each other like the tribes in Africa who sold their captives to the Boston and New York slaves traders?
I'm not apologizing for mammy's little baby loves shortnin, shortnin, mammy's little baby loves shortnin bread. You damn leftist fools.
If there is to be an apology, let it start with New York and Boston whose merchants made generational fortunes first from their agents kidnapping, and then their ships transporting.....Africans to America.

Why do you think Ralph Waldo Emerson was able gad about New England spouting his transcendentalist bull shit?

It is because his Uncle Waldo made a fortune out of his Slave Ship The African.

Let them start apologizing all over Massachusetts where slavery was just as legal as it was in South Carolina. The only difference was that the climate and the soil (both shitty) made slavery unprofitable in Massachusetts.

You sanctimonious Loons Hypocrites & Yankee Fucks ought to go read Massachusetts' hero Cotton Mather lecturing slaves on how lucky they were to be slaves in Massachusetts rather than Africans in Africa.

And that led to the most sordid outcome of the whole tragic slave story. In Massachusetts, unprofitable slaves were routinely abandoned when they couldn't work anymore. The Legislature had to pass a law making it a crime to put out the poor slaves in the beg & die...after they got too old to work.

Let them start apologizing in the North first for their integral part...for their effective cause...of slavery in America.

And that might start an HONEST conversation on Race.....and then maybe someone can at last ask...without being stamped forever a racist:

WHY AFTER HALF A CENTURY of The Great Society... of The War on Poverty...of Affirmative Action...WHY can they still not feed themselves in South Chicago & Detroit & Baltimore and other rotting Northern cities run by Democrats?

And why are they killing each other like the tribes in Africa who sold their captives to the Boston and New York slaves traders?
Why? Because they have allowed themselves to be enslaved again to the democrats. Every big democrat run city has a plantation with community organizers to keep the um, voters in line...
If we apologized and paid reparations for Japanese Internments we can do the same thing for slavery.
We have been paying since Lyndon Johnson said he'd "have them niqqers voting democrat for the next 200 years" when he and congress launched "The great society", leftist lying corrupt trash.

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