Bernie Sanders:


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Bernie Sanders is the Independent Senator from Vermont. There is a very good chance he will be making a run for President in 2016.


Many will reflexively reject him because he is a socialist, which will be cutting off their nose to spite their face. Because unless one resides in the upper income category it is critically important that a socialist influence (not "socialism," per se) is brought to bear on the damage done to our economy in recent years by laissez-faire capitalists and their puppets in Washington. And Bernie is the only prospective candidate who I am unreservedly certain can and will impart that influence.

Others will reject Bernie because he is a Jew -- which is nothing more or less than self-defeating stupidity. Bernie is a senator in a predominately Christian state where his constituents revere him and vote for him overwhelmingly. When I have cause I am sufficiently critical of Jews to be accused of anti-Semitism here and elsewhere, but I strongly support Bernie Sanders because I believe he is a sincere, capable, and highly trustworthy man who would be exactly the kind of President America desperately needs.

Hillary Clinton is a machine politician. So are all the other likely candidates thus far. Bernie Sanders is the opposite of that. Bernie is a People's politician and he fights for the People.

One thing to be sure of, as a socialist Bernie has no friends on Wall Street or in the banking industry -- nor does he want any. If Bernie wins it will be because the People support him.

So give it some thought. And if you understand the importance of having an Independent (non-obligated) President you will support Bernie Sanders.
I like Sanders.

He will never be President of the United States.

Simple as that.
I'm all for Bernie Sanders. 100%.

Keep thinking he won't get it.
Many will reflexively reject him because he is a socialist...

Which is idiocy given the fact he's not a 'socialist.'

Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (born September 8, 1941) is an American politician and the junior United States Senator from Vermont. Before serving in the Senate, he represented Vermont's at-large district in the United States House of Representatives and served as mayor of Burlington, the largest city in Vermont. Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist,[2][3] and has praised Scandinavian-style social democracy.[4][5]

Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the Communist Party ticket no doubt...
That is a rather senseless comment.

Sanders is not a communist nor does he espouse anything close to the principles of communism. And for your information it is the One Percent influence in Washington which poses the most realistic potential for eventual communist influence in America because of what they've done to our economy.

If you will casually review modern history you will find that communism takes hold only in those nations which have undergone total economic collapse -- which is what Wall Street and the banking industry nearly imposed on us in the last decade. You also need to understand that the union movement, which brought about the rise of the Great American Middle Class, is a prime example of the socialist influence -- and it brought about the most prosperous and productive decades in our history. It was responsible for America's greatest era by properly regulating our capitalist system.

So I respectfully suggest you do some reading on the subject of communism before following the lead of such reprehensible characters as Joe McCarthy and such right-wing, millionaire propagandists as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
Bernie Sanders is the Independent Senator from Vermont. There is a very good chance he will be making a run for President in 2016.


Many will reflexively reject him because he is a socialist, which will be cutting off their nose to spite their face. Because unless one resides in the upper income category it is critically important that a socialist influence (not "socialism," per se) is brought to bear on the damage done to our economy in recent years by laissez-faire capitalists and their puppets in Washington. And Bernie is the only prospective candidate who I am unreservedly certain can and will impart that influence.

Others will reject Bernie because he is a Jew -- which is nothing more or less than self-defeating stupidity. Bernie is a senator in a predominately Christian state where his constituents revere him and vote for him overwhelmingly. When I have cause I am sufficiently critical of Jews to be accused of anti-Semitism here and elsewhere, but I strongly support Bernie Sanders because I believe he is a sincere, capable, and highly trustworthy man who would be exactly the kind of President America desperately needs.

Hillary Clinton is a machine politician. So are all the other likely candidates thus far. Bernie Sanders is the opposite of that. Bernie is a People's politician and he fights for the People.

One thing to be sure of, as a socialist Bernie has no friends on Wall Street or in the banking industry -- nor does he want any. If Bernie wins it will be because the People support him.

So give it some thought. And if you understand the importance of having an Independent (non-obligated) President you will support Bernie Sanders.

I like Sanders.

He will never be President of the United States.

Simple as that.

I like Sanders.

He will never be President of the United States.

Simple as that.
They said that about FDR.

Unbossed & unbought, like the late Shirley Chisholm.
I'm all for Bernie Sanders. 100%.

Keep thinking he won't get it.
At this time, mid-2014, there is some cause to feel that way. But many things can happen during the coming sixteen months, things that have a way of altering beliefs and changing people's minds.

If you believe Bernie Sanders would be a better President than whoever else is in the race the thing to do is start telling your friends why you feel that way. But don't tell them you don't think he has a chance!
Sanders used to be a socialist. What changed? My guess is that he is still a socialist but it's easier to get political support as an independent so he pretends to be independent. It's no big deal to run for president as an independent but as a socialist he will no doubt syphon votes from the democrat candidate.
I'm all for Bernie Sanders. 100%.

Keep thinking he won't get it.
At this time, mid-2014, there is some cause to feel that way. But many things can happen during the coming sixteen months, things that have a way of altering beliefs and changing people's minds.

If you believe Bernie Sanders would be a better President than whoever else is in the race the thing to do is start telling your friends why you feel that way. But don't tell them you don't think he has a chance!


This particular election will go to the individual that will respond to the needs of the people. Considering that the country has pulled to the right and the options on the table are neoliberal with the exception of Sanders............there is no losing. Listen to what he has said there is no losing because of the shift.
Thanks for your advice but I'm all good.
Bernie Sanders votes with the Democrats 98 percent of the time. He is also a member of the Senate Democratic Caucus.

Independent? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
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On the Communist Party ticket no doubt...
That is a rather senseless comment.

Sanders is not a communist nor does he espouse anything close to the principles of communism. And for your information it is the One Percent influence in Washington which poses the most realistic potential for eventual communist influence in America because of what they've done to our economy.

If you will casually review modern history you will find that communism takes hold only in those nations which have undergone total economic collapse -- which is what Wall Street and the banking industry nearly imposed on us in the last decade. You also need to understand that the union movement, which brought about the rise of the Great American Middle Class, is a prime example of the socialist influence -- and it brought about the most prosperous and productive decades in our history. It was responsible for America's greatest era by properly regulating our capitalist system.

So I respectfully suggest you do some reading on the subject of communism before following the lead of such reprehensible characters as Joe McCarthy and such right-wing, millionaire propagandists as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

Lovers of the KGB man, Putin, want THEIR Communist to be President of the USA!:lol::lol:
On the Communist Party ticket no doubt...
That is a rather senseless comment.

Sanders is not a communist nor does he espouse anything close to the principles of communism. And for your information it is the One Percent influence in Washington which poses the most realistic potential for eventual communist influence in America because of what they've done to our economy.

If you will casually review modern history you will find that communism takes hold only in those nations which have undergone total economic collapse -- which is what Wall Street and the banking industry nearly imposed on us in the last decade. You also need to understand that the union movement, which brought about the rise of the Great American Middle Class, is a prime example of the socialist influence -- and it brought about the most prosperous and productive decades in our history. It was responsible for America's greatest era by properly regulating our capitalist system.

So I respectfully suggest you do some reading on the subject of communism before following the lead of such reprehensible characters as Joe McCarthy and such right-wing, millionaire propagandists as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

Lovers of the KGB man, Putin, want THEIR Communist to be President of the USA!:lol::lol:

WOW so many erroneous far left comments on this subject as Obama and Putin are not that much different. Yet the far left has to pretend that they so they can try and not show how much they admire Putin like they did Stalin and Hitler..

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