Bernie's entire campaign is to divide America

hillary is her own 'brand' and she's going to make a great president. :thup:

On Tuesday, an interview with New York Daily News editorial board reignited questions about whether Sanders can offer up specifics on how to carry out his vision.

The grilling interview at times left Sanders apparently speechless, telling members of the paper's editorial board that he did not have an answer or would need to do more research on topics like trade, combatting ISIS, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and even his campaign's central promise to break up banks that are deemed "too big to fail".
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton will never have a problem being grilled by the press.

What success in her life makes you say she will be a great president? She isn't even great at lying.
I've been talking about Bernie since I researched his career a year ago. Republicans prefer to be led. I go look.
Republicans are easily led.
only the die hards but thats the same way with your side....i wonder why you dont see that?....could it be?....

Is English your second language? There was a reason they bombed Dresden. Get bombed and try again.
oh im were being led and i pulled you away....can you find your way back?....if not just look for dean,he will lead you back....

See a neurologist or a doctor like Jack Kevorkian.
wow i guess i outed all you die hard party people react like this when they get pulled away from the line?....hey sorry, grab who is in front of you and insert nose in ass crack and just

This of course is the established Leftist modus operandi, to sow divisions within society, to pit groups of society against other groups of society, Race Warfare, Class Warfare etc.

They can only achieve this IF society allows them to, there is a choice, society can say no.
The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.
Do you think the richest 0.1% of humanity would even exist without war and the "miracle of compound interest?" It seems obvious to me they have not done so for the last five hundred years, at least.
"An expert in banking corruption and finance has joined the Bernie Sanders campaign. William K. Black, an associate professor at the University of Missouri-KC, is Bernie Sanders’ new economic advisor.

"Black was one of the central figures in exposing and prosecuting corruption in the savings and loan crisis from the late 1980s and mid-1990s. His addition to the Sanders campaign brings important knowledge in laws pertaining to finance and banking.

"The savings and loan banking crisis resulted from a multitude of causes, one of which were two laws that helped deregulate them.

"The Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter.

"That law allowed credit unions and savings and loans to offer checking deposits, and to charge any loan interest rate they chose."

Read more at Banking Expert Who Exposed Savings & Loan Corruption Joins Sanders Campaign
:lmao: Thanks for the laugh, I needed that this morning...
I know. If you are a Republican, learning disqualifies you.

What learning does Hillary have that uniquely qualify her for president?

US senator.

Secretary of state

Married to Bill

The Rethuglicans are extremely unqualified with the possible exception of Kasich but Kasich is too sane for the Republican base. As bad as Cruz and Trump are his supporters are even more obtuse and depraved. What a filthy bunch of scum you Republican voters really are!

So you don't know what unique learning that qualifies means do you?

Learn English. Illegal Mexicans have a better command of the English language than you do.

Were you educated in the South?

So its somehow my fault you can't understand and answer clear questions?

I'll try to dumb it down.

What learning/knowledge/education/etc. Does Hillary Clinton (the woman we are discussing) possess that uniquely qualify her to be president (by uniquely qualify I mean she alone possesses)?

Now can you please answer the question or are you going to continue to make yourself look stupid by insulting southerners when any idiot who can read a profile location can tell you is irrelevant in a discussion with me.
Sanders the fraud. The enabler for the low educated that don't know he's implying communism. You know, the communism that failed in a number of countries.

If I want shit from you loser, I'll squeeze your head.

BTW, loser the countries with the highest standard of living are Democrat/Socialist. Get a clue retard.

You going off rails on me, big guy?

You are going up your own ass.

You needing some ice cream to calm down, big guy? Since Trump is looking good going into Tuesday


Looking good? He isn't likely to sweep the delegates. That's what he needs to win the nomination. If he doesn't lock up all the delegates its much more likely we will have a contested convention
It must be admitted that the highest income segment of the population has largely contributed to the sense of separation. It has the power to change things dramatically, and does not.

It must also be admitted that you're a douche bag and an imbecile.
So this infers you have no valid or intelligent response?
Why waste an intelligent response on pure idiocy?
Then why respond at all?

This of course is the established Leftist modus operandi, to sow divisions within society, to pit groups of society against other groups of society, Race Warfare, Class Warfare etc.

They can only achieve this IF society allows them to, there is a choice, society can say no.

So the "left" is responsible for the KKK and White Supremacism? The "left" is responsible for the poverty and lack of educational opportunities in your country?

If society is content with 99% of the population to be condemned to a lifetime of wage slavery to keep 1% in the wealth they could never spend in 10 lifetimes, there has to be something really disturbed about such a society.
The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.

You imply the GOP is out to unite america ? Lol! The GOP does what it's big biz masters demand.

We don't see you complaining about big corporations strong arming South Carolina and Georgia.

Its that double standard, huh?
If 25% of that 1% were really Christian, the problem would largely disappear.

This of course is the established Leftist modus operandi, to sow divisions within society, to pit groups of society against other groups of society, Race Warfare, Class Warfare etc.

They can only achieve this IF society allows them to, there is a choice, society can say no.

So the "left" is responsible for the KKK and White Supremacism? The "left" is responsible for the poverty and lack of educational opportunities in your country?

If society is content with 99% of the population to be condemned to a lifetime of wage slavery to keep 1% in the wealth they could never spend in 10 lifetimes, there has to be something really disturbed about such a society.
"Wage Slavery" as you put it, is otherwise called a job. The people that have these pay for your food stamps and other welfare programs which I suppose is nice because you can opt out of the slavery deal.

This of course is the established Leftist modus operandi, to sow divisions within society, to pit groups of society against other groups of society, Race Warfare, Class Warfare etc.

They can only achieve this IF society allows them to, there is a choice, society can say no.

So the "left" is responsible for the KKK and White Supremacism? The "left" is responsible for the poverty and lack of educational opportunities in your country?

If society is content with 99% of the population to be condemned to a lifetime of wage slavery to keep 1% in the wealth they could never spend in 10 lifetimes, there has to be something really disturbed about such a society.
"Wage Slavery" as you put it, is otherwise called a job. The people that have these pay for your food stamps and other welfare programs which I suppose is nice because you can opt out of the slavery deal.

You are quite correct, wage slaves are made to pay for those less fortunate than themselves, whereas those most able to help these people out of their predicament avoid and evade their obligations to their fellow human beings.

If I made $100,000,000.00 every year, would I really notice or care if $10,000,000.00 every year was spent on creating or supporting projects that help the poor and disadvantaged? I could stll buy anything I wanted with the remaining $90,000,000.00, and if I couldn't I'm sure I could get a loan.
The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.

Obama has already done that, Clinton and Sanders will continue the divide..

Another far left drone failed thread!

This of course is the established Leftist modus operandi, to sow divisions within society, to pit groups of society against other groups of society, Race Warfare, Class Warfare etc.

They can only achieve this IF society allows them to, there is a choice, society can say no.

So the "left" is responsible for the KKK and White Supremacism? The "left" is responsible for the poverty and lack of educational opportunities in your country?

If society is content with 99% of the population to be condemned to a lifetime of wage slavery to keep 1% in the wealth they could never spend in 10 lifetimes, there has to be something really disturbed about such a society.
"Wage Slavery" as you put it, is otherwise called a job. The people that have these pay for your food stamps and other welfare programs which I suppose is nice because you can opt out of the slavery deal.

You are quite correct, wage slaves are made to pay for those less fortunate than themselves, whereas those most able to help these people out of their predicament avoid and evade their obligations to their fellow human beings.

If I made $100,000,000.00 every year, would I really notice or care if $10,000,000.00 every year was spent on creating or supporting projects that help the poor and disadvantaged? I could stll buy anything I wanted with the remaining $90,000,000.00, and if I couldn't I'm sure I could get a loan.
Muddled "facts" aside, you don't have one of those jobs/slavery things on principle?

This of course is the established Leftist modus operandi, to sow divisions within society, to pit groups of society against other groups of society, Race Warfare, Class Warfare etc.

They can only achieve this IF society allows them to, there is a choice, society can say no.

So the "left" is responsible for the KKK and White Supremacism? The "left" is responsible for the poverty and lack of educational opportunities in your country?

If society is content with 99% of the population to be condemned to a lifetime of wage slavery to keep 1% in the wealth they could never spend in 10 lifetimes, there has to be something really disturbed about such a society.
"Wage Slavery" as you put it, is otherwise called a job. The people that have these pay for your food stamps and other welfare programs which I suppose is nice because you can opt out of the slavery deal.

You are quite correct, wage slaves are made to pay for those less fortunate than themselves, whereas those most able to help these people out of their predicament avoid and evade their obligations to their fellow human beings.

If I made $100,000,000.00 every year, would I really notice or care if $10,000,000.00 every year was spent on creating or supporting projects that help the poor and disadvantaged? I could stll buy anything I wanted with the remaining $90,000,000.00, and if I couldn't I'm sure I could get a loan.
Muddled "facts" aside, you don't have one of those jobs/slavery things on principle?

What's muddled in my thinking? No, I don't have one of those jobs/slavery things; I started up my own business and make a comfortable living from it, thank you. I exploit no one, and am exploited by no one. What about you?

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