Bernie's entire campaign is to divide America

The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.
Sounds like an unthinking simpleton's version of thoughtful analysis.
Sanders the fraud. The enabler for the low educated that don't know he's implying communism. You know, the communism that failed in a number of countries.

If I want shit from you loser, I'll squeeze your head.

BTW, loser the countries with the highest standard of living are Democrat/Socialist. Get a clue retard.

You going off rails on me, big guy?

You are going up your own ass.

You needing some ice cream to calm down, big guy? Since Trump is looking good going into Tuesday

The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.

You imply the GOP is out to unite america ? Lol! The GOP does what it's big biz masters demand.
Oh, believe me, I'm not suggesting that in any way. Republicans are 90% white and hold "kill the gays" rallies for a reason.
But picking out one segment of society and vilifying them is taking a page from the GOP playbook.
Superficial nonsense.
The fact is, not one satisfactory candidate is offered by either party of the dualistic dictatorship.
In the last 40 years, Hillary will be the most qualified besides Obama.
Obama taught Constitutional law for 10 years. Republicans claim they love the constitution. Who better to be president.
Hilary will certainly be the most qualified at keeping things exactly as they are now.
The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.
Oh the poor dears, being thrown away like so much trash.
Income and wealth inequality is not a new concept to democrats or democratic candidates. Why is it now that you see it as the rich being cast aside?

On the Issues: Income and Wealth Inequality
  1. Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes. As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes. He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million. He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.

Remind us again why you consider yourself liberal.
I am a liberal.

Privately owned companies can take their business where ever they want. How can you not know that?
And we don't control what they make overseas. They don't pay taxes on it until they bring it back into this country.
I have no problem with taxing wealth transfer. It's a gift to the person receiving it, not earned.
Enacting a tax on Wall Street speculation will lead to those jobs also moving overseas. It's GOP deregulation that caused Americans to lose their jobs, homes and life savings. The problem is the accumulation of debt. And that happens in surprisingly few ways which is why good regulation is effective. When Republicans cry for government to get out of the way of business, they are being shills for business. They know the damage it would cause but clearly, they just don't care.

Bernie is in the top 6% of wage earners. Course, the $40,000.00 he gets from Social Security puts him over the top.

Democratic debate: CNN's Reality Check team vets the claims -

Hope that helped.
You may be a liberal but you certainly aren't progressive. You believe in keeping the same completely corrupt political system that got us into this mess in the first place.
There is no such thing as an honest Hilary supporter. They all know she's lying all time.
Well they could go by the saying innocent until proven guilty. She has a lot of these upcomming states wrapped up. It's just a matter of time. But these sanders nuts aren't helping either for ones undecided between hill or bern.
The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.
Many of the rich agree with Sanders. Dem ones.
The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.

You imply the GOP is out to unite america ? Lol! The GOP does what it's big biz masters demand.
i got news for you do the democrats....
If that were true, the US Chamber would give to the parties equally.
Instead, they give 10 to 1 to the GOP. It's been posted on here many times.
And the screw the workers and the environment a-hole billionaires (Kochs, Scaife, Adelson, Murdoch, Moonies etc) give 100% to them and the propaganda/dirty tricks machine...
The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.
Nothing he says has anything to do with throwing away the rich. And if he is dividing America, why is he beating every republican in hypothetical match ups?
Sanders is the most ethically sound candidate. Also, having just seen his taxes, he is closest to 'normal' taxpayers.
The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.
I think the rich would still be rich. Bernie would just try to make things fair and right for the masses. People like hillary and Obama let the GOP chip away at the new deal too much.

But I'll take a Clinton or Obama economy any day. We don't need a revolution just proper regulations. Things are back to normal again. They can get better and if hillary is president they will. Dems should take back the Senate too.

Republicans try to pretend we're doing bad but in the States they brag their Republican governors and senators are we things are better. They want to take credit for a recovery they deny exists
I'm embarrassed that so many Democrats have supported Sanders. I thought that one day I'd be tempted to abandon the party and become a republican... I didn't think it would be so soon...
Man you and Dean are nuts. Do you even know what he is running on? Like seriously the actual policies he is running on?

not even bernie knows the policies he is running on. it's all platitudes for simpletons.

hillary gave speeches to wall street executives, oh my! :uhoh3:
I'm embarrassed that so many Democrats have supported Sanders. I thought that one day I'd be tempted to abandon the party and become a republican... I didn't think it would be so soon...
Man you and Dean are nuts. Do you even know what he is running on? Like seriously the actual policies he is running on?

not even bernie knows the policies he is running on. it's all platitudes for simpletons.

hillary gave speeches to wall street executives, oh my! :uhoh3:
People pay the Clinton's to speak because they want to hear what they have to say. They also want political favors but that's how it works.

Interesting to notice America wants to go back to the Clinton brand but not bush? Fool us once shame on me fool me twice...the point is ya ain't gonna fool me again.
hillary is her own 'brand' and she's going to make a great president. :thup:

On Tuesday, an interview with New York Daily News editorial board reignited questions about whether Sanders can offer up specifics on how to carry out his vision.

The grilling interview at times left Sanders apparently speechless, telling members of the paper's editorial board that he did not have an answer or would need to do more research on topics like trade, combatting ISIS, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and even his campaign's central promise to break up banks that are deemed "too big to fail".
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

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