Bernie's entire campaign is to divide America

wow dean has found someone to bitch about besides the republicans....
a fair and honest dialogue is above you harry? I feel the same way about sanders but that in no way means there isn't plenty to bitch about with republicans
eddie dean has 52,900 posts....99% of them are about how fucked the republicans are,you have been here more than a year,i have to explain to you why i said that?.....
honestly harry less than a year Started trying to join but it got too complicated for me Less than a year ago my friend dale who posts here helped me get on ...I still don't know all the players but I'm catching on nowadays
well im sure anyone here who is honest will tell you that dean is obsessed with republicans and to find him bitching about someone else was rather....noticeable....
The fact is, not one satisfactory candidate is offered by either party of the dualistic dictatorship.
In the last 40 years, Hillary will be the most qualified besides Obama.
Obama taught Constitutional law for 10 years. Republicans claim they love the constitution. Who better to be president.

Ted Cruz. Who has won more constitutional law cases then Obama ever tried.
The rich on one side and everyone else on the other. Despicable.

A leader leads everyone, including the wealthy to do the right thing.

Bernie throws away the wealthy. As if being rich disqualifies you from being American.
Oh the poor dears, being thrown away like so much trash.
Income and wealth inequality is not a new concept to democrats or democratic candidates. Why is it now that you see it as the rich being cast aside?

On the Issues: Income and Wealth Inequality
  1. Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes. As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes. He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million. He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.

Remind us again why you consider yourself liberal.
I am a liberal.

Privately owned companies can take their business where ever they want. How can you not know that?
And we don't control what they make overseas. They don't pay taxes on it until they bring it back into this country.
I have no problem with taxing wealth transfer. It's a gift to the person receiving it, not earned.
Enacting a tax on Wall Street speculation will lead to those jobs also moving overseas. It's GOP deregulation that caused Americans to lose their jobs, homes and life savings. The problem is the accumulation of debt. And that happens in surprisingly few ways which is why good regulation is effective. When Republicans cry for government to get out of the way of business, they are being shills for business. They know the damage it would cause but clearly, they just don't care.

Bernie is in the top 6% of wage earners. Course, the $40,000.00 he gets from Social Security puts him over the top.

Democratic debate: CNN's Reality Check team vets the claims -

Hope that helped.
Privately owned companies can take their business where ever they want.
And they do.
Enacting a tax on Wall Street speculation will lead to those jobs also moving overseas.
You know the US had a transaction tax on the books up until 1966 right. Did wall street pack up and move then?
It's GOP deregulation that caused Americans to lose their jobs, homes and life savings.
Don't be modest, give Bill Clinton his due. (NAFTA and Permanent Normal Trade Relations for China) The latter has as much to do as anything with our manufacturing going to China.
When Republicans cry for government to get out of the way of business, they are being shills for business.
And when you cry that Bernie is instigating a class war you are using the republican playbook and obviously shilling for Shillary. Who by the way is also proposing new taxes on wall street and "risk fees" on corporations. She must hate rich people.
Hillary Clinton: Wall Street Should Work for Main Street
She didn't make her speech money until years after she left the senate and left being SOS. So how could that money have influenced her. Another Bernie lie. They are rapidly beginning to pile up.

This is just a facepalm.

They aren't paying her to speak. No one gets paid that much for thirty minute speeches. They are donating to her presidential campaign. But if they can call them speaking engagements, they can skirt campaign finance law (which is largely stupid anyway)

They are buying influence with a Clinton presidency. It's pretty obvious for anyone not drinking kool Aid
The fact is, not one satisfactory candidate is offered by either party of the dualistic dictatorship.
In the last 40 years, Hillary will be the most qualified besides Obama.
Obama taught Constitutional law for 10 years. Republicans claim they love the constitution. Who better to be president.
:lmao: Thanks for the laugh, I needed that this morning...
I know. If you are a Republican, learning disqualifies you.

What learning does Hillary have that uniquely qualify her for president?
wow dean has found someone to bitch about besides the republicans....
I've been talking about Bernie since I researched his career a year ago. Republicans prefer to be led. I go look.
Republicans are easily led.
only the die hards but thats the same way with your side....i wonder why you dont see that?....could it be?....

Is English your second language? There was a reason they bombed Dresden. Get bombed and try again.
The fact is, not one satisfactory candidate is offered by either party of the dualistic dictatorship.
In the last 40 years, Hillary will be the most qualified besides Obama.
Obama taught Constitutional law for 10 years. Republicans claim they love the constitution. Who better to be president.

Ted Cruz. Who has won more constitutional law cases then Obama ever tried.
dean said obama is a "teacher" of men.....not someone who represents them in court....just sayin...
The fact is, not one satisfactory candidate is offered by either party of the dualistic dictatorship.
In the last 40 years, Hillary will be the most qualified besides Obama.
Obama taught Constitutional law for 10 years. Republicans claim they love the constitution. Who better to be president.
:lmao: Thanks for the laugh, I needed that this morning...
I know. If you are a Republican, learning disqualifies you.

What learning does Hillary have that uniquely qualify her for president?

US senator.

Secretary of state

Married to Bill

The Rethuglicans are extremely unqualified with the possible exception of Kasich but Kasich is too sane for the Republican base. As bad as Cruz and Trump are his supporters are even more obtuse and depraved. What a filthy bunch of scum you Republican voters really are!
wow dean has found someone to bitch about besides the republicans....
I've been talking about Bernie since I researched his career a year ago. Republicans prefer to be led. I go look.
Republicans are easily led.
only the die hards but thats the same way with your side....i wonder why you dont see that?....could it be?....

Is English your second language? There was a reason they bombed Dresden. Get bombed and try again.
oh im were being led and i pulled you away....can you find your way back?....if not just look for dean,he will lead you back....
wow dean has found someone to bitch about besides the republicans....
I've been talking about Bernie since I researched his career a year ago. Republicans prefer to be led. I go look.
Republicans are easily led.
only the die hards but thats the same way with your side....i wonder why you dont see that?....could it be?....

Is English your second language? There was a reason they bombed Dresden. Get bombed and try again.
oh im were being led and i pulled you away....can you find your way back?....if not just look for dean,he will lead you back....

See a neurologist or a doctor like Jack Kevorkian.
Sanders the fraud. The enabler for the low educated that don't know he's implying communism. You know, the communism that failed in a number of countries.
Sanders the fraud. The enabler for the low educated that don't know he's implying communism. You know, the communism that failed in a number of countries.

If I want shit from you loser, I'll squeeze your head.

BTW, loser the countries with the highest standard of living are Democrat/Socialist. Get a clue retard.
Sanders the fraud. The enabler for the low educated that don't know he's implying communism. You know, the communism that failed in a number of countries.

If I want shit from you loser, I'll squeeze your head.

BTW, loser the countries with the highest standard of living are Democrat/Socialist. Get a clue retard.

You going off rails on me, big guy?
The fact is, not one satisfactory candidate is offered by either party of the dualistic dictatorship.
In the last 40 years, Hillary will be the most qualified besides Obama.
Obama taught Constitutional law for 10 years. Republicans claim they love the constitution. Who better to be president.
:lmao: Thanks for the laugh, I needed that this morning...
I know. If you are a Republican, learning disqualifies you.

What learning does Hillary have that uniquely qualify her for president?

US senator.

Secretary of state

Married to Bill

The Rethuglicans are extremely unqualified with the possible exception of Kasich but Kasich is too sane for the Republican base. As bad as Cruz and Trump are his supporters are even more obtuse and depraved. What a filthy bunch of scum you Republican voters really are!

So you don't know what unique learning that qualifies means do you?
In the last 40 years, Hillary will be the most qualified besides Obama.
Obama taught Constitutional law for 10 years. Republicans claim they love the constitution. Who better to be president.
:lmao: Thanks for the laugh, I needed that this morning...
I know. If you are a Republican, learning disqualifies you.

What learning does Hillary have that uniquely qualify her for president?

US senator.

Secretary of state

Married to Bill

The Rethuglicans are extremely unqualified with the possible exception of Kasich but Kasich is too sane for the Republican base. As bad as Cruz and Trump are his supporters are even more obtuse and depraved. What a filthy bunch of scum you Republican voters really are!

So you don't know what unique learning that qualifies means do you?

Learn English. Illegal Mexicans have a better command of the English language than you do.

Were you educated in the South?

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