Best Guess who wrote NYT Op-Ed

Who do you think wrote the NYT's editorial?

  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • Ivanka

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mike Pompeo

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Melania

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Don, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Betsy Devos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gen. Mattis

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • John Kelley

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff Sessions

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Linda McMahon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Rick Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Barron

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • Kelly Ann Conway

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Steve Mnunchin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilbur Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Don't have a clue but I love love the OP ED because the New York Times just fucking proved there really is a "Deep State".

It's not a conspiracy theory. It's real.


Or Trump is just truly nuts as everyone has been saying all along.

People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

We'll see. It's looking like those who've said he was nuts all along are being proven more correct every day.

I predict your dumbass will be too embarrassed to post here by 12/5/2018.

Either that or your check will get cut off for lack of funds.
Or Trump is just truly nuts as everyone has been saying all along.

People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.

Trump wanted to assassinate Assad, invade Iran, pre-emptively attack North Korea and he's running up the national debt faster than your mama can unbutton her overalls.
You're reflecting back on eight years of Obama.
Trump's train wreck is happening in 18 months.
Good luck, sucker.
People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.

Trump wanted to assassinate Assad, invade Iran, pre-emptively attack North Korea and he's running up the national debt faster than your mama can unbutton her overalls.
You're reflecting back on eight years of Obama.
Trump's train wreck is happening in 18 months.
Good luck, sucker.

Wrong, your emotions are stopping any logical deduction. Trump has been in office almost two years and has added less than a trillion in debt. Quit lying.
People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.

Trump wanted to assassinate Assad, invade Iran, pre-emptively attack North Korea and he's running up the national debt faster than your mama can unbutton her overalls.
You're reflecting back on eight years of Obama.
Trump's train wreck is happening in 18 months.
Good luck, sucker.

So why didn't any of that happen, hmm?

I think it's because you're a whackadoodle. Trump wanted none of those things. Only to MAGA. That's what he's working towards, and I'm happy with it.
People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.

Trump wanted to assassinate Assad, invade Iran, pre-emptively attack North Korea and he's running up the national debt faster than your mama can unbutton her overalls.
You're reflecting back on eight years of Obama.
Trump's train wreck is happening in 18 months.
Good luck, sucker.

And yet he did none of that. O and W actually did start endless wars and more destruction to the ME .
Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.

Trump wanted to assassinate Assad, invade Iran, pre-emptively attack North Korea and he's running up the national debt faster than your mama can unbutton her overalls.
You're reflecting back on eight years of Obama.
Trump's train wreck is happening in 18 months.
Good luck, sucker.

So why didn't any of that happen, hmm?

I think it's because you're a whackadoodle. Trump wanted none of those things. Only to MAGA.

He is a whackjob. This is your new lying lib fascists. They're violent.
People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.

Trump wanted to assassinate Assad, invade Iran, pre-emptively attack North Korea and he's running up the national debt faster than your mama can unbutton her overalls.
You're reflecting back on eight years of Obama.
Trump's train wreck is happening in 18 months.
Good luck, sucker.

If Trump wanted to assasinate Assad, those missiles that hit the airbase, would have been aimed at Assad's house, dumbass. They were not, next!
Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.

Trump wanted to assassinate Assad, invade Iran, pre-emptively attack North Korea and he's running up the national debt faster than your mama can unbutton her overalls.
You're reflecting back on eight years of Obama.
Trump's train wreck is happening in 18 months.
Good luck, sucker.

Wrong, your emotions are stopping any logical deduction. Trump has been in office almost two years and has added less than a trillion in debt. Quit lying.

Look it up, moron.
You won't hear about it on Fox.

Fact: Trump didn't stand up to Putin in Helsinki. He groveled on live camera, broadcast to the world.
He had a secret meeting with Putin of which he has NOT shared with Dan Coats, head of DNI.
When he got back from Helsinki he walked it all back.
Because the same person whowrote the anonymous op-ed for the NYT had to make Trump make a public reversal of everything he said in Helsinki.
Try and worm around that.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.

Trump wanted to assassinate Assad, invade Iran, pre-emptively attack North Korea and he's running up the national debt faster than your mama can unbutton her overalls.
You're reflecting back on eight years of Obama.
Trump's train wreck is happening in 18 months.
Good luck, sucker.

If Trump wanted to assasinate Assad, those missiles that hit the airbase, would have been aimed at Assad's house, dumbass. They were not, next!

Read it again, dumbass.
I said he wanted to assassinate Assad.
His advisors, one of which wrote that op-ed for the NYT, walked him back on it and went with bombing an airbase that did little damage to anything.
The airbase was up and running 24 hours later.
This is what the anonymous op-ed author is trying to tell dumb bells like you.
All they do all day is keep Trump from starting wars and wreaking havoc.
Or Trump is just truly nuts as everyone has been saying all along.

People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.
The GOP is the Cesspool warmongering brainwashing cesspool, super dope. Bush allowed 911 through sheer incompetence, then gave us the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt World depression. Obama averted the depression that cost 8 trillion despite pure GOP obstruction and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth that continues. You live on an imaginary GOP planet, super duper.
People with TDS are nuts. That most likely includes you. Here comes November!

I feel it's time to remind you that this is America. We are Americans here.

Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.
The GOP is the Cesspool warmongering brainwashing cesspool, super dope. Bush allowed 911 through sheer incompetence, then gave us the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt World depression. Obama averted the depression that cost 8 trillion despite pure GOP obstruction and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth that continues. You live on an imaginary GOP planet, super duper.

Obama handed out taxpayer money to his buddies after Bush crashed the economy. You need to get things right, boy. None of it did a damn thing for the people. He is a corrupt Kenyan Marxist traitor asshole!

If you think Obama likes Americans, I got a sweet toll bridge in Brooklyn for sale. ;)

You could make your money back in 2 years.
Last edited:
Too bad you still haven't noticed that your country has been hijacked by a hypocrite who makes fun of people who voted for him.

Sorry, but O already sailed that boat. He hated america and you to the core.

Sorry, but Trump said that already and promoted himself as being better than Obama, remember?
Now enjoy wallowing in his cesspool.

O and W were the cesspool. Endless wars, failed foreign and domestic policies, 16 trillion in debt. the cesspool. Youll never see it though. The tyrannical shadow govt behind the scenes wants new world order and more war. They got it with O and W. They were salivating rabidly at the thought the Hillary coming in.
The GOP is the Cesspool warmongering brainwashing cesspool, super dope. Bush allowed 911 through sheer incompetence, then gave us the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt World depression. Obama averted the depression that cost 8 trillion despite pure GOP obstruction and gave us seven and a half years straight of growth that continues. You live on an imaginary GOP planet, super duper.

Obama handed out taxpayer money to his buddies after Bush crashed the economy. You need to get things right, boy. None of it did a damn thing for the people.

If you think Obama likes Americans, I got a sweet toll bridge in Brooklyn for sale. ;)
75 6 digit employment gains did nothing for the people??
DOES NOT MATTER; as long as Trump is POTUS America & the planet are in immanent danger

25th Amendment is what Congress MUST immediately invoke

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