Best proof yet about Trump's collusion with Russia

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The "deal" must have been fairly simple......

Russia tells Trump to soften the GOP's platform toward Russia in NOT arming the Ukraine to ward off Putin's aggression.....


Putin promises to bash Clinton through Wikileaks to help Trump gain the WH.....

Where before its was only speculation as to WHY the GOP would want to "befriend" the aggressive Putin and betray the Ukraine, proof is slowly emerging about the treasonous deals that either Trump or his closest cronies worked out with the Kremlin.

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Top Trump aide Paul Manafort swore that the campaign had nothing to do with a radical change in the official Republican Party position on Ukraine. He was lying.

Eric Brakey, a Maine delegate who identifies as a non-interventionist, said he supported the change, which was pushed in part by the Trump campaign.
“Some staff from the Trump campaign came in and… came back with some language that softened the platform,” Brakey told The Daily Beast. “They didn’t intervene in the platform in most cases. But in that case they had some wisdom to say that maybe we don’t want to be calling… for very, very clear aggressive acts of war against Russia.”

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Definition of treason, anyone????

Gee, look who is still pushing for war against Russia over the Ukraine.....progressives.

We're not going to war over the Ukraine no matter how much Soros wants us to, get over it.

No one has even mentioned war except you dopes. Reagan was tough with Russia and was canonized for it. Now you're just corrupt apologists.

Just us "dupes"? How about what George Soros, one of the biggest donors to liberals in the US and EU has to say on the matter?

Just you and Trump.

Trump is the one pushing for a new cold war posture and new arms race. He's called for expansion of the military and an escalation of our nuclear capabilities. He's even called for nuclear proliferation. Exactly the opposite of what Reagan and every other president since has worked for. So, if I refer to you Trump/Russia apologists as dopes or dupes, I find it to be quite apt.
We had a platform concerning the Ukraine? Where was this platform articulated? The only way to change it is treason?

This is about as much evidence as job huntsman Jr's appointment as the Russian ambassador proves trump is working with the Russians
Remember when "collusion" with Russia was ok when Obama was doing it ?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."
Just us "dupes"? How about what George Soros, one of the biggest donors to liberals in the US and EU has to say on the matter?

Hey, moron what does Soros have to do with this thread?

For you idiots, whenever you feel cornered, you bring out Soros.
Commies whining about Nazis....hilarious!!!

Crimeans and eastern Ukrainians aren't commies. BUT the west loves their Nazis. You don't know the history of western Ukraine? Like the time they commited genocide in Poland in WWII.

Or had a death camp that was nicknamed the Holocaust of Bullets. Or that their hero Stepan Bandera fought with the Nazis.

Bandera is even buried in Germany and the west still considers him a hero.

Hey, if you say Nazi enough, can Putin invade all of Eastern Europe? DERP!

Give me a break. Putin hasn't invaded jack shit.

On the other hand with Obama. Let's see he installed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, took out Gaddafi and left Libya to terrorists, assisted the coup in Ukraine and overthrew a duly elected President and his party, then decided he had to help Saudi Arabia and Qatar overthrow Assad and gave the world ISIS.

Don't talk to me about Putin being the bad monster when Obama with the help of his hawks on the R side of the aisle have unleashed living hell in the ME.

Give me a break. Putin hasn't invaded jack shit.

Except he admitted it.

Don't talk to me about Putin being the bad monster when Obama

Oh, Obama was an incompetent asshole, so we have to let Putin invade all his neighbors.


You really believe in this Russia is the boogey man shit don't you? One man died. Putin does not want the rest of the Ukraine. He is leaving them to croak on their own. He only wanted Crimea and they wanted Russia. As far as the eastern rebels, he's helping like Obama helped so called rebels in Syria. Pity Obama's rebels turned out to be terrorists but that's a whole different thread.

"The council took a vote: Only Turchynov was in favor of declaring a state of war. And that was that: Russia held a spurious referendum in Crimea and took it over. The Ukrainian government gave up without a fight because it was scared of losing the entire country.

It is inconceivable that Putin didn’t know how weak Ukraine was. He had access to intelligence from the neighboring country. He could even talk directly to the deposed president, Viktor Yanukovych, who had just fled to Russia. Nothing prevented a Russian invasion.

Moreover, Putin didn’t need an additional pretext to step in: Russia had already declared the overthrow of Yanukovych an “anti-constitutional coup” — which, technically, it was, though the ex-president’s oppressive regime had little regard for the constitution.

It could have gotten Yanukovych to sign the kind of request for assistance that serves as a basis for Russia’s current military action in Syria.

Yet Putin didn’t do any of that. He didn’t want to invade the rest of Ukraine and deal with the momentous international consequences

He only wanted Crimea, the Russian navy base populated mainly by pro-Moscow Russian speakers. Yatsenyuk had no illusions about Crimeans when he talked about the possibility of an “ethnic conflict.”

Later, when Russia backed a separatist uprising in eastern Ukraine — providing military advisers, weapons and, eventually, troops — Putin was just as careful to avoid a full-scale invasion, even though he could have crushed the Ukrainian military.

In fact, even though Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has boasted that his military is now “the strongest in Europe,” Russia still has an overwhelming advantage in numbers, equipment and training.

Throughout the conflict, Putin has never been constrained by any threat of Ukrainian pushback. He doesn’t want overt control of this or any neighbouring country, just political and economic influence.

In Ukraine, he wants to cripple the country enough that the West will be wary of taking it in, integrating it into European institutions. So far, that plan is working: Ukraine remains destitute and riven by internal strife. "

Leonid Bershidsky: Why Putin stopped at Crimea

You really believe in this Russia is the boogey man shit don't you?

No captive nations trapped behind the Iron Curtain for decades after WWII?
Were millions intentionally starved by Stalin in Ukraine in the 30s?
Crimeans and eastern Ukrainians aren't commies. BUT the west loves their Nazis. You don't know the history of western Ukraine? Like the time they commited genocide in Poland in WWII.

Or had a death camp that was nicknamed the Holocaust of Bullets. Or that their hero Stepan Bandera fought with the Nazis.

Bandera is even buried in Germany and the west still considers him a hero.

Hey, if you say Nazi enough, can Putin invade all of Eastern Europe? DERP!

Give me a break. Putin hasn't invaded jack shit.

On the other hand with Obama. Let's see he installed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, took out Gaddafi and left Libya to terrorists, assisted the coup in Ukraine and overthrew a duly elected President and his party, then decided he had to help Saudi Arabia and Qatar overthrow Assad and gave the world ISIS.

Don't talk to me about Putin being the bad monster when Obama with the help of his hawks on the R side of the aisle have unleashed living hell in the ME.

Give me a break. Putin hasn't invaded jack shit.

Except he admitted it.

Don't talk to me about Putin being the bad monster when Obama

Oh, Obama was an incompetent asshole, so we have to let Putin invade all his neighbors.


You really believe in this Russia is the boogey man shit don't you? One man died. Putin does not want the rest of the Ukraine. He is leaving them to croak on their own. He only wanted Crimea and they wanted Russia. As far as the eastern rebels, he's helping like Obama helped so called rebels in Syria. Pity Obama's rebels turned out to be terrorists but that's a whole different thread.

"The council took a vote: Only Turchynov was in favor of declaring a state of war. And that was that: Russia held a spurious referendum in Crimea and took it over. The Ukrainian government gave up without a fight because it was scared of losing the entire country.

It is inconceivable that Putin didn’t know how weak Ukraine was. He had access to intelligence from the neighboring country. He could even talk directly to the deposed president, Viktor Yanukovych, who had just fled to Russia. Nothing prevented a Russian invasion.

Moreover, Putin didn’t need an additional pretext to step in: Russia had already declared the overthrow of Yanukovych an “anti-constitutional coup” — which, technically, it was, though the ex-president’s oppressive regime had little regard for the constitution.

It could have gotten Yanukovych to sign the kind of request for assistance that serves as a basis for Russia’s current military action in Syria.

Yet Putin didn’t do any of that. He didn’t want to invade the rest of Ukraine and deal with the momentous international consequences

He only wanted Crimea, the Russian navy base populated mainly by pro-Moscow Russian speakers. Yatsenyuk had no illusions about Crimeans when he talked about the possibility of an “ethnic conflict.”

Later, when Russia backed a separatist uprising in eastern Ukraine — providing military advisers, weapons and, eventually, troops — Putin was just as careful to avoid a full-scale invasion, even though he could have crushed the Ukrainian military.

In fact, even though Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has boasted that his military is now “the strongest in Europe,” Russia still has an overwhelming advantage in numbers, equipment and training.

Throughout the conflict, Putin has never been constrained by any threat of Ukrainian pushback. He doesn’t want overt control of this or any neighbouring country, just political and economic influence.

In Ukraine, he wants to cripple the country enough that the West will be wary of taking it in, integrating it into European institutions. So far, that plan is working: Ukraine remains destitute and riven by internal strife. "

Leonid Bershidsky: Why Putin stopped at Crimea

You really believe in this Russia is the boogey man shit don't you?

No captive nations trapped behind the Iron Curtain for decades after WWII?
Were millions intentionally starved by Stalin in Ukraine in the 30s?

I'm third generation Ukrainian on my mother's side. I know my history intimately when it comes to the Holomodor. That was the USSR.

The Russia of today is as different to the USSR as America is different from her slave holding days.

That's just a fact. Crimea was given to the Ukraine by Kruschev. After the USSR disolved Crimeans stayed with the Ukraine under the condition that they would have full autonomy. After the western backed coup in Kiev, they were not only going to be stripped of their autonomy but become second class citizens because of their ethnic Russian backgrounds. The Russian language would be banned along with several others.

Crimeans moved quickly to ask Moscow to protect them and Putin did so. The poor souls in the Donbass region sadly did not move swiftly enough. So Kiev has sent her neo nazis to fight the rebels.

We would be insane to try to pull the same shit in the Ukraine as we have done in other nations. Because with the Ukraine on his doorstep, Putin will have none of it.

McCain in particular seems intent on starting WWIII. It's bad enough witnessing what has already occured in the Ukraine since the coup, but it is positively chilling to think of what would happen if Trump listened to the war hawks.
Maybe Trump deserves the heat with the fake Russia stories. He backed the Obama birth certificate story, and what goes around comes around. But the American public sure doesn’t deserve a press like this.

Trump adviser Steve Bannon calls the media the opposition party, but that’s misleading. Everyone knows that the press typically tilts left, and no one is surprised, for instance, that The New York Times has not endorsed a Republican candidate since 1956. But that’s not what we’re seeing now—rather, the media has become an instrument in a campaign of political warfare. What was once an American political institution and a central part of the public sphere became something more like state-owned media used to advance the ruling party’s agenda and bully the opposition into silence. Russia’s RT network, the emir of Qatar’s Al Jazeera network—indeed, all of the Arab press—and media typically furnished by Third World regimes became the American press’ new paradigm; not journalism, but information operation. Wayne Barrett and Donald Trump
Do You Believe Clapper?
Hey, if you say Nazi enough, can Putin invade all of Eastern Europe? DERP!

Give me a break. Putin hasn't invaded jack shit.

On the other hand with Obama. Let's see he installed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, took out Gaddafi and left Libya to terrorists, assisted the coup in Ukraine and overthrew a duly elected President and his party, then decided he had to help Saudi Arabia and Qatar overthrow Assad and gave the world ISIS.

Don't talk to me about Putin being the bad monster when Obama with the help of his hawks on the R side of the aisle have unleashed living hell in the ME.

Give me a break. Putin hasn't invaded jack shit.

Except he admitted it.

Don't talk to me about Putin being the bad monster when Obama

Oh, Obama was an incompetent asshole, so we have to let Putin invade all his neighbors.


You really believe in this Russia is the boogey man shit don't you? One man died. Putin does not want the rest of the Ukraine. He is leaving them to croak on their own. He only wanted Crimea and they wanted Russia. As far as the eastern rebels, he's helping like Obama helped so called rebels in Syria. Pity Obama's rebels turned out to be terrorists but that's a whole different thread.

"The council took a vote: Only Turchynov was in favor of declaring a state of war. And that was that: Russia held a spurious referendum in Crimea and took it over. The Ukrainian government gave up without a fight because it was scared of losing the entire country.

It is inconceivable that Putin didn’t know how weak Ukraine was. He had access to intelligence from the neighboring country. He could even talk directly to the deposed president, Viktor Yanukovych, who had just fled to Russia. Nothing prevented a Russian invasion.

Moreover, Putin didn’t need an additional pretext to step in: Russia had already declared the overthrow of Yanukovych an “anti-constitutional coup” — which, technically, it was, though the ex-president’s oppressive regime had little regard for the constitution.

It could have gotten Yanukovych to sign the kind of request for assistance that serves as a basis for Russia’s current military action in Syria.

Yet Putin didn’t do any of that. He didn’t want to invade the rest of Ukraine and deal with the momentous international consequences

He only wanted Crimea, the Russian navy base populated mainly by pro-Moscow Russian speakers. Yatsenyuk had no illusions about Crimeans when he talked about the possibility of an “ethnic conflict.”

Later, when Russia backed a separatist uprising in eastern Ukraine — providing military advisers, weapons and, eventually, troops — Putin was just as careful to avoid a full-scale invasion, even though he could have crushed the Ukrainian military.

In fact, even though Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has boasted that his military is now “the strongest in Europe,” Russia still has an overwhelming advantage in numbers, equipment and training.

Throughout the conflict, Putin has never been constrained by any threat of Ukrainian pushback. He doesn’t want overt control of this or any neighbouring country, just political and economic influence.

In Ukraine, he wants to cripple the country enough that the West will be wary of taking it in, integrating it into European institutions. So far, that plan is working: Ukraine remains destitute and riven by internal strife. "

Leonid Bershidsky: Why Putin stopped at Crimea

You really believe in this Russia is the boogey man shit don't you?

No captive nations trapped behind the Iron Curtain for decades after WWII?
Were millions intentionally starved by Stalin in Ukraine in the 30s?

I'm third generation Ukrainian on my mother's side. I know my history intimately when it comes to the Holomodor. That was the USSR.

The Russia of today is as different to the USSR as America is different from her slave holding days.

That's just a fact. Crimea was given to the Ukraine by Kruschev. After the USSR disolved Crimeans stayed with the Ukraine under the condition that they would have full autonomy. After the western backed coup in Kiev, they were not only going to be stripped of their autonomy but become second class citizens because of their ethnic Russian backgrounds. The Russian language would be banned along with several others.

Crimeans moved quickly to ask Moscow to protect them and Putin did so. The poor souls in the Donbass region sadly did not move swiftly enough. So Kiev has sent her neo nazis to fight the rebels.

We would be insane to try to pull the same shit in the Ukraine as we have done in other nations. Because with the Ukraine on his doorstep, Putin will have none of it.

McCain in particular seems intent on starting WWIII. It's bad enough witnessing what has already occured in the Ukraine since the coup, but it is positively chilling to think of what would happen if Trump listened to the war hawks.

Sounds a lot like what Hitler stated about Austria in 1938 when the Nazis took that country over ......
Nobody is buying the fake "Russian Bear" news anymore. It's FAKE NEWS.

Place your head right back up your ass......."defending" the orange clown when faced by constant proof of his Russian collusion, is the only recourse left for right wing morons....and you're certainly one of these morons.

What F-ing proof, SHOW US PROOF! Damn.

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I don't think Congress will find the truth about the Russian collision. The Comrade has placed political operatives in key position, so they can block investigative progress.

The Press is going to have to find the truth.
The "deal" must have been fairly simple......

Russia tells Trump to soften the GOP's platform toward Russia in NOT arming the Ukraine to ward off Putin's aggression.....


Putin promises to bash Clinton through Wikileaks to help Trump gain the WH.....

Where before its was only speculation as to WHY the GOP would want to "befriend" the aggressive Putin and betray the Ukraine, proof is slowly emerging about the treasonous deals that either Trump or his closest cronies worked out with the Kremlin.

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Top Trump aide Paul Manafort swore that the campaign had nothing to do with a radical change in the official Republican Party position on Ukraine. He was lying.

Eric Brakey, a Maine delegate who identifies as a non-interventionist, said he supported the change, which was pushed in part by the Trump campaign.
“Some staff from the Trump campaign came in and… came back with some language that softened the platform,” Brakey told The Daily Beast. “They didn’t intervene in the platform in most cases. But in that case they had some wisdom to say that maybe we don’t want to be calling… for very, very clear aggressive acts of war against Russia.”

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Definition of treason, anyone????

Yo dingleberry

Talking to the Russians is not a crime

If you do not like it when your political party officers or presidential candidate talk to Russians then don't vote for Trump in 2020. I will.

NOTHING that you motherfuckers say or do will get the 2016 election repeated. NOTHING.

Now that we know that the CIA was using UMBRAGE to hack and blame Russia, Gen Flynn should be brought back .

Give it up , is useless.

What's really useless is you voting for chump in 2020 he won't be on the ticket
Nobody is buying the fake "Russian Bear" news anymore. It's FAKE NEWS.

Place your head right back up your ass......."defending" the orange clown when faced by constant proof of his Russian collusion, is the only recourse left for right wing morons....and you're certainly one of these morons.
If what you posted is the best proof yet, (your words), then I would say there is not much proof at all.
I don't think Congress will find the truth about the Russian collision. The Comrade has placed political operatives in key position, so they can block investigative progress.

The Press is going to have to find the truth.
you mean the press who accepted Obamas word that there was no wrongdoing in the IRS but had no idea that all of the emails were missing? That press?

Or the press that accepted that emails showed there was no wrongdoing in Benhazi, but at the time were unaware that Hillary had a private server.

Is that the press you are talking about?

I suggest you not hold your breath.
Remember when "collusion" with Russia was ok when Obama was doing it ?

President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."

President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."

I have to point out that Obama was President at the time he did that.
Hey, if you say Nazi enough, can Putin invade all of Eastern Europe? DERP!

Give me a break. Putin hasn't invaded jack shit.

On the other hand with Obama. Let's see he installed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, took out Gaddafi and left Libya to terrorists, assisted the coup in Ukraine and overthrew a duly elected President and his party, then decided he had to help Saudi Arabia and Qatar overthrow Assad and gave the world ISIS.

Don't talk to me about Putin being the bad monster when Obama with the help of his hawks on the R side of the aisle have unleashed living hell in the ME.

Give me a break. Putin hasn't invaded jack shit.

Except he admitted it.

Don't talk to me about Putin being the bad monster when Obama

Oh, Obama was an incompetent asshole, so we have to let Putin invade all his neighbors.


You really believe in this Russia is the boogey man shit don't you? One man died. Putin does not want the rest of the Ukraine. He is leaving them to croak on their own. He only wanted Crimea and they wanted Russia. As far as the eastern rebels, he's helping like Obama helped so called rebels in Syria. Pity Obama's rebels turned out to be terrorists but that's a whole different thread.

"The council took a vote: Only Turchynov was in favor of declaring a state of war. And that was that: Russia held a spurious referendum in Crimea and took it over. The Ukrainian government gave up without a fight because it was scared of losing the entire country.

It is inconceivable that Putin didn’t know how weak Ukraine was. He had access to intelligence from the neighboring country. He could even talk directly to the deposed president, Viktor Yanukovych, who had just fled to Russia. Nothing prevented a Russian invasion.

Moreover, Putin didn’t need an additional pretext to step in: Russia had already declared the overthrow of Yanukovych an “anti-constitutional coup” — which, technically, it was, though the ex-president’s oppressive regime had little regard for the constitution.

It could have gotten Yanukovych to sign the kind of request for assistance that serves as a basis for Russia’s current military action in Syria.

Yet Putin didn’t do any of that. He didn’t want to invade the rest of Ukraine and deal with the momentous international consequences

He only wanted Crimea, the Russian navy base populated mainly by pro-Moscow Russian speakers. Yatsenyuk had no illusions about Crimeans when he talked about the possibility of an “ethnic conflict.”

Later, when Russia backed a separatist uprising in eastern Ukraine — providing military advisers, weapons and, eventually, troops — Putin was just as careful to avoid a full-scale invasion, even though he could have crushed the Ukrainian military.

In fact, even though Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has boasted that his military is now “the strongest in Europe,” Russia still has an overwhelming advantage in numbers, equipment and training.

Throughout the conflict, Putin has never been constrained by any threat of Ukrainian pushback. He doesn’t want overt control of this or any neighbouring country, just political and economic influence.

In Ukraine, he wants to cripple the country enough that the West will be wary of taking it in, integrating it into European institutions. So far, that plan is working: Ukraine remains destitute and riven by internal strife. "

Leonid Bershidsky: Why Putin stopped at Crimea

You really believe in this Russia is the boogey man shit don't you?

No captive nations trapped behind the Iron Curtain for decades after WWII?
Were millions intentionally starved by Stalin in Ukraine in the 30s?

I'm third generation Ukrainian on my mother's side. I know my history intimately when it comes to the Holomodor. That was the USSR.

The Russia of today is as different to the USSR as America is different from her slave holding days.

That's just a fact. Crimea was given to the Ukraine by Kruschev. After the USSR disolved Crimeans stayed with the Ukraine under the condition that they would have full autonomy. After the western backed coup in Kiev, they were not only going to be stripped of their autonomy but become second class citizens because of their ethnic Russian backgrounds. The Russian language would be banned along with several others.

Crimeans moved quickly to ask Moscow to protect them and Putin did so. The poor souls in the Donbass region sadly did not move swiftly enough. So Kiev has sent her neo nazis to fight the rebels.

We would be insane to try to pull the same shit in the Ukraine as we have done in other nations. Because with the Ukraine on his doorstep, Putin will have none of it.

McCain in particular seems intent on starting WWIII. It's bad enough witnessing what has already occured in the Ukraine since the coup, but it is positively chilling to think of what would happen if Trump listened to the war hawks.

That was the USSR.

Yup. So you think those neighbors of Russia might not want to be enslaved again?

The Russia of today is as different to the USSR as America is different from her slave holding days.

Let's see, America no more slaves, Russia, still fucking with their neighbors.
Analogy FAIL!

After the western backed coup in Kiev

Putin's puppet getting the boot was really sad.

So Kiev has sent her neo nazis to fight the rebels.

Don't forget the vacationing Russian soldiers.
Where before its was only speculation as to WHY the GOP would want to "befriend" the aggressive Putin and betray the Ukraine, proof is slowly emerging about the treasonous deals that either Trump or his closest cronies worked out with the Kremlin.
Oh did it again Natty. You made an idiotic prediction that is coming back to haunt you.

Yeah....if only there were that little thing called "evidence".

Senator Coons admits to having no real evidence on the subject

Chris Coons walks back talk of Russia-Trump collusion
The "deal" must have been fairly simple......

Russia tells Trump to soften the GOP's platform toward Russia in NOT arming the Ukraine to ward off Putin's aggression.....


Putin promises to bash Clinton through Wikileaks to help Trump gain the WH.....

Where before its was only speculation as to WHY the GOP would want to "befriend" the aggressive Putin and betray the Ukraine, proof is slowly emerging about the treasonous deals that either Trump or his closest cronies worked out with the Kremlin.

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Top Trump aide Paul Manafort swore that the campaign had nothing to do with a radical change in the official Republican Party position on Ukraine. He was lying.

Eric Brakey, a Maine delegate who identifies as a non-interventionist, said he supported the change, which was pushed in part by the Trump campaign.
“Some staff from the Trump campaign came in and… came back with some language that softened the platform,” Brakey told The Daily Beast. “They didn’t intervene in the platform in most cases. But in that case they had some wisdom to say that maybe we don’t want to be calling… for very, very clear aggressive acts of war against Russia.”

Trump Campaign Changed Ukraine Platform, Lied About It

Definition of treason, anyone????

I had this thread come back for a very specific reason, besides that Batty Natty has 10 threads on Russian collusion/delusion, lol.

Yes folks, I had it come back because THIS should be the thread of record.........since Batty Natty likes collusion so the Democrats start coming down between now and November.

As we can see.........if you are paying attention............the Republicans have done this correctly, with the crescendo coming by mid summer, to affect the midterms. The only question is-------->how many of the Obama team will be arrested, and prosecuted.

Let me be the 1st tell you if you didn't know, it won't be Strozk, Paige, or Prestep, as they are co-operating. In other words, those who formulated this whole delusion are in deep trouble-)

But let us keep this thread on the board, so we can ask all these nice Leftists how they like their phony investigation now, as someone in power, has actually used their garbagski on them in reverse. In essence, they are the creators of their own downfall. You see, innuendo does NOTHING to make the liberal media sit up, and pay attention; but a good arrest or 2 will force their hands, lol. I kind of figured it would happen in February or March, and it did, but the media would still not cover it. This means, I guess; that without handcuffs, nobody is going to pay attention, lol.

So the question is------------> who is going to pay the embarrassing price 1st? Will it be Clapper, Rice, Powers, or someone else? You know the polls all these Dimocrats have been heralding? Wait till one of them is indicted, and watch the polls change over night, lol. Not to mention, for a booster shot, they will probably indict a 2nd one in mid October.

Watch, and pay attention, on how the Dimicrats have screwed themselves-)
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