Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

Who the fuck do you imagine you're fooling? poor parents cannot afford to pay for private schools,

Since WHEN did you care about supporting the poor, you hypocrite.

Why should I pay for your government school?

Cuz that is the way it works, you dumbMF. Pay your taxes and support a free public education for all children.
You want choice, then pay for your private education.

Screw this voucher system and Charter Schools. They, charter schools, scream of Fraud.
A lot like Trump University.
Who the fuck do you imagine you're fooling? poor parents cannot afford to pay for private schools,

Since WHEN did you care about supporting the poor, you hypocrite.

Why should I pay for your government school?

Cuz that is the way it works, you dumbMF. Pay your taxes and support a free public education for all children.
You want choice, then pay for your private education.

Screw this voucher system and Charter Schools. They, charter schools, scream of Fraud.
A lot like Trump University.
Thanks for explaining how I'm getting fucked. No justify it, moron.
So, you oppose tax dollars going to Unplanned Parenthood then, right? We shouldn’t pay for someone else’s choice, right?

(and don’t come back with the moronic “they keep tax dollars separate” bullshit)

Nope. You fail to comprehend my position.

I support my tax dollars going to education and Planned Parenthood for basic services such as public education, contraception, pre natal testing etc. But if you want to send your kid to Christian academy or pay for fertility treatments, that is on your dime.
So, you want others to pay for some choices, and not others.

How hypocritical of you.

Are you going to pay for my kid to go to Harvard? Didn’t think so.

We are legally required to provide an education to thechildren in this country. We aren’t legally required to provide the education of your choice. That is on you and on your dime.
Vouchers go to kids in poor performing schools.....typically inner city schools with poor minorities.

You are the typical Libtard hellbent on keeping minorities down.

Typical ignorant Contard - time to move past outdated talking points.

The voucher program may have initially been to help poor students in struggling schools that is no longer the case:

Fort Wayne is a microcosm of what's happening statewide, with tens of millions of state taxpayer dollars paying for children to attend private schools without, as then-Gov. Daniels had suggested, giving public schools "first shot."

Behning, the law's tireless defender, argues that all parents deserve to choose their child's school, even those who have traditionally opted out of the public system.

"The intent of the program was to give parents choice," says Behning. The parents of children in private schools, he says, "are taxpayers just like the parents in a traditional public school."

This shift in the program's rules, begun by Pence in 2013, has led to a shift in student demographics as well. White voucher students are up from 46 percent that first year to 60 percent today, and the share of black students has dropped from 24 percent to 12 percent. Recipients are also increasingly suburban and middle class. A third of students do not qualify for free or reduced-price meals.

While the program was once premised on giving low-income, public school families access to better schools, this year fewer than 1 percent of voucher students used a pathway, written into the law, that's meant specifically for students leaving failing schools.

"When you look at that trend data, it is alarming," says Jennifer McCormick, the state's new Republican superintendent of public instruction, and a former public school teacher. She says of the old narrative that vouchers were largely meant to help low-income students escape underperforming public schools: "That's not necessarily the case" today.

So why exactly are you demanding that I pay for suburban middle class parents (who's public school system is generally quite good) to send their kids to private schools?

You just want more free stuff paid for by others. (sarcasm alert)
What does "giving public schools first shot" mean?

What the hell is this "pathway, written into the law, that's meant specifically for students leaving failing schools?"

This article is obvious bullshit. It's full of weasel words and meaningless terminology.
Who the fuck do you imagine you're fooling? poor parents cannot afford to pay for private schools,

Since WHEN did you care about supporting the poor, you hypocrite.

Why should I pay for your government school?

Cuz that is the way it works, you dumbMF. Pay your taxes and support a free public education for all children.
You want choice, then pay for your private education.

Screw this voucher system and Charter Schools. They, charter schools, scream of Fraud.
A lot like Trump University.
Thanks for explaining how I'm getting fucked. No justify it, moron.

Explain what I need to justify?
Why should I pay for someone's choice to send their kid to a whacko religious school?

Why not? If the cost to you is the same, one way or the other, why should the parents of a child attending a failing school system have the same choice of schools their child attends as a more wealthy parent? Why do you demand that low-income people continue to suffer?
Libtards are against poor minorities having access to a quality education.

I wonder why that is.
Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.

White, old and lesser educated is no way to go thru life...

Betz’s hell is waiting for her.
Then it must suck to be you
Libtards are against poor minorities having access to a quality education.

This doesn't even make sense.

Public Education is just fine, it is the quality of student that determines the outcome.

So, IYO, a student from an above average Public School would perform Better if they transferred and attended any Private School or an Above Average Private HS?


Can you prove it leads to better outcomes?
It this serious a serious question?

Yes, provided the Russians can explain the question to you.
Yes We built the greatest country in the world with some of the most educated ordinary people in the world when we had school choice. Scary how dumb democrats are and your allowed to vote
Yup. The same school choice we have now.
Libtards are against poor minorities having access to a quality education.

This doesn't even make sense.

Public Education is just fine, it is the quality of student that determines the outcome.

So, IYO, a student from an above average Public School would perform Better if they transferred and attended any Private School or an Above Average Private HS?
Thanks for proving you have no clue what vouchers are used for.


Can you prove it leads to better outcomes?
It this serious a serious question?

Yes, provided the Russians can explain the question to you.
Yes We built the greatest country in the world with some of the most educated ordinary people in the world when we had school choice. Scary how dumb democrats are and your allowed to vote
Yup. The same school choice we have now.
No we didn’t have foreigners that couldn’t speak English in our poor neighborhoods, they parents would have raided the schools and kicked them out

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