Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

Is that what happened to you? Public school?

Yup, I'm public school educated.

You are Private School Educated?

Well, of course. They don't teach the 73 genders that you know all so well in private school. There the focus is on teaching marketable skills, not socialist bullshit.

I just don't see your claim in public education lacking over anything Private.
Care to explain.

The teachers in Private Schools are less qualified. FACT.
How qualified do you need to be to teach readin, writin and rithamtic to elementary school aged kids? I taught my stepson how to read in a few weeks. It didn't take 12 years.
Actually, private schools take on such students every day. When they did a study of public schools in Milwaukee, it was learned that the school district sent all their problem students to special private schools that were better equipped to handle them.

Is that so? LOL. They absolutely do NOT take on the Non-Verbal, violent child.
Sure they do. Milwaukee dumped all its kids that were discipline problems on private schools.


A private school cannot be made to take any child they do not want
Actually, private schools take on such students every day. When they did a study of public schools in Milwaukee, it was learned that the school district sent all their problem students to special private schools that were better equipped to handle them.

Is that so? LOL. They absolutely do NOT take on the Non-Verbal, violent child.
Sure they do. Milwaukee dumped all its kids that were discipline problems on private schools.


A private school cannot be made to take any child they do not want
Who said they were forced to take the kids with discipline problems?
Home schoolers are self-designated, meaning they have zero qualifications. For every success you hear about, there are many more that have to return to public schools years behind their peers in education. I know because I had to teach high schools how to divide.

You are really showing your ignorance and bias.

True, not everyone is qualified to home school their children. HOWEVER, not all parents want to do so either. There are also dozens of very high-quality homeschooling systems on-line. You're also ASSUMING that parents who wish to home school do not communicate with each other. They meet and work together. Who knew?

Those home schooling systems are free?

That petard you just hoisted yourself on, belongs to you!

I fully support home schooling if it is done properly. The problem is that I have seen disaster after disaster in my years of education that pale in comparison to the few successes I have seen. I just hate it when people lie to support their opinions.

My granddaughter was home schooled due to a speech problem that was eventually resolved and she returned to public school. She was traumatized by the other little bastards making fun of her to the point she could not learn.

My grandson had leukemia and is still continuing chemotherapy. We tried to find an inexpensive home schooling curriculum so he could be taught by his mother, my wife and myself, but the costs were ridiculous. Now, he will return to school and that Petri dish of infectious diseases that exist there wit a compromised immune system.

Ahh, you were an educator. That explains your leftist position on national education. You want to maintain the national message.

36% of millennials polled say that they approve of communism, which is up significantly from 28% in 2018.
Is that what happened to you? Public school?

Yup, I'm public school educated.

You are Private School Educated?

Well, of course. They don't teach the 73 genders that you know all so well in private school. There the focus is on teaching marketable skills, not socialist bullshit.

I just don't see your claim in public education lacking over anything Private.
Care to explain.

The teachers in Private Schools are less qualified. FACT.
How qualified do you need to be to teach readin, writin and rithamtic to elementary school aged kids? .....

A lot more qualified than you.
Is that what happened to you? Public school?

Yup, I'm public school educated.

You are Private School Educated?

Well, of course. They don't teach the 73 genders that you know all so well in private school. There the focus is on teaching marketable skills, not socialist bullshit.

I just don't see your claim in public education lacking over anything Private.
Care to explain.

The teachers in Private Schools are less qualified. FACT.
How qualified do you need to be to teach readin, writin and rithamtic to elementary school aged kids? .....

A lot more qualified than you.
No you don't, turd.
Is that what happened to you? Public school?

Yup, I'm public school educated.

You are Private School Educated?

Well, of course. They don't teach the 73 genders that you know all so well in private school. There the focus is on teaching marketable skills, not socialist bullshit.

I just don't see your claim in public education lacking over anything Private.
Care to explain.

The teachers in Private Schools are less qualified. FACT.
...I taught my stepson how to read in a few weeks. It didn't take 12 years.

No, you didn’t.
Yup, I'm public school educated.

You are Private School Educated?

Well, of course. They don't teach the 73 genders that you know all so well in private school. There the focus is on teaching marketable skills, not socialist bullshit.

I just don't see your claim in public education lacking over anything Private.
Care to explain.

The teachers in Private Schools are less qualified. FACT.
How qualified do you need to be to teach readin, writin and rithamtic to elementary school aged kids? .....

A lot more qualified than you.
No you don't, turd.

Swallow your pride and accept it.
Well, of course. They don't teach the 73 genders that you know all so well in private school. There the focus is on teaching marketable skills, not socialist bullshit.

I just don't see your claim in public education lacking over anything Private.
Care to explain.

The teachers in Private Schools are less qualified. FACT.
How qualified do you need to be to teach readin, writin and rithamtic to elementary school aged kids? .....

A lot more qualified than you.
No you don't, turd.

Swallow your pride and accept it.
Being the biggest douchebag in the forum doesn't make you the winner.
I just don't see your claim in public education lacking over anything Private.
Care to explain.

The teachers in Private Schools are less qualified. FACT.
How qualified do you need to be to teach readin, writin and rithamtic to elementary school aged kids? .....

A lot more qualified than you.
No you don't, turd.

Swallow your pride and accept it.
Being the biggest douchebag in the forum doesn't make you the winner.

You know because you’ve been trying so hard for so long?
So you decided to join the liars parade? Lower test scores? How? Where? On what measure?

Drop out rates have nothing to do with the education being provided. That being said, the rate has decreased since 1990 by about 3%. The dropout rate is now about 7%.

My state recently enacted mandatory attendance laws until age 18 versus 16. That gives the drug dealers and juvenile delinquents two more years to sit in class and disrupt the education process.

When I was an assistant principal, I would call parents and tell them to come get their kids and withdraw them from school if they were aged 16 and not progressing towards graduation. We didn't have time for babysitting. Now, thanks to conservatards who do not understand education, that are elected to state legislatures, you can't do that without expelling him and that looks bad if it is a minority kid, and hurts the statistics, so it doesn't happen!
So, you threw kids out of school who were a challenge?

You just destroyed your own position, Fuckwit.

They were not a challenge. They attended school only when they had drug deals to make, skipped class almost constantly, and never passed a single class. I was an assistant principal in the largest high school in northeast Florida at the time, and personally supervised 650 students.

Once again, you run your mouth about things you know nothing about and lie when it suits your purposes.
You bailed on those children.


Bailed? STFU you self-inflicted ignoramus!

I'l give another example of something you never considered. One of the students I kicked out my last year in Florida was let back in the school by the principal the year after I left. He was a 17 year-old freshman who had exactly zero credits toward graduation despite being in the school for almost 3 years. He was well-known to our school resource officers and the local police in the neighborhoods as a drug dealer.

He was sexually harassing a young female student, and the school did nothing about it. The girl's older brother shot and killed that young man while he was harassing the student at their home. If he stayed out of school he might at least still be alive today.
That's not a good argument for government schools.
Especially after he argued that the DOE is necessary cuz public schools wouldn't be able to serve all students without the DOE.

He clearly couldn't handle this kid with all the paper pushers in DC behind him.
Not at all. I pay for schools. I am not the one running around whining and demanding others pay to send my kids to some elite private school. Pay for it yourself. Isn't that what you tell others about stuff like free contraception or medical care? Pay for it yourself.
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

Dude. I don't have kids. So I am paying for other people's kids - like yours. We owe everyone in this country an education (that benefits America as a whole). We are rare in that we do not charge extra for education - it comes out of our general taxes. That is a pretty good system. That doesn't mean you get an elite education or a special religious education - it means you get the basics and make the best of what you have and if it sucks - you try to get your kids into something alternate. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for you.
No, we don't owe everyone an education. That's the servile mentality that says we exist to serve other people's wants. People should get the education they want for their kids, not the education that the government and its toadies impose on them. If the voters approve something else, then they will get it.
Tough shit. That is not the way civilized societies work. It isn’t education just for you elites, it is education for all. We guaranteed that a long time ago. If you want to send your kids to an elite school, you can, on your own dime. Don’t expect us to subsidize it.
Sorry, turd, but that's the way democracy works. If the voters decide they don't want to pay for your education, then you pay for it yourself. Democracy sucks, doesn't it?

Your horseshit about "civilized society" is a joke. It sure as hell isn't an argument.


I don’t think you quite understands how it works.

There are those pesky laws and that pesky Constitution to prevent mob rule.
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.

Letting parents choose to kill their children is super cool but letting them choose their children's schools is crazy talk.

Parents get to choose their schools. No one is stopping them.
No one is fooled by this idiocy.

Who is stopping you from choosing?

Or is this another case where you want me to pay for your choice?
You don't get that choice. I may not want to pay for your fire department, but I do because I have to do so, even though I pay a volunteer fire department where I live.
That's the problem with the system you endorse: I don't get a choice.

Yes. You do. You get the same choice the rest of us do when we pay for our own contraceptives and health care and abortions.

Don't expect us to pay for YOU.
That's pure bullshit, douchebag. Quit pissing down my leg and telling me its rain. Why should I pay for your education or your healthcare? You have yet to explain that.
If your leg is wet, check your depends.

We all pay for education because it benefits the entire country.

Don’t like it? Then move to a third world utopia without compulsory education and masses of uneducated poor people who can’t afford school fees.
ROFL! So it's your way or the highway?

That's so democratic!
Oh? So you are fine paying for a safety net that includes contraception, medical care etc?

Or do you just want the rest of us pay for your elite schools?
You want me to pay for your schools. I don't want your government brainwashing mills. You demand that I send my kids to the cesspools that you want. When are you going to pay for it yourself?

Who do you think you're fooling?

Dude. I don't have kids. So I am paying for other people's kids - like yours. We owe everyone in this country an education (that benefits America as a whole). We are rare in that we do not charge extra for education - it comes out of our general taxes. That is a pretty good system. That doesn't mean you get an elite education or a special religious education - it means you get the basics and make the best of what you have and if it sucks - you try to get your kids into something alternate. But don't expect the rest of us to pay for you.
No, we don't owe everyone an education. That's the servile mentality that says we exist to serve other people's wants. People should get the education they want for their kids, not the education that the government and its toadies impose on them. If the voters approve something else, then they will get it.
Tough shit. That is not the way civilized societies work. It isn’t education just for you elites, it is education for all. We guaranteed that a long time ago. If you want to send your kids to an elite school, you can, on your own dime. Don’t expect us to subsidize it.
Sorry, turd, but that's the way democracy works. If the voters decide they don't want to pay for your education, then you pay for it yourself. Democracy sucks, doesn't it?

Your horseshit about "civilized society" is a joke. It sure as hell isn't an argument.


I don’t think you quite understands how it works.

There are those pesky laws and that pesky Constitution to prevent mob rule.
The Constitution doesn't say a thing about education, dingbat.
That's the problem with the system you endorse: I don't get a choice.

Yes. You do. You get the same choice the rest of us do when we pay for our own contraceptives and health care and abortions.

Don't expect us to pay for YOU.
That's pure bullshit, douchebag. Quit pissing down my leg and telling me its rain. Why should I pay for your education or your healthcare? You have yet to explain that.
If your leg is wet, check your depends.

We all pay for education because it benefits the entire country.

Don’t like it? Then move to a third world utopia without compulsory education and masses of uneducated poor people who can’t afford school fees.
ROFL! So it's your way or the highway?

That's so democratic!
Oh? So you are fine paying for a safety net that includes contraception, medical care etc?

Or do you just want the rest of us pay for your elite schools?
I don't approve of "safety nets" of any kind.

Parents can apply their vouchers to any kind of school they like. Where do you get the idea that only "elite schools" will receive them?
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.

Letting parents choose to kill their children is super cool but letting them choose their children's schools is crazy talk.

Parents get to choose their schools. No one is stopping them.
No one is fooled by this idiocy.

Who is stopping you from choosing?

Or is this another case where you want me to pay for your choice?
The government takes my money at gunpoint and spends it on schools not of my choosing.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Yes. You do. You get the same choice the rest of us do when we pay for our own contraceptives and health care and abortions.

Don't expect us to pay for YOU.
That's pure bullshit, douchebag. Quit pissing down my leg and telling me its rain. Why should I pay for your education or your healthcare? You have yet to explain that.
If your leg is wet, check your depends.

We all pay for education because it benefits the entire country.

Don’t like it? Then move to a third world utopia without compulsory education and masses of uneducated poor people who can’t afford school fees.
ROFL! So it's your way or the highway?

That's so democratic!
Oh? So you are fine paying for a safety net that includes contraception, medical care etc?

Or do you just want the rest of us pay for your elite schools?
I don't approve of "safety nets" of any kind.

Parents can apply their vouchers to any kind of school they like. Where do you get the idea that only "elite schools" will receive them?

They don’t need vouchers to apply. Why do you insist I should subsidize their education beyond the basics provided in the public school system?
No surprise.........she's a charter school zealot who wants to destroy the public schools.

Letting parents choose to kill their children is super cool but letting them choose their children's schools is crazy talk.

Parents get to choose their schools. No one is stopping them.
No one is fooled by this idiocy.

Who is stopping you from choosing?

Or is this another case where you want me to pay for your choice?
So, you oppose tax dollars going to Unplanned Parenthood then, right? We shouldn’t pay for someone else’s choice, right?

(and don’t come back with the moronic “they keep tax dollars separate” bullshit)

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