Betsy DeVos Has Cut 600 Staff Positions in Dept of Education

Why not debate her policies and not attack her personally

I attack her personally because everything in my meme is true.
When it comes to public education, Betsy Wetsy is a certifiable know-nothing clown.
Using your standards, Barry Hussein was unqualified to be involved in education.

No, Barry Hussein was a friend of public education. Betsy Wetsy is not.


Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools
Stanley Kurtz
Updated Sept. 23, 2008 12:01 am ET

Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience. From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. The group poured more than $100 million into the hands of community organizers and radical education activists.

The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s. Among other feats, Mr. Ayers and his

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools

As you know, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorn were close friends of the Obamas. The CAC was a colossal failure.
You stupid fuck. The Annenbergs who funded this are Republicans.

The changes they wanted to make are known beneficial education approaches. It was not a failure at all.

You assfucks have the obsession to lie about Obama in order to try to make your fat assed buddy look better.

The Distinquished Professor Ayers wrote the grant along with others. Bill Ayers protested the Vietnam War & those that engineered it. So did I & many at that time. Bill Ayers efforts never hurt anyone.

You stupid fucks need to quit digging up the old lies that have been debunked a gazillion times. OMG OMG OMG Bill Ayes!!!!!

AS Devos & Trump tears down of public school system. Republicans love the uneducated.
Dude you are a democrat you have destroyed education! The outcome of kids that graduate towns with more republicans is FAR BETTER! You can’t have a one party democrat control city with out school choice you have destroyed education you all should be in jail or worse. Every black person should open a class action law suit on you people
Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.
Republicans hate Education. They especially hate public education. ...

I’m a Republican and I’ve dedicated my life to education. How about you, big mouth?
I weep for your students.

Yes, you hysterical leftists weep at the drop of a hat.
Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.
Republicans hate Education. They especially hate public education. ...

I’m a Republican and I’ve dedicated my life to education. How about you, big mouth?

Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.
Republicans hate Education. They especially hate public education. ...

I’m a Republican and I’ve dedicated my life to education. How about you, big mouth?
You are no republican lol thats funny
Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.
Republicans hate Education. They especially hate public education. ...

I’m a Republican and I’ve dedicated my life to education. How about you, big mouth?

Lol you just called your self a big mouth hahah
Which scores are you talking about?

Here are the SAT scores, show me the decline please.
Average SAT Scores Over Time: 1972 - 2019

Charles Krauthammer, (copyright) 1994, Washington Post Writers Group CHICAGO TRIBUNE


Why? The College Board says: To make it easier for students and parents to find the average. When the modern SATs were started in 1941, the average score was 500. They have since slid 76 points in verbal and 22 points in math. Because "most infrequent users of the SAT expect the average to be about 500," explains the College Board, they tend to misinterpret the results. They think a 424 verbal is below average, whereas in fact it is today's sorry mean. We will now cure them of this debilitating
misapprehension by "recentering": By decree, every 424 turns into a cool 500.


Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.
Republicans hate Education. They especially hate public education. ...

I’m a Republican and I’ve dedicated my life to education. How about you, big mouth?
I weep for your students.

Yes, you hysterical leftists weep at the drop of a hat.
Me, a leftist?

Tomorrow’s headlines: Trump administration destroys Christmas for hundreds of families.

I’m hoping in his second term Trump eliminates the Department altogether.

Betsy DeVos has cut 600 staff positions at the Department of Education

“I have long advocated for the notion that it would be great to work myself out of a job,” she said.
Republicans hate Education. They especially hate public education. If a corporation isn't raking in the cash, they aren't happy.

Aren't we all glad our tax money will go so Johnny can go to private school while the poor kid in the inner city's school gets less funding.

Fuck Betsy Devos whose only claim to fame is marrying into the biggest pyramid scam of all time.
When Republicans ran California the education system was ranked #1 in the Union. Today it’s #50 and guess who controls the State.
Aren't we all glad our tax money will go so Johnny can go to private school while the poor kid in the inner city's school gets less funding.

As you know, government schools that spend the most per student are the ones with the lowest-performing students.

I'm sure you also know that private schools are able to spend less per student and yet they get better results.
I come from a inner city school they litterly hire School superintendents based off of race and culture relations not on education.. our children should not be subjected to this abuseSchool is for education not Race relation and Marxism

school choice now!

Typical idiot spouting nonsense.
Betsy Wetsy, her evil brother Erik Prince and Dotard J Drumpf are devil spawn entitled rich kids with no fucking clue about the real world.

Why not debate her policies and not attack her personally

I attack her personally because everything in my meme is true.
When it comes to public education, Betsy Wetsy is a certifiable know-nothing clown.
Betsy derangement syndrome lol

Funny, the picture just records another unqualified trump donor hack.
Betsy Wetsy, her evil brother Erik Prince and Dotard J Drumpf are devil spawn entitled rich kids with no fucking clue about the real world.
Why not debate her policies and not attack her personally

I attack her personally because everything in my meme is true.
When it comes to public education, Betsy Wetsy is a certifiable know-nothing clown.
Using your standards, Barry Hussein was unqualified to be involved in education.

No, Barry Hussein was a friend of public education. Betsy Wetsy is not.

Government education is the single greatest enemy of the American people.

Sure, just look at where America was before public education.
Why not debate her policies and not attack her personally

I attack her personally because everything in my meme is true.
When it comes to public education, Betsy Wetsy is a certifiable know-nothing clown.
Using your standards, Barry Hussein was unqualified to be involved in education.

No, Barry Hussein was a friend of public education. Betsy Wetsy is not.


Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools
Stanley Kurtz
Updated Sept. 23, 2008 12:01 am ET

Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience. From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. The group poured more than $100 million into the hands of community organizers and radical education activists.

The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s. Among other feats, Mr. Ayers and his

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools

As you know, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorn were close friends of the Obamas. The CAC was a colossal failure.
You stupid fuck. The Annenbergs who funded this are Republicans.

The changes they wanted to make are known beneficial education approaches. It was not a failure at all.

You assfucks have the obsession to lie about Obama in order to try to make your fat assed buddy look better.

The Distinquished Professor Ayers wrote the grant along with others. Bill Ayers protested the Vietnam War & those that engineered it. So did I & many at that time. Bill Ayers efforts never hurt anyone.

You stupid fucks need to quit digging up the old lies that have been debunked a gazillion times. OMG OMG OMG Bill Ayes!!!!!

AS Devos & Trump tears down of public school system. Republicans love the uneducated.
Ayers killed a man with a bomb, moron. He's a fucking terrorist.
I attack her personally because everything in my meme is true.
When it comes to public education, Betsy Wetsy is a certifiable know-nothing clown.
Using your standards, Barry Hussein was unqualified to be involved in education.

No, Barry Hussein was a friend of public education. Betsy Wetsy is not.


Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools
Stanley Kurtz
Updated Sept. 23, 2008 12:01 am ET

Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience. From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. The group poured more than $100 million into the hands of community organizers and radical education activists.

The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s. Among other feats, Mr. Ayers and his

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools

As you know, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorn were close friends of the Obamas. The CAC was a colossal failure.
You stupid fuck. The Annenbergs who funded this are Republicans.

The changes they wanted to make are known beneficial education approaches. It was not a failure at all.

You assfucks have the obsession to lie about Obama in order to try to make your fat assed buddy look better.

The Distinquished Professor Ayers wrote the grant along with others. Bill Ayers protested the Vietnam War & those that engineered it. So did I & many at that time. Bill Ayers efforts never hurt anyone.

You stupid fucks need to quit digging up the old lies that have been debunked a gazillion times. OMG OMG OMG Bill Ayes!!!!!

AS Devos & Trump tears down of public school system. Republicans love the uneducated.
Ayers killed a man with a bomb, moron. He's a fucking terrorist.

Bill Ayers killed someone with a bomb? Ok, who was it?
Why not debate her policies and not attack her personally

I attack her personally because everything in my meme is true.
When it comes to public education, Betsy Wetsy is a certifiable know-nothing clown.
Using your standards, Barry Hussein was unqualified to be involved in education.

No, Barry Hussein was a friend of public education. Betsy Wetsy is not.

Government education is the single greatest enemy of the American people.

Sure, just look at where America was before public education.
The most powerful country on Earth?
I come from a inner city school they litterly hire School superintendents based off of race and culture relations not on education.. our children should not be subjected to this abuseSchool is for education not Race relation and Marxism

school choice now!

Typical idiot spouting nonsense.
I offer substance you offer democrat policies which is failure
I attack her personally because everything in my meme is true.
When it comes to public education, Betsy Wetsy is a certifiable know-nothing clown.
Using your standards, Barry Hussein was unqualified to be involved in education.

No, Barry Hussein was a friend of public education. Betsy Wetsy is not.

Government education is the single greatest enemy of the American people.

Sure, just look at where America was before public education.
The most powerful country on Earth?

We as a nation didn't become a world power until after WWII. Public education was started long before that. So, when are you stupidly referring too?

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