Between Trump's VP pick, and his RNC speech, has Trump given the Dems hope?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I truly hope I'm wrong, but IMO choosing Vance will not only NOT gain Trump any NEW voters, it may cost him a sizeable number of independent votes. I just really believe it was a dumb pick, and I would love for some of you to explain how this helps the ticket?
Trump had a very sizeable lead in Ohio BEFORE the pick, so I don't see it as a situation where the pick was made in order to deliver a state.

In addition, with his speech, I think he blew an incredible opportunity to stick the dagger in, and come out of there with a tsunami wave of momentum.

My #1 issue, is getting this third-world explosion that has been historically high, ever since Biden took over the WH under control, deporting whoever we legally can, and making our borders as secure as possible going forward. With Biden and Democrats, they always go in the opposite direction with their kumbaya sanctuary city idiocy, and their 'bridges instead of walls' pansyass philosophy.

But Trump doesn't need to convince me, I know which party is more likely to enforce immigration laws and secure our borders, and I've got to tell you, it ain't democrats!

So what did he go and do last night, instead of making a few remarks about how important it is for our country to make strides in slowing down the invasion? He rambled on and on and on and on endlessly, made up some bullshit about hundreds of thousands of Americans that are killed each year by illegals.
Yeah, one life is too much, but we all know his comments were over the top.
So now, here we are, instead of ending the night with a strong uniting force that will likely add new voters to our ranks, he likely took us in the opposite direction, right back to the 2016 remarks about how 90% of the illegals are murders, rapists, blah blah blah, you remember it!

My hope, is this will all be mostly forgotten after a few weeks, and it won't cost us like Biden's drooling effort at the debate that will NEVER be forgotten.
Hopefully most voters will remember the good parts of his speech, and not the crap that I'm afraid they will remember.

Unfortunately, today at least, the left's media is having a field day.

Lastly, I still just have to shake my head and wonder what could have been. Today, IMO, the Democrats are the ones who dodged the bullet!
I truly hope I'm wrong, but IMO choosing Vance will not only NOT gain Trump any NEW voters, it may cost him a sizeable number of independent votes. I just really believe it was a dumb pick, and I would love for some of you to explain how this helps the ticket?
Trump had a very sizeable lead in Ohio BEFORE the pick, so I don't see it as a situation where the pick was made in order to deliver a state.

In addition, with his speech, I think he blew an incredible opportunity to stick the dagger in, and come out of there with a tsunami wave of momentum.

My #1 issue, is getting this third-world explosion that has been historically high, ever since Biden took over the WH under control, deporting whoever we legally can, and making our borders as secure as possible going forward. With Biden and Democrats, they always go in the opposite direction with their kumbaya sanctuary city idiocy, and their 'bridges instead of walls' pansyass philosophy.

But Trump doesn't need to convince me, I know which party is more likely to enforce immigration laws and secure our borders, and I've got to tell you, it ain't democrats!

So what did he go and do last night, instead of making a few remarks about how important it is for our country to make strides in slowing down the invasion? He rambled on and on and on and on endlessly, made up some bullshit about hundreds of thousands of Americans that are killed each year by illegals.
Yeah, one life is too much, but we all know his comments were over the top.
So now, here we are, instead of ending the night with a strong uniting force that will likely add new voters to our ranks, he likely took us in the opposite direction, right back to the 2016 remarks about how 90% of the illegals are murders, rapists, blah blah blah, you remember it!

My hope, is this will all be mostly forgotten after a few weeks, and it won't cost us like Biden's drooling effort at the debate that will NEVER be forgotten.
Hopefully most voters will remember the good parts of his speech, and not the crap that I'm afraid they will remember.

Unfortunately, today at least, the left's media is having a field day.

Lastly, I still just have to shake my head and wonder what could have been. Today, IMO, the Democrats are the ones who dodged the bullet!
At this point, any posts are nothing more than speculation. What's done is done. No sense in getting in a dither over.
I truly hope I'm wrong, but IMO choosing Vance will not only NOT gain Trump any NEW voters, it may cost him a sizeable number of independent votes. I just really believe it was a dumb pick, and I would love for some of you to explain how this helps the ticket?
Trump had a very sizeable lead in Ohio BEFORE the pick, so I don't see it as a situation where the pick was made in order to deliver a state.

In addition, with his speech, I think he blew an incredible opportunity to stick the dagger in, and come out of there with a tsunami wave of momentum.

My #1 issue, is getting this third-world explosion that has been historically high, ever since Biden took over the WH under control, deporting whoever we legally can, and making our borders as secure as possible going forward. With Biden and Democrats, they always go in the opposite direction with their kumbaya sanctuary city idiocy, and their 'bridges instead of walls' pansyass philosophy.

But Trump doesn't need to convince me, I know which party is more likely to enforce immigration laws and secure our borders, and I've got to tell you, it ain't democrats!

So what did he go and do last night, instead of making a few remarks about how important it is for our country to make strides in slowing down the invasion? He rambled on and on and on and on endlessly, made up some bullshit about hundreds of thousands of Americans that are killed each year by illegals.
Yeah, one life is too much, but we all know his comments were over the top.
So now, here we are, instead of ending the night with a strong uniting force that will likely add new voters to our ranks, he likely took us in the opposite direction, right back to the 2016 remarks about how 90% of the illegals are murders, rapists, blah blah blah, you remember it!

My hope, is this will all be mostly forgotten after a few weeks, and it won't cost us like Biden's drooling effort at the debate that will NEVER be forgotten.
Hopefully most voters will remember the good parts of his speech, and not the crap that I'm afraid they will remember.

Unfortunately, today at least, the left's media is having a field day.

Lastly, I still just have to shake my head and wonder what could have been. Today, IMO, the Democrats are the ones who dodged the bullet!
is this your way of trying to gaslight repubes or are you really this dumb??
I truly hope I'm wrong, but IMO choosing Vance will not only NOT gain Trump any NEW voters, it may cost him a sizeable number of independent votes. I just really believe it was a dumb pick, and I would love for some of you to explain how this helps the ticket?
Trump had a very sizeable lead in Ohio BEFORE the pick, so I don't see it as a situation where the pick was made in order to deliver a state.

In addition, with his speech, I think he blew an incredible opportunity to stick the dagger in, and come out of there with a tsunami wave of momentum.

My #1 issue, is getting this third-world explosion that has been historically high, ever since Biden took over the WH under control, deporting whoever we legally can, and making our borders as secure as possible going forward. With Biden and Democrats, they always go in the opposite direction with their kumbaya sanctuary city idiocy, and their 'bridges instead of walls' pansyass philosophy.

But Trump doesn't need to convince me, I know which party is more likely to enforce immigration laws and secure our borders, and I've got to tell you, it ain't democrats!

So what did he go and do last night, instead of making a few remarks about how important it is for our country to make strides in slowing down the invasion? He rambled on and on and on and on endlessly, made up some bullshit about hundreds of thousands of Americans that are killed each year by illegals.
Yeah, one life is too much, but we all know his comments were over the top.
So now, here we are, instead of ending the night with a strong uniting force that will likely add new voters to our ranks, he likely took us in the opposite direction, right back to the 2016 remarks about how 90% of the illegals are murders, rapists, blah blah blah, you remember it!

My hope, is this will all be mostly forgotten after a few weeks, and it won't cost us like Biden's drooling effort at the debate that will NEVER be forgotten.
Hopefully most voters will remember the good parts of his speech, and not the crap that I'm afraid they will remember.

Unfortunately, today at least, the left's media is having a field day.

Lastly, I still just have to shake my head and wonder what could have been. Today, IMO, the Democrats are the ones who dodged the bullet!
he's very popular in Ohio and may help Trump get wins in the rust belt ..
I truly hope I'm wrong, but IMO choosing Vance will not only NOT gain Trump any NEW voters, it may cost him a sizeable number of independent votes. I just really believe it was a dumb pick, and I would love for some of you to explain how this helps the ticket?
Trump had a very sizeable lead in Ohio BEFORE the pick, so I don't see it as a situation where the pick was made in order to deliver a state.

In addition, with his speech, I think he blew an incredible opportunity to stick the dagger in, and come out of there with a tsunami wave of momentum.

My #1 issue, is getting this third-world explosion that has been historically high, ever since Biden took over the WH under control, deporting whoever we legally can, and making our borders as secure as possible going forward. With Biden and Democrats, they always go in the opposite direction with their kumbaya sanctuary city idiocy, and their 'bridges instead of walls' pansyass philosophy.

But Trump doesn't need to convince me, I know which party is more likely to enforce immigration laws and secure our borders, and I've got to tell you, it ain't democrats!

So what did he go and do last night, instead of making a few remarks about how important it is for our country to make strides in slowing down the invasion? He rambled on and on and on and on endlessly, made up some bullshit about hundreds of thousands of Americans that are killed each year by illegals.
Yeah, one life is too much, but we all know his comments were over the top.
So now, here we are, instead of ending the night with a strong uniting force that will likely add new voters to our ranks, he likely took us in the opposite direction, right back to the 2016 remarks about how 90% of the illegals are murders, rapists, blah blah blah, you remember it!

My hope, is this will all be mostly forgotten after a few weeks, and it won't cost us like Biden's drooling effort at the debate that will NEVER be forgotten.
Hopefully most voters will remember the good parts of his speech, and not the crap that I'm afraid they will remember.

Unfortunately, today at least, the left's media is having a field day.

Lastly, I still just have to shake my head and wonder what could have been. Today, IMO, the Democrats are the ones who dodged the bullet!

If Harris is the replacement for Biden, I can imagine 60 second attack ads showing her laughing and a split screen with illegals entering America, followed by clips of black Americans complaining that the illegals were given money and allowed to sleep in the schools while their kids couldnt use their own local schools.

I would show black citizens complaining about the illegal invasion while they are left with nothing for their challenges. Make the direct link between all Dem members, don't allow any disassociation between Biden policies and the GOP policies. This will earn MORE votes for the GOP as opposed to Biden voters especially in key states.

As for Vance, Trump will utilize him to travel in the rustbelt states to give speeches. He has to stay away from the abortion issue and Trump and he should nail down the language used as this is the primary and perhaps only issue the Dems have to try and make small inroads.

He would also be wise to throw some ideas by Vance once in awhile if he wins the election. Have him go forth and make arguments to the public from time to time.

He is younger and a sharp speaker, accustomed to details. This would allow Trump to deal with the back room deals and economic policies. Subjects he enjoys and is effective in handling.
Hey, I'm not saying that Trump cannot win now, of course that would be ridiculous. It was just one speech, it can hopefully be mostly forgotten, although the leftist media will be picking parts out of it and replaying them over and over, keeping the "Trump is Hitler" theme going on and on.

I just see this as an opportunity to pick up NEW voters, and after the VP choice, and the speech, I don't see it happening. But we'll see, I hope I'm completely wrong.
I truly hope I'm wrong, but IMO choosing Vance will not only NOT gain Trump any NEW voters, it may cost him a sizeable number of independent votes. I just really believe it was a dumb pick, and I would love for some of you to explain how this helps the ticket?
Trump had a very sizeable lead in Ohio BEFORE the pick, so I don't see it as a situation where the pick was made in order to deliver a state.

In addition, with his speech, I think he blew an incredible opportunity to stick the dagger in, and come out of there with a tsunami wave of momentum.

My #1 issue, is getting this third-world explosion that has been historically high, ever since Biden took over the WH under control, deporting whoever we legally can, and making our borders as secure as possible going forward. With Biden and Democrats, they always go in the opposite direction with their kumbaya sanctuary city idiocy, and their 'bridges instead of walls' pansyass philosophy.

But Trump doesn't need to convince me, I know which party is more likely to enforce immigration laws and secure our borders, and I've got to tell you, it ain't democrats!

So what did he go and do last night, instead of making a few remarks about how important it is for our country to make strides in slowing down the invasion? He rambled on and on and on and on endlessly, made up some bullshit about hundreds of thousands of Americans that are killed each year by illegals.
Yeah, one life is too much, but we all know his comments were over the top.
So now, here we are, instead of ending the night with a strong uniting force that will likely add new voters to our ranks, he likely took us in the opposite direction, right back to the 2016 remarks about how 90% of the illegals are murders, rapists, blah blah blah, you remember it!

My hope, is this will all be mostly forgotten after a few weeks, and it won't cost us like Biden's drooling effort at the debate that will NEVER be forgotten.
Hopefully most voters will remember the good parts of his speech, and not the crap that I'm afraid they will remember.

Unfortunately, today at least, the left's media is having a field day.

Lastly, I still just have to shake my head and wonder what could have been. Today, IMO, the Democrats are the ones who dodged the bullet!
Vance is going to be campaigning between now and the election in PA, OH, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin ... His story is going to resonate with voters in these states
I think Gen Y has been waiting for this... for their turn at bat. Vance will be 40 in August.

Obama was born in 1961 he is of the baby boom generation.

Gen X got completely passed over- No one from Gen X made it into the White House as president nor VP- Gen X is always ignored/passed over.
(with the generation being generally defined as people born from 1965 to 1980.[1] By this definition and U.S. Census data, there are 65.2 million Gen Xers[2] in the United States)
If Harris is the replacement for Biden, I can imagine 60 second attack ads showing her laughing and a split screen with illegals entering America, followed by clips of black Americans complaining that the illegals were given money and allowed to sleep in the schools while their kids couldnt use their own local schools.

I would show black citizens complaining about the illegal invasion while they are left with nothing for their challenges. Make the direct link between all Dem members, don't allow any disassociation between Biden policies and the GOP policies. This will earn MORE votes for the GOP as opposed to Biden voters especially in key states.

As for Vance, Trump will utilize him to travel in the rustbelt states to give speeches. He has to stay away from the abortion issue and Trump and he should nail down the language used as this is the primary and perhaps only issue the Dems have to try and make small inroads.

He would also be wise to throw some ideas by Vance once in awhile if he wins the election. Have him go forth and make arguments to the public from time to time.

He is younger and a sharp speaker, accustomed to details. This would allow Trump to deal with the back room deals and economic policies. Subjects he enjoys and is effective in handling.

I like that, Harris cackling while a video of illegals flooding in. You should submit that to the Trump campaign.
I think Gen Y has been waiting for this... for their turn at bat. Vance will be 40 in August.

Obama was born in 1961 he is of the baby boom generation.

Gen X got completely passed over- No one from Gen X made it into the White House as president nor VP- Gen X is always ignored/passed over.
(with the generation being generally defined as people born from 1965 to 1980.[1] By this definition and U.S. Census data, there are 65.2 million Gen Xers[2] in the United States)

That is the one good thing about Vance, he would be the first millennial VP, and may excite that group.
There is still hope because Trump Jr. and is brother are both from Gen X and one of them could become VP or president. That would bring Gen X back into the game. Gen X knows the game, and they will be teaching it to Vance.

I've posted before (way before Vance as VP) that Gen X always wants to work with and elevate Gen Y, but the babyboomers never seemed to want to work with Gen X and elevate Gen X. That's so strange.
Democrats are already trying to insult Vance by calling him a working class hillbilly. Not realizing that's what makes him popular.
I am listening to the CBS evening news right now and this substitute anchor is saying that the majority of Trump's speech was an airing of his "grievances." I'm wondering if this moron viewed the same speech as I did. The msm is beginning their full court press of lies and misinformation. Won't work. I am getting so tired of this BULLSHIT.
When you have already won, you don't need a bullring knockout speech. You can just chill like Trump did. He gave a speech that keeps bullets from being pointed at his children.

He did let everyone know the republicans are going to win.

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