Bi-partisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on cruel puppy experiments

That’s not direct proof. That’s a Fox News spin linking a 600k grant to a US company to Fauci funding Coronavirus research in bats in Wuhan. Your links aren’t actually there. But if you think they are then please show me
So you’re going to draw your conclusions based on “reports” without even hearing a response or explanation from the other side?! Sounds like a rather ignorant way to go about things.

Feel free to disagree with me all you want guys but I agree with him. Everybody deserves a fair trial and everybody is innocent until proven guilty. However if he is guilty,.. I hope he rots in Hell for what he did to the poor babies. :(
Animal experiments are inefficient, wasteful and rarely improve human health. The NIH, FDA and other agencies report that more than 90% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human trials because they don’t work or are dangerous. Each drug represents about a decade of wasted time and $2 billion down the drain. In its 2016-2020 Strategic Plan, the NIH writes, “animal models often fail to provide good ways to mimic disease or predict how drugs will work in humans, resulting in much wasted time and money while patients wait for therapies.” Yet, NIH continues to dedicate 47% of its $32 billion budget each year to animal experiments that are a proven failure.

Redirecting resources to public health programs, human clinical research and modern technologies like “organs-on-a-chip” will save billions of taxpayers’ dollars and millions of animals’ lives.
The white coats waste project is more worried about the money they spend.
Peta is concerned about animal cruelty.

Maybe you want them to tests humans this way. Sure a bunch of humans that are in prisons on death row would be better according to the responses that I have read.
Why not use death row inmates?

They would be better for the tests than some poor puppy!
“White Coat Waste claims that 44 beagle puppies were used in a Tunisia, North Africa, laboratory, and some of the dogs had their vocal cords removed, allegedly so scientists could work without incessant barking,” Changing America learned. “According to the White Coat Waste Project, the Food and Drug Administration does not require drugs to be tested on dogs, so the group is asking why the need for such testing.”

The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded cruel experiments on dogs as young as six months old in order to test anti-parasitic treatments, according to a letter signed by 24 lawmakers. The experiments, conducted in Tunisia, deliberately infected dozens of beagles with disease-causing parasites to test an experimental drug. The heinous, ethically dubious experiments were funded by Dr. Fauci’s division at the National Institutes of Health, the non-profit group White Coat Waste Project found in its investigation.

“Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive,” White Coat Waste told Changing America. “They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies.”

“White Coat Waste claims that 44 beagle puppies were used in a Tunisia, North Africa, laboratory, and some of the dogs had their vocal cords removed, allegedly so scientists could work without incessant barking,” Changing America learned. “According to the White Coat Waste Project, the Food and Drug Administration does not require drugs to be tested on dogs, so the group is asking why the need for such testing.”

The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded cruel experiments on dogs as young as six months old in order to test anti-parasitic treatments, according to a letter signed by 24 lawmakers. The experiments, conducted in Tunisia, deliberately infected dozens of beagles with disease-causing parasites to test an experimental drug. The heinous, ethically dubious experiments were funded by Dr. Fauci’s division at the National Institutes of Health, the non-profit group White Coat Waste Project found in its investigation.

“Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive,” White Coat Waste told Changing America. “They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies.”

You have presented one side of a very pointed argument. Have you looked at the other side or drawn your conclusions?
“White Coat Waste claims that 44 beagle puppies were used in a Tunisia, North Africa, laboratory, and some of the dogs had their vocal cords removed, allegedly so scientists could work without incessant barking,” Changing America learned. “According to the White Coat Waste Project, the Food and Drug Administration does not require drugs to be tested on dogs, so the group is asking why the need for such testing.”

The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded cruel experiments on dogs as young as six months old in order to test anti-parasitic treatments, according to a letter signed by 24 lawmakers. The experiments, conducted in Tunisia, deliberately infected dozens of beagles with disease-causing parasites to test an experimental drug. The heinous, ethically dubious experiments were funded by Dr. Fauci’s division at the National Institutes of Health, the non-profit group White Coat Waste Project found in its investigation.

“Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive,” White Coat Waste told Changing America. “They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies.”

Should be on every news headline.
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