Bible criticism

How is that. I know the bible and I also know the bible is not a historical collection of books, although there is some history in the OT, but most is myths and theology and psychology. Remember no one walked around with a Bible in ancient days. We were all basically told what to believe for many centuries.

The bible has nothing to do with the way I feel about Israel or the semites.[/QUOTE]

"myths, theology and psychology" <<<< of those which do you not "take seriously" the most? For the record---I take

Ok ! hands up, how many of you actually believe Noah lived to be 950 years old?
I do.

Really? I am surprised by how many people on this thread take the bible seriously.

what is there about the bible that you do not "take seriously"----
do you take the ODYSSEY seriously? how about the Koran?

If one believes the exodus as depicted in OT, one needs their brain examined
For someone who thinks there is a Jew behind every corner and defends the Koran with vengeance, we know how healthy your brain is.

I'm RC, and I don't defend any zealots or orthodox , in Judaism , Islam or Christianity.
RC? That explains your lack of Bible knowledge and anti semitism.

How is that. I know the bible and I also know the bible is not a historical collection of books, although there is some history in the OT, but most is myths and theology and psychology. Remember no one walked around with a Bible in ancient days. We were all basically told what to believe for many centuries.

The bible has nothing to do with the way I feel about Israel or the semites.

"myths, theology and psychology" <<<< of those which do you not "take seriously" the most? For the record---I take
all three SERIOUSLY

I like all 3. Myths and Theology are the most alike, without myths we would not have theology.
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Disputes are based on study.
What's the first verse you have a problem with?

Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.
That was spiritual light, not physical light.
If you could read Hebrew you would see what's happening in verses 3 and 4.
In verse 3, when God draws the Light from the darkness, it's NOT a creation, it was pulled out of the Choshek (more palpable than darkness).
Darkness is NOT lack of light.
That initial light, in verse 4, is withdrawn into the spiritual realm and it's OUR job to draw it back.
And yes, this explanation precedes your question by a few thousand years.

This is the issue, it was not wrote why back then, and if someone actually new this, well they would be God, would they. What we are doing or you, are pretending to know the how the world was created. Believe me if anyone knew, they'd be God.
If one believes the exodus as depicted in OT, one needs their brain examined
For someone who thinks there is a Jew behind every corner and defends the Koran with vengeance, we know how healthy your brain is.

I'm RC, and I don't defend any zealots or orthodox , in Judaism , Islam or Christianity.
RC? That explains your lack of Bible knowledge and anti semitism.

How is that. I know the bible and I also know the bible is not a historical collection of books, although there is some history in the OT, but most is myths and theology and psychology. Remember no one walked around with a Bible in ancient days. We were all basically told what to believe for many centuries.

The bible has nothing to do with the way I feel about Israel or the semites.
You have demonstrated time and again that your post is a lie.
Either you're delusional or a deliberate liar.

It doesn't. The bible has no relevance at all to Israel.
Disputes are based on study.
What's the first verse you have a problem with?

Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.
That was spiritual light, not physical light.
If you could read Hebrew you would see what's happening in verses 3 and 4.
In verse 3, when God draws the Light from the darkness, it's NOT a creation, it was pulled out of the Choshek (more palpable than darkness).
Darkness is NOT lack of light.
That initial light, in verse 4, is withdrawn into the spiritual realm and it's OUR job to draw it back.
And yes, this explanation precedes your question by a few thousand years.

This is the issue, it was not wrote why back then, and if someone actually new this, well they would be God, would they. What we are doing or you, are pretending to know the how the world was created. Believe me if anyone knew, they'd be God.
For someone who thinks there is a Jew behind every corner and defends the Koran with vengeance, we know how healthy your brain is.

I'm RC, and I don't defend any zealots or orthodox , in Judaism , Islam or Christianity.
RC? That explains your lack of Bible knowledge and anti semitism.

How is that. I know the bible and I also know the bible is not a historical collection of books, although there is some history in the OT, but most is myths and theology and psychology. Remember no one walked around with a Bible in ancient days. We were all basically told what to believe for many centuries.

The bible has nothing to do with the way I feel about Israel or the semites.
You have demonstrated time and again that your post is a lie.
Either you're delusional or a deliberate liar.

It doesn't. The bible has no relevance at all to Israel.

The Torah, 5 Books of Moshe, were written by Moshe over the 40 year period in the desert.
Why wouldn't I look to the Torah to learn God's intent for His universe?
Disputes are based on study.
What's the first verse you have a problem with?

Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.
That was spiritual light, not physical light.
If you could read Hebrew you would see what's happening in verses 3 and 4.
In verse 3, when God draws the Light from the darkness, it's NOT a creation, it was pulled out of the Choshek (more palpable than darkness).
Darkness is NOT lack of light.
That initial light, in verse 4, is withdrawn into the spiritual realm and it's OUR job to draw it back.
And yes, this explanation precedes your question by a few thousand years.

This is the issue, it was not wrote why back then, and if someone actually new this, well they would be God, would they. What we are doing or you, are pretending to know the how the world was created. Believe me if anyone knew, they'd be God.
I'm RC, and I don't defend any zealots or orthodox , in Judaism , Islam or Christianity.
RC? That explains your lack of Bible knowledge and anti semitism.

How is that. I know the bible and I also know the bible is not a historical collection of books, although there is some history in the OT, but most is myths and theology and psychology. Remember no one walked around with a Bible in ancient days. We were all basically told what to believe for many centuries.

The bible has nothing to do with the way I feel about Israel or the semites.
You have demonstrated time and again that your post is a lie.
Either you're delusional or a deliberate liar.

It doesn't. The bible has no relevance at all to Israel.

The Torah, 5 Books of Moshe, were written by Moshe over the 40 year period in the desert.
Why wouldn't I look to the Torah to learn God's intent for His universe?

Oh dear man, you are a man right, Moses did not write those books, that has been proven by many scholars. Now you have every right to believe he did.
Disputes are based on study.
What's the first verse you have a problem with?

Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.
That was spiritual light, not physical light.
If you could read Hebrew you would see what's happening in verses 3 and 4.
In verse 3, when God draws the Light from the darkness, it's NOT a creation, it was pulled out of the Choshek (more palpable than darkness).
Darkness is NOT lack of light.
That initial light, in verse 4, is withdrawn into the spiritual realm and it's OUR job to draw it back.
And yes, this explanation precedes your question by a few thousand years.

This is the issue, it was not wrote why back then, and if someone actually new this, well they would be God, would they. What we are doing or you, are pretending to know the how the world was created. Believe me if anyone knew, they'd be God.
I'm RC, and I don't defend any zealots or orthodox , in Judaism , Islam or Christianity.
RC? That explains your lack of Bible knowledge and anti semitism.

How is that. I know the bible and I also know the bible is not a historical collection of books, although there is some history in the OT, but most is myths and theology and psychology. Remember no one walked around with a Bible in ancient days. We were all basically told what to believe for many centuries.

The bible has nothing to do with the way I feel about Israel or the semites.
You have demonstrated time and again that your post is a lie.
Either you're delusional or a deliberate liar.

It doesn't. The bible has no relevance at all to Israel.

The Torah, 5 Books of Moshe, were written by Moshe over the 40 year period in the desert.
Why wouldn't I look to the Torah to learn God's intent for His universe?
She's a theological retard. RC has a long history of Bible ignorance and hatred of Gods Chosen People.
The Torah, 5 Books of Moshe, were written by Moshe over the 40 year period in the desert.
Why wouldn't I look to the Torah to learn God's intent for His universe?
I think it is a great compilation of mixed secular and religious rules.

I frown upon the more superficial elements, such as the little box on your forehead, the absolutely absurd clothing, full beards and curly locks, prohibition of certain kosher foods which are very good like lobster, snake, rabbit etc.

Modern mankind thinks more like the ancient Greeks than the ancient Jews or Romans.

From the purely philosophical perspective, in a well established democratic republic, everyone is free to decide for themselves every personal and political issue. Ultimately we all only need to agree on one universal principle -- majority rule. Otherwise there will only be continuous warfare.

Warfare is not fun.

Continuous warfare is not good.

We want a world of tolerance and cooperation where we can live free and raise our children to be happy.

And also our cats and our dogs.
what is there about the bible that you do not "take seriously"----
do you take the ODYSSEY seriously? how about the Koran?

The Quran is an endless juvenile rant.

The Odyssey is a romantic ancient Greek novel.

Neither of them is serious religion.

The Bible also has its problems -- there are certain insane parts that nobody in their right mind would follow.
I find the bible full of unlikely myths, I regard the Quran as deliberate fabrication largely stolen from the bible.
Likely or unlikely, the Bible has some philosophy and some ethics in it as well.

You don't have to like the Old Man who said "Let There Be Light" (actually in Hebrew it says "It Shall Become Light").

But it makes sense to consider what Moses wrote about the Old Man.

It is also worth reading the Quran once, so that you know what is in it, then you can throw the Quran in the trash.
what is there about the bible that you do not "take seriously"----
do you take the ODYSSEY seriously? how about the Koran?

The Quran is an endless juvenile rant.

The Odyssey is a romantic ancient Greek novel.

Neither of them is serious religion.

The Bible also has its problems -- there are certain insane parts that nobody in their right mind would follow.

the koran is not all that long, the odyssey is an epic poem, what "problems" does the bible have---what does "follow"
what is there about the bible that you do not "take seriously"----
do you take the ODYSSEY seriously? how about the Koran?

The Quran is an endless juvenile rant.

The Odyssey is a romantic ancient Greek novel.

Neither of them is serious religion.

The Bible also has its problems -- there are certain insane parts that nobody in their right mind would follow.

the koran is not all that long, the odyssey is an epic poem, what "problems" does the bible have---what does "follow"
ˈfälō/accompany, go along with, go around with, travel with, escort, attend, trail around with, string along with;
informaltag along with
"people used to follow the band around"
antonyms: lead
  • go after (someone) in order to observe or monitor.
    "the KGB man followed her everywhere"
    synonyms: shadow, trail, stalk, track, dog, hound;
    "the KGB followed her everywhere"
  • archaic
    strive after; aim at.
    "I follow fame"
  • go along (a route or path).
  • (of a route or path) go in the same direction as or parallel to (another).
    "the road follows a hidden sweetwater brook"
  • 2.
    come after in time or order.
    "the six years that followed his restoration"
    • happen after (something else) as a consequence.
      "raucous laughter followed the ribald remark"
      synonyms: result from, arise from, be a consequence of, be caused by, be brought about by, be a result of, come after, develop from, ensue from, emanate from, issue from, proceed from, spring from, flow from, originate from, stem from
      "penalties may follow from such behavior"
      antonyms: lead to
    • be a logical consequence.
      "it thus follows from this equation that the value must be negative"
    • (of a person) do something after (something else).
      "he follows his surprise hit movie with a paranoid thriller"
    • have (a dish or course) after another or others in a meal.
      "turkey was followed by dessert"
  • 3.
    act according to (an instruction or precept).
    "he has difficulty in following written instructions"
    synonyms: obey, comply with, conform to, adhere to, stick to, keep to, hew to, act in accordance with, abide by, observe, heed, pay attention to
    "follow the instructions"
    antonyms: flout
    • conform to.
      "the film faithfully follows Shakespeare's plot"
    • act according to the lead or example of (someone).
      "he follows Aristotle in believing this"
      synonyms: imitate, copy, mimic, ape, reproduce, mirror, echo; More
      emulate, take as a pattern, take as an example, take as a model, adopt the style of, model oneself on, take a leaf out of someone's book
      "she followed her mentor in her poetic style"
    • treat as a teacher or guide.
      "those who seek to follow Jesus Christ"
  • 4.
    pay close attention to (something).
    "I've been following this discussion closely"
    • keep track of; trace the movement or direction of.
      "she followed his gaze, peering into the gloom"
    • maintain awareness of the current state or progress of (events in a particular sphere or account).
      "young Italians follow football"
      synonyms: be a fan of, be a supporter of, support, be a follower of, be an admirer of, be a devotee of, be devoted to
      "he follows the Pacers"
      antonyms: dislike
    • (of a person or account) be concerned with the development of (something).
      "the book follows the life and career of Henry Clay"
    • track (a person, group, or organization) by subscribing to their account on a social media website or application.
      "if you've been following me on Facebook recently you may have seen a bunch of different posts about surgery and back trouble"
    • understand the meaning or tendency of (a speaker or argument).
      "I still don't follow you"
      synonyms: understand, comprehend, apprehend, take in, grasp, fathom, appreciate, see; More
      informalmake head(s) or tail(s) of, get, figure out, savvy, wrap/get one's head around, wrap/get one's mind around, get the drift of
      "I couldn't follow what he said"
      antonyms: misunderstand
  • 5.
    practice (a trade or profession).
    • undertake or carry out (a course of action or study).
      "she followed a strict diet"

Old English folgian, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch volgen and German folgen .
Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.

"Let there be light" reflects the giving of divine law. Thats it. Nothing too deep or mysterious for anyone to understand.

The only remaining mystery is why you keep asking the same question as if no one ever alerted you...
Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.

"Let there be light" reflects the giving of divine law. Thats it. Nothing too deep or mysterious for anyone to understand.

The only remaining mystery is why you keep asking the same question as if no one ever alerted you...

I don't read verse 3 as being a spiritual light, because in the context of the surrounding verses it is talking about a light that illuminated the darkness on the face of the waters, and verse 4 says God SAW the light and divided the light from the darkness. Not something you would say about some ethereal light.

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
It is also worth reading the Quran once, so that you know what is in it, then you can throw the Quran in the trash.

I have read the Quran 3 times since 9/11 (see my thread is the Quran Gods word) But I have not read the bible for over forty years. I am just starting to read it again now.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Darkness upon the face of the deep just means that before the law was given as a light people had been lost in the darkness of ignorance and superstition for millions of years. No one knew anything about anything, why we were here, where here is, what was going on, right and wrong did not exist. Life was only about eat or be eaten.

The law divides the light from the darkness by teaching people to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, light and darkness, life and death.

Jesus said he was the light of the world. He said that God would lift him up into heaven, and that he would bring division.

This corresponds to the verse where God put lights in the firmament of Heaven to divide the day from the night, and to the verse in Daniel that shows that these lights represent people.

"Those who have guided people in the true path shall shine like the stars of heaven forever."

Its a bronze age riddle. Stop trying to use scientific facts to understand what its about. They knew nothing of science.
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2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Darkness upon the face of the deep just means that before the law was given as a light people had been lost in the darkness of ignorance and superstition for millions of years. No one knew anything about anything, why we were here, what was going on and right and wrong did not exist. Life was all about eat or be eaten.

The law divides the light from the darkness by teaching people to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, light and darkness, life and death.

Jesus said he was the light of the world. He said that God would lift him up into heaven, and that he would bring division.

This corresponds to the verse where God put lights in the firmament of Heaven to divide the day from the night, and to the verse in Daniel that shows that these lights represent people.

"Those who have guided people in the true path shall shine like the stars of heaven forever."

Its a bronze age riddle. Stop trying to use scientific facts to understand what its about. They knew nothing of science.

So you are not taking the bible literally then, because you claim there were people for millions of years before the Genesis story, even though in Genesis man is not created until the sixth day.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Darkness upon the face of the deep just means that before the law was given as a light people had been lost in the darkness of ignorance and superstition for millions of years. No one knew anything about anything, why we were here, what was going on and right and wrong did not exist. Life was all about eat or be eaten.

The law divides the light from the darkness by teaching people to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, light and darkness, life and death.

Jesus said he was the light of the world. He said that God would lift him up into heaven, and that he would bring division.

This corresponds to the verse where God put lights in the firmament of Heaven to divide the day from the night, and to the verse in Daniel that shows that these lights represent people.

"Those who have guided people in the true path shall shine like the stars of heaven forever."

Its a bronze age riddle. Stop trying to use scientific facts to understand what its about. They knew nothing of science.

So you are not taking the bible literally then, because you claim there were people for millions of years before the Genesis story, even though in Genesis man is not created until the sixth day.

How can anyone who reads the first story in the bible with a talking serpent take the bible literally?

Anyway your other question that noticed the contradiction that when the children of Adam and Eve went to look for a mate they went to a city resolves any doubt about whether people already existed at the time..

Whats the problem? Have faith in the brain God gave you.

If you read the story again about Adam being taken from the dust of the earth and formed into "a living being" more carefully you might notice that the term dust of the earth corresponds to what we consider the scum of the earth and then you will see that the story is about Adam being taken from a tribe of low-lifes and being taught by God to be more than just an unthinking animal driven by base instincts..
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I have read the Quran 3 times since 9/11 (see my thread is the Quran Gods word) But I have not read the bible for over forty years. I am just starting to read it again now.
I read Mein Kampf 2 or 3 times before I finally threw it away.

The Quran is the same way. It exists, and it is relevant, therefore it is worth reading at least once.

But after that you can throw it away. Once you get the story line and the plot you have everything out of it that there is.

Neither Mein Kampf nor the Quran is very sophisticated. They are both juvenile Satanic rants.

You could call either one The Satanic Verses if you wanted to and that would be a better title for it.

Islam has killed a lot of people but it will be a while before they catch up with Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.
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I have read the Quran 3 times since 9/11 (see my thread is the Quran Gods word) But I have not read the bible for over forty years. I am just starting to read it again now.
I read Mein Kampf 2 or 3 times before I finally threw it away.

The Quran is the same way. It exists, and it is relevant, therefore it is worth reading at least once.

But after that you can throw it away. Once you get the story line and the plot you have everything out of it that there is.

Neither Mein Kampf nor the Quran is very sophisticated. They are both juvenile Satanic rants.

You could call either one The Satanic Verses if you wanted to and that would be a better title for it.

I have a copy of Mein Kampf in my library, but I have only browsed it up to now.
How can anyone who reads the first story in the bible with a talking serpent take the bible literally?

Anyway your other question that noticed the contradiction that when the children of Adam and Eve went to look for a mate they went to a city resolves any doubt about whether people already existed at the time..

Whats the problem? Have faith in the brain God gave you.

You are making my case for me, that the bible is not the literal word of God and it is full of flaws.
Disputes are based on study.
What's the first verse you have a problem with?

Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.
That was spiritual light, not physical light.
If you could read Hebrew you would see what's happening in verses 3 and 4.
In verse 3, when God draws the Light from the darkness, it's NOT a creation, it was pulled out of the Choshek (more palpable than darkness).
Darkness is NOT lack of light.
That initial light, in verse 4, is withdrawn into the spiritual realm and it's OUR job to draw it back.
And yes, this explanation precedes your question by a few thousand years.

This is the issue, it was not wrote why back then, and if someone actually new this, well they would be God, would they. What we are doing or you, are pretending to know the how the world was created. Believe me if anyone knew, they'd be God.
For someone who thinks there is a Jew behind every corner and defends the Koran with vengeance, we know how healthy your brain is.

I'm RC, and I don't defend any zealots or orthodox , in Judaism , Islam or Christianity.
RC? That explains your lack of Bible knowledge and anti semitism.

How is that. I know the bible and I also know the bible is not a historical collection of books, although there is some history in the OT, but most is myths and theology and psychology. Remember no one walked around with a Bible in ancient days. We were all basically told what to believe for many centuries.

The bible has nothing to do with the way I feel about Israel or the semites.
You have demonstrated time and again that your post is a lie.
Either you're delusional or a deliberate liar.

It doesn't. The bible has no relevance at all to Israel.

Penny dear----you have claimed that you are a 'health care' worker--------does your supervisor allow you to write notes in
the charts of patients?

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