Bible criticism

How can anyone who reads the first story in the bible with a talking serpent take the bible literally?

Anyway your other question that noticed the contradiction that when the children of Adam and Eve went to look for a mate they went to a city resolves any doubt about whether people already existed at the time..

Whats the problem? Have faith in the brain God gave you.

You are making my case for me, that the bible is not the literal word of God and it is full of flaws.

As I have said to you before, noticing the contradictions is only the beginning of comprehension. Don't throw it all in the trash just yet. And don't let what the idiots claim be a cause of stumbling to you or prevent you from aspiring to the light and life only possible through comprehension..Its an ancient riddle, eternal life the prize for resolving it.

"The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

Find that treasure and you will never know what it is to die.

Can you dig it?
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I don't read verse 3 as being a spiritual light, because in the context of the surrounding verses it is talking about a light that illuminated the darkness on the face of the waters, and verse 4 says God SAW the light and divided the light from the darkness. Not something you would say about some ethereal light.

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Please make sure you are reading a better translation than just KJV.

Online Hebrew Interlinear Bible

Online Greek Interlinear Bible

Really? I am surprised by how many people on this thread take the bible seriously.

what is there about the bible that you do not "take seriously"----
do you take the ODYSSEY seriously? how about the Koran?

I find the bible full of unlikely myths, I regard the Quran as deliberate fabrication largely stolen from the bible.
Wow! You take God's word for unlikely myths?
Did you think the Bible would be just another episode of 60 Minutes?
And please don't insinuate you ever studied it.

Well I dispute that God had anything to do with the bible, or any of the events it claims as history of the Jews.

ok-----leave out the "G-D" part. The bible is a history of the
jews as jews saw it back then. "The Jewish Wars" and "The Antiquities of the Jews" is the history of the jews as recorded by the historian Josephus Flavius. The "Oddysey" is a history of a war between Troy and some of the greek city
states. I am not sure when the "MAHABHARATA" was supposed to have taken place-----but there is no question in
my mind that it is based on real events. The "Koran" is also
based on real events. ALL VERY IMPORTANT works----a person would have to be an idiot to deny that fact.......
I even consider the "NT" to be a very important work ----it is very revealing to persons not primed to deify the protagonist
Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,
Disputes are based on study.
What's the first verse you have a problem with?

Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.
Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.

Religiously, the moment of Singularity was the burst of light in the Cosmos for our Universe at its moment of Purity ... and the matter for our substance.

the spoken religions biblical augmentation not withstanding.

Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,

Then you have to realize the similarities between him and Paul.
Disputes are based on study.
What's the first verse you have a problem with?

Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.
That was spiritual light, not physical light.
If you could read Hebrew you would see what's happening in verses 3 and 4.
In verse 3, when God draws the Light from the darkness, it's NOT a creation, it was pulled out of the Choshek (more palpable than darkness).
Darkness is NOT lack of light.
That initial light, in verse 4, is withdrawn into the spiritual realm and it's OUR job to draw it back.
And yes, this explanation precedes your question by a few thousand years.

This is the issue, it was not wrote why back then, and if someone actually new this, well they would be God, would they. What we are doing or you, are pretending to know the how the world was created. Believe me if anyone knew, they'd be God.
I'm RC, and I don't defend any zealots or orthodox , in Judaism , Islam or Christianity.
RC? That explains your lack of Bible knowledge and anti semitism.

How is that. I know the bible and I also know the bible is not a historical collection of books, although there is some history in the OT, but most is myths and theology and psychology. Remember no one walked around with a Bible in ancient days. We were all basically told what to believe for many centuries.

The bible has nothing to do with the way I feel about Israel or the semites.
You have demonstrated time and again that your post is a lie.
Either you're delusional or a deliberate liar.

It doesn't. The bible has no relevance at all to Israel.

Penny dear----you have claimed that you are a 'health care' worker--------does your supervisor allow you to write notes in
the charts of patients?

penny dear----you termed my question about writing notes
in patient charts "funny" -------I take that as----"when I asked
if I should write my own notes in the charts---my supervisor
Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.
Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.

I did not suggest that Josephus Flavius wrote about Jesus----there is a fraudulent insertion in one of the volumes of his works--but even the fraud is trivial. Eusebius was an apologist for the roman/Christian POV. Josephus was more a DIPLOMATIC historian re the romans
Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.

Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.
Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.

Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.

Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value
Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.

Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.

Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.
Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.

Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.

Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?
Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.

Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.

Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?
Having an extensive library I have a copy of Josephus book on the Jews. I am aware that the passage about Jesus is believed to have been inserted by an early Christian scribe.

I don't have the whole Mahabharata but I have a copy of the Gita which was taken from it.
It is obviously a work of fiction too,
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.

Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.

Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?

I take it you read neither Josephus or the NT.
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.

Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.

Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?
Josephus Flavius is a primary source on Jewish history not on Jesus.

For Jesus you must refer to Eusebius one of the early bishops of the Christian Church pre-schism.

Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.

Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?

I take it you read neither Josephus or the NT.

wrong again. You got that info on WHO INVENTED PAUL----and who invented his idiot dreams? Paul's dreams are
DIVINE------and vital to the invention of the Christian religion
you claim as your own
Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.

Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?
Yes I have read Eusebius proof and prep of the gospel, but I am suggesting the Josephus wrote a lot of Paul's letters.

Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?

I take it you read neither Josephus or the NT.

wrong again. You got that info on WHO INVENTED PAUL----and who invented his idiot dreams? Paul's dreams are
DIVINE------and vital to the invention of the Christian religion
you claim as your own

No Paul, no one invented his dreams, he didn't have any. If you had read both you would realize, but I doubt you did.
Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?
Josephus had nothing to do with Paul. The history of Josephus is well known and that of paul------sorta known----
most likely jailed and executed by Rome---NOT IN ROME.
Josephus died in rome in middle age-----and so well liked that
they did a roman style BUST of him-----in Rome. Paul was the son of greek parents------probably converts to Judaism----
Josephus was a cohen----not a convert. Are you suggesting that ALL the stuff in the NT is a giant FRAUD----penny?
I consider it a document with lots of historic value

Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?

I take it you read neither Josephus or the NT.

wrong again. You got that info on WHO INVENTED PAUL----and who invented his idiot dreams? Paul's dreams are
DIVINE------and vital to the invention of the Christian religion
you claim as your own

No Paul, no one invented his dreams, he didn't have any.

oh-----so there was no paul and no Pauline doctrine-----
gee----does the pope know? do the leaders of the protestant and eastern orthodox world know? ----did CONSTANTINE
Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?
Yep, sure whatever you say. Josephus wrote a lot of Paul, Paul was a made up character.

that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?

I take it you read neither Josephus or the NT.

wrong again. You got that info on WHO INVENTED PAUL----and who invented his idiot dreams? Paul's dreams are
DIVINE------and vital to the invention of the Christian religion
you claim as your own

No Paul, no one invented his dreams, he didn't have any.

oh-----so there was no paul and no Pauline doctrine-----
gee----does the pope know? do the leaders of the protestant and eastern orthodox world know? ----did CONSTANTINE

Gee I don't know , never talked to either personally. Of course there is a Pauline doctrine, its in the NT.
that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?
that's a silly idea but NO DOUBT you did find it in some of
your typical idiot literature-----got a link? I like islamo Nazi
propaganda------I learned to read on that shit. Since you are a scholar-----do you have any idea who invented Paul and his idiot dreams?

I take it you read neither Josephus or the NT.

wrong again. You got that info on WHO INVENTED PAUL----and who invented his idiot dreams? Paul's dreams are
DIVINE------and vital to the invention of the Christian religion
you claim as your own

No Paul, no one invented his dreams, he didn't have any.

oh-----so there was no paul and no Pauline doctrine-----
gee----does the pope know? do the leaders of the protestant and eastern orthodox world know? ----did CONSTANTINE

Gee I don't know , never talked to either personally. Of course there is a Pauline doctrine, its in the NT.

so true-------christianity depends on it. You have a link to your allegation that Josephus Flavius invented it?
Do you actually think most people believe in God because of the OT, really, for me its a turn off. As a RC for 40 years I never cracked open a bible, they read it in church, and most RC's I know have never read it, (the new ones of the later generations are reading the bible more) but the older generation I know still believe in God, Jesus, and it's not because of the OT, which I said can be a complete turn off.

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