Bible criticism

Do you actually think most people believe in God because of the OT, really, for me its a turn off. As a RC for 40 years I never cracked open a bible, they read it in church, and most RC's I know have never read it, (the new ones of the later generations are reading the bible more) but they still believe in God, Jesus, and it not because of the OT, which I said is a complete turn off.

you just changed the subject. You never read the OT but are TURNED off by it. ok. Jesus read the OT -----it is so recorded in the NT-----the other book that you never read. You are not the only person who avoids reading books that are a bit complex-------most americans are just like you------really dim
Do you actually think most people believe in God because of the OT, really, for me its a turn off. As a RC for 40 years I never cracked open a bible, they read it in church, and most RC's I know have never read it, (the new ones of the later generations are reading the bible more) but they still believe in God, Jesus, and it not because of the OT, which I said is a complete turn off.

you just changed the subject. You never read the OT but are TURNED off by it. ok. Jesus read the OT -----it is so recorded in the NT-----the other book that you never read. You are not the only person who avoids reading books that are a bit complex-------most americans are just like you------really dim

I've done more than read it, I've studied it, and yes most of it is nonsense, esp. when you compare it with other religions and all the gods of the ancient world. Most of the real nasty stuff in the OT is not read in Sunday Mass,
and by the way, most people never even read the NT till the 1600 and 1700's. The OT is not hard to understand, there are no mysteries in it.
Do you actually think most people believe in God because of the OT, really, for me its a turn off. As a RC for 40 years I never cracked open a bible, they read it in church, and most RC's I know have never read it, (the new ones of the later generations are reading the bible more) but they still believe in God, Jesus, and it not because of the OT, which I said is a complete turn off.

you just changed the subject. You never read the OT but are TURNED off by it. ok. Jesus read the OT -----it is so recorded in the NT-----the other book that you never read. You are not the only person who avoids reading books that are a bit complex-------most americans are just like you------really dim

Nothing complex about it.
As a RC for 40 years I never cracked open a bible, they read it in church, and most RC's I know have never read it, (the new ones of the later generations are reading the bible more) but the older generation I know still believe in God, Jesus, and it's not because of the OT, which I said can be a complete turn off.

is that possible ... can the spoken religion be at variance with the publications, which takes precedence, I wonder.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

can a RC disavow the latter as wholly irresponsible .... (definitely not recognized by the spoken religion)

Yeshua answered him and said, “Amen, I say to you that in this night, before a cock will crow
three times, you will deny me. ...

the above survives within the spoken religion of the Almighty, can it have meaning if not read ?

As a RC for 40 years I never cracked open a bible, they read it in church, and most RC's I know have never read it, (the new ones of the later generations are reading the bible more) but the older generation I know still believe in God, Jesus, and it's not because of the OT, which I said can be a complete turn off.

is that possible ... can the spoken religion be at variance with the publications, which takes precedence, I wonder.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

can a RC disavow the latter as wholly irresponsible .... (definitely not recognized by the spoken religion)

Yeshua answered him and said, “Amen, I say to you that in this night, before a cock will crow
three times, you will deny me. ...

the above survives within the spoken religion of the Almighty, can it have meaning if not read ?


I'm a RC for weddings and functions. Being raised in the RCC, we grew up with a value system, the one that really sticks with be, is its better to give than receive. I do not believe in the literal bible. I mean what does that really say, not much. I believe what Jesus said is true, but the point of who the Father is and who Jesus is, is the real question. I believe we both have different opinions on that.
Do you actually think most people believe in God because of the OT, really, for me its a turn off. As a RC for 40 years I never cracked open a bible, they read it in church, and most RC's I know have never read it, (the new ones of the later generations are reading the bible more) but they still believe in God, Jesus, and it not because of the OT, which I said is a complete turn off.

you just changed the subject. You never read the OT but are TURNED off by it. ok. Jesus read the OT -----it is so recorded in the NT-----the other book that you never read. You are not the only person who avoids reading books that are a bit complex-------most americans are just like you------really dim

Nothing complex about it.

Nothing complex about what? So far every time you claimed that YOU KNOW the gist of the writings in the OT----and--in fact in the NT-----you have been utterly wrong. Now you are have admitted that you consider yourself a "Christian" but have no idea what the person you call "Christ" taught or believed. You even reject the PAULINE doctrine insisting that
Josephus invented it--------but certainly did not "believe" it either and yet the religion you claim is BASED upon it
I have heard of CUSINE JEWS-----but never
"WEDDING CATHOLICS" Penelope now defines
herself as a "baby platitudes" "catholic"
gee----poor Penelope is so confused that she does not
even know that she has described herself as a FOLLOWER OF HILLEL well known biggest and bestest Pharisee---clearly the role model for the person called "'Jesus". Did Paul know?
As a RC for 40 years I never cracked open a bible, they read it in church, and most RC's I know have never read it, (the new ones of the later generations are reading the bible more) but the older generation I know still believe in God, Jesus, and it's not because of the OT, which I said can be a complete turn off.

is that possible ... can the spoken religion be at variance with the publications, which takes precedence, I wonder.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

can a RC disavow the latter as wholly irresponsible .... (definitely not recognized by the spoken religion)

Yeshua answered him and said, “Amen, I say to you that in this night, before a cock will crow
three times, you will deny me. ...

the above survives within the spoken religion of the Almighty, can it have meaning if not read ?


I'm a RC for weddings and functions. Being raised in the RCC, we grew up with a value system, the one that really sticks with be, is its better to give than receive. I do not believe in the literal bible. I mean what does that really say, not much. I believe what Jesus said is true, but the point of who the Father is and who Jesus is, is the real question. I believe we both have different opinions on that.

PS----the ONLY putative record that exists on "what jesus said" is in the NT------some of it written by the non-existent
Paul. Hillel is a lot better documented-------even Josephus is better documented
I have heard of CUSINE JEWS-----but never
"WEDDING CATHOLICS" Penelope now defines
herself as a "baby platitudes" "catholic"

gee----poor Penelope is so confused that she does not
even know that she has described herself as a FOLLOWER OF HILLEL well known biggest and bestest Pharisee---clearly the role model for the person called "'Jesus". Did Paul know?

Once again you fail to add anything of value to the conversation, when you figure it out let me know.
I have heard of CUSINE JEWS-----but never
"WEDDING CATHOLICS" Penelope now defines
herself as a "baby platitudes" "catholic"

gee----poor Penelope is so confused that she does not
even know that she has described herself as a FOLLOWER OF HILLEL well known biggest and bestest Pharisee---clearly the role model for the person called "'Jesus". Did Paul know?

Once again you fail to add anything of value to the conversation, when you figure it out let me know.

I do understand what you have written----you refer to ethics to which you ascribe-----which are the specific ethical teachings of the famous Talmudist of the first century BC-----HILLEL----or more specifically Rabbi Hillel ---sometimes HAZAKEN (the elder) and sometimes HA BAVLI (the Babylonian--since he was born in Babylon). His stuff is
extensively quoted by the person Jesus----as represented in the book called the NEW TESTAMENT------and as you claim---you were taught that ethical stuff in catholic school. As to the rest of the allegations ----like dreams by the non-existent person PAUL---------you sorta give that crap no credence. Ok-----all you have left is HILLEL------
Genesis 1.3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

That was day one of creation. Where did the light come from? because God did not create the sun until the fourth day.

"Let there be light" reflects the giving of divine law. Thats it. Nothing too deep or mysterious for anyone to understand.

The only remaining mystery is why you keep asking the same question as if no one ever alerted you...
If God had not drawn the light from the dark there would NEVER have been light.
God's lesson to us that there is no life without God.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Darkness upon the face of the deep just means that before the law was given as a light people had been lost in the darkness of ignorance and superstition for millions of years. No one knew anything about anything, why we were here, what was going on and right and wrong did not exist. Life was all about eat or be eaten.

The law divides the light from the darkness by teaching people to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, light and darkness, life and death.

Jesus said he was the light of the world. He said that God would lift him up into heaven, and that he would bring division.

This corresponds to the verse where God put lights in the firmament of Heaven to divide the day from the night, and to the verse in Daniel that shows that these lights represent people.

"Those who have guided people in the true path shall shine like the stars of heaven forever."

Its a bronze age riddle. Stop trying to use scientific facts to understand what its about. They knew nothing of science.

So you are not taking the bible literally then, because you claim there were people for millions of years before the Genesis story, even though in Genesis man is not created until the sixth day.

How can anyone who reads the first story in the bible with a talking serpent take the bible literally?

Anyway your other question that noticed the contradiction that when the children of Adam and Eve went to look for a mate they went to a city resolves any doubt about whether people already existed at the time..
Did I miss some verses?
Isaiah 40.22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth.

This could easily mean a flat disk, not a sphere.
Isaiah 40.22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth.

This could easily mean a flat disk, not a sphere.

it could------it is best to interpret from the ORIGINAL language------Isaiah was written in Hebrew-------if you can find it---I will do my best-----If I cannot----my genius in residence can do it
40:22  ֵ
% הַ ֹ


ג ח

2 הָאָרֶ

בֶיהָ וְיֹ ְ

חֲגָבִי ַ
40:22  ֵ
% הַ ֹ

approx.--person there


ג ח

gimel chet is "CIRCLE OF"???

2 הָאָרֶ
e·artz I am not sure---it means LAND---
not "earth"

בֶיהָ וְיֹ ְ
and·ones-dwelling-of·her existing on her
(the 'her' being land)

חֲגָבִי ַ
k·chgbim nope ---it says Khagbi
which might me grasshopper
of----or thereof (??)


I don't know----it does not describe an earth globe---just
something like a circle as far as I can tell. Lots of life stuff
is described in terms of Circles or Wheels

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