Bible Questions

(PSsst dear qw and dt. I thought of you and Gracie all day while I was away from the board. So much I want to thank you for, it was humbling to realize how much you help me, especially since you don't see and know this yet. I found the letter I just wrote to Senator Ted Cruz office and it struck me that we can really pull this off and propose it. not just theorizing about it but really push for a system of corrections to past conflicts, based on microfinancing solutions. I meditated on the words to say before I post those thread, because there are other people I feel should specifically be invited to help co-moderate so everyone feels included.)

Dear Gracie: I found two perfect scriptures that answer your question on where is God's love for his children in the Bible.
One is Romans 8:38-39:

1a. Romans 8:38-39
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

This came from JESUS CALLING a daily devotional especially for women.
My Godmother had it opened yesterday to the exact page that answered your question!
There was another scripture interpreted on that same page, which talked about even while you fear and go through troubles, by turning focus on God then he gives us peace and strength.

1b. I will look the other scripture and revise this to add it, in the meantime here is the journal of 365 meditations one per day that explain and give the scripture, so I think this is a better way to guide someone especially women facing all kinds of things, so you are not overwhelmed: Jesus Calling: A 365-Day Journaling Devotional by Sarah Young - Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists Gracie if you prefer to stick to just the wisdom and all-embracing love of God for all his children, this guide may be perfect for you, and also to share with your sister! She gave you a challenging gift, and here is a nice resource that can be shared with her in return. Let me know if I can help you order this; where we could start a lending library for materials open to and focused on women's natural spirituality that you worry was censored from the Bible.

There were two other msgs I also wanted to post to you.

2. To address your msg worrying about how much was not included in the Bible. The answer I would share with you that helps me is not to worry, because ALL the laws of the Gentiles/natural laws are purposely not spelled out in the Bible. This is by God's design. There are instructions by Jesus about Gentiles under natural laws, but
then these instructions are given by other teachers and messengers in other contexts to address those audiences.
For example Buddhism, Constitutional laws are given separately to us; yet these are consistent with and back up the Bible and vice versa.

Gracie it would be too confusing for people to put all that in the same book. There needs to be different volumes like a library to organize all the knowledge.

The Bible is like the Master Outline, and then all the other books and tribes are referenced and require their own sources to cover all that material in full.

In Christ, we bring all the tribes and knowledge given to each, together to be unified to establish what we can know of God's truth.
it takes putting it all together, NOT cutting anything out because it doesn't have the other stuff in it; of course not, that is given elsewhere!

So does it help to see it as learning a second language? To study the background of any language helps in sharing with other people, INCLUDING being able to share what YOU know of God with others equally, so it does not conflict with any knowledge understanding or language you already have. When you learn a new language it ADDS to your understanding and ability to share/communicate with others. It opens new doors where the sharing is EQUAL in Christ. There are many other tribes also, but the common factor is we are all joined in Christ Jesus who is central authority over all other laws/local authorities and systems. So this is perfectly OK to favor one system over another and still be joined together as Children of God made equal and one in Christ Jesus! Only fear can separate us, so please do not fear, but just continue to love as you do naturally as a Child of God.

You are very gracious to seek to understand the ways of others by taking on the Bible, and there are ways to do this where you can have both, and not compromise. You will not forget how to speak English by learning to speak Spanish to connect with more people
but will appreciate both languages and their nuances, differences and similarities even more. If it's not your native language it is perfectly fine to have an accent. No one is able to speak all the languages on the planet perfectly, just the fact you are willing to try is beautiful and you will find what you need to understand.

3. I also found a poem yesterday that summarizes all the books in the Bible.
It is very cute and well written, but anonymous, an old poem I found in a book yesterday while I was offline.
I found it online here:

So I think that may help where you don't feel so lost or overwhelmed! Thanks Gracie will come back and revise this thread to add more later.

Love and hugs and hope you feel better.

"Old Testament Poem:

In GENESIS, the world was made;
In EXODUS, the march was told;
LEVITICUS contains the Law;
In NUMBERS are the tribes enrolled.
We're urged to keep God's law alone;
And these five books of Moses make
The oldest holy writing known.

Brave JOSHUA to Canaan leads;
In JUDGES oft the Jews rebel;
We read of David's name in RUTH
How bad the Hebrew state became;
Another history of the same.
In EZRA, captive Jews return,
And NEHEMIAH builds the wall;
Queen ESTHER saves her race from death;
These books "historical" we call.

In JOB we read of patient faith;
In PSALMS are David's songs of praise;
The PROVERBS are to make us wise;
ECCLESIASTES next portrays,
How fleeting earthly pleasures are;
About true love, like Christ's,
And these Five books "Devotional" we call.

ISAIAH tells of Christ to come,
While JEREMIAH tells of woe,
And in his LAMENTATIONS mourns
The Holy City's overthrow.
EZEKIEL speaks of mysteries;
And DANIEL foretells kings of old;
HOSEA over Israel grieves;
In JOEL blessings are foretold.
In AMOS, too, are Israel's woes;
And OBADIAH's sent to warn,
While JONAH shows that Christ should die
And MICAH where He should be born.
In NAHUM Nineveh is seen;
HABAKKUK tells of Chaldea's guilt;
In ZEPHANIAH are Judah's sins;
In HAGGAI the Temple's built.
Then ZECHARIAH speaks of Christ;
And MALACHI of John, His sing;
The Prophets number seventeen,
And all the books are thirty-nine...

New Testament Poem:

Tell what Christ did in every place;
The ACTS tell what the Apostles did,
And ROMANS how we're saved by grace.
CORINTHIANS instruct the church;
GALATIANS show us Christ alone;
EPHESIANS, true love,
And in PHILIPPIANS God's grace is shown.
COLOSSIANS tells us more of Christ,
And THESSALONIANS of the end;
Are rules for preachers to attend.
PHILEMON, Christian friendship shows,
Then HEBREWS clearly tells how all
The Jewish law prefigured Christ;
And these Epistles are by Paul.
JAMES shows that faith by works must live,
And PETER urges steadfastness;
While JOHN exhorts to Christian love,
For those who have it God will bless.
JUDE shows the end of evil men,
And REVELATION tells of Heaven;
This is the end of the New Testament
And all the books are twenty-seven..."

One last poem for you and then I gotta go okay,
Maybe we can start another thread for "Gracie's Garden"
to share wisdom and teachings uniting native american/earth-based spirituality
with whatever you fear suppresses or is in conflict with natural laws given by the same God.
Do you want to keep this on the same thread, or just keep this one for Bible Questions only?
If you want a separate thread, I will migrate my msgs about that over there if you prefer, Gracie!

"A Message from the Universe:

Behind the Iron Curtain
Beyond the Fall of Rome
There's Hope in the Uncertain
And Truth in the Unknown

Beneath the Stars and Planets
Along the Coral Reef
A Method calms the Madness
And War gives in to Peace

Fear not my changing Surface
For what may lie Below
But trust a Higher Purpose
That you already know!"

Love, Emily

That poem is posted somewhere on my website, along with a whole series of environmental hymnals set to popular rock songs,
about saving an ancient redwood forest in California from corporate destruction and greed; so the THEME of many of the songs is respecting God's creation and all creatures with love, and not putting Mammon or materialism above spiritual harmony and peace which is priceless in comparison (ie one of the major msgs in the Bible, not to put Mammon or materialism above God/spirituality).

Gracie if you prefer this thread for answering Bible questions with scripture only, what do you think of the idea of starting a new thread for growing a Garden with "all kinds of stuff mixed in there" from different sources if you like! Do you want to focus on God as Nature in a separate thread and keep this for Bible scripture and study?
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P.S. Where people DO have to stretch to work with my views,
I believe Jesus fulfills the other laws too, from Buddhism to the Constitutional laws.
So you can follow Jesus by accepting that spirit into your commitment to enforce and live by the laws of other tribes as well, and still be Christian in spirit as a follower of Jesus.
Many people question "how can you be both" Buddhist/Christian, Muslim/Christian, etc.
And there are people running around who are both, and they run into these same conflicts!
I commend your tolerant spirit !

May I test it, just a little?

Yes, feel free as long as you are okay with people testing you back. ;-)
I love that you love truth and love the challenges of theology.
It is GOOD that we question in interaction with each other, so we hone our skills and
understanding and build bridges and stronger connections in truth.

I admire you DT and others here, as it takes a very tolerant mind to remain objective while assessing all these things in order to be consistent; so as long as you commit and strive for what is consistent we all should get along fine. Not to worry about the bumps in the road, and the emotions and reactions attached to that, this will come up in the process of learning and sharing with each other, naturally. Thank you, Numan and I hope you enjoy yourself on here and others learn to enjoy what you have to say even more as well. We can all learn
new ideas insights and approaches from each other. That is what we're here for I believe!

P.S. if Gracie is OK with this on her thread, where it relates to Bible Q&A we can keep it here; if it fits in better with Consensus on God I believe that should start a new thread, and we can use both. If msgs end up in the wrong place, we can migrate them over to keep things organized and not interrupt one conversation with another, etc. I believe any questions about different cultural/religions even atheism/nontheist secular views reconciling with theist or personified views of God would be under Consensus on God. are you ok joining that discussion on another thread designed to bring up conflicts and push for resolution? okay? we can still interact on both threads but keep this one on Bible scripture.
You should also mention that he was exonerated in his lifetime.
Good grief!! Another Adoptionist in sheep's clothing!!

This thread is a veritable nest of the vipers!!

Yes, the heretics played upon the poor, theologically unsophisticated Emperor Constantine, who just wanted a little peace and unity in the Church that he was founding.

However, on the very day that the Satanically inspired Arius was to be received back into the communion of the Church at Constantinople, his bowels exploded in a privy, and that was the end of him!!!

There is hardly a more signal example of Divine Displeasure in all of history!!

Moreover, after Arius' death he was condemned yet again, and that excommunication has lasted, and will last, until the end of time!!

Amazing what poison can accomplish, isn't it?

Power of antichrist is strong, and influence of false prophecy or
hateful speech by ill will instead of God's will can also divide and conquer and destroy en masse.

But the love and truth of God is greater, so compelling that people choose that by free will.
Any coercion by bullying by threat of force or exclusion cannot compare to forgiveness
and correction chose by free will.

So love of truth/justice is greater as a positive force than anything
to the contrary out of negative fear or competition. Grace is stronger than unforgiveness
and will eventually win out in the end; it is the meek not the evil who shall inherit the earth.
Dear Gracie: In the msg below to Numan I mention that Jefferson had his own Bible edition that focused
on Jesus and teachings of natural laws. So he cut out even more, the references to miracles etc., if you can believe that!

The earliest Church Fathers, Irenaeus and Tertullian, proclaimed that the Christ was "God made man," not "man made God"!!
And all later Christianity agreed with them!!

The crude, insensate, wicked heresy of Adoptionism is quite widespread in these End Times, it is true -- but the entire history and theology of Christianity is firmly against it!!

Dear Numan: With respect to what you yourself insist that Christ is connected to BOTH the divine and the human and has dual natures which are supposed to be reconciled in harmony

Can we agree to recognize and reconcile both
the divine laws where God made man in his image [which explains why even our man-made laws reflect the same patterns]
the natural laws where man's perceptions of God are expressed through
languages we create on our level to "reflect" the divine but these do come
from us and do reflect our earthly/human/material biases

So there is BOTH going on, at the same time, some in conflict, some in harmony:
* People who see the level where God made man and inspired man's laws
* People who see the level where all man-made laws are humans projecting themselves
"imperfectly" onto whatever we are perceiving of God being infinite/perfect beyond us

As for Jesus being both, yes, Jesus as Divine Justice/Will/Word of God existed in heaven
before being incarnated on earth.

* the Gentiles who focus on the secular process of life may see mostly the empirical side of Jesus as a teacher influencing humanity throughout history and in our relations [Jefferson was one who expressed this focus on natural laws and God as Nature, issuing
his own edition of the Bible that focused on Jesus' teachings without requiring any faith in miracles or other such references];
* the Believers who focus on the spiritual level may understand Jesus is not just a teacher or philosopher but the actual incarnation/embodiment of God's perfect will/love/justice
injected into our world in order to reconcile the two levels which had become divided.

So there is both going on, and if people cannot handle both, but only one side of the equation, then let us address them from where they are coming from and accept they see
that side more than or instead of the other.

I think it is fascinating that you as a nontheist Gentile have such compassion and conscience for making sure the teachings/message of Christ is receiving and enforced in consistent spirit; while QW who is a believer takes it upon himself by conscience to defend the natural laws and make sure followers don't undermine that either. I am a mix of both also, so I appreciate both of you coming from respective angles, so fascinating we have both on here!
Thank you for this which is quite refreshing and wonderful to have going on together!

I will post a new thread for Consensus on God about views of theist/nontheist reflecting common truth (and also for Consensus on Law about resolving issues with political process). We may have to migrate some posts if it helps clear up and get this thread back on track! I think I will ask FoxFyre Avatar KosherGirl IrishRam Hollie, and maybe me and Gracie, to help co-host and co-moderate the God thread, and then invite you and QW DT to post whatever you want and see if it stays in check where conflicts are resolved.
There is something special about the chemistry here that allows to balance each other out, so I want to keep that spirit going.
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Genesis is a collection of useful myths and beliefs BEFORE the religious establishment of judaism. The part you are referencing is probably taken from a polytheistic religion such as that of the Sumerians whose creation myths and floods are suspiciously similiar to that in Genesis. Also the names of some of Abrahams forefathers are also similiar to the names of cities that were establish in the region that Sumeria ocupied.

In short, any written before the Books of Moses or relating to the history of the Hebrews/Jews can be considered pre-Judaic literature and maybe considered pagan ruffrage that was taken in to answer questions that were impossible to answer without guessing.
Well, careful Biblical scholarship, extending over almost two hundred years, has established beyond any reasonable doubt that Moses never existed.

He is just a myth, and all the stories connected to him are just fables.

Dear Numan: If this matter takes more discussion we really do need to dedicate a new thread to it, which is good.

1. even if the things in the Bible like Moses or Jesus are symbolic fables, the fact the
laws are written down is where these Mosaic laws are given to man, so that part is true.
The laws on whatever divine level is being represented
are made written for man so they become manifest in our reality for us to
use for correction of wrongs and establish truth universally across the board.
That is the purpose of putting laws in writing; similar to natural laws that already
exist for all humanity, but our Constitutional system and even Buddhist teachings
make this manifest for humans to share and grow in understanding we we apply them.

2. As for you and Foxfyre disagreeing on the nature of Christ being
divine first and then made human
human first and then becoming divine

"RE: ... before his Incarnation - - no, after.
not before but divinity was accomplished after Incarceration - as the sole Commandment from God to acquire Remittance, while on Earth - to the Everlasting or perish is the same as becoming divine.
Jesus was chosen by God for having fulfilled his obligation - it actually is heretical to say he was born divine rather than he became divine."

Foxfyre said:
I gently disagree. I believe Jesus was God incarnate. God who chose to become a man, fully human, so that he could meet us face to face, show us God's love, show us the wonderful future in store for all of us by God's grace. And fully divine, God himself who chose to suffer and die for us as payment for our sins--the ultimate blood sacrifice that would end once and for all the need for blood sacrifice to be cleansed and free from the ultimate terrible consequence for breaking God's law.

I see both processes going on, depending which place or direction you start and go from there.

a. if you see Jesus as divine justice in heaven before incarnating on earth to reach man's world then it is divine first and then human
b. if you are gentile and experience the world first, and then receive understanding later of how all this reflects the divine, then you may see things as human first and then becoming divine after

We are going to read into the Bible that which helps us with our own spiritual process to reconcile both.
Since Jesus represents both the human and divine perfect and whole together,
then wherever we are coming from we are going to see the process from that perspective. And both paths of the Gentiles under natural laws and Believers under sacred laws, are equally fulfilled and made one/whole in Christ. This is supposed to be happening.

Most ppl I know work from either the inside out or the outside in, either starting with themselves and seeing the connection with greater humanity collectively, or being so concerned with things outside themselves while learning to focus on change happening inward by recognizing any change within us is connected to global change outside.

I don't know if I know any people who are born knowing both processes are connected as one, and have always been perfectly equally minded from the get go; everone I know needs to learn from experience, working in contrast with others coming from the opposite approach, to learn to balance both. Never met a perfect person who did that automatically!

As for you wishing ill on followers of Mohammad, now we really need to start a new thread for that one! Muslims are also supposed to follow the Jewish Torah and Christian scriptures equally as the Islamic Quran, so these tribes are supposed to be neighbors joined in Christ. If you think Christians need to go back and embrace the original message and drop the conflicted interpretations, I hope you have equal compassion for Muslims who need so also. They actually need more help and support since all the hostile division and war is drowning out the sincere efforts of peacemaking that true believers from all faiths have been putting together for years. I hope you are open to discuss this on a Consensus on God thread, I think it's important. I believe we can reach world peace this way! By seeking peace amongst each other and diverse tribes, and working from there to reach more and more people to do the same!

Numan said:
You aren't, by any chance, an adherent of the non-christian cult of Mormonism, are you?
Mormonism is a vicious source of sin founded by a charlatan and a liar -- of the very same ilk as Mohammed (Peace not be upon him!).

I have found successful ways to work with Mormons and Muslims by common respect for natural laws such as made manifest in the Constitutional principles that people seem to respect and exercise naturally. These laws are also fulfilled and enforced consistently in the spirit of Truth and Justice which God and Jesus represent. Numan, I see by your words that you admonish false fraudulent, deceptive teachings that have divided and harmed people's faith and understanding and relations in Christ; so that part I agree with. However I would not reject or denounce all Mormons and Muslims, for these are yet another tribe that is supposed to be joined with the other in Christ Jesus as one tree with many diverse branches to hold diverse knowledge of law for many different audiences.

By your peaceful nature, and your respect for the message of Christ you fear is lost, I don't see how you can wish ill on others; I don't think you mean this on the people, but you mean to reject the danger of false cultish teachings/practices that cost humanity.
I have found neighbors in Christ among the Mormons and Muslism, so I am more concerned to help them overcome false teachings within their own constituency where they can serve this greater purpose and in order correct the problems you see going on. We need each others as allies, to work in teams and delegate the correctional work, not divide as enemies and defeat the purpose. Not to worry Numan, I read in your spirit that you are a neighbor in Christ and all the false things you denounce shall be overcome.
Your heart is in the right place, and your mind is committed to seek truth consistently, and all the other things will follow in turn. Thank you!
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I regret to inform you that the Fathers of the Church would have looked with extreme disfavor on your heretical views.

The Church Fathers were not nit-picky just because they were crotchety scholars. They were trying to reconcile contradictions which to them were desperately important.

If Christ had only a divine nature, then the Infinite Power of God would have too easy a victory over sin, and Divine Justice, which demanded the severest penalty for humanity's transgressions, would be violated.

If Christ had only a human nature, then He would have been too weak to have the power to forgive and heal humanity's sinful nature.

It is conceivable (though suspect) that the Son, before his Incarnation, had only one divine nature, and that it is only when He was born as Jesus that He became the Christ, with two separate and distinct natures -- human and divine. But ever since the Sacrifice upon the Cross, He has, and ever more will have, those two distinctly separate natures.

... before his Incarnation - - no, after.

not before but divinity was accomplished after Incarceration - as the sole Commandment from God to acquire Remittance, while on Earth - to the Everlasting or perish is the same as becoming divine.

Jesus was chosen by God for having fulfilled his obligation - it actually is heretical to say he was born divine rather than he became divine.

I gently disagree. I believe Jesus was God incarnate. God who chose to become a man, fully human, so that he could meet us face to face, show us God's love, show us the wonderful future in store for all of us by God's grace. And fully divine, God himself who chose to suffer and die for us as payment for our sins--the ultimate blood sacrifice that would end once and for all the need for blood sacrifice to be cleansed and free from the ultimate terrible consequence for breaking God's law.

so that he could meet us face to face, show us the wonderful future in store for all of us by God's grace.

- - God is always present, the Garden is the presence of God - and what is offered by the Everlasting.

And as the Scripture teaches us, we fully understand this by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Counselor that he sent to us to be with us when Jesus, the man, returned to the spirit realm.

The opening verse of the Gospel According to John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light sines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. . . . .

He was with God in the beginning.

- - not sure, you are saying the word is a being ?

we believe the "word" is a Persuasion that enabled the Creator and for all who reside within the Everlasting and is why Mankind was expelled i.e. no evil allowed.

and then a few verses later. . . .

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. . . .

. . . .For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

- - what that means is Jesus fulfilled the Commandment for Remission and became the Persuasion necessary by God ... then was chosen by God to instruct what he had accomplished.


The faithful of the First Century--those who painstakingly wrote down the story as well as they could--were, as we are, limited in the words they had to explain and describe what they knew. Each of us has knowledge and emotion and understanding and fears and doubts and hopes and dreams that there are simply no words to fully express it exactly as we know it is. Nor can any of us fully see these things in their entirety. We just know they are there.

Which compelled the Apostle Paul sometime later to express, "Now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall see face to face." And hopefully we won't need our inadequate language to express it. :)

- - we find our answers through sight by reading the Garden.

numan: You are directly contradicting the Nicene Creed, which condemned all those who claimed that there was a time when the Son was not!!

there is little reason to believe otherwise for Jesus who accomplished Remittance to be chosen by God for Mankind to follow.

"My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me" - Jesus was human, and in a funny way so made without doubt at his death - lovingly by us who see the Garden as without evil but a place nontheless violent as is the persuasion of God and life in the Everlasting.

numan: You aren't, by any chance, an adherent of the non-christian cult of Mormonism, are you?

you might not be surprised, I am an Edenist - Church of Amageddon.

Amageddon - the triumph of Good
Armageddon - the triumph of evil

when the last good person (Noah) or the last evil person on earth perish, God will return to Judge those who are remaining - they or the last to die will be granted the Everlasting.

God returned early and allowed Mankind a second chance before Noah's death that would have fulfilled the parable for Judgement and end Mans existence -

Amageddon - the Triumph of Good is left out of the Bible, an unforgivable omission.
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I don't know that I am any different from most Christians back then....
Well, I think [or, at least, I HOPE!] that you would not arrest a person and burn him alive if he disagreed with your opinions -- so I think you are very much different from the Christians back then.
By your peaceful nature, and your respect for the message of Christ you fear is lost, I don't see how you can wish ill on others; I don't think you mean this on the people, but you mean to reject the danger of false cultish teachings/practices that cost humanity.
Emily, your kind charity has softened even my hard, crusty atheistical heart.

I do think that the doctrine of the perichôresis of the Three Hypostases of the Godhead has a profound kernel of truth, which, when it is properly meditated upon, reveals wonderful riches, and can be seen operating in manifold aspects of Created Existence.

It is a unique contribution of Christianity to Spiritual perception, and human thought, and worthy of great honor.

About the rest of the Christian religion, I am highly ambivalent.
Amageddon - the Triumph of Good is left out of the Bible, an unforgivable omission.


I thought the whole point and message of the Bible is that God's eternal goodness prevails and anything to the contrary passes away? That this process of redemption/salvation
is made manifest in Christ Jesus.

* In Christ all things are made new Rev. 4

* Perfect love casts out all fear

* Love never fails -- Corinthians

* That God's love overcomes anything that you would think separates us even death.
Romans 8:38-39

* Heaven and earth shall pass away but the Word is eternal

Isn't all this about perfect Goodness Truth and Love winning over all else that would otherwise divide and destroy? That we should know the Truth and set us free?
Isn't that Good triumphing over evil?

Do you mean something else is left out, like the actual Explanation of the process of
Christ Jesus descending into hell and atoning for/eradicating all the evil issues that
would prevent salvation of all humanity over time and space? that is not explained in
detail I agree, is this what you mean should be known? If so I find in Rev it does say that the mysteries will be revealed in the end, first the spirit of truth will come, then Jesus returns with the Holy Spirit for all to receive. So maybe you mean the mysteries coming out?
P.S. Your statement on recognizing the Three Hypostases as having truth, but remaining ambivalent of the rest connected to it:
this reminds me of how I see the Three Refuges in Buddhism, the Buddha Dharma and Sangha
and pledged to commit to what those stand for (which I see as universal as fulfilled in God/Christ/the Holy Spirit).

But the rest in Buddhism is relative to people and situations, so I would not pledge to follow all the other principles in detail to the letter, just pledge to keep with the spirit of the laws which is universal.

This is summarized in the two main principles in Buddhism - the spirit of the teachings that all others follow from anyway:
to develop "Wisdom" and to develop "Compassion"
which I align with the two Great Commandments in Christianity
love of God and love of humanity or loving our neighbors as ourselves
where the love of Jesus as God fulfills both and makes these one inseparable
by unconditional love and forgiving grace, that transcends human conditions we put on love if left to our own devices.

The rest follows from this spirit, so I commit to the spirit of the laws and resolve issues of the letter within that context.

Here is my humorous take on attempts to reconcile the universal trinity in Buddhism, Christianity and Constitutional law
(which I find will drive you and everyone around you crazy, so I don't recommend trying to practice this in public)

By your peaceful nature, and your respect for the message of Christ you fear is lost, I don't see how you can wish ill on others; I don't think you mean this on the people, but you mean to reject the danger of false cultish teachings/practices that cost humanity.
Emily, your kind charity has softened even my hard, crusty atheistical heart.

I do think that the doctrine of the perichôresis of the Three Hypostases of the Godhead has a profound kernel of truth, which, when it is properly meditated upon, reveals wonderful riches, and can be seen operating in manifold aspects of Created Existence.

It is a unique contribution of Christianity to Spiritual perception, and human thought, and worthy of great honor.

About the rest of the Christian religion, I am highly ambivalent.

Thanks, Numan, You are the one who is kind.
There is not a single post I can find where you did not speak except out of sincere loving concern for others not to be misguided or conflicted.

To be fair, I also have a tough unrelenting side similar to QW when it comes to people violating natural laws under guise of govt, as I have zero tolerance for legal/judicial abuse.
So I have my crusty side too, where I can swipe at people when I am not in the mood!

You are probably as ambivalent about the Christian faith, as
I am about the legal system which though being one of the best in the world
seems to contradict its own Constitutional laws on free speech/due process/equal
protections by being monopolized politically and financially much like the Catholic
authority hijacked the church control financially, selling indulgences for forgiveness sins
instead of following and teaching the Bible. We do that secularly with hiring lawyers to
buy our way out of crimes, so justice is not equal as what our laws/Supreme Court proclaims.

I can be plenty intolerable when i start going after lawyers like pharisees, making money off the legal system, claiming to enforce justice, in a system that deprives or robs people of rights when it is abused without check! I will save that for a political thread, not go off here!

Thanks for your sharing and discussions, which I find helpful including where other people are replying to you I have not heard from before either! That is quite enriching. I will try to move more religious issue discussions to a new thread, and any political stuff onto a law process thread, so with help of you DT and QW, I won't "go off" in ways I criticize myself!

Your kind concern for others to stay true to the teachings is appreciated and I look fwd to more of your posts and discussions. This helps me more than you know, with what I am struggling with, constantly trying to resolve different issues over church and state laws.

As for the Three Positions of the Godhead, I will definitely want that included and addressed as a key topic under Consensus on God. Thanks for offering better terms for discussing this!
(If this does not fit under Gracie's thread for Bible passages, we can move it elsewhere if it brings up comparing other cultural references to similar three-part patterns in all systems.)
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Goodness, I am an atheist ...

a little surprised you have no doubt ... the leaves are the same as the tree?

numan: The earliest Church Fathers, Irenaeus and Tertullian, proclaimed that the Christ was "God made man," not "man made God"!!
And all later Christianity agreed with them!!

... "man made God"

Remission to the Everlasting, if not becoming divine to do so is still made possible after the feat - to become a god ... but there is only one God.

emilynghiem: I thought the whole point and message of the Bible is that God's eternal goodness prevails and anything to the contrary passes away? That this process of redemption/salvation
is made manifest in Christ Jesus.

... is made manifest in Christ Jesus

"My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me" ...

the Edenist believe Remission is the sole Commandment from God, Jesus has past there is still work to be done - the Christian Ten Commandments include a provision "You shall have no other gods before me" - that is what Christians have aspired in designating Jesus as God rather than perhaps, properly a god - whether it was done by Jesus himself (doubtful) or not each individual is still responsible for their own actions.

the Bible has within it truths given by God but is also laden with the same Forbidden Fruits as was the cause for Mankind's expulsion - discarding what is forbidden to find the true path is the point of studying the book, at ones peril.
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RE: ... "man made God"

Remission to the Everlasting, if not becoming divine to do so is still made possible after the feat - to become a god ... but there is only one God.

RE: ... is made manifest in Christ Jesus

"My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me" ...

the Edenist believe Remission is the sole Commandment from God, Jesus has past there is still work to be done - the Christian Ten Commandments include a provision "You shall have no other gods before me" - that is what Christians have aspired in designating Jesus as God rather than perhaps, properly a god - whether it was done by Jesus himself (doubtful) or not each individual is still responsible for their own actions.

the Bible has within it truths given by God but is also laden with the same Forbidden Fruits as was the cause for Mankind's expulsion - discarding what is forbidden to find the true path is the point of studying the book, at ones peril.

Dear BW:
I think you are interpreting the divinity of Jesus as
1. this means Jesus the son is "identical" as God the Father
2. this means Jesus and others are not responsible for their own will
if you chalk everything up as God's will

This is not what it means for Christians to believe that "Jesus is God" or
Jesus is divinely perfect as the Word/Will/Laws of God made incarnated in man

1. See John 10:29 where Jesus says BOTH that God the Father is greater
and no one is greater than God; while ALSO saying that the Father
and the Son are ONE. This means they are inseparable even t hough
clearly the two roles are distinct. There would not be any need to specify
God the Father, Jesus the Son or Word of God, and the Holy Spirit as the Comforter
if #1 and #2 were identical. Of course they are not.
that is NOT what it means for Jesus to be God.
I can see why you would reject this notion the way you interpret it.
When interpreted correctly it is no different than saying True Universal Justice
or True Unconditional Love "is God"
When God's divine justice is manifested in Jesus, then Jesus is the embodiment
of Divine Justice or God's divine will

2. the whole purpose of Jesus being human and divine IS
to reconcile man's free will with God's will

It IS that we become fully responsible, in order to make that choice to align

It does NOT mean it's "okay being irreponsible" by doing whatever and blaming it on God's will
that things went wrong. By God's natural laws of cause and effect, we ARE
responsible when we make choices, that by God's laws, yield likewise results!
It IS God's will that we use our free will and reason/conscience he gave us to
learn by experience by trial and error, so we DO learn to make wiser choices more beneficial to
the greater good which God's will represents, the good that triumphs over evil.

So it IS about become spiritually mature and perfect so we do NOT abuse our free will.

Again I can see how you would reject the notion of God's will if it looks like people
are excusing their own choices made by free will, but this is not what it
means or else it would not make sense.

Please let me know if you would agree more with these interpretations
than the ones you posted which clearly are problematic and I would reject those also!

However, given interpretations of Jesus' divinity that make sense and are consistent,
I do believe and agree on those terms as the true meaning, and not the ones you stated.

Thanks, Breezewood and I would like to hear more about your beliefs.
Thank you for sharing here.
If you don't believe in Jesus divinity I would still work with you as a secular gentile
under natural laws, where the focus is more on social responsibility for one's actions
and building peace and justice that way. I still believe the divine laws of justice govern
and fulfill those laws, if you are okay with this idea that Jesus is that unifying spirit of equal justice for all humanity. Are you okay with that interpretation of Jesus bringing salvation and peace to all?

And are you okay with the focus on forgiveness and healing grace that comes with
receiving Jesus or "Justice with Mercy" in all relations so "all things are made new."

Do you believe in transformation by receiving the spirit of truth and justice, not only in our heart and minds, but also in our relationships in order to incarnate/manifest in the world?

Do your teachings of Armageddon teach this process of winning spiritual battles or struggles to achive and realize this level of spiritual peace and justice? What is the role of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the Edenism teachings of the process/stages of Armageddon?

Thanks again for sharing and I hope we can find common understanding of the salvation process that comes at the very end so Good triumphs over evil. I believe in that too as the ultimate message of the Bible and where human history is heading. How do you teach this?
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"My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me" ...

Oh no you don't.
There is only one time that Jesus called God, God. That was in the verse you quoted.
Jesus always called God, Abba, and intimate form of Father. Our equivalent would be Dad, or Daddy.

When Jesus was hanging on that cross a Divine exchange took place. He became our sin or 'us' on that cross, and we became righteous or 'Him' in God's eyes. It was us that asked that sorrowful question.
And the reason God had to look away had nothing to do with a lack of love, nor did He leave us hanging there. It was simply because God can't look upon sin.
Habakkuk 1:13 Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; You cannot look at wrongdoing.

The Edenist belief contradicts what Christ preached.
Jesus never said, "we'll split the cost...".
Part Christ/ part self is the opposite of what He said:

John 1:29 The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
Not half of them.
1 John 1:7 And the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
Psalm 51:2 Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

And Breeze, The practice of doing what you said to do, "discarding what is forbidden to find the true path is the point of studying the book, at ones peril." is false doctrine.

Discarding what is forbidden, and replacing it with a new version falls under this category:

Deuteronomy 4:2 Do not add to or subtract from these commands I am giving you. ... "You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it...

and again:
Proverbs 30:6 Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.

and again:
Deuteronomy 12:32 Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.
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I don't know that I am any different from most Christians back then....
Well, I think [or, at least, I HOPE!] that you would not arrest a person and burn him alive if he disagreed with your opinions -- so I think you are very much different from the Christians back then.

I would hope that I would not either--actually the Christians of Bible times did not do that and it has been very much a rarity among Christians since, but of course such rarities get a good deal of 'press' and are incorrectly focused on as a 'norm' among those who seek to see Christianity in its worst light.

The worst church battles and the bone of the most contention among early Christians was actually on the issue of Jesus's divinity and concepts of the Trinity. The Gnostics refused to see Jesus as divine. Was Jesus a separate being from the Father? As a human yes, but then was he God incarnate? According to the Four Gospels of the New Testament, he said he was.

Is the Trinity three separate beings or one Being in three separate forms? Difficult to process in our sometimes more restrictive mental concepts, but, according to the Apostle Paul, possible to conceptualize through the power of the Holy Spirit.

One thing is for certain. Jesus himself did not get hung up on a lot of rules, regulations, and intricate Law. He commanded us to love God with all that we have to love with and to love/treat our neighbor as we wanted to be loved/treated. Do that, and we don't have to worry about any other concepts of rules or Law because we will be doing all that God requires.
emilynghiem: If you don't believe in Jesus divinity I would still work with you as a secular gentile
under natural laws, where the focus is more on social responsibility for one's actions
and building peace and justice that way. I still believe the divine laws of justice govern
and fulfill those laws, if you are okay with this idea that Jesus is that unifying spirit of equal justice for all humanity. Are you okay with that interpretation of Jesus bringing salvation and peace to all?

If you don't believe in Jesus divinity ...

as stated we believe Jesus accomplished Remission by conquering evil during his life and was chosen by God to give guidance on "His" accomplishment. - by the quote "why have you forsaken me" indicates he took his role a little to seriously - a gesture from God to Jesus for his own sake, to bad Christians fail to recognize the contrast.

Jesus brought salvation and peace to himself - providing the path for others to follow is our belief were the Instructions from God to Jesus.

"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

The Edenist do not believe Jesus said - "No one comes to the Father except through me." - but said: 'follow the same path for yourself to find God' or of that effect - what is written in the Bible could not be further from the truth.

Do you believe in transformation by receiving the spirit of truth and justice, not only in our heart and minds, but also in our relationships in order to incarnate/manifest in the world?

this is Remission that is a Commandment, during ones lifetime - or perish.

Do your teachings of Armageddon teach this process of winning spiritual battles or struggles to achieve and realize this level of spiritual peace and justice? What is the role of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the Edenism teachings of the process/stages of Armageddon?

Armageddon- the triumph of evil
Amageddon - the triumph of good

as stated the story of Noah is the contrast of the two - the bible as far as we know does not mention the outcome of the triumph of Good, the reason for giving Mankind a second chance - but foretells only Armageddon.

with Amageddon - the Garden of Eden and the Everlasting will return to Earth.

Irish Ram: The Edenist belief contradicts what Christ preached.
Jesus never said, "we'll split the cost...".
Part Christ/ part self is the opposite of what He said:

"And the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."

not really sure what you are saying above about 1/2 -

God created a "Species" - it is the species that is expelled - Remittance is accomplished by each individual but we must work for all to accomplish the feat to save the species - Jesus found the path but each individual has to travel it themselves.

And Breeze, The practice of doing what you said to do, "discarding what is forbidden to find the true path is the point of studying the book, at ones peril." is false doctrine.

what assurance do you have what you "read" is what was said, etc. - the Truth speaks for itself and is meant to be found - history tells us of the Bibles failings - the answerer lies in finding why. we read by sight, the Garden - and are willing to share our discoveries - the same as God instructed Jesus.
Hi Irish Ram: Thanks for sharing a very insightful msg below.
Though I can't speak for BW, I am also interested in reaching a common
understanding of the conflicting issues you point out, which is good for that reason:

1. The way I would explain why God was silent, since this injustice was meant to happen, as the sacrifice to end all other sacrifice and injustices, then God had to let it happen as key part of the plan. This reminds me when it is someone's time to go, that's the one time the person who would have been there to save their life has something come up and isn't there.

When my dad was dying, he held on and didn't let go until the one time I left the room. The caretaking team said that happens a lot with families, where the person doesn't want that to happen on that person's watch but waits for everyone to be gone and parts quietly.

"My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me" ...

Oh no you don't.
There is only one time that Jesus called God, God. That was in the verse you quoted.
Jesus always called God, Abba, and intimate form of Father. Our equivalent would be Dad, or Daddy.

When Jesus was hanging on that cross a Divine exchange took place. He became our sin or 'us' on that cross, and we became righteous or 'Him' in God's eyes. It was us that asked that sorrowful question.
And the reason God had to look away had nothing to do with a lack of love, nor did He leave us hanging there. It was simply because God can't look upon sin.

2. this exchange is interesting and important
a. I agree that he did not split the cost in terms of spiritual debts
b. but also, for people's material debts we owe, this part is for us to "pay back every dime"

So for the spiritual debts, God's grace is given freely not earned, unconditionally for all
to receive; and the only thing we must do is ASK because it must be by our own free will not forced and praying to ask help with forgiveness is the way of affirming it is freely chosen

but for man's matieral debts, under natural laws, the secular laws of justice would hold us to restitution and correction for trespasses that violate rights of people, principle or property.
So this part is man's responsibility and not wiped out by forgiveness on a spiritual level.
God may forget, but people need to resolve problems and have consequences for actions.

This is another way to show the difference in realm and reach
between spiritual laws of the churched and secular laws of the gentiles.

I also see that BW is more of a gentile under natural law, having not the understanding
that "Jesus is Divine" as one with God, or God's Laws of Justice made incarnate in authority
over man."

So IR perhaps that is why BW cites other references outside the Bible to express beliefs
in the human process by natural laws. Others use Buddhist or Constitutional laws, Psychology or Social Sciences as additional resources to describe the human experience
and process that is not in the Bible. I believe it is because BW understanding is secular.

IR said:
Habakkuk 1:13 Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; You cannot look at wrongdoing.

The Edenist belief contradicts what Christ preached.
Jesus never said, "we'll split the cost...".
Part Christ/ part self is the opposite of what He said:

Not half of them.

And Breeze, The practice of doing what you said to do, "discarding what is forbidden to find the true path is the point of studying the book, at ones peril." is false doctrine.

Discarding what is forbidden, and replacing it with a new version falls under this category:

and again:
Proverbs 30:6 Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.

and again:
Deuteronomy 12:32 Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.

Yes, anything that revises the Bible and Scriptures stirs conflict and division.
Anything else you want to study is outside, especially for secular gentiles where
the natural laws are left to other teachers from the Greeks, Buddhists, secular humanists, scientists, etc. This is separate for a purpose, though both folds of the flock are both governed under Jesus authority, the realm and audience are distinct as complements which check and balance each other.
Goodness, I am an atheist ...
a little surprised you have no doubt ...
I am not troubled by doubts on that score. I am not an agnostic. I am a pure, convinced atheist.

I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

I agree with what Bernard Shaw wrote about the poet and atheist Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose wonderful poetry is nevertheless filled with profound spiritual insight :

"Shelley was an atheist....He never trifled with the word "God" : he knew that it meant a personal First Cause, Almighty Creator, and Supreme Judge and Ruler of the Universe, and that it did not mean anything else, never had meant anything else, and never whilst the English language lasted would mean anything else. Knowing perfectly well that there was no such person, he did not pretend that the question was an open one, or imply, by calling himself an Agnostic, that there might be such a person for all he knew to the contrary. He did know to the contrary; and he said so."

The historic meaning of the word "god" is so limited, so crude, so permeated with the mental limitations, shallow spirituality and cruelty of Bronze Age barbarians that I think it should be regarded with horror and disgust. The word is so permeated and encrusted with the spiritual filth of the ages that I am sure that it cannot be rehabilitated -- it should be rejected as a broken toy of the mental infancy of the race.

I am quite willing that there be a word to indicate Spiritual Reality -- but not the word "god".
Dear Numan: I love your terminology and the way you frame things!
I love this "Spiritual Reality" instead of just universal truth, wisdom etc.
I do believe this level is the "equivalent" of an ultimate God and does
not have to be exactly the same in nature to reconcile views.

What do you use for the other levels of the hypostases?
Is Justice or Law the second level?
Is humanity or society the third level?

I'd like to know how you frame these things personally
from your nontheist perspective, since you use interesting
terms I've not heard others use before.

Goodness, I am an atheist ...
a little surprised you have no doubt ...
I am not troubled by doubts on that score. I am not an agnostic. I am a pure, convinced atheist.

I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

I agree with what Bernard Shaw wrote about the poet and atheist Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose wonderful poetry is nevertheless filled with profound spiritual insight :

"Shelley was an atheist....He never trifled with the word "God" : he knew that it meant a personal First Cause, Almighty Creator, and Supreme Judge and Ruler of the Universe, and that it did not mean anything else, never had meant anything else, and never whilst the English language lasted would mean anything else. Knowing perfectly well that there was no such person, he did not pretend that the question was an open one, or imply, by calling himself an Agnostic, that there might be such a person for all he knew to the contrary. He did know to the contrary; and he said so."

The historic meaning of the word "god" is so limited, so crude, so permeated with the mental limitations, shallow spirituality and cruelty of Bronze Age barbarians that I think it should be regarded with horror and disgust. The word is so permeated and encrusted with the spiritual filth of the ages that I am sure that it cannot be rehabilitated -- it should be rejected as a broken toy of the mental infancy of the race.

I am quite willing that there be a word to indicate Spiritual Reality -- but not the word "god".

I would equate God with "Greater Good or Public Good"
so the emphasis is on the "eternal/universal good"
and God's will is equated with Goodwill (not the bad corrupted things done in God's name)

If atheists or nonbelievers have an issue with the pledge stating "One Nation under God"
which was added later, why not print their own version as "One Nation for the Public Good"
Dear Numan: I love your terminology and the way you frame things!
I love this "Spiritual Reality" instead of just universal truth, wisdom etc.
I do believe this level is the "equivalent" of an ultimate God and does
not have to be exactly the same in nature to reconcile views.

What do you use for the other levels of the hypostases?
Is Justice or Law the second level?
Is humanity or society the third level?

I'd like to know how you frame these things personally
from your nontheist perspective, since you use interesting
terms I've not heard others use before.

a little surprised you have no doubt ...
I am not troubled by doubts on that score. I am not an agnostic. I am a pure, convinced atheist.

I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

I agree with what Bernard Shaw wrote about the poet and atheist Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose wonderful poetry is nevertheless filled with profound spiritual insight :

"Shelley was an atheist....He never trifled with the word "God" : he knew that it meant a personal First Cause, Almighty Creator, and Supreme Judge and Ruler of the Universe, and that it did not mean anything else, never had meant anything else, and never whilst the English language lasted would mean anything else. Knowing perfectly well that there was no such person, he did not pretend that the question was an open one, or imply, by calling himself an Agnostic, that there might be such a person for all he knew to the contrary. He did know to the contrary; and he said so."

The historic meaning of the word "god" is so limited, so crude, so permeated with the mental limitations, shallow spirituality and cruelty of Bronze Age barbarians that I think it should be regarded with horror and disgust. The word is so permeated and encrusted with the spiritual filth of the ages that I am sure that it cannot be rehabilitated -- it should be rejected as a broken toy of the mental infancy of the race.

I am quite willing that there be a word to indicate Spiritual Reality -- but not the word "god".

I would equate God with "Greater Good or Public Good"
so the emphasis is on the "eternal/universal good"
and God's will is equated with Goodwill (not the bad corrupted things done in God's name)

If atheists or nonbelievers have an issue with the pledge stating "One Nation under God"
which was added later, why not print their own version as "One Nation for the Public Good"

The original was simply " one nation indivisible, with liberty ..." and that works perfectly. FYI new citizens being sworn in for the first time can take the pledge without the "under God" part if they so choose.
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If atheists or nonbelievers have an issue with the pledge stating "One Nation under God"
which was added later, why not print their own version as "One Nation for the Public Good"
Why have the unnecessary phrase in the Pledge at all?

Indeed, why should there be a Pledge to a flag?

Flag worship is idolatry, and violates the First Commandment.

In English, the words "good" and "god" are very close, but it is just a coincidence.

"Good" comes from an Indo-European root *GHEDH-, which means "unite, fit, come together" (probably cognate with the word "cosmos")

"God" comes from the Indo-European root *GHEU- "call", *GHEU-TO- "the invoked", ---> Germanic *gudam "god".
Amusingly, to an atheist like me, the word giddy comes from the Old English gydig, "insane" [god-possessed].

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