Biden: 45 Nations Blocked Chinese Nationals From Entering U.S. Before Trump Did

Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.

Yes seriously, this article is from ALMOST A MONTH before Trump enacted the ban on non-citizen travel from China

Ummm...... I'm going to cut you a break because I know you suffer from a slight case of mental retardation, but your article is from February 4th. Trump banned travel from China on January 31st.

Actually BIden is closer to being correct than you are. The U.S. ban did not go into effect until February 2nd, didn't you bother to look that up?

Sec. 6. Effective Date. This proclamation is effective at 5:00 p.m. eastern standard time on February 2, 2020.

This link lists the dates that travel bans went into effect for various countries:

I am counting about 38 countries where their travel ban went into effect before February 2nd and an additional 12 countries that went into effect on the 2nd. Considering our time zones trail most of the globe and if you want to get technical it's safe to say those 12 countries didn't wait until 5PM Eastern.

Also, Biden didn't call the travel ban on China xenophobic but the labeling of COVID-19 as the 'China virus".

For you I wouldn't worry about how many days there are in February if you can't even get the most basic of facts right in your OP.

Here is the list of countries with a ban before 2/2/2020:

IRAN 1/31
ITALY 1/31
LAOS 1/28
MACAU 1/28

And bans starting on 2/2/2020 same day as the United States:

FIJI 2/2
IRAQ 2/2

Neat, huh?

Know what I find fascinating! That your guy was AGAINST the travel ban, and that YOUR people in congress got over 200 votes to overturn the travel ban.

In other words------------>If Democrats were in charge and had their way, the travel ban would either have been put in much later, or possibly not at all! And yet, you and your friends come in here and criticize the President over when the ban went in, while your side fought him tooth and nail to stop it from taking affect?

I would be hanging my head in shame for your side if I was you! The whole bunch of the Leftists got everything bassackwards, but the person who got it correctly you demean. Why do you think most thinking people are breathing a sigh of relief that you people aren't running the government, Trump aside?

All of you can talk all you want about Trump, but your side hasn't gotten ANYTHING right in almost 4 years now. And the person who is your presumptive standard bearer? Why, he can't even put 2 coherent sentences together!

We know exactly why your side fosters hate filled propaganda. You have to deflect from your policies because they are LOSERS! You need people to vote AGAINST someone; even if that person is in their own best interest, so you need to foster HATE! Most Americans are smarter than that! You just don't happen to be one of them.

Trump got one thing half-right (40,000 American residents traveled to and from China since the ban)and ten things wrong (everything is under control, this is hoax by Democrats, going to disappear by itself, vaccine perfect tests available to everyone, let’s get churches packed for Easter).

If that’s your definition of getting everything right then you simply don’t know right from wrong and success from failure.

And just you wait for the cluster fuck that stimulus implementation delays will cause.

Now that is funny! There are degrees of correct, yes? 40%, 50%, 75%,. Your people said, "there was no problem" while Trump was sounding the alarm.

By my calculation, that is 100% WRONG! In fact, they doubled down and tried to STOP what he was doing to save Americans, including Joe Biden.

So call me dumb, but I will take a 50% correcter as opposed to a 100% wronger every damn day of the week, and twice on Sunday!

Trump DID NOT sound the alarm for virus spread in the United States, instead taking up the Denier-In-Chief position, consistenly staying behind the curve of evolving pandemic for at least a month....untill ofcourse he declined to take responsibility for ANYTHING and simply proclaimed that he always knew it was a pandemic.


You can put all the lipstick you want on this pig, but US now leads the world in infection count and looking at deaths in the hundreds of thousands. No one but die hard Trumpets actually belive that this was handled well by the administration.
Is this what you think is your only chance....trashing Trump....who is the only motherfucker in DC actually doing something about it....and just maybe you might be able to get your dementia patient back in the White House?
What happens if most of your base is wiped out in the plague? Who's gonna vote for the prick?

Hes the president and he can't even coordinate a federal response.
How so?

I's easy to sit on your butt and complain about how everyone in the chain of command is acting during a crisis...but it appears like to me that he's coordinated the hell out of this thing. But you probably don't know that because CNN and MSNBC never cover his briefings in total. They simply cut away to one their journalists bad-mouthing him while he's putting out pertinent information. Yesterday one of their asshole reporters asked him why he didn't shut down all of the grocery stores in the country. If I was POTUS and some dumbass had asked that question I would have had the SOB escorted out of the White House and thrown into the street.

How so? The federal government joined in a bidding war against other states for vital PPE and other medical equipment driving up the price for everyone.

HHS just completed a survey of hospitals and guess what, those hospitals aren't exactly ecstatic over the federal government's response. Everything from being given expired PPE to equipment being way over priced as well as having to attempt to source supplies competing...yes, with other hospitals which also raises the price tag. Also delays in testing results has made it difficult to determine who has COVID and who has the flu which causes unnecessarily people to take up bed space until the test results come back. Which also means that all the PPE that was wasted protecting health care workers against someone who turns out didn't have COVID.

Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.

Yes seriously, this article is from ALMOST A MONTH before Trump enacted the ban on non-citizen travel from China

Ummm...... I'm going to cut you a break because I know you suffer from a slight case of mental retardation, but your article is from February 4th. Trump banned travel from China on January 31st.

Yea fuck you too asshole.

I did mistakenly think that ban went into effect on Feb 31, not Jan 31.

Let's see February 31st. What day of the week was that this year?
He has some serious mental problems along with regular health problems. He should be at home.
Moron, it's in the simplest form already, wtf do you not understand?

I'm the moron?

I did mistakenly think that ban went into effect on Feb 31, not Jan 31.

Yes, because you apparently do not understand plain english.

Trump announced the ban on jan 31 and biden started screaming. Apparently, you can't even comprehend basic english and grammar. Very sad.
Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.

Yes seriously, this article is from ALMOST A MONTH before Trump enacted the ban on non-citizen travel from China

Ummm...... I'm going to cut you a break because I know you suffer from a slight case of mental retardation, but your article is from February 4th. Trump banned travel from China on January 31st.

Italy beat him by 4 days. And he never banned shit. He is all talk. He gains props from rubes and never has to suffer the
actual consequences of doing what he says he's going to do. Travellers from China never stopped coming here. Xi would
not have liked that at all.
Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.
Holy crow! Biden is taking a page from Trump's book with all that reversing course and telling falsehoods. Well, it works for Trump. Maybe Biden's emulating him.

Good article--they're both spinning like mad.

ThinkGlobalHealth, a project of the Council on Foreign Relations, has been tracking the travel restrictions on China due to COVID-19. Its country-by-country analysis of the date and type of travel restrictions shows that in the days after the World Health Organization on Jan. 30 declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, 36 countries imposed travel restrictions, including the U.S., by Feb. 2.

“What this data shows is that the United States was neither behind nor ahead of the curve in terms of imposing travel restrictions against China,”

Yes, because you apparently do not understand plain english.

Do you understand the plain calendar?

Retard, wtf don't you understand about me mistakenly thinking ban went into effect at the end of Feb not Jan?

What is there to discuss here? What are you after? Pathetic.
Thirty days hath September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, except for February which stands alone. It alone has 28. (Every fourth year, 29)
Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.
Holy crow! Biden is taking a page from Trump's book with all that reversing course and telling falsehoods. Well, it works for Trump. Maybe Biden's emulating him.

Good article--they're both spinning like mad.

ThinkGlobalHealth, a project of the Council on Foreign Relations, has been tracking the travel restrictions on China due to COVID-19. Its country-by-country analysis of the date and type of travel restrictions shows that in the days after the World Health Organization on Jan. 30 declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, 36 countries imposed travel restrictions, including the U.S., by Feb. 2.

“What this data shows is that the United States was neither behind nor ahead of the curve in terms of imposing travel restrictions against China,”

Actually Trump was not ahead of the curve and multiple countries started bans on Chinese travel before the United States. Yes, a multitude of countries began bans at the end of January, The U.S. waited until 2nd of February. Italy for example.
Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.
Biden can't remember what his wife spoon fed him for breakfast this morning
You & Trump can both wipe your asses with the Trump travel ban. What you assholes fail to realize is the number of U.S. Citizens who were exposed & allowed to return from China without being tested or quaranteed. Nice try, idiot.
Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.
Holy crow! Biden is taking a page from Trump's book with all that reversing course and telling falsehoods. Well, it works for Trump. Maybe Biden's emulating him.

Good article--they're both spinning like mad.

ThinkGlobalHealth, a project of the Council on Foreign Relations, has been tracking the travel restrictions on China due to COVID-19. Its country-by-country analysis of the date and type of travel restrictions shows that in the days after the World Health Organization on Jan. 30 declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, 36 countries imposed travel restrictions, including the U.S., by Feb. 2.

“What this data shows is that the United States was neither behind nor ahead of the curve in terms of imposing travel restrictions against China,”

Actually Trump was not ahead of the curve and multiple countries started bans on Chinese travel before the United States. Yes, a multitude of countries began bans at the end of January, The U.S. waited until 2nd of February. Italy for example.
Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.
Biden can't remember what his wife spoon fed him for breakfast this morning
You & Trump can both wipe your asses with the Trump travel ban. What you assholes fail to realize is the number of U.S. Citizens who were exposed & allowed to return from China without being tested or quaranteed. Nice try, idiot.
I couldn't figure that part out. They must have been afraid of a Supreme Court challenge, like happened with the first Muslim ban.
Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.

Yes seriously, this article is from ALMOST A MONTH before Trump enacted the ban on non-resident travel from China

Joe is correct that many other countries enacted travel ban before US.

And btw American residents kept right on flying:

The last three weeks all we heard from Democrats was that Trump is racist and xenophobic for blocking travel. Based on liberal criteria, the other nations are racist and xenophobic.
Seriously? This is the guy who is supposed to be the great white hope to take down Donald Trump? Biden is an imbecile. This man has been all over the place.

First, back in February he called Trump's ban on travel from China xenophobic. Then three days ago he reverses course and says he supports the travel bans. This morning he says that the travel ban should have been faster because 45 other countries had already done it before Trump did. That is patently false. Then at the end of this same interview he says protecting borders doesn't stop viruses.

He's had several interviews lately where he has stumbled like this. The man simply doesn't have the mental faculties he used to. If I were the DNC I'd tell him to stop doing these interviews and just ride it out until the election. Let Trump stand or fall on his own sword.
Biden can't remember what his wife spoon fed him for breakfast this morning
You & Trump can both wipe your asses with the Trump travel ban. What you assholes fail to realize is the number of U.S. Citizens who were exposed & allowed to return from China without being tested or quaranteed. Nice try, idiot.

So you automatically assume that anyone who criticizes Biden must be a Trump supporter?

I can't imagine how boring your little 2 dimensional world must be
In any case, the United States certainly was not the first country — by a long shot. We reviewed a list of country actions maintained by the Council on Foreign Relations and cross-checked with official announcements. Six countries imposed travel restrictions even before the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency on Jan. 30. Another six announced travel restrictions that same day, followed by 11 countries (besides the United States) announcing restrictions Jan. 31.
But most countries imposed the restrictions immediately. By the time Trump’s restrictions took effect Feb. 2, an additional 15 countries had taken similar actions — and in some cases enacted even tougher bans. But in any case, that adds up to 38 countries taking action before or at the same time the U.S. restrictions were put in place.
Too late for political divide now. We need a new and improved pResident.
1) Extremely well educated in the field of medical, chemical, biological pathogens
2) Better if involved with a world class university system famous across the globe and revered as one of Murrykuhz greatest.
3) Intimate knowledge of dealing with other specialists in these topics in other wealthy superpower nations(specifically China).

Charles Lieber ?
45 states will be rejecting Biden, and that is in the lucky scenario for Biden in which all of the 57 states won't reject him.
"Bogus trial" that concluded with bi-partissan agreement that exactly as Article I of impeachment charged Trump abused his office to extort Ukrainian president for personal political favors?


"The fastest push to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case in US history"

"Speaker Pelosi violated her own minimum requirement she imposed for proceeding with Impeachment, which was solid evidence and bipartisanship"

In the end, as with the Weismann-Mueller Investigation report, the Democrats presented no crime, presented no evidence, and presented no witnesses while revealing their own crimes (like Schiff's perjury, obstruction, and presenting false evidence).

And while the COVID-19 epidemic was breaking in China, House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff held a grand total of ZERO (0) committee meetings to discuss what was going on there and the potential threat it posed to the US.

Party Benefit over welfare of the nation on display.....

Too late for political divide now. We need a new and improved pResident.
1) Extremely well educated in the field of medical, chemical, biological pathogens
2) Better if involved with a world class university system famous across the globe and revered as one of Murrykuhz greatest.
3) Intimate knowledge of dealing with other specialists in these topics in other wealthy superpower nations(specifically China).

Charles Lieber ?

You DO know that a President does not have to be the smartest man on the planet and who is an expert in every field, right? One only need to be intelligent enough to surround himself with the top experts and smart / humble enough to listen to them, and, God willing, have the wisdom to make the best decisions possible based on the facts and counsel given to him by these experts.

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