Biden, a man of courage and dignity.

Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.

That idiot Biden, does not know the meaning of courage and dignity​

Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.

Can you provide some examples of this?

Because this is pretty much just a blog post. You didnt do anything to open up a dialogue or conversation, didnt actually make any points and honestly I saw no original thought in there at all. It sounded like some reading happy encouraging comments off a cue card that didnt really have any depth or meaning.

It just sounded all generic, sterile, regurgitated, and hollow. I welcome discussion but this didnt allow for any of that. Sounded like a closed ended one off that didnt have a point.

A dementia-ravaged, CCP/Russia-bought, incompetent, unintelligent,
lying, corrupt, racist, sexist, Marxist, traitorous, failure - who has never
been right on any foreign policy decision he has ever made, who now
has 2 (TWO) incidents where he abandoned Americans to terrorists,
leaving them to fend for sitting alone on vacation,
trying to figure out how to work the remote to control so he can
manipulate all of these he can put the View on that bottom
right panel while he listens to his advisors tell him how his failed policies
and failure to plan have blown up in his face, causing thousands of
Americans to be stranded in Taliban-held Afghanistan.
Biden did not want to make that speech on Sunday. His minders tried to force Kumquat Harris to make the address.
Ha ha.

Biden is in hiding and won't talk to anyone.

To all intents and purposes we have no president and no leadership. Peter Buttplug is trying to assert some authority but no one pays him any attention.

leadership was exiting the occupation
Evidence proves this racist, sexist, pu$$y-grabbing, PM-extorting traitor and his family have engaged in self-enriching scams such as Influence-peddling, Russian money-laundering, took $1 BILLION from the CCP, & took MILLIONS from the CCP & Russians during his election campaign.

Biden and his whole family are traitoerous, bought and paid for puppets.

And Biden gas already surpassed Cater as worst President in US history in only 7 months.

In the most recent f*-up Biden had the US chased out of Afghanistan in a situation worse than Ssigon, one in which he abandoned 10,000 US citizens to the Mercy of terrorist Taliban enemies.

Your thread is the biggest pile of dung since dinosaurs walked the earth.
So, about 8,000 years ago
So is that a "yes" Herr Himmler? Will you ANTIFA Brown Shirts be out on Kristalnacht and assaulting Americans, like usual?

If some militia puts you vermin down, I just hope it gets caught on YouTube so we can all watch and cheer.
Your local QOP office wishes that you added more racism to your post.
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.

Good lord.
You and your militia friends can take it from here.
I prefer to vote the democrats out of office to the point the Democratic Party is considered an endangered species in the next two elections.

With Joe or Kamala in the Oval Office, Bernie and AOC pushing Marxist socialism, crime skyrocketing in the big democrat controlled cites plus out of control inflation that will likely happen.

Now if the democrats succeed in turning this nation into a Marist tyranny and use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as toilet paper my opinion might change. I don’t see that happening in my lifetime.

Time will tell.
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.

This is in the wrong forum...the comedy forum is lower on the page.......
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
So when Biden babbles and rapes and gropes and sniffs and extorts and raves, he does it with dignity?

Seriously, your OP belongs in satire. :)
I prefer to vote the democrats out of office to the point the Democratic Party is considered an endangered species in the next two elections.

With Joe or Kamala in the Oval Office, Bernie and AOC pushing Marxist socialism, crime skyrocketing in the big democrat controlled cites plus out of control inflation that will likely happen.

Now if the democrats succeed in turning this nation into a Marist tyranny and use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as toilet paper my opinion might change. I don’t see that happening in my lifetime.

Time will tell.
Do kids also run in your yard that you have to yell at?

Do you pants cover your stomach?

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