Biden, a man of courage and dignity.

View attachment 527364
I'd hate to be the maintenance guy who had to clean that up o n man!

....I don't want to think of how desperate you have to be to believe you can HANG ON to a moving airplane. But I personally know so many dumb woke liberals I want to force to watch this over and over. Here's your America everyone hates--that people are so desperate to escape to they hang on to airplanes IN FLIGHT

But at this rate we won't last long anyway. They're destroying us from the inside out
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
I don't think he blame Trump. He was just stating the situation he inherited from Trump. I didn't see anywhere in his statement that he said that Trump was to blamed.

"When I came into office, I inherited a deal that president Trump negotiated with the Taliban. Under his agreement, US forces would be out of Afghanistan by May 1st, 2021, just a little over three months after I took office, US forces that were already drawn down during the Trump administration from roughly 15,500 American forces to 2,500 troops in country. And the Taliban was at its strongest militarily since 2001. The choice I had to make as your president was either to follow through on that agreement, or be prepared to go back to fighting the Taliban in the middle of the spring fighting season. There would have been no ceasefire after May 1.

There was no agreement protecting our forces after May one, there was no status quo of stability without American casualties. After May one, there was only a cold reality of either following through on the agreement to withdraw our forces or escalating the conflict and sending thousands more American troops back into combat in Afghanistan, lurching into the third decade of conflict. I stand squarely behind my decision. After 20 years, I’ve learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw US forces. That’s why we’re still there."

The speech written for him that he did not want to give. The only reason why he gave it is because Kumquat Harris said "You're not going to pin this shit on me".
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
He blamed everyone but himself for this tragic and epic failure of foreign policy. Biden is a coward and a disgrace.
Gee, that must be equal to about half the cost of just the military hardware alone that Joe just left on the other side of the world for 75,000 screaming murderous terrorists, thousands of which used to be gitmo prisoners.

What has Joe planned this Fall as a followup-- -- -- maybe shipping a few dozen uranium enrichment cyclotrons to Iran as a gift?
At this point...I wouldn't doubt anything when it comes to the fool in the White House.
Proud? The man totally AMAZES ME every day he just wakes up, remembers what day it is, and just makes it to the can on time.

I'd rather have a president who doesn't make huge military, world affair and humanitarian BLUNDERS that he has to take any responsibility for.

Yeah, I imagine that vision extends from his bed to about the end table where his reading glasses are to see with.
Stan has something dripping off his chin and it was deposited by Joe Biden.
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.

Hiding out in his bunker is courage is it....

You is stooooopid.
....I don't want to think of how desperate you have to be to believe you can HANG ON to a moving airplane. But I personally know so many dumb woke liberals I want to force to watch this over and over. Here's your America everyone hates--that people are so desperate to escape to they hang on to airplanes IN FLIGHT

But at this rate we won't last long anyway. They're destroying us from the inside out
Who will ever trust us again? After Vietnam, Obama's Syria, Trump and Afghanistan?
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
Please list the things Biden admitted to doing wrong. If you can't list any then he didn't take any responsibility, all he did was use the words and blame everyone else but himself.
OMG I can't believe you posted this drivel.

Since the day that jackass took office he's led one fuck up after another. He made a mess of the border. The border Trump had pretty much nailed down.

We now have another million illegals in this country. Illegals that cost we tax payer billions every year.

He's added trillions to the debt and his infrastructure bill has only 25% of it for actual infrastructure. Some of the rest is the green shit he wants to do. Green shit will bankrupt the country.

Gas prices are going up. When Trump was POTUS gas was 1.70 a gallon now, under Biden, its already at 3.00 a gallon. The more fuel costs the more item delivered by truck will cost.

Inflation is on the way in and every American can thank that stuttering fuck Biden for it.

Anyone who voted for that incompetent jackass is to blame. Hell even Obama said if it could be fucked up, Biden would fuck it up and boy was he right.
Biden seems to be an intelligent and thoughtful human being. Trump? Not at all. Trump wouldn't even let Biden get intelligent reports prior to actually taking office. The same intelligent reports trump got from Obama because Obama's a decent and intelligent human being, unlike trump. It's sad to see these jelly fish politicians like Ted Cruz lick suck and drool over this lardass trump even after he gets done belittling Cruz's wife by calling her ugly. But this is the republican party. They have very little to offer except playing the races against each other and promising to diminish the numbers of voting locations Blacks will get in up coming elections. A totally racist and pretty much worthless party is what republicans are. There are a few decent republicans but not sure they can hold out with this trump character controlling everything.
/———/ Dementia Joe screws the pooch, again.
China sees Bide’s weakness in Afghanistan as a green light.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:24 PM PT – Tuesday, August 17, 2021​

Communist China has sent warships to the Taiwan Strait in an act of aggression against Taiwan and the U.S. According to Tuesday reports, China has been holding assault drills involving warships and military jets near its maritime border with Taiwan.

Beijing claimed the drills came in response to unspecified “provocations” and “external interference.” In addition, Chinese state media reported Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan suggested the U.S. would not be willing to defend Taiwan from a potential Chinese invasion.
Your local QOP office has reviewed your post and determined that you need more NAZIs. Please review your post and add more NAZIs.

So is that a "yes" Herr Himmler? Will you ANTIFA Brown Shirts be out on Kristalnacht and assaulting Americans, like usual?

If some militia puts you vermin down, I just hope it gets caught on YouTube so we can all watch and cheer.
Biden seems to be an intelligent and thoughtful human being. Trump? Not at all. Trump wouldn't even let Biden get intelligent reports prior to actually taking office. The same intelligent reports trump got from Obama because Obama's a decent and intelligent human being, unlike trump. It's sad to see these jelly fish politicians like Ted Cruz lick suck and drool over this lardass trump even after he gets done belittling Cruz's wife by calling her ugly. But this is the republican party. They have very little to offer except playing the races against each other and promising to diminish the numbers of voting locations Blacks will get in up coming elections. A totally racist and pretty much worthless party is what republicans are. There are a few decent republicans but not sure they can hold out with this trump character controlling everything.
/———/ Dementia Joe screws the pooch, again.
Joe supplies Taliban with billions in arms.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 5:32 PM PT – Tuesday, August 17, 2021​

The Taliban has reportedly made off with billions of dollars in U.S. supplied military equipment and weapons. During a press briefing on Tuesday, Biden’s National Security Agency Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed a “fair amount” of weaponry fell into the hands of the terrorists.

These U.S. military assets include ammo, firearms, helicopters and other combat aircraft surrendered or abandoned by the Afghan army. Top military officials said they were unable to provide any sort of plan to stop the seizure or get the assets back.
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
Obvious sarcasm.

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