Biden Administration Breaking Immigration Law - Subject to Life Imprisonment or Death Penalty


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Biden has now said he wants to fly migrants in to northern states. This completely deranged, demented human being has lost all track of normal thinking. Flying migrants (illegal aliens) around inside the US, is a violation of US Code 8, Section 1324, paragraph 2-5, a federal crime, for which Biden would be subject to arrest, and upon conviction, and sentenced to 5 years in a federal prison for each count (each illegal alien).

If there were just 100 illegal aliens, that sentence would be 500 years. If Biden's fly in program resulted in the death of any person, he could be given life imprisonment, or the death penalty.

Biden has now said he wants to fly migrants in to northern states. This completely deranged, demented human being has lost all track of normal thinking. Flying migrants (illegal aliens) around inside the US, is a violation of US Code 8, Section 1324, paragraph 2-5, a federal crime, for which Biden would be subject to arrest, and upon conviction, and sentenced to 5 years in a federal prison for each count (each illegal alien).

If there were just 100 illegal aliens, that sentence would be 500 years. If Biden's fly in program resulted in the death of any person, he could be given life imprisonment, or the death penalty.

I say put him in a prison where there are golf courses so Trump and he can do golf together.

Chris Murphy



Just left the border processing facility. 100s of kids packed into big open rooms. In a corner, I fought back tears as a 13 yr old girl sobbbed uncontrollably explaining thru a translator how terrified she was, having been separated from her grandmother and without her parents.

Chris Murphy



Just left the border processing facility. 100s of kids packed into big open rooms. In a corner, I fought back tears as a 13 yr old girl sobbbed uncontrollably explaining thru a translator how terrified she was, having been separated from her grandmother and without her parents.
She csme here with her parents and grandmother. Three generations. Sell the girl to Yemen. Parents and grandmother can be packaged to feed zoo animals in depressed countries.

Chris Murphy



Just left the border processing facility. 100s of kids packed into big open rooms. In a corner, I fought back tears as a 13 yr old girl sobbbed uncontrollably explaining thru a translator how terrified she was, having been separated from her grandmother and without her parents.
She csme here with her parents and grandmother. Three generations. Sell the girl to Yemen. Parents and grandmother can be packaged to feed zoo animals in depressed countries.
Or just ship them back where they came from , Drama Queen.

Chris Murphy



Just left the border processing facility. 100s of kids packed into big open rooms. In a corner, I fought back tears as a 13 yr old girl sobbbed uncontrollably explaining thru a translator how terrified she was, having been separated from her grandmother and without her parents.
She csme here with her parents and grandmother. Three generations. Sell the girl to Yemen. Parents and grandmother can be packaged to feed zoo animals in depressed countries.
Or just ship them back where they came from , Drama Queen.
There has to be a penalty. Most of those we send back try again and encourage others to try. Make an example of a few.

Chris Murphy


Just left the border processing facility. 100s of kids packed into big open rooms. In a corner, I fought back tears as a 13 yr old girl sobbbed uncontrollably explaining thru a translator how terrified she was, having been separated from her grandmother and without her parents.
While Joe Briben was in his basement hiding from this tragedy, and all the rest of the carnage he has brought forth. Simultaneously, Democrats toss around FALSE "polls" designed to make Biden look approved of. What a disgusting joke.

Chris Murphy


Just left the border processing facility. 100s of kids packed into big open rooms. In a corner, I fought back tears as a 13 yr old girl sobbbed uncontrollably explaining thru a translator how terrified she was, having been separated from her grandmother and without her parents.
While Joe Briben was in his basement hiding from this tragedy, and all the rest of the carnage he has brought forth. Simultaneously, Democrats toss around FALSE "polls" designed to make Biden look approved of. What a disgusting joke.
The truth is that you Trump supporters don't give a rat's ass about the plight of these children. I am glad that somebody does. You "fought back tears" and McCarthy's "heart goes out to those kids". He was in favor of ripping children from their parents during Trump's years as Trump took a hard line toward those children.
The truth is that you Trump supporters don't give a rat's ass about the plight of these children.

Yours is the side that sheds crocodile tears over them, while openly and unabashedly supporting the policies that result in their plight to begin with,

That's come to be pretty much standard left wrong-wing strategy—to put forth policies that everyone knows will produce bad results, and then try to blame your opposition for these results.

Chris Murphy


Just left the border processing facility. 100s of kids packed into big open rooms. In a corner, I fought back tears as a 13 yr old girl sobbbed uncontrollably explaining thru a translator how terrified she was, having been separated from her grandmother and without her parents.
While Joe Briben was in his basement hiding from this tragedy, and all the rest of the carnage he has brought forth. Simultaneously, Democrats toss around FALSE "polls" designed to make Biden look approved of. What a disgusting joke.
The truth is that you Trump supporters don't give a rat's ass about the plight of these children. I am glad that somebody does. You "fought back tears" and McCarthy's "heart goes out to those kids". He was in favor of ripping children from their parents during Trump's years as Trump took a hard line toward those children.
We care enough not to keep using them as political pawns is Pelosi's never ending game of gotcha....its up to congress to write a bipartisan immigration bill that will work for everyone...but the dems don't want to fix the issue they want to use it...just like they did covid....Trump fixed with fences and walls and common sense laws and the other with a vaccine in record time....
The truth is that you Trump supporters don't give a rat's ass about the plight of these children.

Yours is the side that sheds crocodile tears over them, while openly and unabashedly supporting the policies that result in their plight to begin with,

That's come to be pretty much standard left wrong-wing strategy—to put forth policies that everyone knows will produce bad results, and then try to blame your opposition for these results.
Both "your" side and "my" side are partially responsible for supporting policies that created the plight of these children. The results are not ideal whether the strategy is left wrong wing or right wrong wing. The question is: What to do about the pickle that we all find ourselves in? Do we let these children remain on the other side of the border and continue to live in squalor and be exposed to rape, human traffickers, drug smuggling, and other crimes? Maybe in your world, but not in mine.

Chris Murphy


Just left the border processing facility. 100s of kids packed into big open rooms. In a corner, I fought back tears as a 13 yr old girl sobbbed uncontrollably explaining thru a translator how terrified she was, having been separated from her grandmother and without her parents.
While Joe Briben was in his basement hiding from this tragedy, and all the rest of the carnage he has brought forth. Simultaneously, Democrats toss around FALSE "polls" designed to make Biden look approved of. What a disgusting joke.
The truth is that you Trump supporters don't give a rat's ass about the plight of these children. I am glad that somebody does. You "fought back tears" and McCarthy's "heart goes out to those kids". He was in favor of ripping children from their parents during Trump's years as Trump took a hard line toward those children.
We care enough not to keep using them as political pawns is Pelosi's never ending game of gotcha....its up to congress to write a bipartisan immigration bill that will work for everyone...but the dems don't want to fix the issue they want to use it...just like they did covid....Trump fixed with fences and walls and common sense laws and the other with a vaccine in record time....
Trump didn't fix anything and the Democrats would love bipartisan resolutions
in congress, but apparently, McCarthy and friends have different ideas.
The Dems used covid in what way? They made people aware as opposed to Trump, who dissed the seriousness of the pandemic. Trump's fences didn't work and He has no common sense, nor do his laws, except to compound the problem.
Biden has now said he wants to fly migrants in to northern states. This completely deranged, demented human being has lost all track of normal thinking. Flying migrants (illegal aliens) around inside the US, is a violation of US Code 8, Section 1324, paragraph 2-5, a federal crime, for which Biden would be subject to arrest, and upon conviction, and sentenced to 5 years in a federal prison for each count (each illegal alien).

If there were just 100 illegal aliens, that sentence would be 500 years. If Biden's fly in program resulted in the death of any person, he could be given life imprisonment, or the death penalty.

People are dying crossing the Rio Grande River. Yesterday it was reported in the local news that a woman was crossing the Rio Grande River with a son and a 10yr old daughter. her 10yr old dauhter drowned. these people do not care about putting their children's lives in danger. dementia joe's immigration policies have created this mess. he told them he would not deport any illegal alien in the USA. biden the idiot invited them in. in my opinion veggie joe is responsible for these deaths
The truth is that you Trump supporters don't give a rat's ass about the plight of these children.

Yours is the side that sheds crocodile tears over them, while openly and unabashedly supporting the policies that result in their plight to begin with,

That's come to be pretty much standard left wrong-wing strategy—to put forth policies that everyone knows will produce bad results, and then try to blame your opposition for these results.
Both "your" side and "my" side are partially responsible for supporting policies that created the plight of these children. The results are not ideal whether the strategy is left wrong wing or right wrong wing. The question is: What to do about the pickle that we all find ourselves in? Do we let these children remain on the other side of the border and continue to live in squalor and be exposed to rape, human traffickers, drug smuggling, and other crimes? Maybe in your world, but not in mine.
These people do not have to live in mexico. they can go back to their home towns in their home countries and take their children with them .they choose to live there to garner the sympathy of people like you so they can be allowed to circumvent US immigration laws and allowed to enter the USA . these parents use their children as shields and tickets to enter the USA. President Trump did not opposed immigration . He welcomed legal immigration.Immigration in a just and orderly manner. In my world all these people including the children would be returned to their home countries to join their family members back home. they can apply to immigrate legally from their home countries and not put their children's lives in danger. people like you are not part of the solution, you part of the problem.. people like you are enablers. Dementia joe is the human traffickers's president. they are making millions of dollars with his policies. they love veggie joe

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