Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

Even if that were true, Biden is planning to borrow $3.2 trillion, you fucking dumbass.

How about CUT SPENDING FIRST, then spend 3.2 trillion.

I love it when left-wingers pretend they are fiscally responsible
so what you are saying here is Biden is passing a 3.2 trillion dollar plans to make you happy he needs to cut taxes to make it work .... you know that plan work that needs 3.2 trillion dollars to function and you want to take the money away that it needs ... ok that down payment you made for your home ... we need it back and you need to find another way to pay for it ... so cough up you barrow money that got you your home we don't want to pay for your freebee home ...
When a career politician and a liar says is" going to raise taxes on people making over 400,000 dollars a year", you can bet that you're going to get fucked too.
don't see it that way you republicans always do ... some time a plan needs adjustments its how they adjust that plan if that means to pay more taxes so bee it as long as it is working ... when you see the plan is working and no republican has tried to deregulate it or cut its ability to pay for it self but any cutting the taxes used to pay for it ... some body has to pay ... by you republican voters cutting its ability to pay for it self which you republicans do all the time ... then they say see it fail ... government can't run anything after you cut the money to run it and the regulations to keep it viable ... where you yourself are too stupid to see what they did ... no money no rules no worky...
don't see it that way you republicans always do ... some time a plan needs adjustments its how they adjust that plan if that means to pay more taxes so bee it as long as it is working ... when you see the plan is working and no republican has tried to deregulate it or cut its ability to pay for it self but any cutting the taxes used to pay for it ... some body has to pay ... by you republican voters cutting its ability to pay for it self which you republicans do all the time ... then they say see it fail ... government can't run anything after you cut the money to run it and the regulations to keep it viable ... where you yourself are too stupid to see what they did ... no money no rules no worky...
It never sounds right when a mediocre mind calls other people stupid. They often have inferiority complexes.
no he didn't ...

No lobbyists allowed in his White House.


He promised to arrest and charge the bankers that broke so many of our financial laws.


He promised to end the wars.


He promised to not start new wars.


How many more do you want?

I supported 90% of what candidate Obama said he would do. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did.
When a career politician and a liar says is" going to raise taxes on people making over 400,000 dollars a year", you can bet that you're going to get fucked too.
When a career grifter and liar says that he is going to reduce taxes on the super wealthy to benefit
the country, you know that he has ulterior motives.
so what you are saying here is Biden is passing a 3.2 trillion dollar plans to make you happy he needs to cut taxes to make it work .... you know that plan work that needs 3.2 trillion dollars to function and you want to take the money away that it needs ... ok that down payment you made for your home ... we need it back and you need to find another way to pay for it ... so cough up you barrow money that got you your home we don't want to pay for your freebee home ...

Right, because that would be much better than taking all the wasteful crap out of the bill like green spending and Democrat pork, and then getting Republican help to pass the bill for ONLY the things the people need. That would be a terrible plan.
The shithead better do it pretty damn quick because he is definitely going to lose the House and Senate next year.
and yet thats what he is doing democrats don't lie.... I repeat democrats don't lie only trump supporters believe they do ... why ??? they are use to being lied too from trump so much the learn to live in the world of denial

So the communists have had complete control over the federal government for nearly 8 months now. Where is that tax increase on the rich they promised us? They don't need to bury it in a 5,000 page mess of bills, make it a stand alone bill. What are they waiting for? Let's see it and let's see them pass it.

Of course Democrats don't lie, that's why the new minimum wage is $15.00 an hour not too, huh?
The shithead better do it pretty damn quick because he is definitely going to lose the House and Senate next year.

It may be worse than that for them. If Elder gets elected in California this Tuesday, he gets to pick Whorri's replacement Senator.
When a career grifter and liar says that he is going to reduce taxes on the super wealthy to benefit
the country, you know that he has ulterior motives.

Apparently you are the one who is a "career grifter and a liar", neither of each you're very good at it, I might add. Maybe it's time for a career change or something, eh?

"So here are the results of the Trump tax cuts:

--The income tax burden for high earners increased $16 billion to 40 percent of the total owed.

--The income tax burden for middle class earners decreased by $31 billion to 13 percent of the total owed.

--The income tax burden for low wage workers decreased by $4 billion to 1 percent of the total owed."

The truth about Trump's tax cuts by the numbers, not by Biden: Andy Puzder
so what you are saying here is Biden is passing a 3.2 trillion dollar plans to make you happy he needs to cut taxes to make it work .... you know that plan work that needs 3.2 trillion dollars to function and you want to take the money away that it needs ... ok that down payment you made for your home ... we need it back and you need to find another way to pay for it ... so cough up you barrow money that got you your home we don't want to pay for your freebee home ...
You need it back? I didn't get it from you or the government, you fucking moron. Biden's $3.2 trillion plan will go down the welfare sewer. It will never produce the claimed result.

I'm, supposed to pay you the money I earned to make a down payment on my house?

I can't believe what an incredible moron you are.
and yet thats what he is doing democrats don't lie.... I repeat democrats don't lie only trump supporters believe they do ... why ??? they are use to being lied too from trump so much the learn to live in the world of denial
Thinking that democrats don't lie is the mark of a true believer who has drunk the Kool-Aid. It is to laugh.
Apparently you are the one who is a "career grifter and a liar", neither of each you're very good at it, I might add. Maybe it's time for a career change or something, eh?

"So here are the results of the Trump tax cuts:

--The income tax burden for high earners increased $16 billion to 40 percent of the total owed.

--The income tax burden for middle class earners decreased by $31 billion to 13 percent of the total owed.

--The income tax burden for low wage workers decreased by $4 billion to 1 percent of the total owed."

The truth about Trump's tax cuts by the numbers, not by Biden: Andy Puzder

The Trump Tax Reform Helped the Billionaire Class - Institute ...​ › the-trump-tax-reform-helped-the-bil...

Oct 22, 2020 — Trump's tax cuts for the rich are a major factor in the stunning growth in U.S. billionaires' wealth — even as millions of other Americans .

I guess you don't know what grifting or lying is. Look it up, champ. Trump has a history of grifting and lying and it is all on record. I do not grift or lie, but you keep flapping in the breeze. Your flapping is indicative of the imbecile you are.

The Trump Tax Reform Helped the Billionaire Class - Institute ... › the-trump-tax-reform-helped-the-bil...
Oct 22, 2020 — Trump's tax cuts for the rich are a major factor in the stunning growth in U.S. billionaires' wealth — even as millions of other Americans .

I guess you don't know what grifting or lying is. Look it up, champ. Trump has a history of grifting and lying and it is all on record. I do not grift or lie, but you keep flapping in the breeze. Your flapping is indicative of the imbecile you are.

How about this: Fuck off and die.

Suck on the business end of a shotgun for me, so I can film it and upload it to youtube or liveleak. I'll even give you lessons on how to do that, if you have the time. But you'll have to pay me for the ammo ahead of time because...well...ammunition is a little scarce right now.

How about this: Fuck off and die.

Suck on the business end of a shotgun for me, so I can film it and upload it to youtube or liveleak. I'll even give you lessons on how to do that, if you have the time. But you'll have to pay me for the ammo ahead of time because...well...ammunition is a little scarce right now.

Your high school mentality is getting in the way of your brains. You obviously are not the brightest rock in the pile, yes?
Your high school mentality is getting in the way of your brains. You obviously are not the brightest rock in the pile, yes?

So what's your preference, asshole? 410 gauge? 20 gauge? 16 gauge? 12 gauge?

All you have to do is stick the muzzle end in your mouth and pull the trigger with your toe. You can start by studying up on how the masters did it. Who knows? You might even get a fairly decent obituary in the papers. Hell, son, you might even become a celebrity on this discussion board.

Suicide of Kurt Cobain - Wikipedia

41 Famous People Who Ended Their Own Life
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Raising taxes on the American people is just about as dumb as having an open border or giving money to the Taliban.

I guess Joe Potatohead has to raise the money to give welfare to the Illegals and fund the Taliban some way, huh?
It never sounds right when a mediocre mind calls other people stupid. They often have inferiority complexes.
hit a nerve did I ?? so why do you call people stupid all the time ... some of that inferiority complexes. leaking out your head

Now, with a Democratic Senate, there is nothing to stop the Democrats. You Biden lovers might need a second job.
You can also make your kids get a job. Perhaps you should see a stockbroker and ask about tax shelters. You have been warned but you did not listen.

Two choices.

Vote Republicans who tell you they'll reduce taxes, but raise them
or... vote Democrats who'll tell you they'l raise taxes and raise them.

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