Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

Two choices.

Vote Republicans who tell you they'll reduce taxes, but raise them
or... vote Democrats who'll tell you they'l raise taxes and raise them.
it all depends on what you as a citizen want right ... if you want that bridge to stay together when you drive over it or those water lines going to you home not be made of led ... it takes money to fix these thing ... if you don't want to pay a lot of money on welfare you need to help them with child care ... when you make 1000 a month and your child care is 500 a month and rent is 1200 dollars a month and you make another 1000 on your second job but is you accept welfare you get 1500 a month and don't have to pay out to child care ... you don't work these long hours still make the same 300 dollars extra for food stamps what would you do to survive ... I personally would stay home take care of my kids get the welfare to survive ... and thats whats wrong ... we need affordable housing for all ... we need a job the pays a real minimum wage that pays for rent and food and close right now no job does that anymore when you say you hate paying taxes by your own actions is the reason we pay higher taxes ... you republicans have cut taxes so much for the rich where nobody can get ahead its not about paying taxes its about people living on the streets has created this mess ...
it all depends on what you as a citizen want right ... if you want that bridge to stay together when you drive over it or those water lines going to you home not be made of led ... it takes money to fix these thing ... if you don't want to pay a lot of money on welfare you need to help them with child care ... when you make 1000 a month and your child care is 500 a month and rent is 1200 dollars a month and you make another 1000 on your second job but is you accept welfare you get 1500 a month and don't have to pay out to child care ... you don't work these long hours still make the same 300 dollars extra for food stamps what would you do to survive ... I personally would stay home take care of my kids get the welfare to survive ... and thats whats wrong ... we need affordable housing for all ... we need a job the pays a real minimum wage that pays for rent and food and close right now no job does that anymore when you say you hate paying taxes by your own actions is the reason we pay higher taxes ... you republicans have cut taxes so much for the rich where nobody can get ahead its not about paying taxes its about people living on the streets has created this mess ...

There's so much wrong with the US system. The only real solution is to change the way people vote so people get a real choice in who represents them.

Then maybe politicians will be sensible and think about what people actually want. Rather than how to line their own pockets.
it all depends on what you as a citizen want right ... if you want that bridge to stay together when you drive over it or those water lines going to you home not be made of led ... it takes money to fix these thing ... if you don't want to pay a lot of money on welfare you need to help them with child care ... when you make 1000 a month and your child care is 500 a month and rent is 1200 dollars a month and you make another 1000 on your second job but is you accept welfare you get 1500 a month and don't have to pay out to child care ... you don't work these long hours still make the same 300 dollars extra for food stamps what would you do to survive ... I personally would stay home take care of my kids get the welfare to survive ... and thats whats wrong ... we need affordable housing for all ... we need a job the pays a real minimum wage that pays for rent and food and close right now no job does that anymore when you say you hate paying taxes by your own actions is the reason we pay higher taxes ... you republicans have cut taxes so much for the rich where nobody can get ahead its not about paying taxes its about people living on the streets has created this mess ...

Perhaps you are older than me. You see I'm 61, and never in my life has minimum wage been able to afford you housing, food, or the ability to raise children. In fact my first three full-time jobs were minimum wage and I worked a lot of overtime. I lived with my parents so it was comfortable. I finally moved out when I was 20 after I worked my way to a job that paid almost twice than minimum wage. It was a tiny one bedroom apartment with no perks. The only reason I was able to afford that is because the job I had at the time had us working six day weeks every week.

This whole concept of a living wage or a livable minimum wage is something the left made out of thin air. We never had a livable wage and nobody could ever afford an apartment yet alone a house on minimum wage. If you think there was such a time, let me know what year(s) that was because apparently I missed it.
Perhaps you are older than me. You see I'm 61, and never in my life has minimum wage been able to afford you housing, food, or the ability to raise children. In fact my first three full-time jobs were minimum wage and I worked a lot of overtime. I lived with my parents so it was comfortable. I finally moved out when I was 20 after I worked my way to a job that paid almost twice than minimum wage. It was a tiny one bedroom apartment with no perks. The only reason I was able to afford that is because the job I had at the time had us working six day weeks every week.

This whole concept of a living wage or a livable minimum wage is something the left made out of thin air. We never had a livable wage and nobody could ever afford an apartment yet alone a house on minimum wage. If you think there was such a time, let me know what year(s) that was because apparently I missed it.

Conservatives tend to justify holding the minimum wage down because they see it as fit for jobs that are very entry level - for kids who live with their parents.

I had several friends who were quite happy with minimum wage because, like you, they lived with their parents. All their major expenses were taken care of by their parents. Some of these guys remained living with their parents well into their 50s. Some of them remained virgins their whole lives. Some of them inherited their parents houses, were unable to pay the taxes, but were able to sell the house & live off that money.

Their parents should have kicked them out and forced them to develop jobs skills for better pay, but their parents wanted their little babies to remain their little babies forever.

This leads to a huge problem in America - spoiled brats who believe that they deserve the best life has to offer just for being born. They cling to their parents their whole life and depend on inheritance. A revision back to a system of royal inheritance.

I got kicked out of my house at 19, when my father remarried. I lived on minimum wage, renting a room in a house with about 10 other people. Every free inch of space was converted to sleeping space. It sucked.

Yet the owner of the business who was only on premise for a few hours every week lived in luxury. I did the work that made the business money, yet he got the money that I earned. Yes, he had made some investment to start the business, but he got far more in return than he deserved, while the rest of us starved.

The fact is, some jobs are suited for a less-than-living-wage, but those jobs should only be for young people that live with their parents. Too many employers take advantage of the economically disadvantaged and pay less than a living wage because their employees have no alternative. Yet employee productivity easily earns a living wage. These employers should be forced to pat, at least, a living wage. They should pay on par with value of the employee's real productivity.
Two choices.

Vote Republicans who tell you they'll reduce taxes, but raise them
or... vote Democrats who'll tell you they'l raise taxes and raise them.

Excellent point.

When Democrats do their damage to this country most of the time the Republicans help them do it some way or another. Raising taxes is no exception.

Raising taxes to give even more revenue to a bloated out of control corrupt government is a dumbass thing to do.
Conservatives tend to justify holding the minimum wage down because they see it as fit for jobs that are very entry level - for kids who live with their parents.

I had several friends who were quite happy with minimum wage because, like you, they lived with their parents. All their major expenses were taken care of by their parents. Some of these guys remained living with their parents well into their 50s. Some of them remained virgins their whole lives. Some of them inherited their parents houses, were unable to pay the taxes, but were able to sell the house & live off that money.

Their parents should have kicked them out and forced them to develop jobs skills for better pay, but their parents wanted their little babies to remain their little babies forever.

This leads to a huge problem in America - spoiled brats who believe that they deserve the best life has to offer just for being born. They cling to their parents their whole life and depend on inheritance. A revision back to a system of royal inheritance.

I got kicked out of my house at 19, when my father remarried. I lived on minimum wage, renting a room in a house with about 10 other people. Every free inch of space was converted to sleeping space. It sucked.

Yet the owner of the business who was only on premise for a few hours every week lived in luxury. I did the work that made the business money, yet he got the money that I earned. Yes, he had made some investment to start the business, but he got far more in return than he deserved, while the rest of us starved.

The fact is, some jobs are suited for a less-than-living-wage, but those jobs should only be for young people that live with their parents. Too many employers take advantage of the economically disadvantaged and pay less than a living wage because their employees have no alternative. Yet employee productivity easily earns a living wage. These employers should be forced to pat, at least, a living wage. They should pay on par with value of the employee's real productivity.

That's pretty Soviet thinking on your part. The rest of what you posted I agree with. Anytime you use the words "government" and "force" in the same paragraph, look out, because you are about to lose more liberty.

Years ago you could make a good living being non-skilled labor. Times changed, automation became more popular, outsourcing and companies moving out of the country for cheaper labor made non-skilled labor just about worthless.

You can still make a good living today, it's just that in most cases you need a trade or skill. Some people refuse to do that due to our horrible drug situation in this country. Better paying jobs require random drug screening. As you pointed out, parents these last few generations welcomed their kids to live with them forever. They probably even smoked pot in the basement with their adult kids.

For those that want to try, they are just fine. We cannot cater to dope heads and those that refuse to put any effort into bettering themselves by government forcing companies to overpay labor. If that were to happen, more automation, more companies moving overseas, more outsourcing.

My father is a 90 year old retired bricklayer. His union stays in contact with all their retirees. They sent a notice out to their retirees that they will pay any of them $500.00 if they can find younger people to join the trade. Yes, bricklaying is very physically demanding, but up here, it also pays around $50.00 an hour. They can't find enough sobor interested people. Plus in the winter time you can't lay brick in the snow, so you go on unemployment for most if not all of the season. Kind of like being a teacher only in reverse.

These wage debates come up often, so I kept this ad as an example of great paying jobs that require a little education and some experience. Mind you this was before the covid recession, but the shortage of drivers is even worse today.

If I learned how to do this job, others can too.

Now, with a Democratic Senate, there is nothing to stop the Democrats. You Biden lovers might need a second job.
You can also make your kids get a job. Perhaps you should see a stockbroker and ask about tax shelters. You have been warned but you did not listen.
Your way is a typical Republican joke in making a life …right now as we speak because of Biden’s regulation people with kids are really getting a break … they are able to save money they don’t have to work them selves to death … they are pulling themselves out of the poor people way of life thanks to Biden…as for a stock broker thief's, I personally recommend buy the stocks where you make a certain percentage ever year and the stock doesn’t go up and down you keep that percentage … I know myself I’ve made 25,000 this year … the same last year … and the year befor that … I invest half million dollars in it… not every body has that kind of money … it stays the same … this riding the market is for fools … so I say make it a mandatory retirement package so when people get ready to retire they don’t lose ever dime they made … that’s for fools. Yeah I have a great money mgr … so I would recommend anything you said to do…
That's pretty Soviet thinking on your part. The rest of what you posted I agree with. Anytime you use the words "government" and "force" in the same paragraph, look out, because you are about to lose more liberty.

Years ago you could make a good living being non-skilled labor. Times changed, automation became more popular, outsourcing and companies moving out of the country for cheaper labor made non-skilled labor just about worthless.

You can still make a good living today, it's just that in most cases you need a trade or skill. Some people refuse to do that due to our horrible drug situation in this country. Better paying jobs require random drug screening. As you pointed out, parents these last few generations welcomed their kids to live with them forever. They probably even smoked pot in the basement with their adult kids.

For those that want to try, they are just fine. We cannot cater to dope heads and those that refuse to put any effort into bettering themselves by government forcing companies to overpay labor. If that were to happen, more automation, more companies moving overseas, more outsourcing.

My father is a 90 year old retired bricklayer. His union stays in contact with all their retirees. They sent a notice out to their retirees that they will pay any of them $500.00 if they can find younger people to join the trade. Yes, bricklaying is very physically demanding, but up here, it also pays around $50.00 an hour. They can't find enough sobor interested people. Plus in the winter time you can't lay brick in the snow, so you go on unemployment for most if not all of the season. Kind of like being a teacher only in reverse.

These wage debates come up often, so I kept this ad as an example of great paying jobs that require a little education and some experience. Mind you this was before the covid recession, but the shortage of drivers is even worse today.

If I learned how to do this job, others can too.

One of the government's primary functions is to protect people's rights. That means protecting them from being abused by other people.

If an employee does real productive work of a particular value, then they deserve to get paid on par with that value. Employers that pay significantly less are thieves.

As you said, there was a time when simple manual workers would make enough to support themselves. Nowadays, households need to have 2 college graduates with significant skills beyond college just to live a middle class existence.

Yet, worker productivity has increased exponentially in that past 70 years. Workers are producing incredible amounts of wealth, but salaries and wages have been stagnant.

We live in a trickle up economy that has gotten completely beyond reason. Rebalancing income distribution is long past due.
One of the government's primary functions is to protect people's rights. That means protecting them from being abused by other people.

If an employee does real productive work of a particular value, then they deserve to get paid on par with that value. Employers that pay significantly less are thieves.

As you said, there was a time when simple manual workers would make enough to support themselves. Nowadays, households need to have 2 college graduates with significant skills beyond college just to live a middle class existence.

Yet, worker productivity has increased exponentially in that past 70 years. Workers are producing incredible amounts of wealth, but salaries and wages have been stagnant.

We live in a trickle up economy that has gotten completely beyond reason. Rebalancing income distribution is long past due.

The only reason we are producing more is because machines can do it faster and more accurately. It's not like we are working any harder. In fact we are using much less physical effort into producing

Government is supposed to protect our rights, but nowhere can you find me a right to a person making the money they desire. Nobody is forced into a job. The employer offers the position, tells you up front what it pays, and you can decline or accept the offer. When you accept the offer, your employer is not violating any of your rights.

If you can't find a job that pays satisfactory money, it means you possess no skills in which your labor is worth anymore money. It's up you---not an employer to learn a skill or trade that will allow you to make the kind of money you want.

Going back to my former trade, truck driving school is a few thousand bucks and most schools deal with banks that offer financing. Most schools are a month or less, and when you are complete, you are a certified driver. No, you won't make top bucks at first, but after a year of driving with a good record, you can make fantastic money, and you don't have to have a college degree. In fact I've come across several drivers that did have a college degree, but couldn't make the kind of money in their chosen profession that they could in transportation.

It's not up to government, it's not up to your employer, it's all up to you, and that's the beauty of living in such a great country as ours.
The only reason we are producing more is because machines can do it faster and more accurately. It's not like we are working any harder. In fact we are using much less physical effort into producing

Government is supposed to protect our rights, but nowhere can you find me a right to a person making the money they desire. Nobody is forced into a job. The employer offers the position, tells you up front what it pays, and you can decline or accept the offer. When you accept the offer, your employer is not violating any of your rights.

If you can't find a job that pays satisfactory money, it means you possess no skills in which your labor is worth anymore money. It's up you---not an employer to learn a skill or trade that will allow you to make the kind of money you want.

Going back to my former trade, truck driving school is a few thousand bucks and most schools deal with banks that offer financing. Most schools are a month or less, and when you are complete, you are a certified driver. No, you won't make top bucks at first, but after a year of driving with a good record, you can make fantastic money, and you don't have to have a college degree. In fact I've come across several drivers that did have a college degree, but couldn't make the kind of money in their chosen profession that they could in transportation.

It's not up to government, it's not up to your employer, it's all up to you, and that's the beauty of living in such a great country as ours.

Automation has increased worker productivity, but the skill level to work with automation is far greater than what was needed previously. Either way, workers are creating the wealth and they deserve their fair share.

Most people, especially at the lower pay scales, do not have a choice to whether they take a job or not. The particular employer may not be forcing them, but in our society most low wage workers (and medium wage workers) are on the verge of homelessness and starvation. They have no choice. In fact, keeping workers financially desperate serves employers. The less they pay, the more desperate the workers are, and the less workers have to accept.

It's interesting that you cite trucking as an example of how to get a higher paying job. The trucking industry used to be almost entirely unionized. They were a major part of the Teamsters. That's why they get good pay.

Not everyone can afford to go to school - especially if they're a low wage earner. Thay are trapped.
Automation has increased worker productivity, but the skill level to work with automation is far greater than what was needed previously. Either way, workers are creating the wealth and they deserve their fair share.

Most people, especially at the lower pay scales, do not have a choice to whether they take a job or not. The particular employer may not be forcing them, but in our society most low wage workers (and medium wage workers) are on the verge of homelessness and starvation. They have no choice. In fact, keeping workers financially desperate serves employers. The less they pay, the more desperate the workers are, and the less workers have to accept.

It's interesting that you cite trucking as an example of how to get a higher paying job. The trucking industry used to be almost entirely unionized. They were a major part of the Teamsters. That's why they get good pay.

Not everyone can afford to go to school - especially if they're a low wage earner. Thay are trapped.

Not at all. The industry is desperate. There are employers who offer free training and licensing if you sign a contract to work for them for one or two years depending on the company. But that's irrelevant since most people learning a new career don't pay cash for education anyway. They take loans and pay them off once their new career is launched. If they can't get a standard loan, the government has loans they can take where the qualifications are pretty low to get.

The Teamsters haven't had much to do with trucking in the last 30 years. The reason jobs pay well is because they can't find enough people to work. It has nothing to do with Teamsters. What you and your people want is good paying monkey jobs, but those days are long gone and you're just going to have to accept that. Because it's a fact in our country today, your only alternative is to make adjustments so you can make a decent living. Either that or try to get a UPS job. They pay great for doing non-skilled labor.
Tax & Spend is far more responsible than Borrow & Spend.

So instead of whining, maybe you should have done this: CUT SPENDING FIRST, THEN CUT TAXES.

From now on, run for office by promising to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, whatever departments and programs that you don't want. Tell us EXACTLY HOW MUCH AND WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT. If you win, FIRST YOU CUT SPENDING. Then you cut taxes. If you don't win, that's on YOU.

Right wingers who think they're fiscally responsible because talk radio says so are absolutely ignorant.
Right wingers think that their party is the fiscally responsible one, but facts show different.
Right wingers think that their party is the fiscally responsible one, but facts show different.
Most of these people have received their "education" in "economics" from Limbaugh, Hannity and Tucker, who also told them that the "R" after their name gives them some kind of special expertise on the subject.

They believe it, all evidence to the contrary,
Not at all. The industry is desperate. There are employers who offer free training and licensing if you sign a contract to work for them for one or two years depending on the company. But that's irrelevant since most people learning a new career don't pay cash for education anyway. They take loans and pay them off once their new career is launched. If they can't get a standard loan, the government has loans they can take where the qualifications are pretty low to get.

The Teamsters haven't had much to do with trucking in the last 30 years. The reason jobs pay well is because they can't find enough people to work. It has nothing to do with Teamsters. What you and your people want is good paying monkey jobs, but those days are long gone and you're just going to have to accept that. Because it's a fact in our country today, your only alternative is to make adjustments so you can make a decent living. Either that or try to get a UPS job. They pay great for doing non-skilled labor.

So if everyone did what you say, there would be no one working the unskilled jobs, the market for the slightly higher skilled jobs would get flooded, the pay for those jobs would drop while the pay for the unskilled jobs would go up, right?

The fact is, many of these menial unskilled jobs are critical to their employer's business and to our economy. Nobody hires anybody unless they have to.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are many people that can fill these jobs is no excuse for paying these people less than the real value of their work.

For example, restaurants NEED waiters and waitresses. These are hard, exhausting jobs. These people deserve a whole lot more than their employers pay - and they shouldn't have to rely on tips. Tips are none of the employer's business - he should pay fair wages.

Now, with a Democratic Senate, there is nothing to stop the Democrats. You Biden lovers might need a second job.
You can also make your kids get a job. Perhaps you should see a stockbroker and ask about tax shelters. You have been warned but you did not listen.
that's not what he said ... he said he would raise taxes on people making over 400,000 a year ... if you going to make and accusation at least you can do is tell the people what he said ...
So if everyone did what you say, there would be no one working the unskilled jobs, the market for the slightly higher skilled jobs would get flooded, the pay for those jobs would drop while the pay for the unskilled jobs would go up, right?

The fact is, many of these menial unskilled jobs are critical to their employer's business and to our economy. Nobody hires anybody unless they have to.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are many people that can fill these jobs is no excuse for paying these people less than the real value of their work.

For example, restaurants NEED waiters and waitresses. These are hard, exhausting jobs. These people deserve a whole lot more than their employers pay - and they shouldn't have to rely on tips. Tips are none of the employer's business - he should pay fair wages.

"He should" only applies to your standards which most people are against. All of our wages are determined the exact same way I don't care if you are a bus boy or an engineer. It doesn't matter how important you think they are, I think they are, the customers think they are. People don't get paid by how we rate their importance in our opinion because we all have different opinions.

You'll never see a bunch of people take the time and education to move up. It's a small group of people who do that. That's the way it's been and always will be. You have to stick to reality if you want to have an honest discussion. There are people on dope that take these jobs because lower paying jobs don't drug test. A lot of them are kids living in their parents basement and have no inclination to better themselves. The little bit smarter ones found a way to work minimum hours and stay on the government dole. No employer should compensate for these bad life decisions.
"He should" only applies to your standards which most people are against. All of our wages are determined the exact same way I don't care if you are a bus boy or an engineer. It doesn't matter how important you think they are, I think they are, the customers think they are. People don't get paid by how we rate their importance in our opinion because we all have different opinions.

You'll never see a bunch of people take the time and education to move up. It's a small group of people who do that. That's the way it's been and always will be. You have to stick to reality if you want to have an honest discussion. There are people on dope that take these jobs because lower paying jobs don't drug test. A lot of them are kids living in their parents basement and have no inclination to better themselves. The little bit smarter ones found a way to work minimum hours and stay on the government dole. No employer should compensate for these bad life decisions.


This rant is coming from a guy who lived with his parents while working a minimum wage job until they coughed up enough money to send him to truck driving school!

Your stereotyping everyone that has a low paying job as being a dope addict is nothing short of idiotic.

Nobody cares what anybody's 'opinion' of their worth is because employers will ALWAYS hold the opinion that their workers are worth less than their true value.

This rant is coming from a guy who lived with his parents while working a minimum wage job until they coughed up enough money to send him to truck driving school!

Your stereotyping everyone that has a low paying job as being a dope addict is nothing short of idiotic.

Nobody cares what anybody's 'opinion' of their worth is because employers will ALWAYS hold the opinion that their workers are worth less than their true value.

As I explained, their true value is based on what an employer can pay another to do their job, just like my value was based on what my employer could pay another to do my job, and my job was in the top 10 deadliest careers to get into, even more deadly than a police officer or fireman.

No I didn't stay home until I became a truck driver. I worked several minimum wage jobs and got into a company that delivered home medical equipment. It was a six day a week job and still took me some time before I made enough to get my first apartment at the age of 20. I spent ten years in that field until I decided it was going nowhere, and I wouldn't be able to lift that heavy equipment the rest of my life. That's when I made the decision to get a real profession.

In the heart of the Trump great economy, people who unloaded my truck would ask me if I knew anybody looking for a job. Some of them paid pretty well for no experience. They'd put out ads to find workers, but the only people that applied were those who couldn't pass a drug screen. My father is a retired bricklayer. His union was asking their retirees to help find younger people to get into the profession. Everybody that applied for the job directly had the same problem: couldn't pass a drug test. It's a huge problem in this country that's never been addressed. Companies paying good money but can't find workers? My father made a damn good living laying brick, now it pays in the $50.00 an hour range. Still can't find enough people.

And back to my profession. We still need tens of thousands of drivers industry can't find. If you don't want to pay for school, some companies will teach you how to drive if you sign a year contract with them. You can make mid 5 figures to low 6 figures depending on what kind of driving you wish to do. Can't find enough people. It's a federal requirement that all drivers have to undergo random drug tests.

So yes, it's the individuals fault they are working low wage jobs.

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