Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

These Useful Idiots believed the sonofabtch when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K just like the dumbshits believed the worthless Negro when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than 250K a year. Dumbshits.

The sad thing is that he won't use any of the the money to retire the enormous debt. He will just spend it on worthless crap like welfare for the millions of illegals he is going to let flooding along with the Muslim refugees. Maybe he will throw out a couple of freebies to the Useful Idots like pay of their worthless college degrees,

A lot of it will be going to foreign governments, especially China.

Only idiots voted for this China Joe piece of shit.
once again fact checkers prove you wrong...
We should state at the outset that if you think Obama only meant he would not raise income taxes on people making less than $250,000, then you might think Obama is keeping his promise. The Bush tax cuts expire at the end of 2010, and Obama said he would extend those tax cuts for those making less than $250,000. We still have that promise rated In the Works. People who make more than $250,000 will likely see their taxes go up, just as Obama promisedduring the campaign.

what did obama use the taxes made under his watch they went to pay for the actual national budget ... like all taxes there wasn't enough money taxed to pay for the national budget .... but what his taxes prove that of all presidents he had the least amount of money rolling over to the national debt
as you can see under obama the sending went down


  • U.S._Total_Deficits_vs._National_Debt_Increases_2001-2010.png
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These Useful Idiots believed the sonofabtch when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than $450K just like the dumbshits believed the worthless Negro when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on anybody making less than 250K a year. Dumbshits.

The sad thing is that he won't use any of the the money to retire the enormous debt. He will just spend it on worthless crap like welfare for the millions of illegals he is going to let flooding along with the Muslim refugees. Maybe he will throw out a couple of freebies to the Useful Idots like pay of their worthless college degrees,

A lot of it will be going to foreign governments, especially China.

Only idiots voted for this China Joe piece of shit.
once again fact checkers prove you wrong...
We should state at the outset that if you think Obama only meant he would not raise income taxes on people making less than $250,000, then you might think Obama is keeping his promise. The Bush tax cuts expire at the end of 2010, and Obama said he would extend those tax cuts for those making less than $250,000. We still have that promise rated In the Works. People who make more than $250,000 will likely see their taxes go up, just as Obama promisedduring the campaign.

what did obama use the taxes made under his watch they went to pay for the actual national budget ... like all taxes there wasn't enough money taxed to pay for the national budget .... but what his taxes prove that of all presidents he had the least amount of money rolling over to the national debt
as you can see under obama the sending went down

Once again Moon Bat you are confused.

Many of these taxes affected people making less than $250K a year so the sonofabitch lied to the American people just like China Joe is lying to the American people now. Democrats lie everytime they open their mouths.

Only idiots vote for Democrats. Useful Idiots.

Full List of Obama Tax Hikes
Obama lied all the time. Those who support Trump have no standing to point them out.

Now, with a Democratic Senate, there is nothing to stop the Democrats. You Biden lovers might need a second job.
You can also make your kids get a job. Perhaps you should see a stockbroker and ask about tax shelters. You have been warned but you did not listen.
Source: "", whatever that is.

So you're saying Joe Biden is not going to raise your taxes?

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao:
Gotta love you suddenly conservative blow hards, who got no issues with Trump wasting 151 million tax dollars golfing every gotdamn week, 14 billion spent on welfare to farmers and counting, the trillion dollar tax cuts to the rich, the 2000 tax free lunches that can now be claimed and on and on and on,WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK PAYS FOR ALL THIS SHIT, YOU STUPID BRAIN DEAD LUMP OF COW SHIT?

Don't care. I want my share of the goodies, a SNAP card, some Trump Bucks, some reparations, and an Obamaphone.

Where's my damned Obamaphone?

You are clueless as to facts.

" The FCC established the Lifeline program in 1984 during the Ronald Reagan Administration to provide qualified individuals with discounts on phone service.[5] In 1997, the FCC broadened the scope of the program under the 1997 Universal Service Order to make Lifeline more affordable for low-income households by raising the federal support amount.[6] Due to the rise of cell phones, the FCC made more changes in 2005 (under the George W. Bush Administration) so that wireless phone service providers could offer free cell phone service using Lifeline benefits. "

Nobody ever heard of a "ReaganPhone" or a "BushPhone."

Obamaphone has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
It's the difference between what is factual and what is just nice sounding bullshit. I prefer to live in reality and not jerk off it public.

Now, with a Democratic Senate, there is nothing to stop the Democrats. You Biden lovers might need a second job.
You can also make your kids get a job. Perhaps you should see a stockbroker and ask about tax shelters. You have been warned but you did not listen.
this seems to be a problem with republicans... they hear tax increase and their mind blacks out and goes into self destruct ... ok pay attention now I'll tell you what Biden said ... so try not to black out before I tell you every thing he said ... how get yourself some smelling salts ... ready??? here we go ... try not to pass put ... Biden said he is going to raise taxes on people making over 400,000 dollars a year ... are ya still awake ??? you didn't pass out when I said raise taxes did ya??? President Joe Biden said those who make under $400,000 per year "will not pay a single penny more in taxes."Biden said people making over 400,000 to 700,000 will be taxed 1% more ... now tell me again how much money you made on trump tax cut ... according to the majority of people who filed said they paid more in taxes under trump ...
this seems to be a problem with republicans... they hear tax increase and their mind blacks out and goes into self destruct ... ok pay attention now I'll tell you what Biden said ... so try not to black out before I tell you every thing he said ... how get yourself some smelling salts ... ready??? here we go ... try not to pass put ... Biden said he is going to raise taxes on people making over 400,000 dollars a year ... are ya still awake ??? you didn't pass out when I said raise taxes did ya??? President Joe Biden said those who make under $400,000 per year "will not pay a single penny more in taxes."Biden said people making over 400,000 to 700,000 will be taxed 1% more ... now tell me again how much money you made on trump tax cut ... according to the majority of people who filed said they paid more in taxes under trump ...

When a career politician and a liar says is" going to raise taxes on people making over 400,000 dollars a year", you can bet that you're going to get fucked too.
Obama lied all the time. Those who support Trump have no standing to point them out.
the only thing you got on obama which wasn't a lie it was the insurance companies they cut his legs out from under him when he said you can keep your health care plan ... because of all of the regulation the new plan had it force people with horrible health care plans to get a new one ... the old one they had cover next to nothing ... so by this he misquoted was a statement he didn't lie ... so now tell us again about all of these lies obama told>>> I'll Waite do you want us to start on the trump lies ??? it will take a long time to print out all 60,000
this seems to be a problem with republicans... they hear tax increase and their mind blacks out and goes into self destruct ... ok pay attention now I'll tell you what Biden said ... so try not to black out before I tell you every thing he said ... how get yourself some smelling salts ... ready??? here we go ... try not to pass put ... Biden said he is going to raise taxes on people making over 400,000 dollars a year ... are ya still awake ??? you didn't pass out when I said raise taxes did ya??? President Joe Biden said those who make under $400,000 per year "will not pay a single penny more in taxes."Biden said people making over 400,000 to 700,000 will be taxed 1% more ... now tell me again how much money you made on trump tax cut ... according to the majority of people who filed said they paid more in taxes under trump ...
Do you really think that these imbeciles get the message? That is why I call them "trumpeciles."
They blindly believe whatever their grifter in chief tells them.
this seems to be a problem with republicans... they hear tax increase and their mind blacks out and goes into self destruct ... ok pay attention now I'll tell you what Biden said ... so try not to black out before I tell you every thing he said ... how get yourself some smelling salts ... ready??? here we go ... try not to pass put ... Biden said he is going to raise taxes on people making over 400,000 dollars a year ... are ya still awake ??? you didn't pass out when I said raise taxes did ya??? President Joe Biden said those who make under $400,000 per year "will not pay a single penny more in taxes."Biden said people making over 400,000 to 700,000 will be taxed 1% more ... now tell me again how much money you made on trump tax cut ... according to the majority of people who filed said they paid more in taxes under trump ...
Wasting your time. There is no reading, understanding of nuance , nor rational thought from right wingers on here.
the only thing you got on obama which wasn't a lie it was the insurance companies they cut his legs out from under him when he said you can keep your health care plan ... because of all of the regulation the new plan had it force people with horrible health care plans to get a new one ... the old one they had cover next to nothing ... so by this he misquoted was a statement he didn't lie ... so now tell us again about all of these lies obama told>>> I'll Waite do you want us to start on the trump lies ??? it will take a long time to print out all 60,000

If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor under Commie Care. Lie. If you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital under Commie Care. Lie. A family will save $2,000 a year in healthcare costs under Commie Care. Lie. All healthcare plans under Commie Care will be quality plans. Lie. All Commie Care plans will be affordable. Lie.
When a career politician and a liar says is" going to raise taxes on people making over 400,000 dollars a year", you can bet that you're going to get fucked too.

Ah yes, the old Obama line. He made the same promise. The first thing he did after he invaded the White House was place a huge tax on tobacco products. Who mostly uses tobacco products? Certainly not people making over 250K a year.
How about first lifting the Soc Sec tax cap, expand tax liability to cover income received from investments as well earned income. How about leaving SALT deduction at $10,000. Then maybe people would believe the lies that keep on coming. The problem is the size and scope of government which all the taxes levied will never seem to be enough. Our monthly healthcare insurance coverage has increased over 100% since Obamacare, and had to find new Dr’s. Love the tax the rich concept except for the fact that when their gone there will only be the middle to little guy left to suck dry.
the only thing you got on obama which wasn't a lie it was the insurance companies they cut his legs out from under him when he said you can keep your health care plan ... because of all of the regulation the new plan had it force people with horrible health care plans to get a new one ... the old one they had cover next to nothing ... so by this he misquoted was a statement he didn't lie ... so now tell us again about all of these lies obama told>>> I'll Waite do you want us to start on the trump lies ??? it will take a long time to print out all 60,000

Obama said that lobbyists would not have access to his White House. He broke that promise on day one.

He said he would go after the bankers that broke our financial laws. He did nothing.

He promised to end the wars. He did not.

He promised to not start new ones. He did.

Should I continue? I can.
Tax & Spend is far more responsible than Borrow & Spend.

So instead of whining, maybe you should have done this: CUT SPENDING FIRST, THEN CUT TAXES.

From now on, run for office by promising to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, whatever departments and programs that you don't want. Tell us EXACTLY HOW MUCH AND WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT. If you win, FIRST YOU CUT SPENDING. Then you cut taxes. If you don't win, that's on YOU.

Right wingers who think they're fiscally responsible because talk radio says so are absolutely ignorant.
Even if that were true, Biden is planning to borrow $3.2 trillion, you fucking dumbass.

How about CUT SPENDING FIRST, then spend 3.2 trillion.

I love it when left-wingers pretend they are fiscally responsible
this seems to be a problem with republicans... they hear tax increase and their mind blacks out and goes into self destruct ... ok pay attention now I'll tell you what Biden said ... so try not to black out before I tell you every thing he said ... how get yourself some smelling salts ... ready??? here we go ... try not to pass put ... Biden said he is going to raise taxes on people making over 400,000 dollars a year ... are ya still awake ??? you didn't pass out when I said raise taxes did ya??? President Joe Biden said those who make under $400,000 per year "will not pay a single penny more in taxes."Biden said people making over 400,000 to 700,000 will be taxed 1% more ... now tell me again how much money you made on trump tax cut ... according to the majority of people who filed said they paid more in taxes under trump ...
He's a democrat talking about raising taxes. That means he's lying and won't stop where he says he will.
Do you really think that these imbeciles get the message? That is why I call them "trumpeciles."
They blindly believe whatever their grifter in chief tells them.
you got a point there like every thing ya got to try ... but you are probably right
He's a democrat talking about raising taxes. That means he's lying and won't stop where he says he will.
and yet thats what he is doing democrats don't lie.... I repeat democrats don't lie only trump supporters believe they do ... why ??? they are use to being lied too from trump so much the learn to live in the world of denial
once again fact checkers prove you wrong...
We should state at the outset that if you think Obama only meant he would not raise income taxes on people making less than $250,000, then you might think Obama is keeping his promise. The Bush tax cuts expire at the end of 2010, and Obama said he would extend those tax cuts for those making less than $250,000. We still have that promise rated In the Works. People who make more than $250,000 will likely see their taxes go up, just as Obama promisedduring the campaign.

what did obama use the taxes made under his watch they went to pay for the actual national budget ... like all taxes there wasn't enough money taxed to pay for the national budget .... but what his taxes prove that of all presidents he had the least amount of money rolling over to the national debt
as you can see under obama the sending went down
whats your point he did what he said he would do ... did you just pick and choose what you wanted to day here it sure looks like you did read your source and it says he did what he said he would think people making over 250,000 are having a ruff time ??? ya got to be kidding he said he will raise peoples taxes to the Clintons area ... he did that so hows that a lie ... again do you just wright down thinking people won't look at you source???

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