Biden Admits He Will Raise Taxes

We are $28 trillion in debt so someone saying "I will raise taxes" is simply saying they are willing to be responsible for our debt.

The green new deal will cost well over 2 trillion.

And it will never pass.
Lol, democrats have all houses and almost all of them want the green new deal. There is nothing to stop them.

It's not going to pass. They had even larger majorities under Obama and it didn't pass.
Biden and Harris both want it passed. Pelosi wants it passed. Anyone objects to it will be destroyed. I'll give you Kavanagh as an example if democrats don't like your politics. Congratulations on picking the people that will be running our country.

It won't pass,
Tax & Spend is far more responsible than Borrow & Spend.

So instead of whining, maybe you should have done this: CUT SPENDING FIRST, THEN CUT TAXES.

From now on, run for office by promising to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, whatever departments and programs that you don't want. Tell us EXACTLY HOW MUCH AND WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT. If you win, FIRST YOU CUT SPENDING. Then you cut taxes. If you don't win, that's on YOU.

Right wingers who think they're fiscally responsible because talk radio says so are absolutely ignorant.

The problem you have with your tired old leftist rant is tax revenues to the federal government went up when JFK, Reagan, Bush and Trump cut taxes. We have a spending problem not a taxing problem.
We are $28 trillion in debt so someone saying "I will raise taxes" is simply saying they are willing to be responsible for our debt.

The green new deal will cost well over 2 trillion.

And it will never pass.
Lol, democrats have all houses and almost all of them want the green new deal. There is nothing to stop them.

It's not going to pass. They had even larger majorities under Obama and it didn't pass.
Biden and Harris both want it passed. Pelosi wants it passed. Anyone objects to it will be destroyed. I'll give you Kavanagh as an example if democrats don't like your politics. Congratulations on picking the people that will be running our country.

It won't pass,
When it does, i will congratulate you on voting in these imbeciles.
Tax & Spend is far more responsible than Borrow & Spend.

So instead of whining, maybe you should have done this: CUT SPENDING FIRST, THEN CUT TAXES.

From now on, run for office by promising to cut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, whatever departments and programs that you don't want. Tell us EXACTLY HOW MUCH AND WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT. If you win, FIRST YOU CUT SPENDING. Then you cut taxes. If you don't win, that's on YOU.

Right wingers who think they're fiscally responsible because talk radio says so are absolutely ignorant.

The problem you have with your tired old leftist rant is tax revenues to the federal government went up when JFK, Reagan, Bush and Trump cut taxes. We have a spending problem not a taxing problem.

The debt went up.

I'll use this example.

Person A has 20 million dollars. He gets a tax cut that gives him an extra $100,000. Is he going to say to himself "Wow, I can now afford to go out and buy that new car"?
We are $28 trillion in debt so someone saying "I will raise taxes" is simply saying they are willing to be responsible for our debt.

The green new deal will cost well over 2 trillion.

And it will never pass.
Lol, democrats have all houses and almost all of them want the green new deal. There is nothing to stop them.

It's not going to pass. They had even larger majorities under Obama and it didn't pass.
Biden and Harris both want it passed. Pelosi wants it passed. Anyone objects to it will be destroyed. I'll give you Kavanagh as an example if democrats don't like your politics. Congratulations on picking the people that will be running our country.

It won't pass,
When it does, i will congratulate you on voting in these imbeciles.

I didn't vote for Biden. The Democrats don't have the numbers to pass it.

Now, with a Democratic Senate, there is nothing to stop the Democrats. You Biden lovers might need a second job.
You can also make your kids get a job. Perhaps you should see a stockbroker and ask about tax shelters. You have been warned but you did not listen.

Ain't it grand! All the people who paid to put Biden in power are now going to shell out big time!
What you leftists don’t quite understand is that the “poor” red states are poor because of the Democrats in their states. There aren’t enough of them yet to turn them blue, but the demographics don’t lie in red states. Higher income folks vote for Republicans while the lowest vote for Democrats. Move the Democrats out of our red states and we would be extremely “rich” and profitable.

Citation? ... moron ...

What you mean is move all the black people out of your God forsaken State ... the stupidity of your comment is if the majority of the voters are rich Republicans ... then you wouldn't be a "poor" state ... you're poor because you split your talent pool ... artificially knuckle under productive citizens through the continuation of Jim Crow ... ignorant hatred brings you down, some of these Red locations have been poor for a 155 years because there's no economic gain without slave labor ...

Flag that Confederate Flag, racist, wave it wide and high ... seceed will ya, let Texas pay your bills for awhile ... Bubba didn't make it through Middle School ...
Ain't it grand! All the people who paid to put Biden in power are now going to shell out big time!

3,500 points on the DJIA since election day ... looks like those making $400,000 or more think there's plenty of money to be made under Quid Pro Joe ... even with higher taxes ...

I know I know I know ... far too many other factors involved here ... one fact remains, more profit is always better ... but if folks are going to credit The Donald for the economic run-up before the pandemic, then we'll have to credit Quid Pro Joe for the economic run-up after the pandemic ... foolishness in my opinion, but what do I know ...

Now, with a Democratic Senate, there is nothing to stop the Democrats. You Biden lovers might need a second job.
You can also make your kids get a job. Perhaps you should see a stockbroker and ask about tax shelters. You have been warned but you did not listen.
Again, Biden said that he would raise taxes on those making $400,000 or more.
The tax holiday for the super-wealthy will be reversed, as it should be.

And when he leaves office our debt will have grown a few trillion because spending will out pace the tax increase on those making $400000. We need to cut spending not just raise taxes. To do one and not the other is no help.

Now, with a Democratic Senate, there is nothing to stop the Democrats. You Biden lovers might need a second job.
You can also make your kids get a job. Perhaps you should see a stockbroker and ask about tax shelters. You have been warned but you did not listen.
Again, Biden said that he would raise taxes on those making $400,000 or more.
The tax holiday for the super-wealthy will be reversed, as it should be.

The Trump tax cut helped every taxpayer and Jojo dimwit will eliminate it. The Dumbocrats have been babbling about that $400,000 for decades and never made it law. It's not even mentioned in the IR Code. It's a lie.
I think that you will discover that the "babbling" has teeth this time because Trump gave a ridiculous and unnecessary tax cut to the super-wealthy, who simply used it to drive up the stock market.
What you leftists don’t quite understand is that the “poor” red states are poor because of the Democrats in their states. There aren’t enough of them yet to turn them blue, but the demographics don’t lie in red states. Higher income folks vote for Republicans while the lowest vote for Democrats. Move the Democrats out of our red states and we would be extremely “rich” and profitable.

Citation? ... moron ...

What you mean is move all the black people out of your God forsaken State ... the stupidity of your comment is if the majority of the voters are rich Republicans ... then you wouldn't be a "poor" state ... you're poor because you split your talent pool ... artificially knuckle under productive citizens through the continuation of Jim Crow ... ignorant hatred brings you down, some of these Red locations have been poor for a 155 years because there's no economic gain without slave labor ...

Flag that Confederate Flag, racist, wave it wide and high ... seceed will ya, let Texas pay your bills for awhile ... Bubba didn't make it through Middle School ...
As a southerner for 25 years, I was appalled at the poor quality of education right down the line. The southern state governments spend little or no money on their education system or in other areas of their states. Their cities look great to the tourist, but the undercarriage is a disaster.
Joe knows to accomplish the green new deal and play the handout game his handlers demand will require lowing the threshold down to $150k for starters. His first act will be to remove the state, county, city property tax credit against federal income tax payments to appease his plantation owner buds. Then he will raise capital gains, corporate, and social security. When this all fails he will institute a national value added tax. The feasibility of proposing a personal asset tax will be pushed, rejected, then rammed through just before the mid terms. Regretfully none of these taxes and efforts will put humpty dumpty back together again because the house and senate will need additional money to hand out, just like a junky there is never enough and contrary to their political rhetoric one can not tax their way to prosperity. Too bad for the wannabe Woodstock generation their teachers didn’t teach them well.
Joe knows to accomplish the green new deal and play the handout game his handlers demand will require lowing the threshold down to $150k for starters. His first act will be to remove the state, county, city property tax credit against federal income tax payments to appease his plantation owner buds. Then he will raise capital gains, corporate, and social security. When this all fails he will institute a national value added tax. The feasibility of proposing a personal asset tax will be pushed, rejected, then rammed through just before the mid terms. Regretfully none of these taxes and efforts will put humpty dumpty back together again because the house and senate will need additional money to hand out, just like a junky there is never enough and contrary to their political rhetoric one can not tax their way to prosperity. Too bad for the wannabe Woodstock generation their teachers didn’t teach them well.

I'm in the top 3% of earners yet getting rid of the SALT cap will give me a very nice tax cut. If there's one truth in this world its that what Dems say and do are frequently opposite.
Shoulda shot her in the leg. Right Joe?

Yes as a general answer. In the bigger picture there were many people coming in. What happened is the officer panicked and just fired. That should never be OK.
We are $28 trillion in debt so someone saying "I will raise taxes" is simply saying they are willing to be responsible for our debt.

The US economy was doing fine under the Obama tax rate, even then the Debt under Obama doubled. Under Trump the Debt doubled again. Under Biden the Debt will keep going up. The crap hits the fan in 2022 or 2023 when the Fed needs to raise the interest rate and the cost of paying for that borrowed money crushes the US Budget, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth....

Save us Joe Manchin. Stop the Green New Deal and other wasteful spending!

Here's the main difference Obama inherited a recession the worst the US has faced since the great depression. the debt was going to double under Obama regardless of what he did.

The that also skyrocketed under FDR because that always happens during the recovery of a depression or a very bad recession.

Trump added more to the debt in 4 years than Obama did under his entire presidency. And the deficit under Trump is as high as it ever was during the recession
We need more taxes so Mac can obtain "free" healthcare and such.

Everyone knows high taxes improve the employment environment, and the govt. is best suited to spend the money earned. Keeps jobs here at home, stuff like that.
Joe knows to accomplish the green new deal and play the handout game his handlers demand will require lowing the threshold down to $150k for starters. His first act will be to remove the state, county, city property tax credit against federal income tax payments to appease his plantation owner buds. Then he will raise capital gains, corporate, and social security. When this all fails he will institute a national value added tax. The feasibility of proposing a personal asset tax will be pushed, rejected, then rammed through just before the mid terms. Regretfully none of these taxes and efforts will put humpty dumpty back together again because the house and senate will need additional money to hand out, just like a junky there is never enough and contrary to their political rhetoric one can not tax their way to prosperity. Too bad for the wannabe Woodstock generation their teachers didn’t teach them well.
Take your head out of the sand.
80% of taxes raised on the too 1%. The rest from the top 7%.
Your daddy that left you your trust fund knows you know nothing.

The day you understand that you understand very little, will be the day you understand a lot.

We will all be suffering. Thanks for your utter ignorance, says the cultural marxists.
You provided no information. You just posted fear.
80% of taxes raised on the too 1%. The rest from the top 7%.
That's where it starts, but it never stops there, because you just don't get much additional revenue. To get a lot more money, you have to hit the middle class, and hit them he will.
Yea. Ok. Let’s not have a “reasonable” policy because you’re afraid of it leading to an unstated shadow “unreasonable” policy. Except we currently have an unreasonable policy of tax breaks for the rich. Seems like you are in a bind.
80% of taxes raised on the too 1%. The rest from the top 7%.
That's where it starts, but it never stops there, because you just don't get much additional revenue. To get a lot more money, you have to hit the middle class, and hit them he will.

Even if we buy that income taxes will only be raised on the “rich”, what about all the other taxes? Capital gains taxes affects anyone selling anything for profit with only a few exceptions. What about removing the step up in basis one gets when inheriting property? That is on the table, they have already mentioned doing that. That affects anyone inheriting any property, regardless of the value of the estate. What about raising the estate tax and lowering the taxable threshold. That is also on the table. There are many, many ways that people who are not “rich” will be paying more taxes and more for goods(gas taxes, food costs, etc.) under the Harris/Biden and Democratic/radical left congress.
Again. Cowering fear of someone taking away your pot you piss in. No one cares. The targeted taxes have already been established. They don’t include you. Quit quivering.

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