Biden already created the best economy EVER

Price of gas has gone up exponentially and yes those at the border flocked in as Biden brought back catch and release. Vaccines are distributed by governors. Biden has literally done zero of good since taking office. President Lamp Post.
You are too dumb to know what exponentially means. It hasn’t gone up exponentially. Gas goes up from increased demand. That is a good thing. Historical lows are a reflection of the economy Trump and the right tried to kill with incompetence.
Gas has not gone up seasonally more than it has over the last 16 years

The graph you meant to share to back up your claim somehow wasn't attached.
I have lived it

I saw gas at over $4 under Bush 16 years ago
I am supposed to get upset over $2.75 under Biden ??
It was $3.00 in MA. Bush was an awful president. We all agree. Move on.
Gas fluctuates seasonally

Show me otherwise
It doesn’t generally go up in Feb and March, it does in the summer time. Do keep up.
Wake me up when it gets over $3.50
I don’t get horribly excited over $2.75
There is a pill for that...old man
Oh No!
Gas is $2.75
$3.00 in MA and it’s not summer yet.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

There have been about 90 business days since Biden's election and the Dow has broken record highs 47 times.

So Obama gets credit
If you say so.
As many on the left have said to me....if not for Covid, Trump wins hands down.
But failure Tramp DID fuck up the response to the Trump Pandemic and thus LOST in a LANDSLIDE!

He didn't lose in a landslide. Mondale did that.

But he lost. And he lost states he should not have.

And I would agree. His leadership was lacking when it came to the scare.

By the time Trump took over, the economy was already approaching full employment. Not a lot of jobs left to create that could be filled.

So his numbers were never going to look like Obama's. The potential wasn't there.

But, the did continue to drop.

His popularity with young blacks improved as they saw him (right or wrong) as being good for them economically.

The big scare was going to hurt anyone. And it did (look at Cuomo's state).

And Trump mishandled the public approach. I felt for him. But he should have done better.
Price of gas has gone up exponentially and yes those at the border flocked in as Biden brought back catch and release. Vaccines are distributed by governors. Biden has literally done zero of good since taking office. President Lamp Post.
You are too dumb to know what exponentially means. It hasn’t gone up exponentially. Gas goes up from increased demand. That is a good thing. Historical lows are a reflection of the economy Trump and the right tried to kill with incompetence.
Gas has not gone up seasonally more than it has over the last 16 years

The graph you meant to share to back up your claim somehow wasn't attached.
I have lived it

I saw gas at over $4 under Bush 16 years ago
I am supposed to get upset over $2.75 under Biden ??
It was $3.00 in MA. Bush was an awful president. We all agree. Move on.
Gas fluctuates seasonally

Show me otherwise
It doesn’t generally go up in Feb and March, it does in the summer time. Do keep up.
Wake me up when it gets over $3.50
I don’t get horribly excited over $2.75
There is a pill for that...old man
Oh No!
Gas is $2.75
$3.00 in MA and it’s not summer yet.
I paid over $3.00 a gallon for years
I am not excited
Why? Dick Chaney was a dink and a dirty politician. I am asking you. Or do you not have a mind of your own, leftist?
OK, how about St Ronnie!
'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan
Why should we care about rising gas prices?

All the more reason to buy an electric vehicle
Price of gas has gone up exponentially and yes those at the border flocked in as Biden brought back catch and release. Vaccines are distributed by governors. Biden has literally done zero of good since taking office. President Lamp Post.
You are too dumb to know what exponentially means. It hasn’t gone up exponentially. Gas goes up from increased demand. That is a good thing. Historical lows are a reflection of the economy Trump and the right tried to kill with incompetence.
Gas has not gone up seasonally more than it has over the last 16 years

The graph you meant to share to back up your claim somehow wasn't attached.
I have lived it

I saw gas at over $4 under Bush 16 years ago
I am supposed to get upset over $2.75 under Biden ??
It was $3.00 in MA. Bush was an awful president. We all agree. Move on.
Gas fluctuates seasonally

Show me otherwise
It doesn’t generally go up in Feb and March, it does in the summer time. Do keep up.
Wake me up when it gets over $3.50
I don’t get horribly excited over $2.75
There is a pill for that...old man
Oh No!
Gas is $2.75
$3.00 in MA and it’s not summer yet.
I paid over $3.00 a gallon for years
I am not excited
Again there are pills for that. We likely move to $4.00 this summer.
Why? Dick Chaney was a dink and a dirty politician. I am asking you. Or do you not have a mind of your own, leftist?
OK, how about St Ronnie!
'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan
I was born in 1980.
Didn’t care about politics in the 80s. How about Trump. I hated that he added to the debt the way he did.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Biden’s and the Democrats are barely 60 Days in those are some impressive economic indicators under their short watch. I sincerely congratulate and support them.

This also means that Democrats clearly own the economy. With these strong indicators in place, there is no blaming Trump for any challenges or economic failures they may have. Unlike 2008, there is no hiding behind the predecessor as an excuse for a delayed recovery.

Democrats are accountable for the ‘21 Economy and beyond. No excuses.
You do realize that NO ADMINISTRATION can change the economy in 60 days, wait 2 years and see then after this admin's policies are 'working' fully.
As many on the left have said to me....if not for Covid, Trump wins hands down.
But failure Tramp DID fuck up the response to the Trump Pandemic and thus LOST in a LANDSLIDE!

He didn't lose in a landslide. Mondale did that.

But he lost. And he lost states he should not have.

And I would agree. His leadership was lacking when it came to the scare.

By the time Trump took over, the economy was already approaching full employment. Not a lot of jobs left to create that could be filled.

So his numbers were never going to look like Obama's. The potential wasn't there.

But, the did continue to drop.

His popularity with young blacks improved as they saw him (right or wrong) as being good for them economically.

The big scare was going to hurt anyone. And it did (look at Cuomo's state).

And Trump mishandled the public approach. I felt for him. But he should have done better.
Of course Trump lost in a landslide. He said so himself...

99% of the time, Rs will not spend money,
The BORROW and spend GOPQ, starting with St Ronnie, have run up more debt than the fiscally responsible Dems.
If we had a sucky military you would be upset.
You are welcome to avoid using any technology developed by federal tax money; kiss your high speed Internet connection goodbye and pull out the cup and string.
The problem with Rs is when they cause unemployment they won’t help anyone who’s starving.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Which bill did he sign that impacted the economy citygator

What a pathetic troll thread. :itsok:
: crickets; from citygator
Some of us work at important jobs that require attention to keep the economy moving. You righties hate jobs which is why you ruin the economy every term you take over.
So, I take it you still can't show any legislation signed by Veggie Joe that has improved the economy at all.

Got it.
I did in another post. Did you miss it?

The only bill you listed is the one he signed yesterday.
Oh. So the only thing you asked is the only thing I answered. Ok.
your answer was moronic.

Explain how a bill turns an economy into the best in history overnight . be specific.
What are you saying? That the president in office is or is not responsible for the best economy ever? Does it depend on who you support? Sure seems like every move he’s made sends confidence into the markets from his election to the stimulus bill.

All I know is this dung heap of a site was applauding Trumps economy from Nov of his election. I’m just crediting Biden after he was in office. A much higher bar than you righty trolls.
You claimed Biden signed bills that gave us the best economy ever.

I exposed that lie by asking you to list these mythical bills.
You keep moving goal posts like a tard. Biden has created stability to let the American economy breathe with confidence. He has executed a competent pandemic mitigation strategy missing under orange tard leader known as Individual 1. He pushed through the obstructionist Republicans a covid bill that Americans needed. The stock market jumped 500 points on the announcement. You are the moron claiming only legislation moves consumer confidence. He is only 60’days in and already has big momentum on his side. Only going up from here. Suck it.
I never moved anything Tardboi.

YOU claimed Bide’s bills created the best economy in history.

Name those bills....
Price of gas has gone up exponentially and yes those at the border flocked in as Biden brought back catch and release. Vaccines are distributed by governors. Biden has literally done zero of good since taking office. President Lamp Post.
You are too dumb to know what exponentially means. It hasn’t gone up exponentially. Gas goes up from increased demand. That is a good thing. Historical lows are a reflection of the economy Trump and the right tried to kill with incompetence.
Gas has not gone up seasonally more than it has over the last 16 years

The graph you meant to share to back up your claim somehow wasn't attached.
I have lived it

I saw gas at over $4 under Bush 16 years ago
I am supposed to get upset over $2.75 under Biden ??
It was $3.00 in MA. Bush was an awful president. We all agree. Move on.
Gas fluctuates seasonally

Show me otherwise
It doesn’t generally go up in Feb and March, it does in the summer time. Do keep up.
Wake me up when it gets over $3.50
I don’t get horribly excited over $2.75
There is a pill for that...old man
Oh No!
Gas is $2.75
$3.00 in MA and it’s not summer yet.
What is it in your home country Israel azog?

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