Biden and Zelensky set this up......believe it

Ukraine in another year will be full of nuclear warheads.... pointed at europe

Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world before the United Nations, NATO, United States, United Kingdom, Russian Federation ...
Northern Ireland, China and France pressured them to give them up to avoid Sanctions and receive Financial Compensation and Empty Promises in return.

Biden and his globalists are not Americans

O'REILLY: Putin's a killer.

TRUMP: There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers. Well, you think our country is so innocent?

Well, Traitor Trump has turned them all into Blame America Firsters.

There is sort of a strange Walter White type appeal Putin has with some of these idiots. Vince Gilligan (sp?), the guy who created Breaking Bad, said once that he was surprised by White's appeal after starting to cook meth, after murdering people in cold blood, after letting Jesse's girlfriend die, after contributing to the cause of a jet liner crash, after trying to blackmail his brother in law into inaction, after turning on Jesse, after blowing up Gus, after shooting Mike....he still retained some sort of appeal from viewers. I remember Vince said something along the lines of, "Well, lets see if they will like him after this!!!!" when he wrote some plot twists into the story and to his shock...people did. Putin seems to have that same sort of appeal. Former head of the KGB, Poisoning his political rivals, suspected of attacking CIA agents with radiation, invading other nations, hacking Trump's political opponents and interfering in an election (there are people who still think that he didn't do that believe it or not)....what does it take to get you to think that Putin may not be a great guy?

Its beyond sanity that anyone really believes that the leader of the Ukraine provoked Russia into invading his own country. It's almost as batshit crazy that they blame Biden for being in on this invasion but this is where we are with the mentally deficient red-state idiots who believe the craziest things and quite proudly recite them to anyone who will listen.
Its beyond sanity that anyone really believes that the leader of the Ukraine provoked Russia into invading his own country.
I have come to realize there is no bottom to Trumptard insanity. They will never find bottom. This will never end.

In order to maintain all their idiocy, contradictions, hypocrisy, and lies, they have to get crazier and crazier to hold it all together.
I have come to realize there is no bottom to Trumptard insanity. They will never find bottom. This will never end.

In order to maintain all their idiocy, contradictions, hypocrisy, and lies, they have to get crazier and crazier to hold it all together.
Yep, thats the problem with conspiracy theories...when they eventually need a new theory to explain the failure.

Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world before the United Nations, NATO, United States, United Kingdom, Russian Federation ...
Northern Ireland, China and France pressured them to give them up to avoid Sanctions and receive Financial Compensation and Empty Promises in return.

...and then putin will sucker the US into some sorta SALT agreement, that America will be on the losing end.
If you guys seep up with the "Ukraine was clearly the aggressor" you may actually lose some ground.
Nah. What's got Republicans really scared is Biden promised to secure the border. However he fucks that up is going to be catastrophic.
...and then putin will sucker the US into some sorta SALT agreement, that America will be on the losing end.

The point was that Ukraine already had the nuclear missiles your post referred to ...
And what failed them was any agreement they made with the East, West or International Organizations to give them up.

They were disarmed in the name of Humanity, and everyone was lying to them ... :auiqs.jpg:


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