Biden Cabinet Member openly calls for censorship by big tech companies.

The regime is out of control and needs to be hauled into court for their blatant disregard of the First Amendment.

The Govt is prohibited from conspiring with private entities to censor speech. Just because they don't like said speech doesn't mean the Constitution is null and void.

Bring on the spin, Democrats.

Evil lives in The Darkness. The Twitter Files prove that Obama-Biden-Clinton all colluded with The FBI, and The Media to promote lies about Russian Collusion, Hunter Biden's Laptop, and The Fauci Flu.

The Deep state is at War with America, and like The Red Coats had once branded we "Colonists" their enemies, so has our current government when they locked us in our homes, threatened to punish us if we refused to take an experimental vaccine, censored our free speech, restricted our freedom of movement. and have been taxing us without representing us.

We are being ruled by decrees and executive orders and the current state of Government NOW is no better than The British Government we broke away from then.
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Your argument is stupid.

Let's say that Orange Man Bad had gone to NBCCP with a list of actors the government wanted blacklisted from television shows. And then they were all blacklisted.

You'd be good with that - as long as no one could prove that force was used?

Yes. Trump can ask.

Nah, you're just a hyperpartisan clown covering for your Reich.

I think it's more "violating the constitution BAD."
The only violation of the constitution is insisting the government can't make requests.
The first amendment doesn't say that simply asking is a violating of law.

To say the government can not ask would violate the governments first amendment rights, but not asking.
It doesn't say shutting down a newspaper is a violation. Do you actually pretend that the First Amendment is supposed to list every possible violation? Are you really that stupid? Do you actually believe this is a good argument?
This is probably one of the dumbest statements I have seen in a least top ten all time.

The government has every right to make requests as long as no force is used. Simply asking is not force.
No, it actually doesn't. A request from the federal government is indistinguishable from an order. Can you explain how one tells the difference?
Got it.

So teachers are fine to ask students to join them in Christian prayer during class.

If it's a public school then no, they can't. That has to do with religion, not free speech.

The government has and does force censorship on several things however, so not sure your point.

"The first amendment doesn't say that simply asking is a violating of law."
If it's a public school then no, they can't. That has to do with religion, not free speech.

Wait, but your idiocy is "The first amendment doesn't say that simply asking is a violating of law."

The government has and does force censorship on several things however, so not sure your point.

My point is that you're a clown jumping through hoops desperately trying to excuse the assault on the Constitution by the FBI and Biden administration.

What the STASI did here destroys democracy - remember that?
It doesn't say shutting down a newspaper is a violation. Do you actually pretend that the First Amendment is supposed to list every possible violation? Are you really that stupid? Do you actually believe this is a good argument?
No, SCOTUS has determined exceptions to many first amendment rights.

When SCOTUS, decides that the fed asking a company do or don't do something by force, then I will agree with you.
Canada has nothing to do with me.
That's what you think. Sadly, it's a common belief even as some of our greatest police chief abusers head to the U.S to give speeches and the like.

When I saw American police using "Mr. Big" tactics which had been rejected by U.S authorities for years as being considered entrapment and unreliable methods (which they are), I knew you had crossed the rubicon.

Without some strong courageous leadership, this decline is rarely slowed down.
Evil lives in The Darkness. The Twitter Files prove that Obama-Biden-Clinton all colluded with The FBI, and The Media to promote lies about Russian Collusion, Hunter Biden's Laptop, and The Fauci Flu.

The Deep state is at War with America, and like The Red Coats had once branded we "Colonists" their enemies, so has our current government when they locked us in our homes, threatened to punish us if we refused to take an experimental vaccine, censored our free speech, restricted our freedom of movement. and have been taxing us without representing us.

We are being ruled by decrees and executive orders and the current state of Government NOW is no better than The British Government we broke away from then.

Evil lives in the democrat party.

Just as it did in Stalin's Communist party, just as it did in Hitler's Reich, that the democrat party is modeled after.
Prominent Twitter users expressed horror that a government official was asking tech companies to censor content disputing that gender-affirming care for youth is a thing of "positive value."

Please explain what positive value is there in allowing sexual predators to manipulate puberty stricken youths?


You're not thinking like a groomer, silly.
Wait, but your idiocy is "The first amendment doesn't say that simply asking is a violating of law."

I already stated that is a religious arguement not a free speech arguement.

My point is that you're a clown jumping through hoops desperately trying to excuse the assault on the Constitution by the FBI and Biden administration.

Biden administration? Most of this occurred under Trump.

What the STASI did here destroys democracy - remember that?
No, what they did was excercises their free speech rights.
That's what you think. Sadly, it's a common belief even as some of our greatest police chief abusers head to the U.S to give speeches and the like.

When I saw American police using "Mr. Big" tactics which had been rejected by U.S authorities for years as being considered entrapment and unreliable methods (which they are), I knew you had crossed the rubicon.

Without some strong courageous leadership, this decline is rarely slowed down.

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