Biden Calls For A Gun Ban After Colorado Shooting

Mental illness is clearly what we are dealing with. If it was just guns, we would have millions of people murdered daily.

We have like 400 million guns in the USA. These mass shootings are rare IN THAT CONTEXT.


As you noted earlier, if that was the issue there would be thousands mass shootings.
You most probably think 2+2=5 right? Dude you have spiritual powers

- Wiffle Bat
- Boomerang
- Roman Candles

These deadly weapons must be outlawed!
...If someone with felony convictions wants to buy gun(s), and a background check would flag the private sale, then that person will just get a friend to do the purchase or find someone who won't do the background there are a gazillion people willing to do that.
The way around that is to make it a serious felony to do so, and then to aggressively and broadly prosecute such cases, until the volume becomes minimal.

You can't do that, because it would affect minorities more than whites. Your social justice comrades would never go for it.

Sure. I don't disagree but I was addressing the statement about "banning Muslims" from owning guns. Would they not do the same thing?

My suggestion about banning Muslims from being able to own weapons in the US, of course, was posted in JEST....but the idea of making it illegal for LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS from owning weapons, to strip LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS of their 2nd Amendment Rights is just as stupid / wrong, IF NOT MORE SO.

So why not propose things that might actually work as opposed to proposals made in jest?

I agree we need to create programs that allow people who need mental health services available to them. You can't do that though when one fights against any and all expanded health care programs.

I support ending all gun ownership laws and enact UHC and start a conversation about what we can do about those with obvious mental health issues especially those who have shown a propensity to violence.
i support not owning--knives,--butter, paring, steak...or owning cars, people kill people w/cars, or stopping for a hot cup of coffee-you may spill it and kill someone....
honestly, i support putting people w/ mental health issues, and people that only see 1 side of the BIG picture (hint,hint) in the "duh" wards until they realize there is always (AT LEAST) 2 sides to everything.
take the blinders off and LEARN instead of spewing total crap

How about telling me where you disagree as opposed to simply ranting?
ok...i disagree with idiots like you, who live just to condemn everything, and anybody ...grow up...if you dont like something, dont partake in it...quit your fucking whining
almost every gun on the southside of chicago is for sale to anyone with money. you're so naïve you're still in diapers.
You've got to be in good standing with the Chicago Outfit, Crips or the Bloods, AVLN, or whatever gang rules the neighborhood, or *they* don't let you buy a gun either. And the feds are always on same side of the law as all those gangsters and mobsters in court.
That's a bit naïve.
If you want to buy a weapon you do not have to be "i9n good standing" with a criminal gang. You only need to know someone who IS in good standing with a criminal gang.
Why are you so blind to the reality of life?

Let me lay it out for you skippy....

Franikie (not in good standing with a criminal gang): "...Georgie....found my wife giving a blow job to Johhny K.......I need to teach him a lesson and shoot his ball sack off. I need a gun"

Georgie: " My peeps wont sell you a gun because you are not in good standing with them. They only sell guns to those they trust."

Frankie; "So what am I supposed to do to get a gun to blow Johnnies ball sack off?"

Georgie: "Pay me 300 smakaroos for the cost of the gun plus another 20% for my fee and I will leave it in your mailbox tomorrow"

Skippy............thats how it works.

Pay attention.

Gangs dont have rules...they have channels.
More demofks talk the less gets done. Most useless group on the planet, fk, universe

Good LORD! Look at this little white supremacist
wielding an 'assault weapon' - a 'BUBBLE GUN'!
These things need to be immediately banned.

Oh, the HORROR!
So why not propose things that might actually work as opposed to proposals made in jest?

Name it, shy of stripping law-abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment Rights.

Colorado has about every gun law out there, to include a RED FLAG law. which calls for friends and FAMILY to report the individual...which DID NOT HAPPEN. TWO family members have come forwarded and said they have seen his paranoia, playing with weapons, and that they believed he had mental issues...but never reported him.

There are enough laws out there - they are just NOT being exercised / we DON'T need MORE laws or out Constitutional Rights stripped.

I did. Make health care, specifically mental health care available to those who need it and then have a discussion about that to do with those who have known violent mental health issues.

Maobama care already did that. How's it working?

Mental illness is clearly what we are dealing with. If it was just guns, we would have millions of people murdered daily.

We have like 400 million guns in the USA. These mass shootings are rare IN THAT CONTEXT.


As you noted earlier, if that was the issue there would be thousands mass shootings.
You most probably think 2+2=5 right? Dude you have spiritual powers
Why was this whack job allowed to buy a gun--He was on the FBI watch list. No sense having gun control legislation if it is not enforced. Traitor Joe Biden is an idiot.
Sure. I don't disagree but I was addressing the statement about "banning Muslims" from owning guns. Would they not do the same thing?

My suggestion about banning Muslims from being able to own weapons in the US, of course, was posted in JEST....but the idea of making it illegal for LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS from owning weapons, to strip LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS of their 2nd Amendment Rights is just as stupid / wrong, IF NOT MORE SO.

So why not propose things that might actually work as opposed to proposals made in jest?

I agree we need to create programs that allow people who need mental health services available to them. You can't do that though when one fights against any and all expanded health care programs.

I support ending all gun ownership laws and enact UHC and start a conversation about what we can do about those with obvious mental health issues especially those who have shown a propensity to violence.
this is because you are totally un-educated regarding guns. i support putting people like you on a deserted island, w/1 gun, lets see who kills in order to live

Odd that you only reply with insults as opposed to making a rational argument as to why I am wrong. Typical.
thats your problem, should you take it as an insult. most intelligent people would see it as a comment. now if you disagree w/it, thats your problem. nobody has to agree w/ you, ..or me...

Most intelligent people can explain themselves in an adult manner.
i did.. if you need words from elementary school, just say so
Mental illness is clearly what we are dealing with. If it was just guns, we would have millions of people murdered daily.

We have like 400 million guns in the USA. These mass shootings are rare IN THAT CONTEXT.


As you noted earlier, if that was the issue there would be thousands mass shootings.
You most probably think 2+2=5 right? Dude you have spiritual powers
Why was this whack job allowed to buy a gun--He was on the FBI watch list. No sense having gun control legislation if it is not enforced. Traitor Joe Biden is an idiot.
All of them are so far. Maybe that’s the connection
View attachment 471744

- Wiffle Bat
- Boomerang
- Roman Candles

These deadly weapons must be outlawed!

Heck, a dildo can be used to assault someone.
I saw an episode of 2 and a half men where a slice of toast tossed by Jake caused serious eye damage to Alan,

Likewise, I saw a friend shoot a BB gun at a friend (accidentally) and hit his arm and didnt even leave a mark.

So I guess toast is an assault weapon and a BB gun is not.

Another victim of white supremacist
assault weapon training ......

Paintball should be banned.
View attachment 471748
Another victim of white supremacist
assault weapon training ......

Paintball should be banned. will be.
Give it time.
It will be.

Dam...I was told by my younger sons teacher that he was caught playing cowboys and Indians and was suspended....IN THE FIRST FUCKING GRADE.

Funny thing...he was a cowboy....the ones playing indians werent suspended.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.

'The Christmas Story'
The movie about a small white supremacist's desire to get an
assault weapon for Christmas. Although it is one of the most
popular Christmas movies of all time, Cancel Culture should
target this movie for banning, and Democrats should put the
Red Rider BB Gun right up there with AR-15s and the AK-47.

View attachment 471748
Another victim of white supremacist
assault weapon training ......

Paintball should be banned. will be.
Give it time.
It will be.

Dam...I was told by my younger sons teacher that he was caught playing cowboys and Indians and was suspended....IN THE FIRST FUCKING GRADE.

Funny thing...he was a cowboy....the ones playing indians werent suspended.

No arrow control?

Can't be anti-indigenous, eh?
View attachment 471749

'The Christmas Story'
The movie about a small white supremacist's desire to get an
assault weapon for Christmas. Although it is one of the most
popular Christmas movies of all time, Cancel Culture should
target this movie for banning, and Democrats should put the
Red Rider BB Gun right up there with AR-15s and the AK-47.


You'll shoot your eye out kid!!!
View attachment 471748
Another victim of white supremacist
assault weapon training ......

Paintball should be banned. will be.
Give it time.
It will be.

Dam...I was told by my younger sons teacher that he was caught playing cowboys and Indians and was suspended....IN THE FIRST FUCKING GRADE.

Funny thing...he was a cowboy....the ones playing indians werent suspended.
Liberals are so f*ing extreme there was a story in 2020 where a little boy was suspended from school for eating his his PBJ sandwich into the shape of a pistol / revolver.

Good lord....I am shocked he was not publicly caned.

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