Biden calls politician his butt buddy

:lol: Oh Joe!

BTW, your link sucks. Too many pop ups. You should post another link. :D
Joe Biden is an escaped clown from the Ringling Bros, Barnum and Baily Circus.

The perfect VP to the most corrupt and incompetent President we ever had. They make a great pair.
Biden shoutouts to Branstad Cownie Culver and Neal Smith

Senile? Coming out of the closet? Homophobic comment?
Neal Smith is a 94 year old retired Congressman who is the longest serving Congressman from Iowa, which is where Biden was speaking.

I defy anyone to make a few thousand public speaking engagements and not stutter or make any slips of the tongue.

These "gotcha" orgies over a verbal slip are stupid. But at least your gleeful orgasms over them create jobs for people who spend hours writing speeches trying to determine which turn of phrase the retards are going to go apeshit over.

By the time a speech has gone through the smoothing mill, we wonder why a politician sounds like he said nothing at all.
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Joe Biden is an escaped clown from the Ringling Bros, Barnum and Baily Circus.

The perfect VP to the most corrupt and incompetent President we ever had. They make a great pair.
Chosen as Obama's life insurance policy.
That may backfire. ISIS would probably prefer we had Biden as President than Obama. :badgrin:
Yeah, because Barry is really taking it to them. They can thank him for their gains, why would they prefer Joe?
Biden used an old time term of the meaning butt friends.
Butt friends means 2 close friends who are considered inseparable.

I don't think that Biden has any clue or even knows the homosexual connotations of it.

Just like the people of the Tea Party did not know about teabagging.
Joe Biden is an escaped clown from the Ringling Bros, Barnum and Baily Circus.

The perfect VP to the most corrupt and incompetent President we ever had. They make a great pair.
Chosen as Obama's life insurance policy.
That may backfire. ISIS would probably prefer we had Biden as President than Obama. :badgrin:
They call for his head, and he won't call them on it.

Right or wrong, Bush got Saddam's head for trash talkin'.
Biden used an old time term of the meaning butt friends.
Butt friends means 2 close friends who are considered inseparable.

I don't think that Biden has any clue or even knows the homosexual connotations of it.

Just like the people of the Tea Party did not know about teabagging.

Fully agree Peach --- even I've heard the term before. Don't use it, but I've heard it. I think Trannysteve's got a certain fixation and just posts whatever his uh, special searches come up with. No filter.
Joe Biden is an escaped clown from the Ringling Bros, Barnum and Baily Circus.

The perfect VP to the most corrupt and incompetent President we ever had. They make a great pair.

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