Biden calls white supremacists ‘demented’

white nationalist

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation… his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …— John Eligon

Seems strangely connected to White Supremist.
"White supremacist" is the new black.
The left is busy tying White supremacy to Christianity, since, well, you know, that is what the Romans practiced, and they were white. . . thus, it stands to reason.

If you are Christian? You are a White Supremacist. This makes the atheism of the left and the destruction of traditional norms much, MUCH easier.

. . . well, it's still O.K. for black folks to be Christian, obviously. :heehee:

American Christianity’s White-Supremacy Problem
History, theology, and culture all contribute to the racist attitudes embedded in the white church.
American Christianity’s White-Supremacy Problem

How white supremacy infected Christianity and the Republican Party


IOW, in the mind of the left, if you are white, and you are Christian, you are a white supremacist.
not all white christians are white supremacists

It has been noted that the largest group of whites to abandon Trump were older white women...I do not think religion had anything to do with it.

At their age they were very susceptible to all the media propaganda and that group watches a lot of T.V. and gets almost if not all their news from the MSM....being vulnurable to propaganda they bought into the medias propaganda of how Trump was a mean man....and they went along with the democrats promise to unite America and get things back to normal.

Bottom line they were deceived.
white nationalist

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation… his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …— John Eligon

Seems strangely connected to White Supremist.

Bwaaaaaaaaa only a idiot would go to a online dictionary to get the political philosophy of White Nationalists or for that matter any other group.

Now, I have explained before Dictionaries are not the place to go to find the real meaning or definition of any word....all they do is print what they think is the most common usage of the term.

Now how they determine that...I have never heard them say...but even if it were possible for them to know how most folks use a certain word ....that does not mean it is correct.

If you want the true origin and meaning a word or phrase you need to consult an etymologist.

etymonline is a great resource for looking up specific words. ... OED access, which is the most in-depth and hardcore etymology resource (if you can get to it)

OED in case you do not know and you probably do not know is The Oxford English Dictionary which is the most scholarly recognized source for the etymology of words.

It has been around for hundreds of years and is recognized in the world of academia as the place to go to get the origins and meanings of words and phrases.

Since I am sure you do not have one your to speak--I will help you.

The OED definition of White Nationalism... 'Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.' also need to understand that any political philosophy no matter which one --has different groups or wings in the movement...thus you will find democrats who have different understandings of what the democratic party entails or advocates or should entail or advocate or how to define it. The same with Republicans or any other political group or movement.

Ask a question on here like....What is Fascism....and you will get a hundred or more different explanations or definitions.

Thus whilst the OED definition will give you a good place to start to get some understanding of White Nationalism....but if you really want to get down to it....research how some in the movement or the leaders of the movement explain it.

For anyone who honestly wants one of the best explanations available for White Nationalism... White Nationalist Manifesto - American Renaissance
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Natives pay no taxes, but get lots of government money. You can buy cigarettes on the Rez for $25 a carton, versus $120 a carton off the Rez. So when the Natives block the local roads to protest the theft of their land, disrupting good paying construction jobs, and the businesses of tax paying Canadians, the I think the posts of the entitled white people who pay taxes, pretty much write themselves.

So, the natives pay no taxes, and when they disrupt the jobs and lives of white people, the white people are being "entitled" when they complain about that?

I think you are a racist. You not only support an entitled position for the natives, but you are offended that white people voice complaints against them, even when the complaints are based on real bad behavior by the natives.
Natives pay no taxes, but get lots of government money. You can buy cigarettes on the Rez for $25 a carton, versus $120 a carton off the Rez. So when the Natives block the local roads to protest the theft of their land, disrupting good paying construction jobs, and the businesses of tax paying Canadians, the I think the posts of the entitled white people who pay taxes, pretty much write themselves.

So, the natives pay no taxes, and when they disrupt the jobs and lives of white people, the white people are being "entitled" when they complain about that?

I think you are a racist. You not only support an entitled position for the natives, but you are offended that white people voice complaints against them, even when the complaints are based on real bad behavior by the natives.
Aw first off if you are not a peice of trash nazi white supremist you are not worried about being called demented. The fact it bothers you tells us you are indeed a peice of trash nzi white supremist and are indeed demented. I am sure mommy told you you are superior just tus you are white hope it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy in side.
Natives pay no taxes, but get lots of government money. You can buy cigarettes on the Rez for $25 a carton, versus $120 a carton off the Rez. So when the Natives block the local roads to protest the theft of their land, disrupting good paying construction jobs, and the businesses of tax paying Canadians, the I think the posts of the entitled white people who pay taxes, pretty much write themselves.

So, the natives pay no taxes, and when they disrupt the jobs and lives of white people, the white people are being "entitled" when they complain about that?

I think you are a racist. You not only support an entitled position for the natives, but you are offended that white people voice complaints against them, even when the complaints are based on real bad behavior by the natives.
Aw first off if you are not a peice of trash nazi white supremist you are not worried about being called demented. The fact it bothers you tells us you are indeed a peice of trash nzi white supremist and are indeed demented. I am sure mommy told you you are superior just tus you are white hope it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy in side.

You fucktards on the left have been consistent in smearing everyone to the right of you, as ws.

So, shove that shit up your ass, coward.
white nationalist

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation… his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …— John Eligon

Seems strangely connected to White Supremist.

Bwaaaaaaaaa only a idiot would go to a online dictionary to get the political philosophy of White Nationalists or for that matter any other group.

Now, I have explained before Dictionaries are not the place to go to find the real meaning or definition of any word....all they do is print what they think is the most common usage of the term.

Now how they determine that...I have never heard them say...but even if it were possible for them to know how most folks use a certain word ....that does not mean it is correct.

If you want the true origin and meaning a word or phrase you need to consult an etymologist.

etymonline is a great resource for looking up specific words. ... OED access, which is the most in-depth and hardcore etymology resource (if you can get to it)

OED in case you do not know and you probably do not know is The Oxford English Dictionary which is the most scholarly recognized source for the etymology of words.

It has been around for hundreds of years and is recognized in the world of academia as the place to go to get the origins and meanings of words and phrases.

Since I am sure you do not have one your to speak--I will help you.

The OED definition of White Nationalism... 'Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.' also need to understand that any political philosophy no matter which one --has different groups or wings in the movement...thus you will find democrats who have different understandings of what the democratic party entails or advocates or should entail or advocate or how to define it. The same with Republicans or any other political group or movement.

Ask a question on here like....What is Fascism....and you will get a hundred or more different explanations or definitions.

Thus whilst the OED definition will give you a good place to start to get some understanding of White Nationalism....but if you really want to get down to it....research how some in the movement or the leaders of the movement explain it.

For anyone who honestly wants one of the best explanations available for White Nationalism... White Nationalist Manifesto - American Renaissance
It may be wearing thin but I can't help myself, you led with "only an idiot" and that's an absolute, a logical fallacy. MERRIAM WEBSTER is hardly to be confused with sources like Alex Jones or Donald Trump.

Note what you quoted of OED: "Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups." Nothing in that small slice contradicts what I quoted of WEBSTER.

Labels and titles have meaning. If you don't want to be confused with ignorant racist, don't select a name for your wittle cwub that speaks to ignorant racist.
Natives pay no taxes, but get lots of government money. You can buy cigarettes on the Rez for $25 a carton, versus $120 a carton off the Rez. So when the Natives block the local roads to protest the theft of their land, disrupting good paying construction jobs, and the businesses of tax paying Canadians, the I think the posts of the entitled white people who pay taxes, pretty much write themselves.

So, the natives pay no taxes, and when they disrupt the jobs and lives of white people, the white people are being "entitled" when they complain about that?

I think you are a racist. You not only support an entitled position for the natives, but you are offended that white people voice complaints against them, even when the complaints are based on real bad behavior by the natives.
Maybe the "NATIVES" are restless because someone stole something from them, created rules for them and shit all over the place.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

Natives pay no taxes, but get lots of government money. You can buy cigarettes on the Rez for $25 a carton, versus $120 a carton off the Rez. So when the Natives block the local roads to protest the theft of their land, disrupting good paying construction jobs, and the businesses of tax paying Canadians, the I think the posts of the entitled white people who pay taxes, pretty much write themselves.

So, the natives pay no taxes, and when they disrupt the jobs and lives of white people, the white people are being "entitled" when they complain about that?

I think you are a racist. You not only support an entitled position for the natives, but you are offended that white people voice complaints against them, even when the complaints are based on real bad behavior by the natives.
Maybe the "NATIVES" are restless because someone stole something from them, created rules for them and shit all over the place.

That's fine. Then they have a right to complain.

But if they, choose to "complain" though "demonstrations" that cause real hardships to other people,

then those other people have a right to complain about their actions.

Your desire that white people just take it and shut the fuck up, is disrespecting their right to speech.

And since your lack of respect for their rights, seem to be based on race, that makes you racist.
Did the Republican party separate from the Racist that are in their party?
Which racist are you referring to?
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Thanks for admitting that when you people talk about wacist, or ws, you really mean everyone who doesn't agree with you.
I didn't see the Poster admit to what you claim. What I did observe was a wingnut dodging an uncomfortable question.
No, it was not but thanks for showing your ass for what it is, weak!

Honestly, what do you think you are accomplishing by writing dumb shit? Have you no self-respect?

It's laughable that you think your opinion of anything matters.

The left has lost ALL credibility.
Did the Republican party separate from the Racist that are in their party?
Which racist are you referring to?
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Thanks for admitting that when you people talk about wacist, or ws, you really mean everyone who doesn't agree with you.
I didn't see the Poster admit to what you claim. What I did observe was a wingnut dodging an uncomfortable question.

He used the word "most" to give himself some cover, but his intent was clear, ie to smear ALL republicans as "KKK, proud boys, bugaloo boys".

Thus, us republicans seeing Biden's new policy as targeting not actual ws, of which there are a handful, but republicans of which there are scores of millions.

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