Biden calls white supremacists ‘demented’

For my money, communism is kind of a dead horse which is why I don't understand the constant reference hereabouts to commie.

There were a lot of alleged commies in Central America a few decades ago. Mostly they were farmers and teachers. We helped murder them in defending dictators who protected our business interest in places like Nicaragua and El Salvador. Look up the My Lai style slaughter (mostly woman and children) at the village of El Mesote. The perps were trained at the School of the Americas (Georgia).

Communism Is Reborn with a New Name in America - American ...
I took a quick glance at the article you provided and will comment after I've had a chance to read it in full. From what little I scanned, I expect to have fun.

That said, my criticism on the use of commie remains. Most of the programs to which some conservatives object are more precisely socialism - not communism. Socialism is an economic tool that can be employed in degrees. Communism is a political system.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..
white nationalist

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation… his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …— John Eligon

Seems strangely connected to White Supremist.

Bwaaaaaaaaa only a idiot would go to a online dictionary to get the political philosophy of White Nationalists or for that matter any other group.

Now, I have explained before Dictionaries are not the place to go to find the real meaning or definition of any word....all they do is print what they think is the most common usage of the term.

Now how they determine that...I have never heard them say...but even if it were possible for them to know how most folks use a certain word ....that does not mean it is correct.

If you want the true origin and meaning a word or phrase you need to consult an etymologist.

etymonline is a great resource for looking up specific words. ... OED access, which is the most in-depth and hardcore etymology resource (if you can get to it)

OED in case you do not know and you probably do not know is The Oxford English Dictionary which is the most scholarly recognized source for the etymology of words.

It has been around for hundreds of years and is recognized in the world of academia as the place to go to get the origins and meanings of words and phrases.

Since I am sure you do not have one your to speak--I will help you.

The OED definition of White Nationalism... 'Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.' also need to understand that any political philosophy no matter which one --has different groups or wings in the movement...thus you will find democrats who have different understandings of what the democratic party entails or advocates or should entail or advocate or how to define it. The same with Republicans or any other political group or movement.

Ask a question on here like....What is Fascism....and you will get a hundred or more different explanations or definitions.

Thus whilst the OED definition will give you a good place to start to get some understanding of White Nationalism....but if you really want to get down to it....research how some in the movement or the leaders of the movement explain it.

For anyone who honestly wants one of the best explanations available for White Nationalism... White Nationalist Manifesto - American Renaissance
It may be wearing thin but I can't help myself, you led with "only an idiot" and that's an absolute, a logical fallacy. MERRIAM WEBSTER is hardly to be confused with sources like Alex Jones or Donald Trump.

Note what you quoted of OED: "Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups." Nothing in that small slice contradicts what I quoted of WEBSTER.

Labels and titles have meaning. If you don't want to be confused with ignorant racist, don't select a name for your wittle cwub that speaks to ignorant racist.

You pathetic tried to ignore the main part of the response.....why?

You are typical democrat...dumb and dishonest.

Anyhow I do not mind being labeled as racist...I embrace racism and since everyone is racist....we should all get over it and cease getting sidetracked by a useless woid.
If you're feeling ignored on a point
white nationalist

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation… his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …— John Eligon

Seems strangely connected to White Supremist.

Bwaaaaaaaaa only a idiot would go to a online dictionary to get the political philosophy of White Nationalists or for that matter any other group.

Now, I have explained before Dictionaries are not the place to go to find the real meaning or definition of any word....all they do is print what they think is the most common usage of the term.

Now how they determine that...I have never heard them say...but even if it were possible for them to know how most folks use a certain word ....that does not mean it is correct.

If you want the true origin and meaning a word or phrase you need to consult an etymologist.

etymonline is a great resource for looking up specific words. ... OED access, which is the most in-depth and hardcore etymology resource (if you can get to it)

OED in case you do not know and you probably do not know is The Oxford English Dictionary which is the most scholarly recognized source for the etymology of words.

It has been around for hundreds of years and is recognized in the world of academia as the place to go to get the origins and meanings of words and phrases.

Since I am sure you do not have one your to speak--I will help you.

The OED definition of White Nationalism... 'Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.' also need to understand that any political philosophy no matter which one --has different groups or wings in the movement...thus you will find democrats who have different understandings of what the democratic party entails or advocates or should entail or advocate or how to define it. The same with Republicans or any other political group or movement.

Ask a question on here like....What is Fascism....and you will get a hundred or more different explanations or definitions.

Thus whilst the OED definition will give you a good place to start to get some understanding of White Nationalism....but if you really want to get down to it....research how some in the movement or the leaders of the movement explain it.

For anyone who honestly wants one of the best explanations available for White Nationalism... White Nationalist Manifesto - American Renaissance
It may be wearing thin but I can't help myself, you led with "only an idiot" and that's an absolute, a logical fallacy. MERRIAM WEBSTER is hardly to be confused with sources like Alex Jones or Donald Trump.

Note what you quoted of OED: "Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups." Nothing in that small slice contradicts what I quoted of WEBSTER.

Labels and titles have meaning. If you don't want to be confused with ignorant racist, don't select a name for your wittle cwub that speaks to ignorant racist.

You pathetic tried to ignore the main part of the response.....why?

You are typical democrat...dumb and dishonest.

Anyhow I do not mind being labeled as racist...I embrace racism and since everyone is racist....we should all get over it and cease getting sidetracked by a useless woid.
Good grief, are you a game show host? If you're feeling ignored on a point of supposed merit, just open your yap. Happy to oblige.

Here's some friendly advice that can save you some keystrokes. Spare the ad hominems. They bore me. You might also want to check your shoes. I think you stepped in something.
For my money, communism is kind of a dead horse which is why I don't understand the constant reference hereabouts to commie.

There were a lot of alleged commies in Central America a few decades ago. Mostly they were farmers and teachers. We helped murder them in defending dictators who protected our business interest in places like Nicaragua and El Salvador. Look up the My Lai style slaughter (mostly woman and children) at the village of El Mesote. The perps were trained at the School of the Americas (Georgia).

Communism Is Reborn with a New Name in America - American ...
I confessed that
For my money, communism is kind of a dead horse which is why I don't understand the constant reference hereabouts to commie.

There were a lot of alleged commies in Central America a few decades ago. Mostly they were farmers and teachers. We helped murder them in defending dictators who protected our business interest in places like Nicaragua and El Salvador. Look up the My Lai style slaughter (mostly woman and children) at the village of El Mesote. The perps were trained at the School of the Americas (Georgia).

Communism Is Reborn with a New Name in America - American ...
As promised, I reviewed the article you linked but have to confess that after a few paragraphs, I moved from thinking slow to thinking fast. The author, Gary Grindler (not to be confused with Eric Holder's form deputy), employs a lot of buzzwords and short frames, a kind of blitzkrieg style that that doesn't stop long enough to develop a rational point.

I searched his other articles and found one on income tax - something of which I'm well informed. I was not impressed, and if you insist would be happy to bore you with the details.

Finally, I did a search on Gary's conduit, "American Thinker", and discovered that they were one of the shakers who supported Trump's claims about voting fraud. Unfortunately, when Dominion sued them for libel, they quickly backed away from what they confessed were false statements.

Do yourself a favor. Pretend your back in school, and have to do a book report on the article.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
white nationalist

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation… his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …— John Eligon

Seems strangely connected to White Supremist.

Bwaaaaaaaaa only a idiot would go to a online dictionary to get the political philosophy of White Nationalists or for that matter any other group.

Now, I have explained before Dictionaries are not the place to go to find the real meaning or definition of any word....all they do is print what they think is the most common usage of the term.

Now how they determine that...I have never heard them say...but even if it were possible for them to know how most folks use a certain word ....that does not mean it is correct.

If you want the true origin and meaning a word or phrase you need to consult an etymologist.

etymonline is a great resource for looking up specific words. ... OED access, which is the most in-depth and hardcore etymology resource (if you can get to it)

OED in case you do not know and you probably do not know is The Oxford English Dictionary which is the most scholarly recognized source for the etymology of words.

It has been around for hundreds of years and is recognized in the world of academia as the place to go to get the origins and meanings of words and phrases.

Since I am sure you do not have one your to speak--I will help you.

The OED definition of White Nationalism... 'Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.' also need to understand that any political philosophy no matter which one --has different groups or wings in the movement...thus you will find democrats who have different understandings of what the democratic party entails or advocates or should entail or advocate or how to define it. The same with Republicans or any other political group or movement.

Ask a question on here like....What is Fascism....and you will get a hundred or more different explanations or definitions.

Thus whilst the OED definition will give you a good place to start to get some understanding of White Nationalism....but if you really want to get down to it....research how some in the movement or the leaders of the movement explain it.

For anyone who honestly wants one of the best explanations available for White Nationalism... White Nationalist Manifesto - American Renaissance
It may be wearing thin but I can't help myself, you led with "only an idiot" and that's an absolute, a logical fallacy. MERRIAM WEBSTER is hardly to be confused with sources like Alex Jones or Donald Trump.

Note what you quoted of OED: "Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups." Nothing in that small slice contradicts what I quoted of WEBSTER.

Labels and titles have meaning. If you don't want to be confused with ignorant racist, don't select a name for your wittle cwub that speaks to ignorant racist.

You pathetic tried to ignore the main part of the response.....why?

You are typical democrat...dumb and dishonest.

Anyhow I do not mind being labeled as racist...I embrace racism and since everyone is racist....we should all get over it and cease getting sidetracked by a useless woid.
If you're feeling ignored on a point
white nationalist

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation… his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …— John Eligon

Seems strangely connected to White Supremist.

Bwaaaaaaaaa only a idiot would go to a online dictionary to get the political philosophy of White Nationalists or for that matter any other group.

Now, I have explained before Dictionaries are not the place to go to find the real meaning or definition of any word....all they do is print what they think is the most common usage of the term.

Now how they determine that...I have never heard them say...but even if it were possible for them to know how most folks use a certain word ....that does not mean it is correct.

If you want the true origin and meaning a word or phrase you need to consult an etymologist.

etymonline is a great resource for looking up specific words. ... OED access, which is the most in-depth and hardcore etymology resource (if you can get to it)

OED in case you do not know and you probably do not know is The Oxford English Dictionary which is the most scholarly recognized source for the etymology of words.

It has been around for hundreds of years and is recognized in the world of academia as the place to go to get the origins and meanings of words and phrases.

Since I am sure you do not have one your to speak--I will help you.

The OED definition of White Nationalism... 'Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.' also need to understand that any political philosophy no matter which one --has different groups or wings in the movement...thus you will find democrats who have different understandings of what the democratic party entails or advocates or should entail or advocate or how to define it. The same with Republicans or any other political group or movement.

Ask a question on here like....What is Fascism....and you will get a hundred or more different explanations or definitions.

Thus whilst the OED definition will give you a good place to start to get some understanding of White Nationalism....but if you really want to get down to it....research how some in the movement or the leaders of the movement explain it.

For anyone who honestly wants one of the best explanations available for White Nationalism... White Nationalist Manifesto - American Renaissance
It may be wearing thin but I can't help myself, you led with "only an idiot" and that's an absolute, a logical fallacy. MERRIAM WEBSTER is hardly to be confused with sources like Alex Jones or Donald Trump.

Note what you quoted of OED: "Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups." Nothing in that small slice contradicts what I quoted of WEBSTER.

Labels and titles have meaning. If you don't want to be confused with ignorant racist, don't select a name for your wittle cwub that speaks to ignorant racist.

You pathetic tried to ignore the main part of the response.....why?

You are typical democrat...dumb and dishonest.

Anyhow I do not mind being labeled as racist...I embrace racism and since everyone is racist....we should all get over it and cease getting sidetracked by a useless woid.
Good grief, are you a game show host? If you're feeling ignored on a point of supposed merit, just open your yap. Happy to oblige.

Here's some friendly advice that can save you some keystrokes. Spare the ad hominems. They bore me. You might also want to check your shoes. I think you stepped in something.

You spread a lot of b.s. kinda hard to avoid.

You put out a very lame attempt to do a hit job on White got slapped down. Case closed. nuff along now boyo before I really get pissed.
BLM is demented and destructive as hell.

However, China Joe's little Black Ho won't let him condemn an organization that spent months and months burning, looting, murdering, destroying and rioting, will she.

Reminds me of when that worthless affirmative action hateful Negro became President and a couple of months later put out a Justice Department alert that White veterans that own firearm and go to church were a terrorist threat.
BLM is demented and destructive as hell.

However, China Joe's little Black Ho won't let him condemn an organization that spent months and months burning, looting, murdering, destroying and rioting, will she.

Reminds me of when that worthless affirmative action hateful Negro became President and a couple of months later put out a Justice Department alert that White veterans that own firearm and go to church were a terrorist threat.
The KLAN is and has been the most destructive domestic terrorist in American history. Trump didn't condemn Those Peckerwood rednecks. Bitches like you think you're God's chosen people because of you skin hue. That "Black Ho" is smarter, more wealthy and more accomplished than anything that would let you look, touch or stick your baby white dick in..that's why you're mad. BITCH
Last edited:
white nationalist

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation… his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …— John Eligon

Seems strangely connected to White Supremist.

Bwaaaaaaaaa only a idiot would go to a online dictionary to get the political philosophy of White Nationalists or for that matter any other group.

Now, I have explained before Dictionaries are not the place to go to find the real meaning or definition of any word....all they do is print what they think is the most common usage of the term.

Now how they determine that...I have never heard them say...but even if it were possible for them to know how most folks use a certain word ....that does not mean it is correct.

If you want the true origin and meaning a word or phrase you need to consult an etymologist.

etymonline is a great resource for looking up specific words. ... OED access, which is the most in-depth and hardcore etymology resource (if you can get to it)

OED in case you do not know and you probably do not know is The Oxford English Dictionary which is the most scholarly recognized source for the etymology of words.

It has been around for hundreds of years and is recognized in the world of academia as the place to go to get the origins and meanings of words and phrases.

Since I am sure you do not have one your to speak--I will help you.

The OED definition of White Nationalism... 'Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.' also need to understand that any political philosophy no matter which one --has different groups or wings in the movement...thus you will find democrats who have different understandings of what the democratic party entails or advocates or should entail or advocate or how to define it. The same with Republicans or any other political group or movement.

Ask a question on here like....What is Fascism....and you will get a hundred or more different explanations or definitions.

Thus whilst the OED definition will give you a good place to start to get some understanding of White Nationalism....but if you really want to get down to it....research how some in the movement or the leaders of the movement explain it.

For anyone who honestly wants one of the best explanations available for White Nationalism... White Nationalist Manifesto - American Renaissance
It may be wearing thin but I can't help myself, you led with "only an idiot" and that's an absolute, a logical fallacy. MERRIAM WEBSTER is hardly to be confused with sources like Alex Jones or Donald Trump.

Note what you quoted of OED: "Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups." Nothing in that small slice contradicts what I quoted of WEBSTER.

Labels and titles have meaning. If you don't want to be confused with ignorant racist, don't select a name for your wittle cwub that speaks to ignorant racist.

You pathetic tried to ignore the main part of the response.....why?

You are typical democrat...dumb and dishonest.

Anyhow I do not mind being labeled as racist...I embrace racism and since everyone is racist....we should all get over it and cease getting sidetracked by a useless woid.
If you're feeling ignored on a point
white nationalist

Definition of white nationalist

: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation… his vision for the community—an enclave where residents fly "racialist" banners, where they are able to import enough … white nationalists to take control of the town government …— John Eligon

Seems strangely connected to White Supremist.

Bwaaaaaaaaa only a idiot would go to a online dictionary to get the political philosophy of White Nationalists or for that matter any other group.

Now, I have explained before Dictionaries are not the place to go to find the real meaning or definition of any word....all they do is print what they think is the most common usage of the term.

Now how they determine that...I have never heard them say...but even if it were possible for them to know how most folks use a certain word ....that does not mean it is correct.

If you want the true origin and meaning a word or phrase you need to consult an etymologist.

etymonline is a great resource for looking up specific words. ... OED access, which is the most in-depth and hardcore etymology resource (if you can get to it)

OED in case you do not know and you probably do not know is The Oxford English Dictionary which is the most scholarly recognized source for the etymology of words.

It has been around for hundreds of years and is recognized in the world of academia as the place to go to get the origins and meanings of words and phrases.

Since I am sure you do not have one your to speak--I will help you.

The OED definition of White Nationalism... 'Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.' also need to understand that any political philosophy no matter which one --has different groups or wings in the movement...thus you will find democrats who have different understandings of what the democratic party entails or advocates or should entail or advocate or how to define it. The same with Republicans or any other political group or movement.

Ask a question on here like....What is Fascism....and you will get a hundred or more different explanations or definitions.

Thus whilst the OED definition will give you a good place to start to get some understanding of White Nationalism....but if you really want to get down to it....research how some in the movement or the leaders of the movement explain it.

For anyone who honestly wants one of the best explanations available for White Nationalism... White Nationalist Manifesto - American Renaissance
It may be wearing thin but I can't help myself, you led with "only an idiot" and that's an absolute, a logical fallacy. MERRIAM WEBSTER is hardly to be confused with sources like Alex Jones or Donald Trump.

Note what you quoted of OED: "Advocacy of or support for the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups." Nothing in that small slice contradicts what I quoted of WEBSTER.

Labels and titles have meaning. If you don't want to be confused with ignorant racist, don't select a name for your wittle cwub that speaks to ignorant racist.

You pathetic tried to ignore the main part of the response.....why?

You are typical democrat...dumb and dishonest.

Anyhow I do not mind being labeled as racist...I embrace racism and since everyone is racist....we should all get over it and cease getting sidetracked by a useless woid.
Good grief, are you a game show host? If you're feeling ignored on a point of supposed merit, just open your yap. Happy to oblige.

Here's some friendly advice that can save you some keystrokes. Spare the ad hominems. They bore me. You might also want to check your shoes. I think you stepped in something.

You spread a lot of b.s. kinda hard to avoid.

You put out a very lame attempt to do a hit job on White got slapped down. Case closed. nuff along now boyo before I really get pissed.
Piss your pants for all I care but don't bother me if all you have is personal insult.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
Kkk, Proud boys, bugaloo boys and most of their constituents

Which Republican belongs to these groups?

View attachment 458592
The ones that stormtrooped the capitol.

Are you serious, or just stupid?

70 million people stormed the capitol building?

Biden still saying that?
Well Antifa, Blm or even the Confederate army never sacked the Capitol..

The only time our capitol has been sacked was by the british in the war of 1812.

Claiming a few unarmed protestors who broke a couple of windows sacked the capitol is preposterous and only put out by dupes of the msm or by democratic political hacks trying to score some points at the expense of the truth.....shameful.
How convenient to ignore the dead and injured.

Either the above post is a failure to think, the inability to think or a game being played by an adolescent mind. I'm guessing the latter. After all, what grown adult wishes to project himself as a comic book character? Then again, an insect might be an apt identity.

Hey Green Insect, how's life in the nest? I understand you got caught fraternizing with a cockroach.

Its a virus that needs to be stamped out and 100% of them are Trump supporters
Funny! Biden’s a white suprematist going back decades.
What is funny are empty opinions like the above.

I'm just wondering when all the White Nationalist (or should that be White Trash) will sit down around a campfire for stupid talk, farts and laughter. "Hey Green Insect, remember the time we shit on the bathroom floor?"
I am not a "supremacists" but I generally don't have any respect for Negroes in the US because the commit the the bulk of the crimes, are on welfare way out of proportion to their demographics, don't take care of their families and vote the filthy ass destructive Democrats into power.

Oh yea, they have that stupid annoying Rap music that makes us White people want to puke.
The real danger to America is the waves of refugees that will soon be let in by Dimocrats.
Superspreader event.

BLM is demented and destructive as hell.

However, China Joe's little Black Ho won't let him condemn an organization that spent months and months burning, looting, murdering, destroying and rioting, will she.

Reminds me of when that worthless affirmative action hateful Negro became President and a couple of months later put out a Justice Department alert that White veterans that own firearm and go to church were a terrorist threat.
OMG, we're being overrun by comic book characters. Drumroll please... introducing Flush and the Green Insect, leaping from tall trash cans ...

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