Biden Campaign Intimidating Jurors

So, Trump cultists, what source told you to repeat this crazy story?

I noticed multiple loons all racing to be the first to repeat the really dumb propaganda. The Trump cultists are obedient parrots, I'll grant them that.

There's nothing like it on the left, these organized party propaganda campaigns to get the base hysterical. The left just doesn't do hysteria.
Well do you think this jury is sequestered or not?...
They are screwed either way now. This trial to begin with has made Trump more popular. But now if he is convicted, his popularity will explode. I love it.
Just read something today that Democrats are at a loss as to why everything they are doing is helping Trump. Doesn't even occur to them to quit doing what they've been doing.
You know juries are sequestered, right?

Basic law. It eludes conservatives, along with basic common sense.

I imagine they're not really that stupid. They're just getting their excuses for losing in place, along with their excuses to get even more violent.
Everyone with half a brain knew that the riots would be even more violent after a "not guilty" verdict. So let's not pretend all of the jury were especially naive and ignorant.
What it really is about is that Trump is eating their lunch even while tied-up in court so the MSM got the leftist dems to stage an dog-n-pony show for leftist consumption.....That's it.

Nobody that's sane cares.
Are you saying this jury is sequestered?....
Are you saying that the bailiff breathlessly walked in to jury deliberations and read off the Deniro speech to them? Because that's the only way your idiot conspiracy theory makes sense.

It did not threaten them in any way, of course. You lying liars really earned a deeper pit in hell with that one.

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your fascist cult.
Yet he still easily curbstomps your whole side, every time, while never losing his calm smile.

To let a senile guy pimpslap you like that, you all must be the biggest pajama bois to ever exist on the planet.

Of course, you're just doing what fascists always do, declaring that the enemy is simulataneously overwhelmingly powerful and pathetically weak.

Fascism doesn't have to make sense. It just has to keep the fascist base hysterical and obedient.
Curbstomps? Haha you are senile too if you think xiden is curbstumping anyone…though it’s not lost on me that stormtrooper tactic was the first thing you thought of
Are you saying that the bailiff breathlessly walked in to jury deliberations and read off the Deniro speech to them? Because that's the only way your idiot conspiracy theory makes sense.

It did not threaten them in any way, of course. You lying liars really earned a deeper pit in hell with that one.

Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your fascist cult.
This jury was not sequestered... why did you think they were?...
Where do you get your info from?... a comic book?...
What it really is about is that Trump is eating their lunch even while tied-up in court so the MSM got the leftist dems to stage an dog-n-pony show for leftist consumption.....That's it.

Nobody that's sane cares.
"Breaking News" the first politician ever tries to bury a bad story about themselves. Never happened before.
I saw this and thought it was a parody. Joe Biden and the dems have really sunk to a new low in politics.

Robert De Niro, Jan. 6 officers show up for Biden campaign at Trump trial courthouse

Actor Robert De Niro and two Jan. 6 police officers showed up on Tuesday on behalf of the Biden campaign outside the courthouse where former President Trump’s hush money trial is taking place.

In its most direct attempt to wade into Trump’s legal troubles, President Biden’s campaign held a surprise press conference in lower Manhattan in which the actor and officers Henry Dunn and Michael Fanone spoke of the dangers of a second Trump presidency.
Biden is trying to turn his legal circus inside the courtroom into a literal circus outside the courthouse. Disgusting
What thugs. First Biden says he will make a statement after the verdict, before he supposedly even knows what the verdict is and now he is sending his team to intimidate the jury.

Exhibit 83, Biden won't be the nominee
Then why can your whole side only mindlessly scream their butthurt about Biden?

When you all act so butthurt, everyone correctly concludes it's because your butt hurts, due to the asswhupping.
Because you all made him the face of your cult. I mean, I could just as easily say demafasict party. But that’s too many words, when just saying xiden is much easier
Answer my question dumbass....
They're not formally sequestered. I made a mistake. They're just told to not look at outside sources. Same diff.

Now, continue running from my points.

What was threatending to the jurors about the speech?

Do you really think they even saw it? Are you going to humiliate yourself by pretending they did?

Why does it even matter where the speech was given?

Are you going to keep lying and claim Biden ordered it?

Avoid hell. Repent of your sins. Admit you peddled some really dumb propaganda, and that you're butthurt about being busted for it.

Or just run away faster. The cult commands it, after all.
Just read something today that Democrats are at a loss as to why everything they are doing is helping Trump. Doesn't even occur to them to quit doing what they've been doing.
Telling the truth about Trump is never the wrong thing. If the wanna be fascists support him because of his corruption, that’s their fault and nothing I can do about it.

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